I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 462 The Coffin of Consciousness: The Desire of Life and Death

Chapter 462 Coffin of Consciousness·Desire of Life and Death

Zhang Xiaolin had a dream.

She dreamed that she had turned into a seed.

But it is the kind of dry embryo that is not even a dead seed.

Struggling painfully in a world without soil, rain, dew, or warmth.

She seemed to see that she had stretched out the buds, worked hard and tried her best, but there seemed to be a big hand in her mind, holding scissors, and easily cut off the buds that she had finally stretched out.

It seems to require her to look like what the other person expects.

Naturally, she couldn't fulfill the other party's wish, so she took out new sprouts again and again.

Then it was cut off, she grew again, then was cut off again.

Year after year, time seemed to pass for a long time, so long that she realized that she seemed to have lost something precious.


"Are you really that relieved?"

Inside the Epang Palace.

In a palace called Zichen Palace.

Two wizards in elegant robes sat on the master's chair, playing chess and talking at the same time.

"Didn't Albus also send his most proud disciple?" The master picked up a cup of tea, sipped it, put it down, and then dropped the black energy from the chess jar. "If he's not worried, why should I be worried?"

"She is my best student. Do you think Xiao Lin is worse than others?"

"Everything in the Divine Grant Tower is unknown to us." Professor Zhang Qingqiu said with worry on his face: "Even Dumbledore can't know everything. Otherwise, the [War of Poseidon] will not happen. .”

"I believe her." The master once again played the chess piece and fell.


Zhang Qingqiu raised his head and frowned slightly. "Your trust is so frightening."

"The Camelot has been missing for several days, and the Federation's search team has not found any clues. We must prepare for the worst."

“Qingqiu——” The Master raised his head and said gently, “Everything in the world seems to have been predestined with every sip and drink.

But the more important thing is our choice! "

In the hall, a three-foot-tall bronze cauldron was emitting hot smoke, and a scent of fragrance hit your nostrils.

It seems to be made of blue steel, with many strange runes engraved on its surface, and each rune reveals a vast aura.

The Master continued calmly: "It is our own choice to express our true selves, which is more important than our abilities."

"Do you know anything?" Professor Zhang Qingqiu asked urgently.

"No - I don't have that kind of talent." A smile filled the Master's face, "But some of the old guys in Chengtian Palace are proficient in the I Ching."

"I trust Xiao Lin - because of the fate she carries. She chose to be herself in the endless reincarnation. As long as she sticks to this belief, she will have the power to defeat the gods."

"You are playing riddles, and--I hate playing riddles the most." Professor Zhang Qingqiu said dissatisfied.

"Haha - I know, but you don't know, it's so happy." The master suddenly laughed heartlessly.

Professor Zhang Qingqiu's forehead was filled with blue veins.

"Okay -" Seeing that his old partner was about to violently overturn his chessboard, the master quickly stopped laughing, "The child will come back safely. I promise you.

Besides, I gave her something before leaving.

Those things will protect her. "

"Really? What did you give me?" Professor Zhang Qingqiu suppressed the twitching of the corners of his mouth, squeezed out a smile, and said gently.


"I - I gave her all of Chang'an Imperial Academy!"


Zhang Xiaolin’s dreams were intermittent.

The scene jumps quickly.

Many familiar scenes appeared and disappeared again and again, as if she was watching some kind of mixed-edited video.

A soft, ethereal voice sounded in my ears, like a goddess singing a cappella.

Then - she opened her eyes.

I saw a lavender sea.

A fish swam past her.

The scorching golden light cast a faint stripe on its ray-like body.

The lavender sea outlined by the light is filled with stars, like the remaining lights of a dying world.

Zhang Xiaolin stood up and looked at the sea in front of her.

The swimming fish swayed against the tide of nothingness, its purple flesh cutting through the water.

Like cutting through a mirror.

Countless swimming fish jumped onto the water, shining like sparks in front of our eyes.

