I join the chat group as the protagonist of the system stream

Chapter 194 Wind Spirit Moon Shadow! add a bit!


The sky in Ahowa County was filled with thick clouds at some point, and ball lightning the size of a house hit the ground fiercely, dragging silvery streams of light.

Various strange phenomena seemed to be brewing in the sky. However, as a gap appeared in the star realm, with a crimson wave surging in it, some righteous gods only had time to blockade the area.

The door to the abyss of the demon world is open!

If it were the dark side of the universe in the past, it would be okay to say that at most it was just an invasion of abyssal demons, but now almost no demons can survive in that place.

The "Mother Tree of Desire" is trying to enter the earth through the controlled "dark side of the universe".

The earth cracked, and a bottomless ravine appeared on the outskirts of Ahowa County and quickly extended toward the center of Backlund.

Zhongli's body stood on the top of a mountain outside Backlund, holding his hands on his chest and looking solemnly into the dark abyss where no light could be seen.

The other party probably wants to move the entire space to the position below Backlund, so that the Zhengshen Church may have some scruples, and at the same time, it can move freely underground.

Zhongli's eyes sparkled, and five rock pillars symbolizing the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth rose from the earth. These rock pillars carried the aura of different attributes and were higher than the highest mountain peak in Ahowa County.

Five rock pillars block the junction between Backlund and Ahowa County.

"The heavens are moving!"

Incomparably bright golden clouds appeared in the sky above Ahowa County, and a hollow, dark and deep appeared in the middle.

A sky star fell from the distant deep sky, falling straight towards the center surrounded by rock pillars, along with thunder and hidden power.

However, streaks of blood-red light appeared in the abyss, and these lights split into pupils.

"There should be other forces that have restrained the righteous gods. The other party must have paid a heavy price."

"There is a strange thing. These hidden methods have never appeared even in the original work. They should be trump cards that have been prepared for many years to interfere with the earth."

Zhongli's historical projection said to Su Lin:

"The Mother Tree of Desire has become quite interested in you."

The barrage in the live broadcast room was still filling the screen, and the corners of Su Lin's mouth twitched unconsciously.

Ye Fan: "Sect Master, the mother tree wants to have a child with you."

Xiao Yan: "Sect Master, the mother tree wants to have a child with you."

Lu Mingfei: "Sect Master, the mother tree wants to have a child with you."

Emiya Shirou: "Is Su Lin okay?"

Song Shuhang: "Isn't this very dangerous?! Senior, can you handle it?"

Song Shuhang didn't quite understand. That was the old days. Senior Su was very strong. Could he really cope with this situation?

Xiao Yan: "There's nothing wrong with an alien god, right? After all, I don't know what else he has to do with it."

Han Li: "Brother Su, be careful."

"This power will not last long. It is like water without a source. It seems that Si'a is used as a vessel for the gods to descend." Zhongli frowned and analyzed.

Su Lin on the side raised his hand and cast a bright storm skill, trying to interrupt the opponent's transformation process with a god-level spell.

"Is there still an invincible frame?"

A bloody robe fell in front, the illusory crimson swallowed up all the light, and the surrounding space was filled with a crimson nebula with twinkling stars.

"It seems that not only the Mother Tree of Desire is interested in you, but also the Mother Tree of Desire," Zhongli said. He paused and looked at one of Si'a's hands. The abnormal expression obviously came from the same source as the pollution on Russell's body:

"Fallen Mother Goddess."

As soon as he finished speaking, the historical projection shattered and returned to nothingness. The connection with the outside world was cut off. The historical projection that originally lost the spiritual support of Klein and lost the transmission of the divine power of the original body naturally dissipated.

Xiao Yan: "What did this anchor do in another world? He can actually enjoy such treatment that surpasses the protagonist."

Zhang Chulan: "Boss, why don't you just run away and come back to find a place later."

Ye Fan: "Xiao Su, is it really okay? Can you handle it?"

Zijin Shenlong: "Desire Mu Shu wants to give birth to your child, but the fallen mother goddess wants you to have his child. This relationship is so messy, hahahaha."

