I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 463 The Self in the Coffin of Consciousness

Chapter 463 Coffin of Consciousness·Identity

"Thunder Emperor summons——"

Zhang Xiaolin waved her folding fan again, and this time, the lightning she released was even faster, like a silver dragon rushing straight towards Grindelwald.

Lightning and lightning collided in the air, bursting out with dazzling light and strong energy fluctuations.

Miss Zhang's lightning fell into the water, causing bursts of white smoke.

When Grindelwald's lightning fell into the water, it seemed to activate something. The next moment, in the sea water, several ferocious monsters crawled out of the water. They were - several gargoyles.

No - not a stone statue, but a creature made of flesh and blood.

Bang - they threw the stone ax with the same flesh and blood structure at Miss Zhang's waist.

The fierce ax wind pierced the sea surface.

"Armor protection!"

Invisible armor squeezed out of the void.


A dull voice sounded.

What surprised her was that there were cracks in her armor spell.


The next moment, Zhang Xiaolin wanted to cast the phantom transformation spell to put distance between herself and the gargoyle.

But it's a pity - this place seems to have no concept of space at all.

Her spell is like finding cracks in a strong material, and there is not even a pinhole-sized gap in the surrounding space.

Naturally, she couldn't activate this disembodiment spell.


The Apparition spell failed, causing her to lose some time.

The remaining two axes had arrived in front of her.

Seeing this, Zhang Xiaolin had no choice but to dodge sideways and dexterously, and at the same time unfold the folding fan. The seawater in the fan built a thick wall of water to control the stone axe.

"Give it back to you!"

Zhang Xiaolin's eyes flashed with anger, and then she controlled the water flow, increased the water pressure, and aimed at the ferocious gargoyles flying towards her. The stone ax was projected out like a cannonball.


The speed at which the stone ax shoots out is not very fast.

Even a little slow.

But the gargoyle flies too fast.

He looked like he was anxious to bite her neck.

The one that rushed the fastest had no time to dodge, and was hit in the head by the axe, and fell into the sea water.

Another one had its wings chopped off by a stone axe, causing its flying speed to be greatly reduced, but it still staggered towards her without knowing whether to live or die.

The farthest gargoyle perfectly avoided the stone ax attack.

But it is still some distance away from Miss Zhang.

And that was enough for her to cast some other spells.

"Tongtong Petrochemical——"

"Shattered to pieces——"

"There are many obstacles -"

The girl dexterously waved the folding fan in her hand, and the magic spell shot from the fan bone first hit the flying and staggering stone statue.

But the subsequent obstacle spell was easily dodged by the intact gargoyle.

Facing the approaching crisis, Zhang Xiaolin had to conjure an iron shield from the thin air to block the stone statue's attack.

Although the stone statue waved its sharp claws on the shield and made a sound like a gong, it was barely able to resist it.

"Thunder Emperor——"

In the moment between the stone statue's attacks, the witch immediately fired a lightning spear.

The spear went straight through the stone statue, blasting it into a pile of rubble.

"It seems like you need to bring a stronger spell, Ionia!" Zhang Xiaolin had a joking smile on her face, her long silver hair was beating wildly, her black eyes were dyed with a touch of emerald green, and she looked at Very spooky.

She stepped on the broken and twitching flesh of the gargoyle, raised her head, and continued to say mockingly, "You clown, you dare not show your true face, and you are still claiming to have a supreme will.

Bah - bullshit will!

Is this all you can do? "


Ionia, who looked like Grindelwald, smiled coldly.

Then his body began to crack, or break up.

It's like a ball of ink divided into several drops.

They sank into the lavender sea, and then caused restlessness in the sea area.

The boiling sea spit out countless terrible monsters.

Densely packed purple Acromantulas.

The dementors that cover the sky.

The Selma Lake Monster (giant sea serpent) wrapped in fine flames.

The Deathborn who controls the lightning whip.

An ancient golem wielding a sword.

There is also a giant dragon that spits blue and white flames from its mouth.

There are even a few manticores and river trolls.

Almost in the blink of an eye, countless enemies appeared in front of Meteor Hill.

Under the false starry sky, the end is coming.

