The scene in the farmyard is very lively. The thick smoke of earth smoke is mixed with the smell of gunpowder from firecrackers. The wood is burning in the kitchen, and light smoke is rising from the chimney. People are talking about various topics. The sound of mahjong colliding with the table was loud.

In the cold spring breeze, Klein was playing with his mobile phone with a smile. He felt that his mental state was calmer. He was out of control. What was that?

Seeing Su Lin coming over with a gloomy face, he used his faceless man ability to quickly change the micro-expressions on his face, pretending to be nonchalant.

"What's wrong?" Klein asked, raising his right hand, his fingers at an angle that blinded his field of vision, and several transparent tentacles sprouting from his thumb. Delete the history and turn off Douyin.

"It's nothing." Su Lin took a bench and sat down, "Forget it."

Su Lin stood up and walked towards the house again, taking out a few red envelopes. He looked back at Klein and said as if talking to himself: "The hunter dies from loyalty, the witch dies from love, then, Leziren Woolen cloth?"

Klein didn't know why, but he just felt that Su Lin was a little restless, and that the Buddhist-type useless person's temperament had changed somewhat.

He thought for a while and decided to continue watching the high-quality male Su Yulin's courtship video. It turned out that this was also a way to vent his stress. Talent, a good seer in the diviner path, the clown potion can be digested in an instant.

‘It would not be fun if what happened to Lu Mingfei happened to me. ’ The emotions in Su Lin’s heart were indescribable. The situation described in the diary was simply more complicated than the microorganisms contained in the barrels of Laotan pickled beef noodles with production dates before March 15 that he ate.

'The most important thing is... this is really not an urban farming article. Unfortunately, I am very disappointed in you, dog author. ’

Su Lin's nephew saw Su Lin holding the red envelope, put down the 3-11 Li Xin in his hand, and ran towards Su Lin, deliberately making strange sounds in his mouth.

"Ah hahaha, here comes the red envelope~~"

Watch less online videos...

"The fruits are placed here." Su Lin said.

"Okay, thank you, Xiao Su."

"You're welcome, Uncle Luo."

Su Lin handed out red envelopes to the other little guys one by one, while thinking in his mind.

The contents in the diary were incomplete, which was normal. Except for grudges, he never wrote down key information in detail.

'I just want to live forever and enjoy life leisurely, these nonsense...'

Fear comes from the unknown. Now the future situation is a little clearer, and the conditions of the things in the system store are also clear.

‘You don’t need to be nervous about what will happen in 12 years. The worst I can do is follow Emiya Shirou and wander around the world, and then return to my own world when I am strong enough. ’

'But I still have to say a dirty word, a**. ’

If I hadn't had more than one cheat now, my life would have been like that in the diary.

Fortunately, my face has been saved now. I don’t have to show off as an Internet celebrity like him, and the world has been saved.

Su Lin recalled the description in the diary after May 17th.

[On May 20, 2023, to offer the magic of burying the love of the family to the wonderful 520, I officially joined Oasis Construction and started my old business. At the same time, I also abandoned my face and shame. 】

[On June 23, 2023, I became a well-known local Internet celebrity, and by the way I bought a Will-O-Wisp with Huabei, hahaha, it doesn’t matter...I was caught by the traffic police today...]

[On July 19, 2023, I got 1 yuan after working hard for many days and betraying myself. I can’t go back... After I become enlightened, I will wipe out all the shame in this world...]

He doesn't have to go through this, and he still has that powerful and mysterious image hanging on the wall in front of the majority of his friends.

Su Lin thought that his debut was the world's battlefield, and his first pot of gold was using W as the unit. He couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief and feel a little sympathy for that self.

Now there is another problem.


Superpower, turns out that the people in the story about those props will also appear.

When Luo Shengying returned to the room, she saw Su Lin handing out red envelopes to several children and stuffing them with a set of three-year simulations of the five-year college entrance examination.

Her ears were very sensitive and she heard what Su Lin just said.

"This is for you." Su Lin stood up and walked over and took out a red envelope.

"Thank you, cousin." Luo Shengying said with a smile.

Su Lin stretched out his right hand and said, "Can you return the door card to the vault to me?"