Irena: "No, the picture of Teacher Tony's big belly is too scary."

Lu Mingfei: "Teacher Tony?"

Irena: "Ah, slip of the tongue."

Su Lin was the only one left in the field, and many thoughts flashed through his mind.

Was it me who ambush today? Did you never target Klein like this in the original novel? !

Why am I just making fun of the "Fallen Mother Goddess" with a dancing face? Then why do you want Mu Shu to join in the fun?

Wait, the Mother Tree of Desire seems to be on the moon too. Did the AOE poke it last time? I am so stingy that I have no tolerance for the past.

Although Su Lin complained silently, he also understood that things could never be that simple. These beings were all concerned about profit and loss, and would not do thankless things just to vent their anger.

The Si'a opposite came from the "Desire Tree" that stripped off the sequence-one characteristics of the "Bound God". Although it is a descendant, it is actually the "Desire Mother Tree" in actual operation and can be used as a container when necessary.

Now the Mother Tree of Desire has even given half of this container to the Fallen Mother Goddess. When did the relationship between the outer gods become so good? Are you two best friends too? !

The most critical question is, how do they know they are here?

Su Lin vaguely grasped something, and Russell's figure suddenly flashed in his mind.

Russell, who was far away in the secret island mausoleum, sat in front of the LCD TV and shook his head, hoping that someone would give him games in the future.

The fallen mother goddess would actually target Su Lin, and he couldn't report the news at all.

If that doesn't work, he can still have multiple roommates here, and everyone can be sealed together.

Zhongli: "The state in which they arrived should not last long. It is most likely that they are sourceless water and will disappear as soon as time is up."

Zhongli: "The angels of the Zhengshen Church are heading to this area with level 0 sealed objects. Before that, please be more careful."

The blood-colored robe wrapped a giant hand, and then the hand turned into a pool of flesh and blood, which formed an ebbing and flowing crimson ocean with dirty and dark energy.

Flowers of flesh and blood bloomed in it, and the cracked parts had scarlet eyes.

The blood moon hanging high above the head is particularly eerie.

The other hand continued to twist and expand, turning into a giant tree with flesh and skin as the main body. There were brown-green tumors like tree knots on its surface, and some of them had split and turned into flower-like organs.

Brown "branches" stretched out and headed towards Su Lin quickly.

Not to be outdone, the bloody robe swept forward along with the tide.

Seeing this scene, Su Lin's scalp went numb.

The pure chaotic energy covering the godhead and acting as a binding agent was briefly illusory, and then slowly replenished by elemental power.

Genesis of Light!

Su Lin directly used the strongest spell that can be used in the godhead, Genesis of Light.

Ring-shaped formations appeared in this space, and a six-winged figure made of pure light appeared, towering above the sky.

Then, very quickly, all the light turned into a singularity.

Endless holy light bursts out, extremely hot and brilliant, a god-level spell created to reproduce the original light of creation. The Creation of Light blooms its first ray in this different world with the main theme of "crazy chaos" Symmetra"!

Su Lin's pupils trembled. He felt that some mechanism had been triggered, and subconsciously used the power of light to protect himself to prevent external forces from pouring into his body.

A moment later, before the light dissipated, a broken, tiny crimson ray appeared in the pure white world.

It was like a strand of torn cloth, wrapped around a brown branch, flying slowly but resolutely towards the center of the light.

The existence that stands at the top of all the outer gods, the master of all the feminine forces in the entire universe, the Fallen Mother Goddess has shown her essence known as the "pillar"!

In Su Lin's horrified eyes, the branch flew in front of him in the pure white world, and shattered into ashes as if it had completed its mission, leaving behind a wisp of blood-red "remnant cloth".

Before the future could react, the wisp of blood swayed like a poisonous snake standing up. It looked at Su Lin's body humanely, and seemed to have noticed something, and then

Directly rushed into the body of Su Lin's light god.

In the body of the God of Light, the ray of blood rushed straight into Su Lin's godhead. The originally dim light and white light intertwined to form a balance, and a crimson color appeared on the godhead.