With a 'pop' sound, it sank into the water again.

The light also dissipated instantly.

The girl was shocked by the magnificent scenery in front of her, and suddenly she felt something weighing heavily on her heart.

Countless thoughts were running wildly in her mind, pushing her to the edge of madness.

Miss Zhang had to close her eyes.

He looked around with his peripheral vision.

There are false stars in the sky, and there is an endless ocean below.

There was no one else present except her, not even the remaining warmth of Mr. Basil's left hand in her left hand.

She took a deep breath and calmed down.

It was obvious that the other party was here for her, and she isolated the others to other places in order to fight her one-on-one.

The girl tightened the folding fan in her hand. Fortunately, the wand was still there, and Zhang Xiaolin couldn't help but feel happy.

Although with her level of magic, she had no problem casting most spells without a wand, casting spells was always smoother and easier with a wand in hand.

At this moment, ripples suddenly appeared on the lavender sea.

The swimming fish began to gather, gather, twist—condensing and shrinking into something more easily discernible.

They reconstitute themselves into an elliptical sphere - shaped like a human head.

Next comes the body, and finally the limbs.

After a while, two figures floated down silently and hung in front of her.

Those were the images of two young wizards.

One has short red hair and is a boy who looks younger.

The other one has long black hair and is a girl, relatively older.

Both of them were wearing exquisite and expensive church vestments. Wearing a sacred tree-shaped crown, one black and one white, holding a long sword.

"What?" Zhang Xiaolin frowned, holding the folding fan against her chest and looking at the two people in front of her cautiously.

"The absconder——" the two servants of God spoke at the same time, "I will judge you."

"Huh?" Miss Zhang frowned and looked at the two servants of God with confused eyes.

"I control life—I am the blade of Ionia."

"I control death - I am Diana's blade."

The Servant of the God of Life was the first to attack.

His long sword shone brightly, its platinum color was like the sun, and when he struck with the sword, it was as if the sun was shining brightly.

Miss Zhang just took one look and knew that she would never escape, so she simply stopped running.

The folding fan slowly opened, and the sea water rose suddenly, with waves dozens of feet thick standing up in front of it.

Although light can illuminate everything, it cannot illuminate the bottom of the sea.

"Thunder Emperor summons——"

The moment he resisted the Servant of the God of Life, a dazzling bolt of lightning jumped across the water and hit the Servant of the God of Life instantly. The lightning that could tear the sky apart struck him directly in the chest with irresistible power.

Although the long sword of the Servant of the God of Life could cut through the darkness, it was powerless under the lightning. He was knocked back several steps by the lightning strike and almost lost his grip on the white-gold long sword.

The next second, the servant of the God of Death suddenly inserted the black sword into the lavender sea.

In an instant, countless ferocious vines emerged from the bottom of the sea and immediately wrapped around Zhang Xiaolin's legs.

"So fast!" Miss Zhang was startled, and then immediately cast a spell, "Emperor Yan——"

Fire tornadoes arise from under your feet.

Filling her whole body.

The vines were burned clean.

Then, she suddenly waved the folding fan upwards.

Among the folding fans, two Kunpeng immediately spread their wings and soared into the sky.

Zhang Xiaolin stands on Kunpeng.

His eyes looked coldly at the two servants of God on the sea.

Those two people were somewhat familiar to her, as if she had seen them before somewhere.

It seems like a newspaper?

The red hair reminded her of Ron Weasley who had appeared in "Chang'an Di Bao" before.

Black hair, is that the American witch named Coyatl?

But after thinking about it carefully for a moment, she felt that she was delusional.

Those two people should be in the UK, thousands of kilometers away from me.

There is a man and a woman, one red and one black.

He must be the poor man who fell into the hands of the gods before.

Just like them, they were all swallowed up by the maelstrom.

Now, the gods have taken over their bodies to fight with themselves.

"In that case, let me free the hero."

