I join the chat group as the protagonist of the system stream

Chapter 197 Klein: My stage name is Kaitou Kidd

December 3rd, Saturday, God War Relics.

"Fusheng Xuanhuang Immortal Lord."

"Fusheng Xuanhuang Tianjun."

"Fusheng Xuanhuang Tianzun."

Amon recited the incantation and took the final step according to the ritual. An endless gray mist suddenly appeared in front of Klein's eyes, and layers of prayers rang in his ears.

"It looks like it failed." Amon straightened the monocle on his right eye and smiled without changing his expression: "Well, let's play a game."

"Kill me." Klein said expressionlessly.

Amon shook his head and said, "It's boring."

He led Klein through the cut-off blue water, across the bottomless "darkness", and flew into the air along with the water rising rapidly like a fountain.

Amon adjusted the monocle on his right eye in mid-air and said:

"We just talked about the abyss."

"I originally planned to tell you some interesting news if you win."

"About the abyss?" Klein will never play any games with Amon. That is just another transgender fraud.

"As for the outside world and the abyss, just now, an earth-shattering event happened." As he spoke, the monocle worn by Amon's right eye lit up, and then darkness fell.

Did He steal the day? !

"But we still have business to do. It's a pity that these things happened just when I was about to leave. Now I can only benefit other clones." Amon had a longing expression on his face, as if he was a little regretful that he could not explore it himself. Have fun with it.

Klein refused to express his attitude. He was worried that if he followed Amon's words completely, he would be led into another trap.

Not long after, Amon took Klein to an island and let him sleep against a stone pillar.

When Klein passed through the gray dream world and woke up again, he saw a black monastery and a cliff. The sea of ​​clouds floated on the bottomless cracks, and there was a faint light of dusk ahead.

He could only be forced to follow Amon, and from time to time he would learn some secret information from Amon.

"I have a question to ask you." Amon pushed up his monocle and asked with interest, "Why do you have a monocle on your marionette and on yourself?"

"This eliminates the need for me to prepare myself."

Amon walked on the spiral escalator and took out a pair of crystal monocles, with some exquisite chain decorations next to them.

Klein blurted out without thinking: "I once committed a theft in Backlund. It is my style to commit crimes wearing a monocle and a white dress."

"I have a stage name called Phantom Thief Kidd."

"I stole a diary at the 'Roselle Memorial Exhibition' held at the Kingdom Museum last year."

Amon suddenly paused, glanced sideways at Klein, and said with a little smile: "Interesting, if you don't try to switch to the thief path, I can provide you with a potion."

Klein kept silent. Of course he would not agree to Amon's proposal, but he was a little confused. The theft did indeed exist, and he was chased half a street by a demon dog.

But why did I wear a monocle and take this stage name? Have you watched too much of I am Conan?

"Then why are you carrying it now?" Amon continued to ask.

Klein replied:

“Not long ago, I wanted to get your honorable name from the ‘Red Angel’ evil spirit Medici, and at the same time, in order to digest the ‘Cunning Mage’ potion, I specially prepared two paintings.”

"I scared Him twice before he could fully digest the potion."

"I didn't expect that Medici guy to still be alive. This will make sense for you to know my honorable name."

"I'll try this next time, it will be interesting." Amon thought thoughtfully, then smiled: "You are so brave, you actually scared Him twice, haha."

"Are you really not considering becoming my favored one? I can provide you with a Sequence 2 potion."

"This offer is real and effective because there aren't many people like you left."

"Kill me." Klein still had the same answer.

Amon was not annoyed, and the two of them walked down the spiral staircase one after another.


Backlund, Dawn Dantès's Rose Manor.

on the lawn.


Su Lin had already turned off the live broadcast, lying sideways on the easy chair and sighed.

After a while, he turned over and sighed again: "Alas"

Zhongli sat on a white stool not far away. The servant brought some snacks and placed them on the small round table on the right before retreating.

"Would you like some afternoon tea?" Zhongli raised the ear-mounted cup in his hand to signal, Su Lin turned over to his side, and the two looked at each other.


Su Lin's eyes were empty, and he curled up on the easy chair as if his body had been hollowed out: "Yes."

The effect of the Wind Spirit Moon Shadow modifier is so great that after exiting the trial experience, all that is left is emptiness.

Su Lin picked up a piece of snack. Taking in some sugar can relieve negative emotions. While eating, he took out a small dark gold card with a groove on it.

The original Fengling Yueying experience card has been turned into an indestructible dark gold business card, with a groove next to it that can be recharged.

Su Lin looked at the price of Hongmeng Purple Qi in his store.

never mind.

He threw the business card into the warehouse to eat ashes, leaving a purple trachea for a year. Can't afford it, can't afford it

"Alas" Su Lin held his head and sighed again.

