Starting from July, it contains piecemeal records of some of the things he did after cultivating immortality.

In this way, the speed of official action can be explained.

"Why is everything written so vague?"

"I'm afraid of being seen by others."

"Then why are you writing a diary?"

"Entertain yourself."

The diary in his hand continued to flip through.


A few pictures fell out.

Su Lin from the future picked up one of the photos. It showed a girl with black hair and golden eyes. She had long black hair reaching her waist, with oblique bangs on her head. There was a touch of red cloud-like color on her smooth and white face like an egg.

[November 27th, I am excited today! I want to vomit! But the black hair and golden eyes really poked my XP...I was heartbroken...and lost 5,000 yuan. 】



The atmosphere suddenly changed.

"Who is this person?"

"do not know."

The preface does not match the afterword, and I feel that his mental state was not very stable when he wrote this paragraph.

[December 10th, today is the golden elixir. I am Sel...I am the God of Light. 】

[On December 11, I felt that my desires were much smaller, and my temperament became a little more Buddhist, which is a good thing. 】


[December 21st, the first day of Tokyo Love Story]

[December 22, the second day of Tokyo Love Story]

"I can't understand what he is writing." Future Su Lin closed the diary. The rest of the diary was very strange and nothing of value.

"Forget it." The small card from the subspace vault was taken out, the circular logo on it was turned over, and the door of the vault was opened inside the van.

There was no way, he couldn't open the door secretly without taking this card. The vault door was closed.

"I'm going to activate the Tianhe suit. Give him this card for me. After lunch, tell him I'm waiting for him at the top of Yunshan Mountain."

Xing Dou's cloak moved, and Luo Shengying appeared in the house again without attracting the attention of the people inside.




In a phase space with almost invisible edges, apart from rows and rows of large or small empty shelves and empty cupboards, there is only a mandarin wooden podium in the center, with a brown booklet placed on it. There is a towering stone tablet, mainly made of black crystals, with densely packed characters engraved on it.

Su Lin's eyes were filled with divine white gold, and he gently flipped through the diary in his hand. In his right hand, there was a treasury card with different numbers.

[On February 1, 2033, just after the New Year (graffiti), all the employees in the company who worked overtime died. I survived by relying on my innate martial arts skills. 】

[On February 5, 2034, I held the funeral of the employees. Most of them were old employees who had been with me since I started the business. The youngest was a girl who had just graduated and was only 22 years old. The eldest is only 43 years old, and there are twins at home... I can only run, but I can't save them...]

The page is scratched.

[On February 21, 2034, I came into contact with some immortal cultivators who claimed to be from the Huanyu world. Tracking a seriously injured foundation-building evil cultivator here. 】

The words below are crooked.

[On March 1, 2034, the location of the evil cultivator was found. When reporting the news, his right hand was broken. The people of Taiqing Sect killed the evil cultivator. Goodbye, my right friend. 】

[On March 2, 2034, people from the Taiqing Sect helped me recover my right hand and taught me a set of Qigong exercises. At night, Mahayana monks came and started talks with the country. Mi Ruinian persuaded me to join their sect and go to the Huanyu Realm as soon as possible. The immortal from his ancestor said that the world was about to be in chaos. I thought there would be a sect invading the Huanyu Realm, but he told me that the Taiqing Sect in the Huanyu Realm The family is the only one in power, and the Taiqing Sect is here to save people. 】

The pages of the book were turning quickly. Su Lin's eyes quickly scanned the contents, and the information poured into his mind.

[November 2034, too many things happened this month... An unknown dynasty invaded, and London on the other side of the ocean was destroyed; a giant blood-red whale appeared in the Atlantic Ocean, destroying three cargo ships; and a giant whale appeared in the Devil's Triangle. Huge palms, covered with dense eyes... The Taiqing Sect began to evacuate with some talented seedlings. They did not force those who were unwilling to leave, and continued to teach the exercises. On the 16th, they also helped us pacify a cavalry group. An alien army of insects. Now that I am in the late stage of foundation building, Mi Ruinian came to my door for the third time today to persuade me to leave. I am very grateful to them, but my parents are unwilling to leave. They have many relatives and friends in this world, perhaps because of the Taiqing Sect. Maintenance, the country is still very safe for the time being, how long can the Taiqing Sect protect us, if it doesn’t work...]

[Mi Ruinian is going back to prepare to become a Nascent Soul. Before leaving, he left me a flying sword and some resources. This guy is a good old man. I get along with him very happily. He is still trying to persuade me to leave with him. go. I asked him again, is the Huanyu world so big that it cannot accommodate people from one country? 】

[He just shook his head and told me that if too many people go there, Huan Yu Realm will be the next Earth. This is what his family’s immortal ancestor secretly told him. 】

[I don’t know what to say, after all, Taiqing Sect has helped us enough. 】

[On May 16, 2036, a group of superpowers from the technological world invaded Lidu. Their superpowers were very strange and very strong. I used the novice props and mastered some usage methods to barely control the invaders. Annihilated, and then suddenly a red-haired crazy woman appeared and used magic to blast me today! Fortunately I have a plug-in! 】

[In July 2038, the weather is very cold, and 1/4 of the world's population has been reduced. Some secret realms have begun to appear on the earth, and some ancient books can be used for cultivation. I am very curious about the existence of those in ancient myths in this world. Is it real? Some from other worlds come to colonize and expand, some come to harvest resources, and some do not intend to interfere too much and just want to use the earth as a transit point to exchange benefits. 】

[In May 2047, I have reached the late stage of divine transformation. Sure enough, if the protagonist like me runs away, who will protect the earth! Lao Mi came back today. He is still in the late Nascent Soul stage. Hahaha, my jaw was almost shocked. 】

[On January 12, 2055, 173 worlds connected with the earth. Earthlings became the race with the smallest population. I don’t know when the order became normal. It should be a good thing, but why... I feel that they are too treating the earthlings. alright. 】

[January 1, 2063, Lao Mi came to see me today... He kowtowed to me, and then broke his own soul... I didn't understand his last look full of guilt...]

[On December 31, 2063, when I returned home, a squirming chaotic creature said to me, son, are you back? Another elf was wearing my dad’s clothes and was making fun of me, saying that he hadn’t smoked in a long time... Hahaha...]

[So it turns out that these people deceived Gu, and waited for Gu to summon the Yuanjie army...] (Scratch)

[On January 2, 2064, I am still me. It is gratifying that the Emperor of the Yuan Realm failed. 】

[On March 31, 2071, Farah saved me for some reason. It was so quiet in this library... There is always something to look forward to in life... For example, find a way to blow up the earth...]

Su Lin took the booklet and took out the subspace treasury card with different numbers in his hand. The circular logo on it flipped over, and the closed treasury door opened again.

He finally looked back at the towering stone tablet, or a tombstone that did not exist in this era. It was covered with densely packed names, and in the middle, there was a name - Su Lin.

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