"Hey, the young people these days are so shameless with those short videos they make." A slightly fat middle-aged woman shook her head and played the cards in her hand.

"That's right, the world is getting worse." A gray-haired old lady pushed up her reading glasses on the bridge of her nose and affirmed: "I can't appreciate the things of these young people."

"My son watches that guy who beats gray in Ledu every day. The little brat told me that day that he was going to dye his hair and beat gray when he grows up. I was so angry that I whipped the boy with my belt." said the uncle sitting on Klein's left side. .

"There is also Tony Su, a non-mainstream person who is very popular on the Internet. He washes, cuts and blows hair every day. With such a good skill, wouldn't it be good to go to a barber shop and work down-to-earth?"

"What do you know?" said a middle-aged man with a stubble as he passed by with a cup of tea: "I can make money much faster with this traffic than getting a haircut."

"If I want to say it's vulgar, it's the Su Niuma who yelled that I'm a bastard in public."

"You old Su family are full of talents? Hahahaha."

"screw you!"

"Don't be dissatisfied. Isn't that high-quality human male Su Yulin also named Su?"

"And not only the name, but also the person looks very similar to Brother Su's son."

"Bullshit, Brother Su's son is now the boss, how can he go online to gain attention!"

"Nonsense, Qing Yi Se Long Qi is the best pair." Klein smiled. He glanced at the changing expressions of the uncles and aunts across from him, changed the subject and attention and said, "Hey, by the way, what you guys just said Short video…”


In the living room, several middle-aged men and their families were drinking tea and chatting about everything from national affairs to daily necessities, as well as the current social climate.

"When it comes to the current social atmosphere, I feel it is too bad. Compared with my generation, what do you think is wrong with the current social atmosphere." Luo Chenglin sighed and chatted with relatives whom he had not seen for many years. " Young people are too impetuous and indulgent. They always fantasize and become obsessed with the plots of novels and movies."

"Isn't it!" The short-haired man, who was about thirty years old, nodded in approval and said, "I have a distant cousin who works as a programmer in Rong City. I read in his circle of friends that he got off work that night. , I met a few young guys who were very drunk on the roadside, and they said that they were Ye Fan, Xiao Yan, the protagonist of the novel, and wanted to accept him as a disciple. "

"How can young people today be addicted to these things every day?" Su Xiangrong also expressed some emotion.

Luo Chenglin nodded, glanced at his good daughter, and said, "You should also play less games. Do you understand? It can't be like that."

"I know." Luo Shengying replied with a pout.

At this moment, a familiar figure walked through the door, and Luo Shengying was slightly distracted.

This is Su Lin of this era.

'It turned out to be...'

‘The early stage of the golden elixir. ’

The future Su Lin's spiritual power swept away from this self, the rich spiritual energy, the strong body, and the flawless platinum golden elixir. There was a six-winged figure sitting in front of the golden elixir.

'this? ! ’

His first reaction was that he had really been replaced? Is it possible that the Zhou Emperor of the Noye World has some backup plans?

After careful inspection, he found that although this golden elixir contained sacred and natural meanings, it was only the manifestation of the power brought about by the characteristics of the golden elixir.

There is no mismatch between the physical body and the divine soul, the existence is confirmed to be free of impurities, and every particle of the soul has no trace of alien existence.


According to the search records, he must have a system, and he was still worrying about system points last year. Why is it that this year is already the early stage of the Golden Elixir! ?

The power of points redemption? No, how could he get so many points when the world was still calm.

'hehe. ’

Future Su Lin smiled happily.

'interesting. ’

‘Is he still yourself? ’ Luo Shengying asked via voice transmission.

‘I don’t know what changed, but I was right. ’

When Su Lin came back, Klein didn't go to the table to play cards. Instead, he bought a horse (a way of playing mahjong) and sat on the side playing with his mobile phone and watching videos. So Su Lin didn't pay much attention and thought of entering the house and sneaking into the kitchen. Help me and sneak in two more bites of sausage.

Looks a bit familiar...

The moment Su Lin entered the room, he looked at the girl and then remembered that this was the cousin who added him on QQ.

"Eh? Where are your friends?" Su Xiangrong asked.

"They said they were wandering around, and I came back first if I had something to do." Su Lin replied.

Su Xiangrong didn't know what to say when he saw his son's emotional intelligence was so low. How could he let the guests go shopping on their own, but it was hard for him to say anything when other people were around.

"This is your Uncle Luo and Aunt Su, and this little sister is their daughter, Luo Shengying." Su Xiangrong introduced: "This is my son, Su Lin. Maybe you met when you came back many years ago."

