I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 456 Goddess Diana

Xia Ti's chest was filled with anger.

Even if he is very old.

Time has not softened his hatred of evil and his fierce and fiery personality, but has further deepened his understanding of justice and evil. His eyes were still sharp, and the burning fire in his heart was hotter than when he was young.

At this time, Xia Ti was sitting under a pavilion, looking at the bustling crowd in front of her, drinking tea alone and dullly.

New Zealand tea originates from the UK and likes to add many different things to flavor or enhance the taste. The most common ones are milk and flowers and fruits. Although the locals think that this will soften the taste of the tea, Xia Ti is not used to it because he is a native of Ming Dynasty.

Rather than adding milk, he would rather taste the spice tea from Southeast Asia. At least it is brewed with plants and has a unique flavor.

Shati has been to many places.

I have seen all kinds of customs and magnificent natural landscapes, but the style of New Zealand is still different from other places. When people come here, they will always have the urge to take risks.

It's a pity - there are a lot of things that need to be dealt with by him. Even in this leisure time, it was because of the commotion that just happened at the game that he had an excuse to go out and relax.

The market in the city is drowned in color and noise, and the air is filled with strong smells. Arched canvas awnings next to each other almost cover the entire street. The sound of fierce bargaining, mixed with the pungent smell of spices and barbecue, is everywhere. Audible.

Xia Ti completely ignored the vendors' self-promotion. He only had half a day's leisure, and there weren't many things that interested him.

“That wasn’t the case here a few decades ago.”

"The second time I came here, a lot of changes have taken place here." An old man with a white beard walked among the crowd.

He sat directly on the other side of Xia Ti's pavilion.

"You look more relaxed than me." Xia Ti said, "Voldemort is causing terror in Europe, but you are still in the mood to lead students to participate in the International Wizarding Potion Masters Competition?"

"He won't succeed." The old man said calmly. He waved his magic wand and produced two cups of tea. "I know you are not used to drinking English tea. Try this."

"What?" Xia Ti picked up the tea and took a sip. The taste was no different from what he usually drank at school. It was very pure Longjing tea.

"You need help?"

"No - no." The old man said flatly, "Tom is doomed to fail. It's just a matter of time. There are many things he doesn't understand about magic. For example, he doesn't understand that there is magic more powerful than death."

"Death is a mirror." Xia Ti drank all the tea in the cup. "Facing it, a gentleman and a villain have completely different reactions."

"Indeed." The old man nodded in agreement.

And at this moment - horse-drawn carriages drove past on the road ahead.

What’s amazing is that these are not actual carriages, but a piece of bronze.

Bronze wheel carriages, four fat horses covered with green rust.

This is a caravan from the Ming Dynasty.

In addition to magic materials, the things they sell may also be silk. Their magic silk is as soft as clouds, as tough as steel, and as beautiful as the most gorgeous sunset, and is popular throughout the magical world.

"I'm sorry to interrupt the conversation between the two principals, but - I think you should put your energy somewhere else for a while instead of drinking tea here!"

A woman who looked to be in her sixties or seventies stepped out of the bronze carriage engraved with various cloud patterns, Kui dragons, Kui phoenixes and other patterns.

She was wearing a decent robe and her face was full of seriousness.

There was even a hint of accusation in Xia Ti's eyes.

"Professor Zhang, I have not been sitting here for more than five minutes." Xia Ti said. "You should at least let me finish my cup of tea."

After saying that, his cup, which originally had only tea leaves, was suddenly filled with water, steaming as if it had just been boiled.

When the old man on the side saw this, he also smiled in distress, and a wonderful friendship was established between him and Xia Ti.

Especially when there is a serious Professor Zhang next to him

"Okay, how long do you want to drink?" Professor Zhang was obviously a little impatient.

Although her words were full of respectful words, there was no trace of respect in her tone.

There is even some resentment inside.

"Okay - okay!" Xia Ti shook her head, then stood up, "The canary can't leave the cage for too long."