Zhang Xiaolin squatted on the forehead of one Kunpeng and controlled the other one to bend down and harass the two divine servants.

And she began to accumulate magic power.

The silent magic was like a sea of ​​smoke, flowing slowly on her folding fan.

Kunpeng, who was leaning down, launched an attack on the servants of the gods.

Those wings that are more than a thousand miles away can incite hurricanes with just a flick of the wave.

The hurricane was like a sword blade, striking the male and female divine servants one after another.

After the two servants lost consciousness for a moment, their bodies were cut open by the hurricane. In the blink of an eye, they seemed to have been scratched by countless blades. Their clothes and bodies suffered huge damage.

Miss Zhang's eyelids twitched on the other Kunpeng - it can't be that simple!

She thought to herself.

Sure enough, as if to verify her idea, after a few breaths, all the injuries on the two servants of the gods disappeared. It's like it never happened.

The servant of the God of Death inserted the black sword into the sea again. Then, countless vines emerged from the sea like a ladder to the sky. They entangled each other, bound each other, and spread, and in an instant they tied up the bent Kun Peng. live.

The servant of the god of life jumped up the long vine ladder, his steps fast.

The sword in his hand once again suddenly lit up with the brilliance of the sun.

The scorching sun struck down with a sword.

The sword light went straight into Kunpeng's body for dozens of feet.


The giant beast covering the sky let out a mournful cry.

Then it quickly becomes smaller at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The servant of the god waved his sword two more times, and the giant beast shrank even faster.

Eventually it became the size of a koi carp again.

The bridge of vines is still spreading upward, almost reaching the height of Kunpeng where Miss Zhang is.

When Miss Zhang saw this, her expression was solemn, but she remained unmoved.

Even though the Kunpeng beneath her was severely injured and began to shrink, she was still condensing her magic.

Finally, the servant of God arrived in front of her.

Miss Zhang immediately jumped from the high altitude without hesitation.

The howling wind roared in her ears.

The moment she fell into the sea, her icy voice suddenly sounded, "The source of the flow, the vast ocean."

The folding fan shot out a magic spell and hit the sea beneath him.

The next second, the sea roared. Like an enraged beast.

Countless streams of water rushed towards the servant of the God of Death with their teeth and claws spread out in all directions.

The huge waves more than ten feet high turned into chains and engulfed the servant of God over and over again.

This is not water prison.

Creatures tied up in cross-currents are constantly being impacted by water flow from all directions and in all directions, which is faster and more ferocious than the flow of Niagara Falls. The wizard accused in it, for more than ten seconds The body of the clock will be washed away by the water, just like opening a thick book, uncovering the human skin page by page, and finally the flesh and blood.

The servant of the God of Death, the black-haired girl, was more fragile than Zhang Xiaolin imagined. Although she almost immediately wrapped herself with silent vines, trying to resist the past, how could the vines withstand the erosion of the sea - just In ten seconds, the vines cracked, and then they were retracted instantly, and her body was turned into a pool of blood in just a few seconds.

The remaining servants of the god of life.

Jump from the sky with her.

"Poof" - Zhang Xiaolin fell into the cross current.

In an instant, the water flow became her protective shield. The sword light heading towards her was washed away by the flow of water, and the servant of the god of life also fell into the cross current.

His fate was not much better than that of his companions.

In the blink of an eye, it was torn into a pool of blood by the water flowing from all directions.

"Hmph - I don't believe that this girl can still be resurrected after being like this."

Looking at the intricate and boiling water in the purple sea, Miss Zhang sneered.

resurrection? What kind of resurrection are you talking about?

The bodies of the two servants of gods have become one with the sea.

If she could still be resurrected, then she would just throw away the wand and collapse on the lavender sea, no need to fight.

I surrendered directly.


Origin magic, disaster, and sea currents—lasted for a full seven or eight minutes.

After Zhang Xiaolin was sure that the other party would not be resurrected, she terminated the magic.

