I join the chat group as the protagonist of the system stream

Chapter 145 The sleeping dragon and the phoenix chick

next day

Su Lin woke up from the room in a daze. He subconsciously wanted to wrap himself in the quilt and crawl into the hole of history. However, he found that he was at home. It is very simple for a practitioner in the golden elixir stage to enter deep sleep.

He came to the living room wearing slippers and found that his parents had already gone out.

Because they had informed their parents in advance that their friends who were growing agricultural products with them would come here to travel and experience the customs and customs, so they drove to the town of their hometown in the countryside early before they could get up, and met with their second aunt and Other relatives are preparing for today's hometown banquet together.

After a while, Su Lin took a few people in the garage and got on a van that was usually used for delivery by the small supermarket at home. The silver-gray body was covered with scratches and mud stains.

"What's the problem with your dark circles? Are you too excited to sleep during the spring outing?" Su Lin asked as he looked at the gray witch in the rearview mirror, who was swaying to sleep.

"The mobile phone... is so fun..." Irena raised her head tiredly, her head swaying, and said: "I read comics a few days ago and didn't sleep much. Last night, I used my mobile phone to play TikTok all night."

"Congratulations on your integration into modern society." Xiao Yan said.

"The people up there are quite interesting." Irena's eyelids were fighting, "Like Wuhu Horse, Pain Monkey, Tony Su..."

She fell asleep as she spoke.

"Can't you get a better car?!" Ye Fan sat in the passenger seat and said speechlessly:

"Not to mention publicity, as the God of Light, at least he deserves a brand new Alto."

"Dear, I suggest you drive a dump truck." Klein sat in the middle and said, "Randomly select a lucky person on the road and compensate him for joining the Providence Sect."

"Alto can't seat so many people." Su Lin expressionlessly turned the key and started the ignition.

In fact, it's not that you can't use historical projection to get a car, such as the old Rolls-Royce in the Dragon World, but the license plate is from Tokyo.

It would be very troublesome if you were accidentally checked.

"Mom, let me help you."

"You're here so soon?" Liu Yumei cut the freshly cooked sausage in her hand and asked Su Lin, "Didn't you go pick up your partners?"

"They will arrive in a moment."

Su Lin looked at his mother gently and stroked the hair hanging down from her forehead, which was mixed with white hair.

"I brought cigarettes to my dad and uncle, don't blame me haha."

"You still think he doesn't smoke enough!" Liu Yumei dropped the kitchen knife and said angrily.

"Oh, your son is filial." The second aunt stuffed dry firewood and corncobs into the earthen stove and said, "Xiao Lin, go to the street vendor to see your third uncle and buy some spices. Why hasn't he come back yet?"

"I saw him fighting with others as landlords." Su Lin said with a smile.

Another middle-aged woman with braided hair in the kitchen put down the dishes she was holding and walked out with an unkind expression.

"Look, your third uncle is going to be punished." The second aunt joked.

Su Lin took the kitchen knife from his mother's hand and began to cut the sausage. Each time he cut it, the thickness was even and the speed was neither fast nor slow.

"It's not my fault." Su Lin smiled and shook his head. Just after cutting it, he picked up the leanest piece of meat and stuffed it into his mouth: "Well, I haven't eaten it in many years, and it still tastes like this."

"How many years? Didn't you just eat it last year?" He laughed and came in carrying a basket of fresh pea sprouts.

"One day without eating is like three autumns. This year will last for hundreds of years." After Su Lin finished speaking, he picked up a piece of bacon from the pot and put it on the chopping board and started cutting it.

"Isn't it hot?!" Liu Yumei saw his action and asked quickly

"It's okay." Su Lin smiled: "The outer layer of the meat is cold."

"Mom, please go out and rest for a while, and play mahjong with my dad for a while."

A dark, short, middle-aged man walked in and glanced at Su Lin: "Hey, here we come."

"Hello, cousin." Su Lin greeted.

"Okay, Happy New Year." My uncle took out a red envelope from his pocket and stuffed it into Su Lin's pocket.

"Such a big man! Why did you give him red envelopes?" Liu Yumei was a little embarrassed, but her face was quite happy. After all, she had given out a lot of red envelopes today.

"Take it, take it," my cousin said grandly. He walked to a stove, picked up the spatula and put it aside. He picked up a bucket of rapeseed oil and poured some rapeseed oil into it.

