I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 454 Kind-hearted Miss Zhang

In the flash of lightning, Sirius had a guess in his mind.

He immediately turned to look at the three Janas.

The three of them were sitting aside in front of a transparent person. They lacked both magic skills and combat experience. Moreover, they were young and had just graduated from magic school. They had not yet been affected by amnesia. Naturally, they had little to say in this meeting. right.

Even if others talked about them, a few people remained silent.

"Janus." Sirius said seriously, "Have you three seen the life memories of the townspeople?"

"Life memory?" Janus responded immediately, "No sir."

"The three of us were doing maintenance on the windsurfing board yesterday and didn't have time to communicate with other people."

"Bisk, where are you?" Sirius looked at the three technicians again.

"We?" the leader Bisk said tiredly, "Craig shared their knowledge after returning from the island. We."

None of you are fools.

On the contrary, they are the most elite wizards in the Federation.

Sirius' casual instructions made them understand everything.

"You mean - amnesia uses those memories as a means of transmission?" Mr. Bisk's eyes widened and he instantly understood everything. On the Camelot, only Janus and the other three did not share the memories of the town residents, so They were unaffected – that’s why!

Everyone else also reacted.

"Merlin's beard!"

"What kind of attack method is this? It's unprecedented and unheard of."

"It's unbelievable that there is such a strange magic in the world?"

On one side, Miss Zhang was strangling the black energy above the heads of the wizards, and gradually everyone came back to life again.

"Thank you——" Winston began.

His thoughts became quick again, and he felt warm all over. It was because the potion he drank was taking effect - no matter how much refreshing potion he drank before, it had no effect.

"Why are you being polite to me?" Zhang Xiaolin smiled slightly, and then waved the folding fan again.

After a few minutes, everyone present was 'purified'.

There was silence in the conference room for a while.

Although fatigue subsides, a person's spirit does not rebound immediately, and it takes time to recover.

After a short silence.

Sirius finally spoke.

He leaned forward and crossed his hands on the table.

He said coldly: "So now, what should we do with this town?"

"Do you have any ideas? Miss Zhang?"

His eyes fell on Zhang Xiaolin. After confirming his guess, it was self-evident that this town was inextricably linked to the outer gods. Perhaps those people were believers of the outer gods. A member of the so-called God's Favored Ones.

In this case, he naturally has no worries.

Treat your enemies like an arctic storm and destroy them completely!

"Me?" Miss Zhang raised her eyebrows, and then said cruelly: "I - I just have a kind heart."

"It's better to burn this island to ashes!"


Camelot's dome opens again.

The next moment, countless 'Puff' sounds sounded.

The wizards apparated off the deck, and when they reappeared, they were already in the town.

It's getting dark and it's time to light up the church again.

As before, the town's residents gathered in the church.

Sirius organized the men.

The wands held by the wizards in black robes were like falling white silk, and a huge curtain slowly fell, wrapping the entire church.

It is a curtain formed by the gathering of multiple ultimate protective spells. If used in reverse, this is the best prison.

Zhang Xiaolin took the lead, and she was filled with anger after suffering a loss.

It's still the same church.

At the guest table, Mr. Bishop was still praying while holding his ancient holy book in his hand. His believers were like puppets, sitting on the benches and listening quietly to the church, even if the church was useless at all. The puppet only needs to be controlled by strings, and the words it speaks are just the stories it tells itself.

Miss Zhang held a folding fan in her hand and walked past everyone as lightly as a willow leaf falling into the lake.

Now she was in front of Mr. Bishop.

"Hi - you're good!" the girl said through gritted teeth.

The man in front of her was still reciting ancient hymns, and the rhythmic words were like the notes on the strings, with a wonderful rhythm.

Seeing that the other party ignored her, Ms. Zhang was too lazy to talk nonsense.

Her other hand rested on Mr. Bishop's shoulder.

"Emperor Yan——"

In an instant, a tornado of flames emerged from the ground and swallowed it directly.