"Su Lin..." Luo Chenglin had an impression of this name. Some time ago, his daughter suddenly cried and asked for help to find out the name.

He and his wife looked at each other and were about to ask something, but his daughter made the move first.

Luo Shengying waved her hand and greeted Su Lin.

Luo Chenglin and his wife were stunned for a moment. For some reason, they began to subconsciously ignore this matter and focus on other things.

"Uncle Luo, Aunt Su, cousin, happy New Year."

Su Lin waved in response and walked towards the kitchen. After a while, he was kicked out in confusion. Why did he come to steal food again? I guess I did a little bit last year, but this year I won't allow him to taste it in advance.

"Son." Su Xiangrong waved and said, "Can you still get some of those fruits of yours?"

"Your Uncle Luo likes it very much. I will give you two pieces as a gift."

"I have it in my car."

There are also a few boxes in the storage bag just for this situation.

Su Lin glanced at Luo Shengying and the children in the living room. He nodded and prepared to withdraw some money from the treasury as red envelopes.

Su Lin walked out of the door and found Klein covering his mouth and not knowing what he was laughing at. Um, aren't you a faceless man?

Feeling someone looking over him, Klein's expression returned to coldness and he nodded with Su Lin.

Su Lin also nodded and walked towards the door, thanking the great Mr. Fool for letting the middle-aged and elderly Mahjong go.

‘Follow him, I will use the star cloak to distort your sense of existence. ’

There are only a few high-end inventory props in the system backpack, let alone a small golden elixir. King Zhou will not be able to find any traces of it when he comes.

Luo Shengying's figure disappeared in the living room, but the adults beside her felt nothing and were still chatting enthusiastically.

"It turned out to be in a storage bag."

Su Lin in the future watched his other self look around, then entered the van and took out a few boxes of apples from a storage bag. It was normal for Jin Danqi to have a storage bag.

Then, a small gray-white card appeared in the hand, the logo rotated, the space split, and a door appeared.

"Holy shit! Subspace vault?!"

It's 100% himself, absolutely nothing else! You still have the system! But why! ? It’s only been less than 12 months!

It doesn’t matter if you choose the path of cultivating immortals and reach the golden elixir. Why do you have so many points to exchange for the subspace treasury?

Don’t you use the points to exchange for items and practice with the Sands of Time? Do you still have extra points to exchange for subspace treasury? !

Having a vault means... having collectibles!


Is there any heavenly principle, is there any royal law?

Future Su Lin suddenly changed from a happy state of mind to a sour feeling.

The high-intensity work he did in the past was nothing compared to this guy! When he thought about all the sadness he had encountered at this time, including keyboard warriors, salary arrears, 996, relatives teasing about his videos, parents' incomprehension, etc., he felt that his taste buds were filled with the taste of lemon.

What exactly happened on May 17th? From that day on, the subsequent tour records were inconsistent.

Luo Shengying took the future Su Lin into the subspace vault, where various large and small exhibition cabinets were neatly placed.

There seems to be a steel structure covered by a huge curtain at the innermost side.

On the ground not far away, banknotes were piled together in the form of piles of fallen leaves.

Su Lin placed the small card from the subspace treasury on the counter, found some red leaves from the pile of green leaves on the ground and stuffed it into the red envelope. Future Su Lin took the opportunity to swap his small card from the subspace treasury with it. He wanted to investigate the treasury. , after my past self closed the door to the vault, I couldn't get out without the card.

This thing only requires soul matching and the account password is correct to use.

Su Lin stuffed several red envelopes, thought for a while, took out several sets of five-year college entrance examination and three-year simulations from the historical projection, picked up the subspace treasury bank card with a pleasant smile and walked out.

"That smile... is definitely you." Luo Shengying saw that micro-expression and identified it as genuine at a glance.

"Did you get this space a long time ago..."

"I got it very late, but he was at least twenty years ahead of schedule."

In the future, Su Lin was hidden under the cloak of stars, watching his movements outside the door, turning the logo simultaneously, and closing the vault door.

The figure appears.

Future Su Lin then carefully looked at the surrounding situation.

Compared with his peak period, the collection can only be said to be pitifully small, and could not be more pitiful.

"I'm so sour." Honesty is his advantage, "I'm so sour, I'm so sour, I'm so sour..."

Future Su Lin muttered while scanning the contents of the exhibition cabinet.

"Weapons driven by spiritual power seem to be master craftsmanship, and there are some specific functional circuits in them. They are rare."

"It looks like the devil fruit in the island country comics of this era... Where did you find it? What is it?"