Thump, thump——

There was a heartbeat.


At this moment, Su Lin finally understood what the purpose of the fallen mother goddess was. Was it actually that godhead? !

On the polluted secret island of Roselle, the Fallen Mother Goddess noticed Su Lin's power of a different nature, and also noticed the source of this god-level power through pollution.

He understands that this is not a product of this world. If that object can be used to contain and control the power within it, it will not only enhance some of its own power, but more importantly, it can become his perfect divine vessel.

He can even use this godhead to transmit most of his power in the starry sky.

At that time, it will be like a wolf entering a sheepfold, neither the beloved ones of Source Castle nor the gods on earth can escape.

He can also control the starry sky barrier to isolate the other outer gods. He will give priority to retrieving the torn source material and make some arrangements at the same time.

And His promise to the "Mother Tree of Desire" is to open the barrier so that the "Mother Tree of Desire" can enter first.

The light also dissipated at this moment. There was no flesh-and-blood tree, no blood-red ocean, and no trace of Si'a in this space. There was an extraordinary characteristic condensing on the ground.

But that strange crimson moon cast its moonlight on the extraordinary characteristics of sequence one, and then, a sapling sprouted.

As it grew, it also stretched out its immature branches and wrapped them around Su Lin and his clone.

The Mother Tree of Desire wants a piece of the pie.

Su Lin looked at all this with a dark face, as he had lost most of his control over his godhead.

He glanced at the branches wrapped around his body and clones, and saw a force constantly impacting the 'Tianhe Suit' on his body.

Pimple-like brown-green tumors bulged on the branches, and then burst and sprouted flower buds and bloomed.

These flowers were blocked by an invisible barrier one foot outside of his own body, and his clone was gradually wrapped by the flowers.

The remaining light power in the avatar is gradually fading away, and the flowers are getting closer and closer.

In the live broadcast room of the chat group

Ye Fan: "Brother! When I applied to enter Lao Zhou's world, he didn't respond or agree!"

Ye Fan: "The Mother Tree of Desire looks like this and really wants to have a child with you!! Is there any way to run away?!"

Irena: "I'll turn off the live broadcast first, Su Lin... I wish you good luck."

Lu Mingfei: "I'm rushing back, can you hold on?"

Purple Gold Dragon: "The Fallen Mother Goddess just did that move, isn't she already pregnant?"

Zijin Shenlong: "Uncle Long, the clone, advises you to give up. There are some things that can infect the main spirit through the connection."

Everyone in the chat group watched this scene worriedly in their own worlds.

Xiao Yan knew that Su Lin had obtained something from his future body and that there shouldn't be much danger. However, when he saw that his friend was in danger, he was helpless and couldn't help but clenched his hands.

Since they were both time travellers, and they had common topics, he and Su Lin had a very good relationship.

This feeling of wanting to help but not being able to help is really powerless.

Outside, Zhongli held the curved spear of destiny and stared coldly at the filthy surging abyss below. Those eyes staring at him revealed a humanized tone of interest.

In the sky, a rock gun larger than the size of an ordinary mountain was floating in the air, with the muzzle pointing downwards. There were many runes on it that were being engraved on it, ready to go.

On the earth, wind, fire, thunder and lightning rushed from the rock ridges and poured into the dark abyss in the cracks of the earth.

For a while, no one in the live broadcast room posted any more comments.

Su Lin's face was extremely dark at this moment. The huge flower stamens in front of him actually formed a body of white flowers, both men and women, and they extended an invitation to Su Lin.

An invisible force hit the barrier formed by the suit, trying to arouse his primitive instinct of reproduction.

The heartbeat sound in the body of the God of Light became stronger and stronger, and a baby figure gradually appeared on the appearance of the godhead.

‘Again? ! ! ! ’


Su Lin laughed angrily, looking at the group of 'vegetatives' in front of him who were taunting him with their fingers and the illusory bloody baby on his godhead, he burst out laughing.

There was a crack in the dome of the different space.

"Are you convinced of me?!"