"Why are you sighing, Mr. Savior?" Zhongli smiled slightly, his voice was warm and magnetic, while the servants in the distance were whispering, exchanging what happened today, "One day you will reach that state again, I'm sorry I firmly believe this.”

"The psychological gap caused by excessive consumption." Su Lin shook his head and said:

"Now I want to go home and directly push God's blessing to 100%."

"Maybe you should practice Tianwang." Zhongli suggested: "You probably haven't used the technique for a long time. Sometimes absolute rationality is not a bad thing."

"It can effectively prevent you from unnecessary emotions."

Su Lin nodded and affirmed: "It makes sense."

"Senior Su Lin, you have directly exalted the Outer Gods. Wouldn't it be possible for Mr. Ke to be liberated in the future?" In the chat group, Song Shuhang, who had watched "Lord of Mysteries", used the Internet name for Klein. In the chat group Ask inside.

Ye Fan: "I just passed by the dark restricted area. Someone inside said that they can strangle you to death with one hand. I went to them to argue, but they kicked me out and asked you to go find them in person! @Su Lin"

Xiao Yan: "The Soul Emperor just said that you are a little bastard and asked the Soul Clan to use your portrait as a rag."

Zhang Chulan: "Boss! I just heard that Behemoth said he wanted to take you back and dissect you."

Emiya Shirou: "Golden Flash. He didn't say anything."

Emiya Shirou's face turned red. Sometimes he couldn't help it. After being in contact with these people for a long time, he would unknowingly say some strange things.

Su Lin: "I'm overthinking it. The outer gods are gradually being resurrected. The methods of resurrection in this world are too fancy."

Han Li: "Does Brother Su want to keep them as opponents to train Brother Zhou?"

Su Lin: "No, I just have no money to recharge because the plug-in has expired."

Han Li: "Ah this."

Ye Fan: "Does that mean you still are?"

Su Lin: "The God of Light in the Golden Core Stage."

Ye Fan: "It's okay. I just heard it wrong when I passed by."

Song Shuhang: "I thought I could add points to my panel at any time, but those moves and movements just now were really cool."

Xiao Yan: "Do you want to renew this plug-in?"

Su Lin: "Yes, if you continue to use it, you will need to sign up for an annual membership."

Lu Mingfei: "Hiss——"

Xiao Yan: "Hiss——"

Xiao Yan: "Lu Mingfei, you say it first."

Lu Mingfei: "horse"

Xiao Yan: "Emperor Ma!"

Zhang Chulan: "To be honest, I have a friend. Ahem, I would like to ask where to recharge money? How much is the recharge?"

Su Lin: [Picture]

Su Lin: "If you are interested in the modifier produced by Tiandao in the Wind Spirit World, you can contact me. It only takes four streaks of Hongmeng Purple Qi to activate it for one year."

Well, two of them are handling fees.

Zhang Chulan: "Excuse me!"

Hongmeng purple energy! ? That is the foundation of the great road! Why should I use this thing to recharge it?

Irena: "I'm back. I just turned off the live broadcast. How many babies is Su Lin pregnant with now? Are you okay?"

Su Lin: "I really want to see what you are thinking about every day?"

Irena: "Eh? Are you okay? I thought you were killed by the Fallen Mother Goddess and the Mother Tree of Desire."

Irena: "Haha, it's nothing."

Irena immersed herself in clearing the search history on her mobile phone, which was gratifying and gratifying.

After chatting in the group for a while, Su Lin did not continue to be immersed in the experience brought by Fengling Yueying.

Next, just wait for the great Mr. Fool to escape from Amon. The things you set for him should be out of the way.


After two days.

The war between the kingdoms is still going on, but the Zhengshen Church has not made much movement, nor has it tried to trace where the two gods appeared on the ground. .

In addition to a unified explanation: In addition to the seven gods in the divine world, there is also a sleeping god. That day the god woke up and came to the earth, slaying many evil gods and protecting the world.

Apart from this, the church does not say anything further.

For humans in this world, the existence of gods is common sense, and the Pope of the Church of Storms has lived hundreds of years.

The people enthusiastically recorded the domineering sayings said by the gods that day, and regarded the "little gods in the world" mentioned by the gods as evil gods on the earth.

The official did not say anything clearly, but this does not prevent the people from spontaneously recreating this incident and praising it as much as possible.

Although these stories and lines will frighten some of the remnants of the old days who were exposed to everything in the old days, and once made them think that they had traveled to some unlucky place.

For the Seven Gods, who are far more powerful than before, staying cautious and not coming into contact is the best strategy at the moment.

The other party stands on the opposite side of the outer gods but may not be consistent with them.

