I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 455 Diana’s Sacred Tree

Everyone moved forward step by step, everyone holding their wands tightly and staying vigilant, looking around, ready to deal with possible dangers at any time.

This journey was not peaceful. From time to time, they would encounter attacks from entangled vines and sharp thorns sticking out. However, attacks of that level could only bully a young wizard of four or five years old. For adult wizards, they were still a group of arrogant people. For Luo, this was completely useless.

As time goes by, the surrounding air becomes more and more humid, and a strong smell of plants spreads in the passage.

Small white flowers growing from the gaps in the vines spit out golden pollen.

The wizards had to put up iron armor spells to isolate all foreign objects and the air.

The pollen was so thick that soon they could no longer see the road ahead.

But fortunately, there is only one road here, there is no fork in the road, just move forward.

About five or six minutes later, the corridor in front of us finally came to an end.

Sirius looked out from the entrance of the tunnel made of vines. At this moment, he felt as if he was standing at the end of the world.

A large rift deep into the ground, with sporadic fluorescence, is surrounded by the openings of dozens of other tunnels. It is obvious that there is more than one entrance leading here.

Based on the color and thickness of the vines, he could probably guess that the tunnels must have been dug in chronological order, like a row of trees, from dead wood to seedlings, which was very easy to identify.

He raised his wand and read; "Ultimate Lumos."

Three dazzling fluorescent lights flew from the tip of his wand.

It was like a light bulb suspended directly above the canyon.

Fluorescent lights distributed in different locations illuminate the entire canyon.

His vision suddenly brightened.

He saw - a huge tree crown?

Looking down along the light, he visually determined that the canyon was at least a hundred feet deep.

Suddenly there was a cold wind, and Sirius couldn't help but shiver.

There was a sound like howling in the wind, as if there were countless ghostly ghosts gathered around, staring at them eagerly.

Steady his mind—his gaze was straight ahead.

There is a bridge leading to the giant tree.

The bridge was covered with greedy weeds, thorns, thick fallen leaves and withered bodies.

They sat on the ground, holding their legs with their hands, facing the direction of the giant tree.

What everyone is happy about is that the magnificent platform in front of them, including the bridge, is all made of stone.

This is much more comfortable than stepping on vines.

The bridge in front of me is composed of endless piers, each piece of stone the size of a pyramid. It goes deep into the bottom of the canyon to support this broken bridge, which seems to collapse if you step on it.

Except for the stone bridge in front of him, the dozen or so tunnel openings were all connected by bridges.

The style of carved beams and painted buildings may have come from a great architect in the Middle Ages. At the end of more than a dozen stone bridges is a circular platform that connects all roads.

Sirius looked at the people behind him.

Miss Zhang Xiaolin, Mr. Basil, Mr. Winston, and Craig Yaxley, etc.—these are the strongest combat forces that the Federation can produce except for the legendary wizards.

This is also the reason why the rules set by the Federation can be followed by other countries. It is these geniuses who are behind it.

Sirius unloaded the unnecessary psychological burden and walked onto the bridge. He stared at the surroundings with vigilance and surprise. There was such a strong wind on the bridge - although there were vines all around here, he was sure that there was nothing behind these vines. It is a rock wall, but an empty mountain range, or facing the sea. Someone has hidden it with vines to protect something.

In front of him, the giant tree became slightly clearer.

Its trunk is thick and strong, at least dozens of feet in diameter, and its bark is covered with ravines and cracks left by time.

The dense branches and leaves formed a huge canopy. The leaves were wide and thick, showing a dark green color, and shone with a faint light. The light was not dazzling, and it was not even enough to illuminate this huge empty cave. Like the crescent moon, it only gave the surroundings of the cave a faint layer of fluorescence.

It's hard to believe that such a huge tree could grow in such a ghostly place that never sees the light of day. This was even more surprising than Harry actually being a girl in disguise.

Sirius kept a tight grip on his wand.

He knew that the weirder the place, the more likely an unexpected attack would occur.

Perhaps his deepest worries were heard by the monster, or perhaps it was to conform to his thoughts, in short - they heard a terrifying scream.

Coming from the left.

Subconsciously, Sirius cast out a magic spell almost as soon as he heard the sound. The red spell hit something, and then he turned his head.