"By the way -" he suddenly seemed to realize something, "Dumbledore, we need to have a detailed discussion about promoting mutual exchanges between magic schools."

Shati didn't know where she made up such a lie, and then motioned for Dumbledore to go together.

The old principal stood up with a smile and nodded politely.

Then the two parties followed the carriage together and slowly walked out of the city.

Of course he would not get on the carriage, because then he would not be able to continue fishing.

This is a wizard town, very prosperous.

As a famous tourist destination, tens of thousands of wizards come from all over the world every year, not to mention that it is summer vacation.

Hundreds of people crowded the broad streets leading to the city walls. Wizened old people who looked like wise men sat under the porch and smoked their pipes leisurely, and the fragrant smoke evaporated like mist.

There are many costumes and badges from different magic schools and countries along the way.

Ilvermorny, Hogwarts, Durmstrang, Beauxbatons, the House of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and more.

There are also some magic schools that are not recognized by the Federation, some of which even Shati or Dumbledore can't name. Obviously these magic schools have not been established for a long time - maybe they were only established yesterday.

"It's like this every year -" Xia Ti shook her head, "They want to win the potion competition in one fell swoop and then officially establish a magic school - they treat this as a business."

"It's time for the Federation to take charge." Dumbledore looked deeply at these magic schools that were established yesterday. Maybe they will be disbanded tomorrow. Because their team was eliminated.

"The Federation won't care." Xia Ti shook her head. "To participate in competitions and register for magic schools, you need to pay a sum of gold galleons. They hope that a hundred magic schools will pop up tomorrow."

He saw a wizard carrying a crude satchel on his shoulder, arguing with the vendors and bargaining over the price. Then a load of food, including bacon, oatmeal, apples, bread and cheese, was stuffed into the satchel.

Magic cannot conjure food.

In the Muggle world, it is also a crime for a wizard to use magic to steal, and if seen by a Muggle, it is even a felony.

There are still wizards in this world who are still living a difficult life, and the money they earn may only be enough to support a family.

The two ancient wizards sighed one after another.

The world is so cruel.

They want to change, but they don’t know where to start, let alone how to start.

Maybe change will only lead to tragedy in the end.

So they prefer to do nothing.

At this moment, a pair of moving armor suddenly appeared on the street.

Medieval armor, made from a single piece of steel that was finely polished and shaped, and most of the armor in Hogwarts Castle is of this style.

The armor squeezed out of the crowd and ran on the road making a "checkered" sound.

Clearly it had not been well cared for.

It ran all the way to the bronze carriage, and threw itself into the arms of Professor Zhang under the surprised eyes of Shati and Dumbledore.


This idea first came to Xia Ti's mind, but she threw it away just for a moment.

These carriages driving on this road represent the dignity of a country. To challenge them is to make an enemy of the entire Ming magic world. Even the most evil dark wizard, Voldemort, who is currently causing trouble in the UK, needs to weigh it. , not to mention others.

After a while, Professor Zhang came over with the armor.

Only then did the two old wizards see that there was a person in the armor, and it was not magic-driven armor activity.

"Sir, please." A woman's voice came from the armor.

She raised her hand tremblingly, and there were a few dirty silver coins on the ancient medieval chain-lock gloves.

"Take me out of here, anywhere."

said the woman.

She recognized these carriages - they came from a powerful magical country. She had determined this goal four years ago, but she had no chance to escape at that time. Now - it was her only chance.


Faced with the strange request made by the woman, even the well-informed Xia Ti was surprised.

Unless the other party is being hunted, such a request will not be made.

After thinking about it, he looked up at Professor Zhang and said, "Let the caravan stop at Chenggen."

"Yes." Professor Zhang nodded.

The city gate through which the bronze motorcade drove out was a work of art built by ancient Gypsy wizards. Each stone was cut and built with extreme precision, and not even a drop of mortar was needed during construction.