Fortunately, her magical power far exceeds that of others, otherwise ordinary people would have fainted from exhaustion after casting such an exaggerated spell.

The sea became calm again.

Ms. Zhang was standing on the sea. For some reason, the water was very shallow for her and only reached her calves.

Panting heavily, she stood upright and looked around, fearing that something else might happen.

There are no other creatures around.

Just as she was relaxing a little, she suddenly felt her feet tighten.

Then a huge antoe emerged from the water, and she was standing on its back.

"Where are you taking me?"

Zhang Xiaolin did not refuse.

No matter what lies ahead, the worst possible outcome is death. Eighteen years later, I will be a hero again. Ah, not a hero!

The antoine fish slowly swung its tail, carrying Zhang Xiaolin forward on the lavender sea.

There is not only her on the sea, but also all kinds of ferocious twisted monsters traveling with her, boundless.

Schools of void antoas pass through.

From time to time - some dark-looking creatures emerge from the water. The eyes looked strange and terrifying. Evil everywhere.

There is no complete image anywhere, as if the painting had lost its inspiration halfway through. It seems that what it desperately wants to get is - complete!

After walking forward for about seven minutes.

An island suddenly appeared on the distant sea.

Said to be an island, it should actually be called a meteor falling into the sea.

Broken meteorites were scattered all over the ground.

Like a sea reef, densely packed.

If humans come in a sailboat, no matter how skilled the captain is, they will surely hit the rocks and sink.

Fortunately, the squid is not a sailboat. It twists its body and nimbly avoids the gravel.

Finally, the antoas stopped in front of the largest meteorite on the sea. Then it sank into the sea water.

Zhang Xiaolin raised her head, and from a distance, she saw what seemed to be an obelisk on the hill-like meteorite.

The black tower was not obvious in this dim environment, but she was sure it was an obelisk.

It looked like the one they were going to dig in Australia.


Suddenly a bolt of blue and white lightning struck from the bottom of the meteorite.

Miss Zhang's pupils tightened and she subconsciously raised the folding fan.

"Iron Armor"

After barely resisting the attack, her attention finally fell on the person who attacked her.


Zhang Xiaolin's eyes widened.

There was total disbelief on his face.

Standing in the distance was an old man of about sixty or seventy years old.

His hair is gray and his face is wrinkled.

Wearing a black wizard robe, the hem of the robe fluttered gently with his steps, a gray shirt, black trousers, and a pair of leather boots.

Looking into his own eyes, he revealed a kind of uninhibitedness and wildness, and there was a cynical smile on the corner of his mouth, which seemed to be mocking and contemptuous.


Zhang Xiaolin's voice was trembling. She couldn't believe that the real Grindelwald would appear here!

Then the person in front of you must be a fake.

But why did the god pretend to be Grindelwald?

Simply to scare yourself?

It should become the image of a master, at least then I will be a little shaken.

As for Grindelwald, although she had heard many stories about this legendary wizard from Winston, she had never met him in person and had only seen his photo in the newspaper.

If there was no fear, it would definitely be false. After all, that was a powerful wizard sweeping Europe, but if he was very scared, that was not the case.

In short, this enemy's attack method is closer to that of a wizard, which is much more difficult to deal with than the previous two servants of God.

Wait—servant of God?

So, the images of the two previous servants of God were also fake identities of other people?

So he really fucked those two little wizards like that?

Zhang Xiaolin shook her head and gathered her scattered thoughts.

"Before a fight, why don't you declare your family status? You are a six-eared macaque who is standing in someone else's face." She said solemnly.

"Supreme Will - Ionia."

The wizard with the face of Grindelwald said with a ferocious expression.

"Ionia?" Miss Zhang raised her eyebrows, "What kind of name is this? Why does it sound so strange? And this name should be a woman's name, right?"

"Forget it." Miss Zhang waved her hand, "So, why are you pretending to be Mr. Grindelwald?"


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