I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 461 The Milky Way Connecting the Coffin of Consciousness

"Wait a minute."

The goddess did not speak.

It was the bishop who spoke.

The vines were like sharp needles, inserting into his skin bit by bit.

He was controlled like a piece of wood.

The voice was still his, but no one could guarantee that the consciousness at this moment was still his.

Zhang Xiaolin didn't pay attention to the bishop at all.

All her black eyes fell on the goddess in the tree trunk.

She had a feeling that the other party was talking to her.

".I had a long dream."

Mr. Bishop, who was kneeling in front of the statue, lowered his head and stood up listlessly.

His voice changed.

It was no longer a man's voice, it became melodious and dull - with a long accent, as if the speaker had been speaking for thousands of years.

"The skin is like faded gold and blood gradually decaying." The woman's voice was biting and ruthless, and every word seemed to be pulled out of the cold abyss, carrying endless loneliness and indifference.

The air seemed to freeze, and the wizards' breathing became heavy and depressed.

The world around me seemed to have lost its color at this moment, leaving only gray and bleakness.

Click - Mr. Bishop's right arm suddenly underwent a terrible mutation, and his bones multiplied at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the blink of an eye, the palm completely disappeared, replaced by a bone sword exuding the luster of white jade.

"When I wake up, there are corpses, corpses, and corpses behind me."

In an instant, Mr. Bishop's black hair was dyed silver-white, like ice and snow under the moonlight, cold and noble.

The figure has also become taller and slender, and the emerald green eyes are overflowing with indifferent brilliance, able to penetrate all hypocrisy and lies.

".Waiting for your arrival."

The bone sword pointed at Miss Zhang Xiaolin from afar.

"Huh..." Ms. Zhang, who was cautious, took a deep breath, trying to calm down the shock and uneasiness in her heart.

"Who are you? Why are you waiting for me?"

Mr. Bishop, who had transformed into a goddess, responded coldly and hollowly, "I am the blade of the Supreme Will, Ionia, the goddess Diana."

As soon as the words fell, the entire canyon seemed to fall into deathly silence.

The sacred tree swayed and countless leaves fell.

The low hum from the soul caused the temperature of the entire canyon to drop sharply again.

The waves under the canyon in the distance were still spitting out white smoke due to the heat, but everyone felt as if they had fallen into an ice cave.

It was an attack on the soul, and they had fallen victim to it.

At this time, the black bird made a cry, returned from the high altitude, and landed on Miss Zhang's shoulder. The warm silver radiance was like sunlight penetrating dark clouds, dispelling a lot of chill for Miss Zhang.

Ms. Zhang, who felt slightly better, immediately waved her folding fan and launched an attack.

She knew very well that the other party was obviously not here to reason with her. Although she still doesn't understand the situation, it is always right to strike first.

The folding fan unfolded, and the bones made of sea water burst out. The two Kunpengs suddenly grew in size in a few breaths, their wings spread thousands of miles away, and they looked like two giant beasts, roaring and charging towards the goddess Diana.

"Emperor Yan has summoned——" Miss Zhang was afraid of being unsafe, so she waved her folding fan again and threw out a spear turned into flames.

Holy tree, holy tree, no matter how powerful it is, it is still a tree.

As long as it is wood, it is afraid of fire.

However, in the face of this fierce attack, the goddess Diana just smiled coldly. With a slight wave of the bone sword in her hand, the Kunpeng and flame guns rushing towards her seemed to have encountered an invisible barrier and dissipated in the air.

".The stars will shine again." Diana's voice was cold and hollow. There was a deep contempt in his eyes, as if he was watching a group of ants struggling.

"Return to the great unity."

After saying that, her figure disappeared.

Yes - completely disappeared.

Miss Zhang's pupils tightened, and she subconsciously cast the apparation spell.

But - while the space around her was still distorting, in just a few milliseconds, a bone sword appeared out of thin air and penetrated her body.