The flames were like a swimming dragon, directly igniting the entire church. A big hole was burned in the ceiling, and the wooden floor under the two people's feet also penetrated instantly. The high temperature burned the earth, painting the red soil on the brown soil.

After a few breaths, Ms. Zhang took back her hand.


On the ceiling, burned wood fell to the ground.

Miss Zhang, with a sneer on her face, stared coldly at the charcoal in front of her.

There was probably still a little bit of human form in him, but if you insist on saying that he was once a human being, you're definitely talking nonsense.

"Lin!" Mr. Winston rushed over. He stared at Zhang Xiaolin angrily, "He is still useful. We have to pry out some information from him. How did you kill him-"

"Your worries are unnecessary." Miss Zhang said, and then glanced at the puddle of charcoal.

As if to confirm her words.

The charred body, which was so dark that no figure could be seen, suddenly made a crisp disintegration sound, just like ice that was about to melt and slowly collapsed. A bit of black coal fell to the ground, and the exposed skin was intact, and then collapsed. With more and more coke, the bishop came to life again, and his new body was even younger than the previous one.

"Tch, even the clothes have been repaired." Miss Zhang complained inexplicably.

Behind him, Mr. Basil, who was coming over, his eyelids twitched when he heard this, and there was some resentment on his face. He really didn't know what the girl in front of him was thinking about.

"Okay, I just want to say one sentence, take us to the mound and open it."

After she escaped that day, she fell asleep in the church she had agreed with Basil and the others. After waking up, she wanted to explore the mound again, but when she arrived, she could not find the vine-woven door.

Thinking about it later, I realized that it might have to be opened through special means - such as a piece of ancient language that I didn't understand at all.

"Okay." Unexpectedly, Mr. Bishop agreed.

Smiling, he turned around and walked out of the back wall of the church that was burned through by the fire.

"So easy to talk to?" Miss Zhang was a little surprised. She raised her eyebrows in disbelief, "I thought some tricks were going to be used."

"But -" she whispered to the two people around her, "this guy must be harboring bad intentions and preparing a conspiracy. We have to be careful."

"Ha-I can't imagine that one day, be careful, this word will come out of your mouth." Winston joked. "I thought you deleted the word from the dictionary three days after you cursed those shamans angrily."

"Are you looking for a fight?" Miss Zhang turned back and glared at him. "The little shaman dares to curse us. What's wrong with me scolding them?"

"How many sentences are those?"

"Also - weren't you the one who kicked someone else's dining table first?"

"I kicked their dining table? The cooking was so unpalatable. I was just stating the facts, and a few old guys just showed off to me. They are so used to it that they deserve a beating." The girl said reluctantly.

"We are guests, and guests do as they please. Besides, it rained heavily in the middle of the night, so it would be nice if they could give us something to eat, and you still have to pick and choose."

"Whose side are you on?"

"Me? If I hadn't been chased for hundreds of kilometers, cursed, almost exhausted, and had my wand broken, then I would definitely be on your side. By the way - my broken wand - you Can you pay the compensation?”

"I think your skin is itchy." Miss Zhang angrily raised her foot and was about to kick him.

However, this was avoided by Winston deftly.

Mr. Basil was standing by, smiling and saying nothing.

After the amnesia was lifted, happy memories from the past came flooding in, and everyone relaxed.

The wizard who cast the curtain tore a corner for them. Sirius asked some wizards to continue to surround this place. Although the townspeople seemed to have no problem, who knows if they were a group of dead people in disguise.

He himself, several other wizards, and the trio of South American refugees were walking towards the distant hills.

The road is not long, and the surrounding scenery does not attract everyone's attention. Although it seems that after solving the amnesia, there is nothing on the island that can put them into crisis, but only Sirius knows that as long as there are external gods involved - then everything will not be simple.

About ten minutes later, everyone came to a hill.

Before Miss Zhang could issue an order, Mr. Bishop had already started reciting prayers. Just like the scene that night, the green grass on the ground suddenly began to grow rapidly, pulling out of the ground like a vine.