The only gleam of brilliance shone on Zhang Xiaolin's body.

It's like a candle in the wind, so weak that it seems like it will be extinguished in the next second.

Loneliness, dullness, and death filled the entire battlefield.

"Is this enough?"

A dull voice came from among the monsters.

With teasing and contempt.

"Depend on--"

Zhang Xiaolin's eyes widened.

I wish I could slap myself in the mouth, why would I provoke him when I have nothing to do?

"All right--"

"All right!"

The corners of the witch's mouth twitched slightly.

She knew she had to do her best.

"Is it such a big scene?"

Her eyes showed determination, and she lowered her head and then looked down at the folding fan in her hand.

"Calling God—Guard!!"

The bright silver light was billowing on her folding fan, and a dexterous black bird spread its wings and flew high from the painted fan.

The witch injects part of her will into the black bird.

This is an advanced application of the Patron Saint Spell. With a wizard's consciousness, the Patron Saint can complete tasks such as delivering messages, guiding the road, etc. without casting spells.

Xuanniao rushed into the enemy formation with an indomitable momentum.

Suddenly, a large number of Dementors and Deathborn were attracted by it, and the two sides fought together.

"Looks like I'm going to use some illegal magic too."

Zhang Xiaolin shook her head, "Master definitely doesn't like this move."

"Because this trick is not Taixue's magic."

The girl folded her folding fan.

This folding fan is made from the trunk of the sycamore tree that grows on the top of Taixue Mountain.

It is about fifteen inches long and two to three inches thick.

Her phoenix tail feather wand is embedded in it.

This is a very precious magic weapon.

The sycamore tree of unknown age contains huge magic power, which allows her to easily transform into various creatures, and its blessing of transformation has reached an exaggerated level.

This was a coming-of-age gift from her husband, but now, she reached out and took apart the entire folding fan.

The witch took out her wand and threw out the other sycamore wood frames of the folding fan.

The sycamore tree fell into the lavender sea and turned into some kind of formation.

They sank into the sea according to the arrangement of the Three Talents Formation.

Lights up faintly with fluorescence.

Miss Zhang held the phoenix tail feather wand and waved it gently, and the tip of the wand flashed with dazzling golden light.

Three streaks of yellow paper came out of her sleeves and hung on the sycamore tree.

In an instant, the sycamore tree was ignited, like an incense stick.

The girl stands with two fingers of her left hand in front of her chest.

The magic spell on his right hand drew countless ancient magic patterns in the air.

The golden hieroglyphics are like living tadpoles, shining with golden light and falling into the lavender sea.

"The human way is vague, the immortal way is vast; the ghost way is happy, when you are born, the immortal way is precious, and the ghost way is precious.

The path of immortality is always auspicious, and the path of ghosts is always inauspicious. It is high and pure, spiritual and beautiful, and its tragic songs are loud in the sky. "

"I only wish that immortality can be achieved, but I don't want humanity to be poor."

Three thick bolts of lightning struck from high in the sky, and the surface of the lavender sea began to ripple, as if something was awakening from the depths of the sea.

Immediately afterwards, three intense rays of light burst out from the bottom of the sea and shot straight into the sky, illuminating the surrounding sea area like daylight.

"The weather is in chaos - my Taoist sun is prosperous!"

Zhang Xiaolin finished reciting.

The ignited sycamore trees suddenly rose from the water to the sky.

The yellow paper wrapping them turned into building blocks of flesh and blood.

In an instant, the yellow paper transformed into three burly gods.

The first person to take the step was a giant with his upper body naked and covered in flames.

The giant is six or seven meters tall.

The figure is burly, like a majestic mountain peak towering between heaven and earth.

The body is as hard as bronze, the muscles are well defined, the face is broad, and the eyes are bright.

Her hair was like a blazing fire, blowing in the wind while it was hot.

The pair of eyes that exuded a faint golden glow fell on Zhang Xiaolin.

Seeing this, the girl quickly saluted and bowed.

The giant nodded.

He looked towards the battlefield filled with demons.


The giant laughed three times, and powerful resonance burst out from his chest. Just this simple laughter killed countless monsters.

