I join the chat group as the protagonist of the system stream

Chapter 195 Fallen Mother Goddess, not bad

[The human world is filthy again. 】

‘The voice just now seemed to be that of Mr. Sacrifice. ’

‘Old man! what happened! ? ’

Leonard hurriedly asked Pales in his mind, trying to get the answer from this ancient angel.

‘I’m just an old and weak angel, you ask me! Who do I ask? ! ’

Pales didn't even intend to let Leonard escape. The righteous gods actually sealed the area together. The aura coming from the suburbs made him feel scarier than facing the gods directly!

Sacrifice... It's so ridiculous. Could this Tarot Club be more terrifying than he imagined? ! In other words, this so-called Mr. Priest is the master of Origin Castle!

Palles thinks it's possible.

The sky was shaking, and Leonard looked up.

No...not just the sky...the world is shaking? !

Those golden giant swords covered the sky and turned into a sky curtain, endless, each one carrying the aura of destruction.

‘Old man, as an angel, can you do this? ’ Leonard asked in his mind.

‘You call this an angel? If I could do this, I would have broken Amon's monocle long ago! ’

‘Let’s put it this way, I can create this kind of situation without God’s intervention, but I will be punished by God as soon as I do this! ’ Pales’ angry voice sounded.

‘That Mr. Priest’

Leonard couldn't help but feel worried.

‘Think about it with your wooden brain. ’

‘Why can He make this scene bigger and bigger! Not only Luen, but the whole world can see it! ’

Leonard reacted immediately.

‘God can’t stop Him, or’

"He is God."


On the astral plane that contains all the authority and symbols of the entire universe.

One after another, there were indescribable and indescribable terrifying giant faces. They hurriedly looked away from the transparent barrier covered with cracks, not daring to peek into the changes in the scene on the earth.

The ultimate sense of danger came from the planet as small as dust. The initial remaining barrier weakened this feeling at this time, but the only thing that gave them a sense of spiritual crisis was the "mystery" and "God" of the past. !

Countless golden giant swords condensed by mana surged in one direction from Loen, from Intis, and from the sky of Feysac Empire.

They are like golden fish schools, gathering around the center of the sky sea.

A round light appeared behind Su Lin's head. He held his left hand behind his back and looked up at the sky indifferently. He put the index and middle fingers of his right hand together and gently raised them.

All the swords flowed upstream towards the starry sky and the universe, striking like a violent storm on the barrier left by the original Creator.

The sun and the moon are in the same sky, colorful dreams descend from the star world, the ocean of thunder rolls, and regular chains eliminate the flow of swords in front of them.

The illusory kingdom appears above the ocean of swords.

Some of these lands are filled with bright flowers, and the sky is always bright for everlasting daylight.

Some are composed of different books. Lang Lang's reading sound is heard, passing on knowledge and sharing the joy of reading.

Some are endless seas filled with storms, lightning and thunder.

There are also twilight battlefields where swords and halberds are broken, a peaceful destination of eternal night, vibrant green nature, gears made of knowledge symbols, and a never-ending mechanical kingdom.

The righteous gods hurriedly launched an offensive, trying to stop Su Lin's behavior.

There are seven huge cracks in the current barrier. The reason why the seven righteous gods no longer walk on the earth is to block the gaps with the kingdom of God and delay the arrival of the end.

Before a Lord of Mystery is born on their side, they will never dare to let bigger cracks appear in the barrier.

No matter what, we cannot allow this strange and threatening existence on the earth to break the barrier, otherwise the end will come early!

It no longer matters where the other party comes from, the most important thing right now is to stop him!

A legion composed of more knowledge symbols carried books from the Kingdom of God and wanted to come to the earth, but they were smashed by bombs on the way.

A little bit of bronze light quickly disappeared and then reappeared, outlining one mysterious symbol after another. They did not follow the astral world but along the spiritual world and came to reality in an instant, wrapping around the border between Backlund and Ahowa County. place.

In the illusory kingdom of eternal daylight, all the flowers suddenly shrank and closed from their blooming form, turning into blazing little suns.

These countless stars rose from the depths of the illusory kingdom, emitting a scorching light that could illuminate the entire world and the entire galaxy. With a bang, these blazing suns formed a sky-reaching pillar and descended on an area of ​​the real world.

The darkness of night surrounds this area, hiding the temperature that is enough to evaporate everything. A huge curtain with stars appears like spots in the pure white. When they are connected into a whole, they will make this area Space is secretive.