Zhang Xiaolin only felt as if her brain had been punched hard, and a strong weight came up, making her breathless. Then everything seemed to become blurred, as if a thick fog suddenly rose around her. Blocks all senses.

Those emerald green eyes were staring at her calmly.

Her soul was shrinking, her heart was screaming, but she couldn't turn her gaze away, completely enslaved to those huge, breathtaking eyes.

She spat out a mouthful of blood, and her disembodiment was abruptly interrupted.

The failed spell tore through her body and blood splattered everywhere.

But that's not the point.

The focus was on the bone sword, which pierced her heart. So unpretentious, simple and easy.

"Lin——" Mr. Basil and Mr. Winston on the side were shocked and their eyes were split.

But they didn't have time to get close.

The goddess's silver hair was like a sharp blade and like a vine, stabbing them constantly.

Mr. Basil held up the Iron Armor Charm, but it was completely useless.

The moment the silver hair came into contact with the Iron Armor Curse, a big hole melted out like a candle coming into contact with a flame.

Then the silver hair like a blade instantly penetrated his chest.

Mr. Winston looked at this scene in disbelief.

He apparated away in a hurry.

After dodging the silver hair, he immediately apparated to Mr. Basil, then dragged him away again.

"Lin - no - save her."

Mr. Basil shouted, but Winston just pulled him away from the pavilion under the sacred tree and returned to the bridge.

All the wizards also returned to the bridge.

Sirius gripped his wand tightly and issued an order, directing the wizards to distance themselves.

They can't go up hastily.

If you don't understand the opponent's attack methods, you are looking for death if you go up to them.

As adults, especially the Aurors who fight against dark wizards, they have long lost their enthusiasm. Battles cannot be won with enthusiasm. Sizing up the situation, calm judgment and execution of strict prohibitions are the keys to victory.

Mr. Winston quickly took out a bottle of fresh juice from his pocket and poured it on Mr. Basil's pierced chest.

The wound soon began to heal.

Fortunately, he breathed a sigh of relief, at least the goddess's attack method did not come with a curse.

It would be troublesome if that were the case.

On the other side, Zhang Xiaolin was still staring into those eyes, and there was life and vast, unknowable wisdom hidden in that gaze.

It saw her. Seeping into her, penetrating her, she felt her sanity begin to slip away, like a spool being thrown into the night. Miss Zhang felt her stomach twist into a ball, and the edge of her vision began to be surrounded by black shadows, squirming and meandering, as if to--



On the verge of death, her strong will to live finally made her escape from those eyes.

Zhang Xiaolin lowered her head and saw the bone sword that had pierced her heart and was greedily sucking her own blood.

The darkness in her eyes was caused by the massive blood loss.

Looking over the goddess's slender waist, she could see that the real goddess sleeping in the sacred tree in the distance was getting younger at a speed visible to the naked eye - her original limbs turned into tree trunks, her body was covered with moss, and her face was as dry as a thousand years old. corpse.

Now, after taking a lot of blood from her body, she began to gradually become younger. The tree trunk rushed towards and pulled out her limbs, and the moss on her body also faded quickly.

The dry body sprouts fresh and tender skin like a new sprout.

Zhang Xiaolin was startled by this frightening scene.

That so-called god wants to be resurrected, but the method of resurrection is to devour himself?

Waves of chills rushed from the soles of my feet to my head.

At this critical moment, she suddenly pressed the folding fan against the goddess's chest, and then murmured, "Yuanliu·Xingliu Thunder Strike."


The next second, a bolt of lightning squeezed out of the void, and suddenly knocked back the goddess Diana like a falling meteor.

The power of the magic was quite exaggerated. It actually exploded half of the goddess's upper body.

The left half of his chest was evaporated.

The raging lightning continued unabated, and actually rushed directly to the sacred tree.

However, the moment it came into contact with the goddess's true form in the tree trunk, a golden dharma ring suddenly appeared. Steadily withstood the lightning attack.