"Can I eat the squirrel fish you made today?" Su Lin asked.

"Yes!" My cousin's voice was full of anger:

“Celebrate that you’re the boss.”

My cousin used to work as a chef in a big hotel in the provincial capital city, and later went into business, but his skills are more or less still there. When he used to celebrate the New Year in his hometown, he would always run to the kitchen to see if his cousin was back this year, especially It was the squirrel fish that made him greedy for a long time.

"Hey." Su Lin shook his head and said, "I just grow some fruits, what kind of boss can I be?"

"Your fruit is not simple." My uncle used a spatula to push the rapeseed oil in the pot a few times, letting it spread on the surrounding pot walls. Slowly, a small amount of oil smoke came out.

"I felt more energetic after taking a few bites. It was my first time to eat such a sweet pear. The variety you grafted will definitely be a big hit in the market."

"You have to treat your partners well today. When your company becomes bigger and stronger, you can also support the rural construction of your hometown."

The oil smoke started to rise, so my uncle put onions, ginger, garlic, and peppercorns into the pot to release the aroma.

"When the time comes, we will find the village to contract a thousand acres of land, set up a planting base, and hire some villagers. Employment will be solved, and the average income of the villagers will also increase."

The cousin's uncle was quite serious, which made Su Lin stunned, and said with a smile: "Let's talk about it then."

He cut the bacon in his hand and started to work on it again.

"Hey, are you a good knife maker?" My cousin glanced at me and said, "Awesome, you usually cook a lot."

"Hey, it's not healthy to eat takeout all the time, so I just practiced by myself." Su Lin said.

"You have the talent to be a chef." My cousin praised him as he poured a plate of pork belly into the pot.

The aroma gradually spreads in the kitchen.

‘There are spiritual fruits here. ’ A voice came into his ears, it was Luo Shengying.

"Mom, I asked you to go out to rest. If you don't go out, I will go out if you don't." Future Su Lin put down the kitchen knife and gestured to leave.

"Come on, you're in the way." Liu Yumei laughed and scolded, "Go and play with your phone."


"Name." The traffic policeman in traffic safety uniforms parked his motorcycle on the side of the road and looked through his sunglasses at the few handsome men and women who got off the van in front of him.

"Ye Fan."

"Xiao Yan."


"Zhou Mingrui."


"Su Lin." Su Lin handed over his ID card.

"I'm still Chu Feng." A young traffic policeman on the side covered his mouth and said with a smile:

"Ye Fengchu is here, where is Huang Wolong?"

Ye Fan glanced at the traffic policeman inexplicably. Someone knew that he was normal, so why did he call him Fengchu.

"The rest of them don't have their ID cards with them. Can you please report their ID numbers?" The older traffic policeman elbowed his colleague. The law enforcement recorder was on, so be careful about your image.

"We can't even remember it." Klein spread his hands, "Officer, you're still investigating so strictly during the Chinese New Year."

"Please understand." The middle-aged police officer took Su Lin's ID card and swiped it on the device. He glanced at the information on it and handed the ID card back: "No one wants to come out during the Chinese New Year."


No. I don’t understand the name you gave me...

The young traffic policeman thought silently in his heart and took out a pen to fill in the ticket.

[Mud blocks license plate, speeding...]


Su Lin from the future came to the living room. Several children from relatives were watching Pleasant Goat, and the older ones were playing Honor of Kings on the side with their mobile phones.

There is a fruit basket placed on the central glass coffee table. The fruit basket contains peanuts, melon seeds, citrus and other fruits.

Luo Shengying was sitting on a plastic bench, holding a green-yellow fruit in her hand, which looked somewhat similar to a pear.

"It has spiritual energy content."

"It stands to reason that there are only a few such plants on earth today."

Future Su Lin looked at it, picked up a fruit and took a bite.

"how many?"

"Many boxes." Luo Shengying said via voice transmission: "They were all brought back by you in the past."

Future Su Lin was silent for a while and said, "Interesting."

"He may really be cultivating immortality."

A lot of trivial information began to connect in his mind, including himself that could not be deduced, relevant departments that acted too fast, inexplicable disappearance of traces, a different past...

"It appears the past has changed more than I thought."

Luo Shengying stood up and walked out. Looking at the busy and lively scene in the courtyard, she said via voice:

"Supernatural powers should not exist on Earth at this point in time."