Su Lin endured the physical pain, his eyes were tangled at first, and then he looked inwards at the godhead that was about to take shape and become a physical baby. His teeth were chattering, and his eyes flashed with uncontrollable anger, and he shouted:

"Fallen Mother Goddess, Mother Tree of Desire, you have a way to die!"

"Wind Spirit Yueying! Give me more!"



Whether it is the gradually cracking dome above the head, the mother tree of desire swaying with its branches, or the illusory baby that is about to take shape in the body, exuding holiness and full of corruption.

Su Lin now only has consciousness and can still think. The space in front of him rippled, and a line appeared.

subtitle? !

[Produced by Tiandao, it must be a high-quality product]

[Welcome to the "Fengling Yueying VIP Experience Card". 】

[Warm reminder: It is everyone’s responsibility to fight against pirated modifiers. You only need three Hongmeng Purple Qi or ten Lingheng World Origins to become a one-year member. 】

[If necessary, please contact Fengling World Tiandao @! # ¥】

[The current item is being searched and the search is completed. 】

[Personal attribute retrieval failed. 】

[Create a custom template? 】


Su Lin was stunned for a long time by this introduction.


Please select [Immortal Way] [Martial Arts] [Magic] [Kesu (crossed out) Chaos Creature] [Super Power] [Fighting Qi] [Source Power].

[Based on your existing characteristics, it is recommended to use the Xiandao plate]

"Immortal way."

I play Xihuan every day, and it’s time to return to my original aspiration.

[Please enter your conditions for the exercise and it will be automatically generated.]

[Input completed, please modify talent attributes, 9999 is the maximum value]

[Root bone: 0~9999]

[Perception: 0~9999]

[Resistance: 0~9999]

[Defense: 0~9999]

[Attack: 0~9999]

[Crit: 0~9999]

[Sword Skill: 0~9999]

[Basic character panel settings completed]

[Infinite life, unlimited physical strength, unlimited mana.]

[Open completed]

[Loading the fairy magic of the Great World of Wind Spirit, loading 9999 items randomly. 】

[Fengling Yueying will protect your life. (Who dares to be disrespectful to me, Fengling Yueying Sect? Education!)]


A clear and loud voice appeared in Su Lin's ear, time began to flow again, and a countdown appeared deep in his consciousness.

【Countdown: 3:00】

Ye Fan: "You're not broken, are you? What can I add?"

Song Shuhang: "Senior Su is a point-adding protagonist!? Is there a personal panel where I can add points to myself?!"

Before everyone in the group could discuss what JiaDianliu was, I saw

boom! ! !

An invisible wave of air suddenly erupted with Su Lin as the center, and the tree of flesh and blood of the Mother Tree of Desire was thrown into the distance. Su Lin teleported to his clone of the God of Light, and pierced the chest of the clone with one hand, ignoring the fallen Mother Goddess. The power grasped the godhead.

In an instant, the illusory baby wailed and disappeared without a trace.

Su Lin took out the godhead, pulled out the remaining crimson wisp, and crushed it in his hand.

There was a snap and a snap of fingers.

Brushing, brushing, brushing——

The golden rain shattered the crimson moon hanging in the sky, and the entire space was shattered. Countless golden lights were inserted into the earth, emitting a cold sword intent.

outside world

Zhong Li watched in surprise as tens of thousands of golden giant swords gathered from all directions. Each blade was filled with incomparable mana and killing aura.

Those scarlet blood pupils burst into powder, and the barrier shattered as easily as an eggshell. Su Lin stood in the alien space that had not completely disappeared, with the remaining crimson nebula mist floating around him.

Su Lin closed his eyes, slowly stretched out his hands and spread them upward, sensing the star world, the spiritual world, and every corner of the planet.

He saw those terrifying giant faces stuck outside the planet's barrier, the dark sea entrenched on the back of the moon, and...

The Mother Tree of Desire and the Fallen Mother Goddess on the far side of the moon.

Within that extremely filthy and dark power lies an extremely large and vital nest.

Su Lin opened his eyes, and then the world began to shake.

An understatement resounds in every corner of the world.

"The human world is filthy again!"

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