There was another strange cry, and a ferocious monster climbed up from under the bridge. The monster's body was smooth and round, with a huge mandible, revealing transparent needle-like teeth inside, protruding fiercely outwards. The sides of its body are constantly expanding and contracting, as if it is breathing.

It has no eyes, and the face above its lower jaw is smooth and integrated. At this time, the monster is squatting on all fours on the broken railing stone pier of the bridge, and its lower jaw seems to want to shoot something-a tongue? Or teeth?

Sirius couldn't figure it out, but his blasting spell had left the wand.

The monster's body was hit by the spell, and then with a 'bang' sound, it exploded into a pile of minced meat.

This is a signal.

Immediately afterwards, countless strange screams sounded. It seemed like it had disturbed the bats in the cave.

Hundreds of monsters appeared, all of them opened their mouths, stuck out their tongues in the air and glowed brightly, and climbed up frantically from under the bridge.


"What are you doing?" Zhang Xiaolin frowned, her face full of disgust and disgust. This kind of monster is really ugly. Although she doesn't know much about magical creatures, all of Ming's magical creatures are cute and cute. It was pitiful, this was the first time she had seen such an ugly and ferocious creature.

"Emperor Yan——"

With a wave of the folding fan, the fire tornado twisted and rushed towards the group of ugly monsters, burning a lot of them to ashes in an instant.

"Real food——" Miss Zhang commented.

However, although the monsters lacked attack methods and simply bit them, it had no effect on them. However, there were so many of them that they seemed to be endless. They climbed up from under the bridge one after another. Their number was really scary. .

Other wizards also got involved.

Brilliant magic spells swayed with paint in the pale sky, blood and roars blended in the wind, and on the dilapidated bridge, an epic war destined to be unknown to outsiders began.

The feeling of the magic spell hitting the monster was like mashing garlic in a mortar. It was a pity that Owen was not here, otherwise he would definitely have the horrifying thought of whether the monster could eat it.

The battle lasted about ten minutes.

The monster's blood dyed almost the entire bridge bright green.

Finally, their attack momentum became sluggish.

They no longer approached the wizard, but crawled crazily towards the surrounding vine walls, and then stared ferociously at the group of meat reaching their mouths.

Sirius wiped the sweat from his forehead. Although he never used any powerful spells from beginning to end, just using these dark magic defense spells so frequently was very draining.

He watched the monsters warily.

Among the densely packed ant-like creatures, there are some other types of monsters. It is a bipedal monster with slender limbs and four claws that can open its mouth. Their skin is dark brown like tree bark. It is also covered in wrinkles. Obviously, such skin should be able to resist some low-level spells.

The monsters just got tougher.

Sirius's face became more and more gloomy.

It's just a truce now - a truce for a reason.

There was calm on the stone bridge.

The wizards all stared around with vigilance, never putting down their wands.

Suddenly, Mr. Bishop, who was being carried along, squeezed out of the crowd.

Everyone's attention was on their surroundings and they neglected to monitor him.

He suddenly ran to the end of the stone bridge.

Then he knelt on the ground with a plop and began to chant some strange prayers.

Sirius quickly followed, his steps were fast, his boots stepped on the monster's blood, and he reached the end of the stone bridge in a few steps.

There is a pavilion on the platform at the end of the bridge. It is in Gothic style, with a towering spire, light flying buttresses, and several marble pillars carved with exquisite patterns. If you look carefully, you can see that it is the blooming spirit flower. .

A kind of white fungal cocoon is piled around the pavilion, and an unknown dark red liquid gathers in the center of the pavilion. How can there be a sculpture like this? The base of the statue is carved with intricate tree roots. There is a woman on the steps wearing rough linen clothes. , holding a blooming spiritual flower in his hand.

It's a pity that they can't smell the fragrance of blooming flowers. Even though the sculpture is surrounded by thick vines, fallen leaves and some kind of reeds, there is only a strong smell of decay flowing through their noses.

These plants were completely unable to cover up the strong smell of decay.

Sirius ignored Mr. Bishop who was kneeling in front of the sculpture and walked straight past it.

Holding on to the stone guardrail with both hands.