"Ahem—" Miss Zhang vomited blood.

The next second, Sirius appeared next to her.

Then, the two disappeared at the same time and returned to the stone bridge.

"Quick—save her," urged Mr. Basil.

Naturally, Winston didn't wait for him to say anything. Almost as soon as Miss Zhang appeared, he poured a large bottle of Bai Xian on her chest, took out other potions from his pocket, and poured them into her mouth.

"Sure enough, you also possess the power of gods." Sirius said, staring at Miss Zhang's twisted and painful face.

"What god? What power?" Winston asked subconsciously, all his eyes falling on Zhang Xiaolin. Her body was vaguely mysterious. The wound healed too quickly.

This is not normal - even for a wizard, having the heart penetrated is an extremely serious injury. Severe internal bleeding and heart failure can kill a person within a few minutes.

If it penetrates a large area, a person's life will only last about ten seconds.

Although there are many ways to treat injuries in the magical world, for injuries like this, unless a therapist is by your side to rescue them immediately, there is no chance of survival.

As for Miss Zhang - he noticed that more than half of the damage caused by the failed Apparition spell on her body had healed itself.

This is nothing short of a miracle.

This reminded Winston of Victor, who was teaching at Hogwarts, and the ancient magic he was studying.

That kind of magic has a powerful mutation effect on organisms. His left arm was forced to be amputated due to mutation in an ancient magic human experiment.

Could it be that Zhang Zhang in front of him possesses that kind of magic power?

"Outer gods, ancient magic." Sirius frowned and replied. Within the Order of the Phoenix, especially Dumbledore and Grindelwald did not want things about gods and ancient magic to be known to the public.

There are other divine grant towers in the world, and this power may also be contained there. If the news spreads, he can think of it with his toes, and I am afraid that dark wizards all over the world will frantically search for these divine grant towers.

In order to obtain the magic power and become the heir of the gods.

Even some white wizards will be moved.

After all, who can refuse that kind of powerful power?

"Is it really ancient magic?" Winston murmured, with complex emotions in his eyes. He knew the power and danger of ancient magic, but he was also attracted to this kind of power, otherwise he would not have lost it in the first place. His left arm.

Miss Zhang also calmed down a little at this time. Although her head was confused, she finally had some energy.

She knew that her body was different from others. Just like yesterday when she fought with the Thorn Man, vines grew all over her body, she lost a lot of blood and was covered with wounds. But just like that, she slept in the church all night, and when she got up early, she didn't have any scars on her body. Down.

Master discovered this very early and warned her never to tell others her secrets.

She also disguised her hair. She didn't know why the master did this, but she never asked him out of trust.

The conversation between Sirius and Winston also fell into her ears.

But this still couldn't solve the doubts in her heart.

What god?

Are there really gods in this world?

Do you possess the power of a god?

Why does it sound so unreliable?

Sirius' eyes were bright. He knew more, but he could not share it with others because of the principle of confidentiality.

In fact, since the Battle of the Brazilian Divine Grant Tower.

After the Purifiers' research information on the Outer Gods was exposed, the Federation established a professional excavation team. It was the United Wizards Relics Protection Committee. Their mission was to rely on the intelligence obtained from Ionia City to excavate those sites around the world. Seven Divine Grant Towers, study the secrets within them, and search for the possible successors to the power of the Divine Grant Towers.

For example, there is an existence like Koyatel.

There is only one divine ordination tower in East Asia, located in India.

The Divine Grant Tower is the safest one discovered by the Federation so far. It seems that someone studied it decades ago and took away part of the essence of the god sealed inside.

Although there are some minor troubles, they will not cause as much momentum and danger as other divine grant towers.

In this case, where does the power inherited by Miss Zhang come from?

Sirius had enough reason to believe that part of the essence of the gods left in the God's Grant Tower in Australia was inherited by the so-called goddess Diana. They inherited this magic power, and the final heir was none other than Miss Zhang.