The original purpose of this city wall is no longer known. Building a city wall in the magical world cannot be said to be useless. It can only be said that it is really useless.

Even the descendants who built the city walls, the gypsy wizards, could only recognize that the city was indeed their work, but had no way of knowing its purpose.

Professor Zhang helped the woman lean against a big tree outside the city.

Even though she was wearing armor, she could see that the woman was wrapped in bandages and there were scabs of blood on her neck.

She reached out to help the woman take off the armor, but when she actually started to do it, she realized that the armor was not simple.

It is actually a shackle, a magical shackle, which tightly binds the woman. The complex runes on the surface are like small snakes.

"Hmph——" Xia Ti snorted lightly.

With a wave of his sleeve, a powerful spell hit the armor, instantly making it lose its original function.

"It has the function of tracking." Xia Ti said, "It seems that the person who imprisoned her will be chasing her soon."

"Indeed." Dumbledore's face was as dark as water. He knew the meaning of the ancient runes on the armor at a glance, and naturally knew its function, but - why impose such a powerful and heavy shackles on a woman?

The two stepped aside.

Professor Zhang helped her clean her body as much as possible.

A woman's body is a map of scars. Most of them were stab wounds, all over the body.

She even saw some tooth marks, and the blood could be seen deep in the teeth marks.

The professor helped her apply medicine and put on a new bandage, and the woman groaned in pain.

Her body was recovering, but only Merlin would know how much she was suffering here.

The clean woman was leaning against a big tree. She was very beautiful. She looked to be in her twenties, with ear-length silver hair. Her complexion was pale from not seeing the sun for a long time, and her eyes were translucent sky blue.

"Thank you - thank you." The woman kept saying her thanks, with humility in her tone.

"Who are you?" Professor Zhang asked with a frown.

The "I" woman hesitated a little. She exhaled slowly. The professor could not imagine how painful her wound was.

She sat up straight, but accidentally pulled her own wound, and her face suddenly became distorted. "I don't have such a thing as a name."

"no name?"

"Don't be afraid of children." The professor tried to soften her tone, but maybe she was used to being serious. At this time, she wanted to be gentle, but her tone was always weird, "You won't be harmed here. .”

"Maybe you don't know those two gentlemen. But you should have heard the name of one of them. He is Professor Albus Dumbledore."

Dumbledore came over and heard Professor Zhang talking about himself.

"Dumbledore." The woman's brows furrowed, as if she was searching for something in her memory. "I seem to have heard of this name - but it has been so long that I no longer know what it means, madam."

"Don't you know Dumbledore?" Professor Zhang was surprised. It's impossible for a wizard not to know Dumbledore.

"Professor Zhang." At this time, the old principal came over with a smile, "I guess I am not so famous that everyone knows."

He half-crouched next to the woman, and gently turned his old and slender hand, and a cup of fragrant coffee appeared in his hand.

"I added three parts of sugar," said Dumbledore. "Try it. It will relieve your hunger."

As soon as he finished speaking, the woman almost snatched the coffee from Dumbledore's hand and drank it in one gulp.

The temperature of the coffee was just right, neither hot nor cold. I guess the principal had already considered what might happen next.

"Why would someone want your life?" Dumbledore asked.

"I" the woman adjusted her sitting posture with difficulty, holding the teacup in both hands, greedily feeling the remaining warmth.

"Don't worry, no one will be able to hurt you here." Dumbledore said calmly, but his tone contained endless confidence.

Around him, it seems that there is nothing to worry about, even landslides and tsunamis are just trivial matters that can be solved with a snap of the fingers.

A gentle atmosphere envelopes the woman.

This made her feel more relaxed.

Then, the three people present saw the pain throbbing in her blue eyes.

"They want to eat me." The woman lowered her head and said with trembling body.

Then, he raised his head again and said, "I don't have a name, but - neither does my mother.

Neither did my mother’s mother.

But they collectively call us: Goddess Diana. "

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