Then the giant strode toward the battlefield. His hands seemed to be powerful, and his golden eyes revealed supreme majesty. With a casual grab, he grabbed the flame-ridden Selma Lake Monster and held it in his hands.

Then he pulled hard and tore the Selma Lake Monster in half.

Throw it away.

Immediately, he stamped his foot hard again.

Waves of waves suddenly arose, easily killing many Acromantulas.

Then, another sycamore tree emitted light.

The yellow paper instantly created the appearance of the next stalwart figure.

He was a man with a tall and straight body and sharp-cut face. He stood there like an ancient pine standing proudly between heaven and earth.

He has thick and shiny black hair that flutters gently in the wind, and his arms are strong. One hand holds a long bow, and the other hand holds a lightning-like arrow made of pure ability.

The man was more than two meters tall, and seemed a bit weaker than the previous one.

But those eyes were unusually bright, and he looked up at the giant dragon circling arrogantly in the sky.

Although the man did not show any expression, one could still feel the mockery in his eyes.

After saying that, the man stretched his bow and nocked an arrow, pulled back the carved bow like a full moon, and shot out a shooting star.


The dragon sensed the danger, raised its head and breathed out its dragon breath.

The rushing flames, like waterfalls, sprinkled down from the sky.

The meteor shot through the clouds and shot up, and its huge power stirred the dragon's flames, causing them to disperse.

Obviously, the dragon had no idea that the power of this arrow would be so huge.

When it reacted, it was too late to flap its wings to avoid it.

The meteor's blow instantly penetrated its head.

Before it could even let out a howl, the dragon completely lost its vitality and fell from the sky.

"Wow - strong - so invincible!"

Miss Zhang's eyes were shining, and she was so fascinated by her majestic ancestors that she drooled.

She knew that using thousands of years of sycamore wood could greatly enhance the power of this spell.

But she hasn't really tried it, so how can she know the true power of the divine magic with blessing?

You know, ordinary Kunlun Xu students even use this magic to summon gods.

Even if it can be used, the ones summoned are just ordinary soldiers, armored soldiers and the like.

The Great God has no interest in children's fights.

He may be the first wizard to summon such a powerful ancestor in the Ming magic world in hundreds of years.

Zhang Xiaolin looked proud at first.

After all, who can do this easily?

"No wonder - no wonder, Kunlunxu and those guys have been fighting with the Imperial Academy for thousands of years."

Kunlunxu and Chang'an Imperial Academy have never been able to deal with each other very well.

Kunlunxu's students felt that Taixue was too worldly and had lost the mystery that a wizard should have.

The students of Taixue felt that Kunlun Xushenshen was talking about a group of liars who went everywhere to deceive people.

The competition between the two schools has never stopped since they were established.

Therefore, the Master is very disgusted with the students of Taixue learning Kunlunxu's magic, but if you really learn it, he will only be angry with you for a few words, and there will be no real punishment.

After all, Kunlunxu is the magic school of the Ming Dynasty. Although the two sides compete, they can be regarded as inheriting the same tradition. Outside, students from the two schools will also call each other seniors and sisters.

"I think of the time when Zhang Tianshi spread beans and made soldiers. With this magic, he could transform into a top-notch warrior. Although it might not be that strong."

"Yeah - it's all the old master's fault - Kunlunxu's magic is very easy to use, why don't you let the students practice it? It's true that they are stupid because of reading. They talk about it all day long."

Looking at the powerful ancestors in front of her, Zhang Xiaolin was very proud.

But she quickly came to her senses and said thoughtfully: "So Master gave me three sycamore trees because he expected that I would encounter such danger in the future?"

The girl rubbed her chin. Legend has it that the heavenly masters of Kunlunxu were all proficient in divination from the Book of Changes. How could it be reasonable to calculate that she would be in such a calamity?

"But - now I have become the Great Sage Sun. This is how I used three life-saving hairs."

"Feeling bad——"

Miss Zhang covered her chest, the excitement on her face disappeared.

This is how such a precious treasure is used.

I don’t know if the old master still has it in stock - I can get another hundred and eighty.


The battle on the sea has entered a fever pitch.

Countless monsters were easily wiped out by the two great gods.

But the monster's body will resurrect after falling into the sea.

This back and forth tug went on for a long time.