Su Lin had no intention of continuing to pretend with them. Su Lin knows what kind of person he is, and he is very self-aware in terms of self-awareness.

'From what I know about myself, he's definitely going to have fun with me. ’

‘If it were me, I would do the same thing. Not only would I not feel guilty, I would even be twice as happy. ’

Su Lin thought of the super large collection warehouse. There should be a lot of original inventory in it...

Su Lin planned to tell him the generous story of his good friend Lao Lu.

‘There should be a lot of good things in my future self, right? ’

Luo Shengying was stunned for a moment, then took out the off-white card, "When did you notice it?"

"When entering the house." Su Lin took the original card and compared it with the other one in his hand. They still had consecutive numbers. He put both cards into his system backpack.

"How did you do that... No, do you know what's going on now?" Luo Shengying looked complicated. This person has never been unreasonable and can always do something unexpected.

"I generally understand." Under the blessing of God's will, Su Lin's vision and status were extremely high. Su Lin looked at the doll on the backpack strangely, "Where are the others?"

"I'll wait for you at the top of Yunshan Mountain after lunch."

"I don't want to go and let him come back to me."

"He said there would be a BUFF bonus for drawing there."

"I'm going now!" Su Lin raised his legs and was about to leave, but saw Ye Fan and others coming back after lunch. He wouldn't run anyway.

"Were you talking about Farah?"


Su Lin nodded, then he thought about it and asked tentatively: "What is the relationship between you and Farah and me...?"

Luo Shengying was silent for a moment, took out her mobile phone and clicked on her photo album.

Under the guidance of Klein, Ye Fan and others wanted to go into the house to chat with Su Lin. Xiao Yan was holding a grilled fish in his hand, which he had just roasted by controlling the fire by the lake.

Xiao Yan shook the grilled fish in his hand and asked, "Do you want to eat fish?"

Luo Shengying clicked on a picture in the album, "Rather than that name, I want to ask you, do you like the white-haired character..."

"For example, Irena."

Bang bang bang——

Firecrackers sounded.

The sound of firecrackers marks the end of the year, and the spring breeze brings warmth to Tusu.

But Su Lin didn't feel warm. He was now trying to see if he could use God's blessing to control the flow of time into a river.

His toes were clenched tightly in his sneakers. He looked at the COS picture on Luo Shengying's phone and said with a calm expression, "I have been out of the house for a long time."

This sentence is true.

"I remembered something else... Hahaha..." Irena laughed awkwardly, as if she heard something strange, and took two steps back, but was grabbed by one sleeve by Ye Fan and Xiao Yan.

The scene was very quiet for a while. Luo Shengying turned to look behind her. There was a handsome young man and a handsome man with dark eyes with teasing smiles on their faces, and a gray-haired man...

"Little sister..."


Zhong Li had a smile on his face, crossed his arms on his chest, and looked here quietly.


The green mountains are tall and straight, the water flows continuously, and the chirping of tits occasionally appears in the green forest.

In an abandoned Taoist temple on Yunshan Mountain, tiny particles danced in the intruding golden sunlight. Some weeds grew from the cracks in the stone slabs underground. The grass and trees were hidden in vines and full of vitality.

In the center of the courtyard of the Taoist temple, a figure stood outside the collapsed beams, inserting three sticks of incense into the patinated bronze tripod.

He was wearing a purple ancient-style robe, full of nobility, with patterns of exotic animals on his waist, shoulders, elbows and other places.

"You came."

"I'm here." Many light particles gathered into Su Lin's figure.

"You shouldn't have come."

"I'm leaving."

"..." Su Lin in the future did not expect that someone would not catch this joke, and his sense of humor still needs to be cultivated.

"By the way, do you have anything to give me? For example, Dao Fruit, Dao Fruit, and Dao Fruit." Su Lin's eyes were full of expectation.



"What's your attitude?"

"It's nothing, don't worry about it."

"I'm just here to ask you." Su Lin took out a small notebook and asked, "About the details of twelve years later."

"Hurry up, spit out all the settings and plot."

The figure in purple clothes with the same face held his chin and pondered for a moment, then said:

"Everything must start from the special aspects of this world..."

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