In the depths of the boundless sea shrouded by lightning, violent winds, and heavy rain, a little light suddenly lights up. The space of these light spots contains a sea of ​​thunder that can destroy everything. They are not virtual, but have material parts from the star world and beyond. Coming quickly.

The gods are not monolithic. Even if they become enemies in the future, they can cooperate with each other in an incomparable tacit understanding when encountering a common enemy.

"Has divine punishment come?"

Countless people squinted at the pillar of light in the distant sky, and thunder roared. After the attack on George III, the gods also sent down punishment.

What unforgivable sin has been committed by the Kingdom of Loen to deserve judgment from the gods! ?


Everything that happened in this short moment seemed so slow to Su Lin, and all the "roars" of the gods were so slow.


In less than a second, all the visions turned into beautiful fragments slowly falling down. Through the gaps between the fragments, you could see Su Lin's eyes lowered, holding the broken piece of Godhead in his hand.

"A little god among men."

Su Lin's voice echoed through the sky again amid the debris of the vision, calm and indifferent:

"You did your best."

Not being arrogant, just stating a fact.

The god of light appeared in Su Lin's right palm. With a flick of his wrist, the god of pure white light and dark starlight turned into a slender pure white sword.

The sword is more than three feet long, with a spiderweb-like darkness attached to it. At the hilt, six pure white wings spread out.

[Feng Ling Great World Immortal Technique. All things are swords]

With lightning speed, he waved his hand horizontally!

Thousands of miles of sharp edges shot up from the ground, shattering countless little suns along the way, hitting the barrier left by the original Creator, and sinking in little by little.

The dark thunder swallowed up all things and wreaked havoc near the divine kingdom of the Star Realm God.

It was a calamity thunder that was far more powerful than the Storm Lord's Law Thunder.

These thunders separated the Kingdom of God from the Star Boundary, forming an insurmountable ravine.

A few seconds later, densely packed flying swords stuck to the crack made by the sword light to form a ring. Neither allow the gap to widen nor allow this original Creator power to replenish itself.

The endless torrent of swords rushed in and flew towards the sky, annihilating the power of the alien gods who tried to penetrate it.

But even with such an extremely powerful torrent of swords, there are powerful outside gods who can ignore its damage and allow these densely packed giant swords to come near them.

Compared with the broken barrier hole and the source material buried in the earth, the sense of danger is not unacceptable.

They are scrambling to enter the earth through the cracks and complete their own characteristics.

Fallen Mother Goddess, Fog of Uncertainty, Mother Tree of Desire, Original Hunger, Ring of Destiny, Superstar Lord, Eternal Rumblings, Declined King, High-dimensional Overlooker.

These powerful Old Ones crowded around and interfered with each other, their spiritual power and influence even reaching beyond the barrier before they did.

The golden giant swords that were still pouring out began to show rust and blood after leaving the barrier, and gradually slowed down and floated in the universe.

As the pillar level of the old days, the Fallen Mother Goddess was the most powerful. She was an Outer God born and bred directly from the original Creator. The power of filth and life was the first to come outside the barrier and turned into a giant hand, leading all the Outer Gods. .

In the star realm, all the gods looked at the giant hand that was about to penetrate, either with anger or despair, and some of the gods began to think about ways to escape.

Their eyes have also been on Su Lin, the culprit. In their opinion, this is also an old man who sneaked into the barrier by some unknown method. After lying dormant for many years, he finally transferred his complete strength to On this planet.

Now, the end is coming early.

After the figure swung the sword, he always kept his left hand behind his back and stood on the ground. He neither cast his eyes on the star realm nor on the outer god who was about to enter the barrier. He just closed his eyes tightly.

And the giant hand of the fallen mother goddess came outside the barrier, and the golden countercurrent waterfall could no longer vent towards the starry sky. A blood-red robed shadow took the lead in coming to the barrier to lead the giant hand behind it.

next moment.

Su Lin, who was still on the ground, came to the center of the ringed crack. The long sword in his hand turned into six wings and appeared behind Su Lin. His hair grew suddenly and then turned brilliant white. He did not have the bloody robe on the front, but stood sideways, keeping With his left hand behind his back, he looked straight ahead without even looking at the fallen mother goddess.

Pointing with a finger on his right hand, the swaying blood-colored robe instantly froze and was unable to move. The giant hand behind him noticed something, and the spiral that disintegrated into flesh and blood drilled towards Su Lin very quickly.