Then they connected with each other at extremely fast speeds to form a door.

"That's strange." Winston said slightly surprised.

He didn't feel any magic fluctuations just now.

Although Mr. Bishop is immortal, he is still just a Muggle. How did he trigger the magical mechanism here?

Although there was infinite curiosity in his heart, Mr. Winston did not speak now.

"It's very strange - Lin, you found it yesterday?" said Mr. Basil.

"Yeah - but I suffered some hardships." Miss Zhang said flatly, recalling the difficulties and dangers she encountered here yesterday.

She was too careless, otherwise she wouldn't be so embarrassed.

Everyone gathered around the door made of vines, and saw that it seemed to be alive, swaying gently in the breeze, exuding a faint scent of grass. Mr. Bishop knocked on the door.

After a while, the door opened, and Mr. Thorn appeared in front of everyone.

Zhang Xiaolin was not surprised that this unknown creature came to life again.

Although she almost chopped it into mincemeat last night and burned it all over the fire. But Mr. Bishop can be resurrected, so it is not surprising that Mr. Thorn can also be resurrected.

Everyone drew their wands.

Staring at the vine door with burning eyes.

"Don't rush in." Miss Zhang quickly grabbed Mr. Basil who was about to move and also stopped Sirius.

"That thorn man is very powerful," she said.

Then he waved his folding fan and threw out a large ball of water. The water floated out and enveloped the burly man in front of the door in the blink of an eye.

"Multiple Freeze!"

With the lessons learned from the past, since the water prison cannot hold him, then he should be frozen.

"All petrified!"

The cold air instantly froze the water prison, and Miss Zhang felt unsafe again, so she immediately threw another petrification spell.

Then she looked up at the sapphire-like prison. Inexplicably, she still felt a little scared - the hand that strangled her neck last night left some psychological shadow on her.

"Winston, can you find a way to lock him up completely?" she asked the fat wizard aside.

"Lock him up?" Winston nodded, and immediately took out a palm-sized box from the pocket on his waist.

Each of the six sides of the box is set with a gemstone and intricately carved with ancient runes.

He opened the box and threw it.

The box made of an unknown material drew a beautiful arc in the air, and then floated above the 'Sapphire'. Then suddenly, a huge attraction came from the box, like opening a bloody mouth, and instantly Just swallow the gem.

Winston flicked his wand, and the box that had fallen to the ground returned to his hand.

"Is this so?" he said somewhat proudly.

"Well - I can't tell, you've made a lot of progress in the past few years." Miss Zhang said jokingly, "Unlike some people who are obsessed with the red tape of the federation, they definitely haven't made any progress at all."

Winston smiled and made no retort.

He knew that the "certain people" mentioned by Zhang Xiaolin were Mr. Basil, and Mr. Basil just scratched his head and looked indifferent. This kind of teasing between them has become a habit for them, which not only adds to the fun of the journey, but also relieves the tense atmosphere.

"Can we go in now?" Mr. Basil quickly changed the subject.

"It should be okay." Miss Zhang frowned slightly, her eyes wandering among the people.

She couldn't make up her mind - last night's experience made her well aware of the dangers of this place, and she didn't go deep enough. She had no idea what kind of dangers there were ahead.

She didn't want to see anyone get hurt here.

"Okay, you follow me." Sirius stood up and said in a tone that left no room for doubt.

Without giving the others much time to think, he took out his wand and walked towards the vine door.

As soon as he stepped on it, he seemed to have entered a certain plant kingdom.

In front of him is a dim corridor. The walls, ceiling, and floor are all made of vines. The white flowers sticking out from the gaps emit a faint light.

Scattered rays of light, like fireflies in the dark night, fail to illuminate the corridor.

"Ultimate Lumos," he whispered.

A ball of pale fluorescence emerged from the tip of the wand and followed within ten feet of him.

Then everyone else followed.

Step into this strange world built of vines one by one.

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