The leafy branches of the big tree in front of him blocked his sight.

Just when he was about to cast a spell to clear away these branches, before he could do it, the red branches and leaves slowly pulled back on their own, as if welcoming guests.

Finally, there was nothing blocking Sirius' eyes.

He finally saw the trunk of the giant tree clearly.


Miss Zhang Xiaolin and Mr. Basil walked closer and exclaimed with their eyes widened.

At the other end of the stone bridge, they just looked at it from a distance and could not see the details clearly.

After getting really close, everyone discovered that the shape of the trunk of this giant tree - the inside of the cylindrical trunk seemed to be hollowed out, and there was a huge figure that looked like a woman carved out by a carpenter with a baby curled up in the mother's womb. The posture is lying quietly among the tree trunks.

But in the abdomen of the wood carving, the woman's abdomen, there is really a person.

a woman.

She was also lying in a curled up position.

Half of her body and arms were integrated into the tree. She had no hair, or her hair had turned into a tree trunk, and a wooden crescent crown was worn on the top of her head.

The woman is haggard and looks like a female ghost. The exposed skin above her chest is as old as the ravines and cracks on the bark of a tree. Her face is covered with moss. She is missing one eye, and the other one is also cloudy and seems to be in the socket. She stuffed a stone into it, and when everyone looked at her, this monster who had lived for an unknown period of time was also looking at them.

she is laughing

Everyone noticed. It was as if she had expected them to come and had been waiting for them.

"Who is she?" Sirius immediately asked Mr. Bishop, who was kneeling in prayer.

"This is Diana's sacred tree." Mr. Bishop replied like a puppet, "My Lord is the only master of this virtual realm."

"Diana's sacred tree?" Sirius frowned. As a wizard, don't expect him to know much about Muggle mythology.

At this time, Winston explained, "In Roman mythology, Diana is a sacred goddess of the moon, hunting and childbirth, animals, and plants, and has the power to control the speech of animals. She originated from the Nemi region of Italy. The goddess later annexed the goddesses Artemis, Hecate and other goddesses in Greek mythology, and also annexed the Carthaginian goddess of heaven Celesta.”

"According to mythology, Diana was originally a forest goddess in the Latin area, and the oak tree was her sacred tree. Legend has it that Diana's priests lived in the oak forest. Whenever someone cut off the branches of the oak tree, the priests would feel very frightened. Because According to regulations, the way to succeed Diana's priests is to kill the previous priest. The oak branches are broken, which means that the person who breaks the branches can come and kill the previous priest.

Because she has annexed many gods from other myths, her duties are quite confusing. Among her many priesthoods, she has the ability to bring plagues, diseases, and sudden death to people. "

"So we are facing a god?" Mr. Basil exclaimed in disbelief.

"Maybe - maybe - I don't know." Mr. Winston also had a look of disbelief on his face and even spoke intermittently.

"Tch - isn't she a god? Hurry up and ask her to let us out, otherwise I will set fire to this holy tree and burn it!" While the wizards around her were in shock, Miss Zhang had no regard for the god at all. In awe, she raised her head and stared at Mr. Bishop with disdain. The corners of her mouth were raised slightly, and she said with an arrogance that is difficult for ordinary people to understand: "How can a tree scare you like this? The smoke and clouds of the sycamore trees of my Chang'an Imperial College are more powerful than the sycamore smoke. I don’t know how much more spectacular this is!”

"Smoke of sycamore trees?" Mr. Basil asked subconsciously.

"It is a spiritual tree with a canopy that can cover a mountain range. It is hundreds of feet high. There are many phoenixes perched on the branches of the sycamore. Whenever the phoenix nirvana, the virtual image of the flame will ignite the entire spiritual tree. Of course, it is only a virtual image, but It looks very spectacular, with the tree crowns dominating the entire sky like flaming clouds. Anyone who has seen it will never forget it, and this sight is called Wutong Smoke Cloud."

Zhang Xiaolin explained briskly, her tone full of pride.

"Besides - Taixue also has seven other major landscapes - Wanlin Valley, Forest Market, Baiguang Canyon, Sage Road, Glazed Phoenix, etc. - in short, Chang'an students are like gentlemen, Chang'an Taixue, Bright as the morning sun."


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