Then he knows the name of the one in the holy tree now - Ionia - it is the true name of the outer god.

Supreme Will Ionia Samothrace.

The few words of conversation just now had proved that the Supreme Will wanted to take back her power.

How to take it back?

It is nothing more than devouring flesh and soul.

It will be a battle between gods and gods, and the winner will be...

For a moment, Sirius's thoughts paused.

Because he realized that if that Zhang won and took the power of the outer god, then she - would it still be her?

Maybe she will become like Voldemort, a puppet of power, controlled by God, and become a scourge to one party.

But if she loses, then they may never be able to leave this virtual realm.

Inexplicably, Sirius missed Owen a little.

As a true heir of ancient magic, an inheritor who was born to be an enemy of the outer gods, he must have a way to deal with the troubles in front of him.

But now - he doesn't know where Owen and Grindelwald have gone.

But he should be doing the same work as them, searching for the Divine Grant Tower in other parts of the world, as well as the magic that may be lost in the Divine Grant Tower.


"I don't know if they've ever been in trouble like me."

Sirius' thoughts began to become confused.

But reality did not give him time to continue to fall into chaos.

The puppet whose body was half blown apart by Zhang Xiaolin.

Countless black mist suddenly spurted out from her wound.

There were silvery spots of light shining in the black mist, as if a gathering of the Milky Way was slowly opening up.

Sirius suddenly felt bad.

But then he and the other wizards present were horrified to discover.

The Disapparation Spell seems to have failed.

It seemed as if countless anti-Apparition spells had been cast on the surrounding area.

They could only watch helplessly as the Milky Way enveloped the entire canyon.

The stone bridge in front of them has also undergone tremendous changes. The stone bridge, which was obviously in dilapidated condition just now, suddenly took on a new look. The pavilions and statues in front of it also disappeared. The huge sacred tree and the goddess at the trunk disappeared. Instead, there was a luminous sphere at the core of the galaxy - it seemed to be some kind of passage, guiding them to enter.

"Damn-" Sirius couldn't help but curse.

They no longer have the option to leave.

"Since the other party has set a stage for us, we have no choice but to perform on stage."

Miss Zhang, who was gradually recovering from her injuries, said coldly as she stood up from Mr. Basil's arms.

Her soul has a strong urge to return, just like a river that will eventually flow into the sea. In the distance, the sphere in the trunk of the sacred tree serves the purpose of the sea for her.

All around, the wizards sighed.

Now, they seem to be getting closer and closer to death.

A strange virtual world, relatives in blooming spiritual flowers, a strange island, and finally even gods appeared.

They are moving step by step towards death and towards eternal peace.

Since the reality remains

"Then let's go in and have a try!"

The tall, strong wizard with Slavic ancestry, Craig Yaxley, spoke.

Everyone present is a young man in his twenties and thirties, and they have already achieved achievements that are difficult for ordinary people to achieve at such a young age.

They are the proud sons of heaven, and each one of them is an outstanding graduate of the school.

They will not just give up. Even if it is heaven or hell, these young people dare to jump in and have a try!

The wizards quickly reached a consensus.

If they cannot completely defeat this so-called god, they may end up becoming mindless puppets like the residents of the town.

In this case, they are willing to give it a try.

Zhang Xiaolin walked at the front.

Her eyes were staring straight at the ball of light in the tree trunk.

Mr. Basil held her left hand, and the two were almost side by side. Miss Zhang did not refuse, but held it harder.

Finally, they walked into the pavilion again.

The glowing orb is almost within reach.

Zhang Xiaolin turned her head and looked at Mr. Basil.

The other party smiled gently and nodded slightly.

Then, Zhang Xiaolin raised her right hand and touched the ball lightly.

The next second, invisible gravity suddenly burst out, and almost in the blink of an eye, the core of the galaxy swallowed them up.

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