"At least there shouldn't be any extraordinary power that can produce so many spiritual fruits, even though the quality is not high."

"Is it because of the changes brought about by the demise of those Zhou Emperors on the timeline?"

When Luo Shengying saw her parents greeting her, her body trembled unconsciously. She hesitated and walked towards a few middle-aged people.

"I don't know, maybe it is, maybe it's not." Su Lin in the future leaned on the doorpost and glanced at these familiar or unfamiliar people. There was a colorful light flowing in his pupils. He was even more curious about what happened to his past self. .

"It will be 12 years before our world reaches the central junction. There is no doubt that other similar worlds may have an impact, but it is impossible for anyone to discover this world, and no one will discover the specialness of this world."

"So, Sakura, you don't have to be afraid."

"Everyone here is still themselves."

Luo Shengying looked towards the gate of the courtyard.

"What if, what if you are no longer yourself?"

She recalled a scene deep in her memory. The streets were filled with all kinds of weird races. Her familiar friends were the same people from the past in terms of senses and aura, but in the real world, they had become immortal cultivators from another world. Wriggling monsters, green-skinned monsters...

"No, no one can replace me." Su Lin from the future took two steps, and his figure turned from real to virtual and disappeared. The people around him did not notice anything unusual and turned a blind eye to this scene.

"Because they can't bear my fate."

"If they dare to come, this time, I will slaughter their world."

"Leave no blade of grass behind."

A soft whisper came to her ears, which calmed Luo Shengying's mood a little.

Su Lin in the future paused here, and then said: "But now we'd better be cautious and observe the situation first."

He silently returned to the doll hanging on Luo Shengying's satchel to avoid attracting unnecessary attention. He had a hunch that the partners who were growing agricultural products together might also have problems.


"Why did you change your clothes again?" Su Xiangrong was stunned for a moment while holding a cigarette. When he went out to take a breath, he found that his son had changed his clothes again. Was this kid going to pick someone up just now?

Among the group of people Su Lin brought, except for one who was slightly fat, the others had handsome faces and different temperaments. One of them had gray hair and blue eyes. He looked like a foreigner? And they are all so young.

"I changed it when I got up this morning," Su Lin said.

"Whatever you want..." Su Xiangrong put on an enthusiastic expression and said to several people: "I didn't expect that they are all so young and promising. Hello everyone, I am Su Lin's father."

After a while of greetings, Su Xiangrong said to a few people: "dinner will not be served until 12 o'clock. It is still early. Walk along the old street. There is a reservoir in front where you can fish. Walk up from the township bank and there will be a peach blossom. Lin, you can also take a look at these tourism projects that have only been developed in the past two years."

"If you want to take a rest, just go inside and sit for a while. There are middle-aged and elderly people playing mahjong, and a bunch of old smokers have made the room smell a bit heavy."

Su Xiangrong was afraid of leaving a bad impression on his son's partners, so he hinted that his son would take them out to play and come back during dinner.

It looked like these people were from big cities. There were fruit peels and peanut and melon seed shells everywhere on the floor in the house, and there were a bunch of old smokers smoking local cigarettes. He couldn't stand the smell and let out some air.

"It doesn't matter." Zhongli said with a smile on his face: "This is also a kind of customs and customs worth experiencing."

Judging from Su Xiangrong's decades of experience in the system, he is more certain that these people are either rich or noble. His son has some luck and got caught up in the early entrepreneurial opportunities of these people.

"The peach blossoms look very pretty." Irena took her phone and searched, "I want to see the peach blossoms."

"Why don't you take some of your friends for a stroll?" Su Xiangrong said. He wanted to clean up before noon.

"Let's go see the peach blossoms first and then make a nest." Xiao Yan suggested: "You can also get some grilled fish."

"That's fine." Zhongli nodded.

"I'm lazy. Is there any room at the card table? I'll go in and play with the elders first." Klein waved his hand.

"These are local mahjong rules." Su Xiangrong reminded.

"no problem, no problem."

Su Xiangrong saw this and stopped trying to dissuade him. He hoped that this young man with a foreign accent and a small amount of social fat on his chin and belly would not lose too miserably.

"Su Lin's second aunt's table is still empty, and it's over there against the wall in the courtyard."

When Su Lin led a few people to a corner, he saw no one around and pulled out a historical projection of himself.

"I'll go back and watch Old Zhou." Su Lin said, "My second aunt's heart is not very good."

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