However, within a mile or so the speed slowed down and finally became insurmountable by the slightest bit.

"Fallen Mother Goddess, not bad."

Su Lin retracted his index finger, made a fist with his right hand and immediately swung it out.

In the blink of an eye, the space collapsed and then turned into void and began to repair quickly, and everything in front of the punch just turned into nothingness and disappeared.

As Su Lin turned towards the boundless starry sky, an identical figure remained on the spot, and Su Lin's body disappeared and entered the starry sky.

[Wind Spirit Great World Immortal Technique. Afterimage Incarnation]


Su Lin was stunned, because there was no trace of an outside god in the entire solar system.

? ? ? ? ?


Where is the Superstar Master? Where is the Mother Tree of Desire? Where is the Fallen Mother Goddess?

I just pretended! You are riding horses.

run? !

Su Lin took out the broken jade flute fragments and began to deduce.

[Wind Spirit Great World Immortal Technique. Hao Divination]

The irregular jade pieces turned over quickly, and the last jade piece fell into Su Lin's hands.

"Well hidden, I found you."

A simple, melodious bell rang, and the fallen mother goddess entrenched in the dark side of the solar system felt an extremely huge pressure coming from her body.

These pressures penetrated around Him from all directions and in all space.

"I told you so"

Human language? !

That is a spiritual power that is almost at the same level as Him or even higher than his own personality.

How can it be! ?

He didn't understand why this kind of existence suddenly appeared in this universe. As a powerful existence from outside and not belonging to this universe, his arrival was silent.

"I will tear your nest to pieces!"

First, a sword light streaked across the galaxy. After this fleeting light returned to darkness,

Infinite sword light lit up clockwise, turning into a clear and cold white full moon. Before the last sword light disappeared, countless sword lights came to make up for it. This burst of sword light overshadowed the light of the sun and shone across the entire universe. .

However, soon, a hint of crimson appeared in this round of cold white sword light, and then, just like the pattern of sword light, countless crimsons appeared.

"After all, he is the being who once stood at the top of all the outer gods, the master of all the negative forces in the entire universe." Su Lin looked at Jianguang Neizheng, who was constantly imitating the extremely negative power. No, it should be said that it was the fallen mother who was recreating the moves. God smiled.

Countless previously corroded giant swords surged towards Su Lin, and a spiritual tide appeared around him at some unknown time.

Just when Su Lin wanted to take further action, the status of the Fallen Mother Goddess suddenly improved.

In the eyes of Su Lin, who sensed the value of 9999, he felt that he was facing the spirituality of the entire universe!

The Fallen Mother Goddess actually briefly returned to her heyday, returning to her "pillar level old days" status.

By forcibly conceiving the missing half of the Sefirot, He returned to the position of the Three Pillars, the mother of all spiritual forces, the birth of life and the feminine force of the entire universe.

"Hohoho~, you didn't want to escape to the edge of the universe, but you still attacked me?" An extremely exaggerated smile appeared at the corner of Su Lin's mouth.

Su Lin looked at the power of rules that relied on the rules to directly act on him. The power representing life in the universe wanted to flow into Su Lin's body, but this was not a good thing.

If these powers are allowed to flow into Su Lin's body, his spirit and body will give birth to new life, and a brand new Su Lin will replace himself.


A wisp of white flame appeared at Su Lin's fingertips, and a line of flame crossed the entire starry sky behind him. The flame symbolizing the power of creation burned the deep darkness.

A wisp of black flame symbolizing destruction was thrown into it again, so——

Chaos formed.

Su Lin held the chaos that was expected to form the world in countless years, contained it in the palm of his hand, and blew it gently.

Under the cover of the flames of chaos, the crawling, indescribable crimson was submerged by the gray chaos, and after a moment.

"This is your essence."

Su Lin looked at the 'Filthy Mother's Nest' that had lost its mental and physical cover and was exposed. He made a circle with his left and right palms, making an action as if he was holding a person's head and about to twist his neck. A twist.

A shadow of Yin Yang Tai Chi appeared in the middle of the filthy nest, spinning rapidly.

The Filth Mother's Nest also rotates continuously. With each rotation, the will of the fallen mother goddess and the source matter itself in the source matter shrink a part, and these splashed source matter particles are sprinkled in a harmless and pollution-free way. Various locations in the endless starry sky.


"Next is you! Mother Tree of Desire!" Su Lin slowly turned his head and looked at a location deep in the starry sky with a grin.

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