A star realm where various abstract concepts and cosmic symbols gather.

On top of the transparent barrier, one after another, several more indescribable giant faces gradually emerged and stuck to the barrier, casting terrifying gazes towards the ground.

The number of these giant faces has decreased by a few. Some entities are still recovering but can continue to act, while some entities are slowly recovering from the long river of time, from fate, and from the bodies of their dependents through their own backhands.

It's just a matter of time.

These outer gods still set their sights on the earth, and also told the Seven Gods a message.

In a short period of time, that being should not be able to do it to the same extent again.

The Immortal Rumblings, the Fallen Mother Goddess, the Mother Tree of Desire, the Uncertain Mist, and the Super Star Lord were no longer there, and the remaining few gave them a feeling of extreme weakness and sudden loss of status.

It's not like Zhengshen has never thought of taking this opportunity to try something, but it's almost certain that this is a kind of fraud.

Even if the opponent is so weak, he can still eat them steadily.

Those eyes were greedy, as if they were licking everything within the barrier, but when they cast their eyes on a certain area, they were still filled with fear.

In this matter, both the earthly spokesperson of the Zhengshen Church and the high-ranking cultists who believe in foreign gods have received the will of the gods.

"Don't investigate what happened that day."/"Don't provoke the power of light that is different from the Church of the Burning Sun."

Apart from

A member of the Rose School of Indulgence faction and a believer in the Mother Tree of Desire.

[I gave birth to an heir with someone who controlled the power of light and did not believe in the eternal blazing sun. 】

【The more, the better. 】

In a corner of the starry sky, there is a planet that believes in the holy goddess of life and the mother of all things.

The ruler of the planet received the oracle today and sent the treasure of life given by the goddess tens of thousands of years ago into the depths of the starry sky. He stood above the altar and took a final look at the box that resembled a bird's nest. It was all white and seemed to be exuding... The treasure of all life in the world.

‘May the radiance of the goddess fill the starry sky. ’

Under the protection of the goddess, their clan went from the brink of extinction to prosperity. Without the goddess, they would have become the blood food of those evil gods.

‘The era of evil gods is now over. ’

Watching the extremely noble treasure flying into the vast darkness, the ruler issued an edict.

"A message comes from the supreme goddess of life!"

"The evil god has been extinct, and we no longer need to control the population."

"Reproduce! People, reproduce more lives to express gratitude to the great mother of all things!"

What he didn't know was that along the way after the pure, snow-white treasure of life entered the starry sky, countless Mother's Nest essences that were scattered into the starry sky were pulled and gathered into this bird's nest.

Gradually, this bird's nest composed of pure life energy was stained with a hint of crimson.

Even the Secret Server can fool fate and make the original concept disappear. Naturally, the Outer Gods can also do this method.

A similar situation occurs on a planet without faith.

Here, all intelligent creatures have a traditional linguistic habit, and often use a strange-sounding word as the beginning or end of their daily life.

What was different from the past was that as they communicated, a group of wriggling gray creatures appeared inside the planet. As they communicated, this group of creatures continued to expand.

He began to utter indescribable gibberings that were similar to the words spoken by the creatures.

in abyss

The dark side of the universe. Fabuti slowly opened his eyes. He looked at his body that had been transformed by pure holy light and sneered:

"This gesture is really ironic to me."

He looked towards the "abyss" that had been completely reversed, filled with holy light, and full of vitality.

Letting the devil become a holy being, the nature of this behavior can be compared with "angels falling into devils", which is a great shame.

"That's all."

During the thousands of years of being controlled by the Mother Tree of Desire, the abyss was so polluted that even demons could not survive. The king, a symbol of erosion and corruption, was actually eroded by even more filthy forces.

The Mother Tree of Desire is not in good condition right now and is trying to recover.

Since you can't beat him in terms of "darkness", it's better to change the direction and try this power called "holy light".

‘That one doesn’t intend to control me, which is better than the Mother Tree of Desire, and His purpose should be to reduce the possibility of the Mother Tree of Desire regaining control of the Source. ’

The Holy Light in the Holy Light World is gradually fading, and sooner or later it will turn back into the "Shadow World", but if I accommodate part of the source material before then, hahaha, Mother Tree of Desire, we will see.

Thinking of this, Fabuti grinned and looked at the "Shadow World" connected to the "Abyss", which may now be called the "Holy Light World".

That is a further possibility.

He exerts influence on the followers of the Blood Cult and delivers oracles at the same time.

The names of the dark side of the universe and Farbuti can no longer be used in the human world. The anchor points of the past must be cut off to prevent the mother tree of desire from exerting influence.

In order to express his gratitude and express an attitude, He followed the connection of the Holy Light and asked Him to give him a name that could be used to spread in the world.


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