He opened the cork and smelled it, with a strange expression, "The potion that arranges the power of chaos in an orderly manner has an unknown effect."

"It should be drinkable, right?"

There is a sweet smell.

Future Su Lin looked at it curiously, put the cap on the bottle, took two steps, and stopped for a moment on a curved black spear.

"Cause and effect will definitely hit..."

"Counterfeit Gangnir..."

Future Su Lin looked up at the sky, then lowered his head and glanced at the nameplate placed in front of the long gun. The name of the gun was written on it in gilded characters, as if he was afraid that others would not know.

"Something is wrong, no matter how you think about this world line, something is wrong."

"Su Lin." Luo Shengying shouted while standing in front of a glass showcase.

"What's wrong?"

"This." She pointed to a pocket watch in the glass case, her voice a little unsteady.

"Zokot's linear pocket watch..." Su Lin in the future saw the hands on the pocket watch turning. He suddenly felt a sense of panic and uneasiness in his heart. It seemed that the sky was about to collapse. His mouth was slightly open, and he could throw a glutinous rice ball. Go in.

A pocket watch that has not been used should stop moving!

"Is it possible!?"

"No...clockwise rotation...he has already used it?"

It's great that the timeline is not a mess. Su Lin in the future secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

I thought I had met a matryoshka doll. There was another one from the future in my past self...

It turns out that the plan of going back in time and becoming a prophet is feasible? He gave up this plan at the beginning. So, it can be explained.

As he thought this, he raised his finger slightly, and the huge curtain flew up.

"It doesn't make sense!!!!" Future Su Lin's eyes almost bulged out, "Why is there a Gundam here!"

Looking from bottom to top, from top to bottom, this cold steel creation made him a little confused.

"No matter how old you are, you still like to collect these large models." Luo Shengying came over and tapped the Unicorn Gundam's right foot: "I never want to ask too much about your affairs, for fear of being compared to that woman. …But this is a product of the technology side…”

"It's not entirely a product of technology." Future Su Lin felt it, and his consciousness swept the space, "It's here."

A pamphlet flew into the hands of future Su Lin. He raised his eyebrows and raised the corners of his mouth and said, "Sure enough, I know him."

"What is this?" Luo Shengying looked away, turned to the earthy brown booklet, and asked curiously.

Future Su Lin didn't answer and turned to the first page.

[Who is a serious person who keeps a diary? 】

[Fortunately, I am not a serious person. 】


[On March 1st, I’m going to give you a hard time. Why don’t you study civil engineering instead? 】

[On March 2, there was a loud bang in the sky, and labor and management made their debut. I am the best at showing off. 】

[I was wrong on March 19th, I’m sorry, I won’t show off...]

[I will definitely be the protagonist on March 20, right, today I...]

[I have some impressions of the April 7 lottery because it has consecutive numbers, but I can’t remember the last number, so just buy all the last numbers, twice! I’ll provide you with the start-up capital~]

[I'm sorry April 8th, it was indeed a dream. I'm stupid..., my living expenses are going to be gone, so I don't dare to tell my family...]

[On April 27th, the school actually refunded the dormitory security deposit of 700 yuan, so I don’t have to eat instant noodles. Wait a minute, what year did Laotan pickled cabbage happen? I’m going to check...I XXXXXXX]

[I am the protagonist on April 28th, where is the harem, where is the mission...]

[No ideas on April 29th...The world is so peaceful...]

Future Su Lin slowly flipped through the diary while looking for clues, without paying any attention to Luo Shengying's look that looked like she was mentally retarded.

"It's okay, being silly is quite cute..." She seemed to be persuading others, and she also seemed to be persuading herself.

[On May 17th, I swear that I will never team up with that idiot again in this life! I was almost strangled by him, trapped in the past and unable to return, and fell from a height of dozens of meters into the sea to drink water until I was full! (Today I turned into light and was kicked by the obscene uncle) But I took off. 】

Su Lin in the future frowned, and everything changed from here on in the diary.

[I started cultivating immortals today, May 18th. It’s so cold in the sky, freezing...]

[Gathering on May 19th, very happy]


"Why is it broken in the middle?" Luo Shengying came over and asked.

"Probably busy practicing."

"Hey." Yirou put her hand on his head and Fanglan whispered in his ear, "What did you write in that diary before?"

Future Su Lin smiled and said, "Let's continue watching."

[I went out to follow XX at the lottery center today, July 13th...I made 10,000 copies of the evidence and distributed them to Yujian...] (I feel comfortable)

"As expected of me." Future Su Lin nodded, "I did what I always wanted to do."

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