Zhang Xiaolin glanced at the last person in the three-talent formation.

A quarter of the sycamore tree had burned.

The ancestors that can be summoned have not yet appeared.

This made her a little confused and a little surprised.

Which charming ancestor is it that is so difficult to invite?

Countless names flashed through her mind.

But she rejected them one by one.

On the other side - the monsters launched a general attack.

Sea serpents, giant dragons, acromantic spiders, manticores, and river monsters.

Wait - countless dark creatures, like moths seeing candlelight, overwhelmingly attacked her like wind and waves.

The number was so large that the two great gods were overwhelmed for a moment.

Finally, the last burning sycamore tree lit up with a golden glow.

The next second, countless yellow papers split into countless pieces like crazy, and a tornado blew away the yellow papers.

Like snow, yellow paper began to fall all over the sky and the earth.

When the yellow paper is gathered together, the sky is like a chicken's egg and round like a bullet.

Just like the yellow shell. The scent of incense envelopes it, and it floats on water.

Then, a heartbeat sound like a war drum suddenly came from the chicken.

The sound is getting louder and louder.

Suddenly, there were cracks all over the chicken.

The next moment, the crack seemed to be split open by some kind of sharp weapon, and with a loud noise, a majestic giant appeared on the lavender sea.

His figure was extremely majestic, seemingly dozens of meters high. Standing at his feet and looking up, it seemed as if this figure was holding up the sky.

His body was as majestic as a mountain, and every muscle seemed to contain endless power.

The giant slowly turned his head and looked at Zhang Xiaolin.

The girl was stunned.

Her black pupils reflected a resolute and profound face.

The vicissitudes of time and the mystery of the first opening of heaven and earth are condensed between the eyebrows.


Miss Zhang finally couldn't help but exclaimed.

Oh my god - she actually asked God to bring Pangu out?

How is this possible - no - this is not scientific or magical!

But in front of me - I saw that the giant connected to the sky and the earth looked at the girl and then turned his head leisurely.

Then, he picked up the giant ax in his hand and struck at the dark creature in front of him.

With just one blow, the entire lavender sea seemed to explode like thunder!

The ocean was actually split into a deep trench that was difficult to see through.

The meteor hill in the distance was also split in half by the axe.

In an instant, the earth shook and the mountains were devastated, and countless pieces of gravel fell from the sky and fell into the sea.

Nearly half of the hill collapsed.

"Oh my god -" Miss Zhang had stopped thinking and was in an out-of-body state.

Shock was no longer enough to describe her mood at the moment.

Ecstasy—ecstasy is the right thing to do!

"Hahaha - I don't know why Pangu was invited, but - haha ​​- the three great gods Kuafu, Houyi and Pangu are with me. I want to be invincible. If I were outside, I would be ready to ascend the throne and become the Queen of the Earth. ——Haha." The girl laughed so hard that she couldn't even straighten her waist. She laughed until she breathed out, and then coughed violently.

But after coughing, she laughed again.

It's a pity that it's still early - if it were twenty years later, Miss Zhang would definitely sing - how lonely it is to be invincible.

"--Hey--over there, you are a kind of monster that doesn't know the dawn of the day, and you don't know the spring and autumn. This girl--no--this professor--oh no--this lady. I'm warning you, surrender quickly. Those who confess will be treated with leniency, those who resist will be treated with severity.”

Zhang Xiaolin felt like a spring breeze, her little head raised to face the stars in the sky.

She stood behind the three great gods, majestic, majestic and majestic from all directions.

It was in the limelight for a while.

It's a pity - these monsters from the darkness don't have any sense.

They were still attacking the girl crazily.

Although the battle was a one-sided massacre.

No matter what kind of monster the flesh and blood transforms into, it is no match for the three great gods.

They are killing indiscriminately, Zhang Xiaolin is responsible for the killing, and her charming ancestors are responsible for the killing.

Gradually, the roars of the dark creatures on the battlefield stopped.

Everything is settled.

No matter how much you invest in resurrection coins, your enemy's health bar doesn't even leak out and is completely invincible. What can you do?

Apart from scolding the game, it’s a rubbish game with so many bugs, what else can it do?

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