I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 451 The weapon is forgetfulness

Chapter 451 Weapon - Forgetting

Controlling Camelot is anything but simple.

This kind of magic prop is not just a matter of waving a wand to make it work like an arm.

Although it does not have a complex operating platform like a Muggle ship, with dozens or hundreds of buttons, it requires several people to operate it in coordination.

The magic is simpler, but this is Merlin's work after all, and the technology used is morning magic - it is still somewhat different from modern magic spells.

To operate it requires a complex set of ancient runic assembly command 'programs'.

The wizards in the control room who were responsible for controlling the ship had forgotten the combination of ancient runes.

They were helpless, their palms were sweating, and their eyes were filled with fear.

Now - even the simplest way to open or close the dome, they have forgotten.

calm down.

Several people took deep breaths. They had just closed the dome a few hours ago, and it was impossible to forget it just now.

I must be too nervous and too sleepy.

Sirius frowned.

He was also a little tired, but this tiredness had not overwhelmed him yet.

"Don't you have an operating manual?" he asked.

"Oh - yes! Operation manual!" Several technicians suddenly woke up from a dream, then stood up and began to search for the operation manual in the surrounding cabinets.

Soon - a book with a seven-inch dragon skin cover was turned out by them.

Several people were ecstatic and quickly opened it to find the answer.

Then it was a long half hour.

During this time, several wizards, including Basil and Mr. Winston, came to the command room. Some others did not come. They were too sleepy and said they needed to rest for a few more hours.

Sirius ignored them. There was nothing for them to do now. Finding a way out required brains, not brute force.

Having more people doesn't necessarily help.

"What happen to you guys."

While the technicians were relearning how to operate the giant wheel, several people got together and brainstormed frantically.

From the memories of the townspeople and the bishop, Sirius and others saw the cause of their death.

Those people all died in shipwrecks.

Everyone's memories are very complete, and it doesn't look like they have been fabricated.

That’s why——Mr. Bishop swore that they were dead.

Before this, every town citizen who arrived here would try their best to get out, but as time goes by, years - decades - hundreds of years, those obsessions that support people's hearts will always disappear. They will become increasingly numb and eventually have to recognize the facts and accept the fact that they are dead.

Sirius didn't want to stay here for decades.

He had just promised James to take care of Harry.

"Nothing." Mr. Basil replied without energy. "I'm just a little tired and can't cheer up."

"Maybe I'm too tired these days!"


Looking at Mr. Basil and Mr. Winston who were breathing heavily, Sirius had some ominous premonition in his heart.

Then his eyes quickly glanced at the others.

Most of the people present looked like they had not slept for three days and three nights, with drooped eyelids and dull eyes, as if they were about to fall asleep in the next second.

Among the three technicians, some fell asleep and were woken up by others who were awake. Repeatedly - the progress of learning was very slow - Sirius even felt that they might not be learning fast enough to forget.

? ? ?

forget? ? ?

Sirius's pupils tightened, and he suddenly realized something.

Then, his eyes fell seriously on Mr. Basil and Mr. Winston.

"Did you forget something?"

"Forgot?" Mr. Basil was startled, then thought for a while and said, "No!"

"Where are you? What have you forgotten?" He looked at Winston again.

"Me?" Winston shook his head, "I haven't forgotten anything."

"Really?" Sirius suddenly felt bad, "Where is your Miss Zhang?"

"Miss Zhang?"

"Zhang Xiaolin——" Sirius couldn't pronounce the name easily.

"Zhang?" Mr. Basil and Mr. Winston first looked at each other, and then immediately frowned. After a while - suddenly - their brows relaxed, and an eager light burst out from their eyes, "Yes. , where is Lin? What happened to me? Why did I forget her!"

Mr. Basil asked anxiously, "Where is she? Is she back?"

"She?" Sirius' eyes were heavy, and then he yelled, with a bit of horror in his voice, "Let her matter go for now, now - call everyone on the ship immediately, and assemble in the conference room!"

Mr. Basil and Mr. Winston were forcefully asked out by Sirius, and ordered three technicians to immediately open the dome of the Camelot.

Looking at the people leaving, he gasped as if he had seen something huge and terrifying.

They - they are forgetting!

There is something about this island that makes them gradually forget things.

Sirius was shocked.

After all these years of battling wits and courage with dark wizards, he has never seen such a crisis.

Could it be that someone on the island cast an oblivion spell on them?

Sirius immediately gathered his thoughts and began to look through his memories.

His memory is very complete, and no part of it suddenly disappears or appears unexpectedly.

Moreover - although his Occlumency is not as good as Snape's, as members of the Order of the Phoenix, everyone has basically mastered this spell. It is impossible for anyone to tamper with his memory without him noticing.

Even Voldemort couldn't do this.

So - how did their enemies cast the spell?

Could it be poisoning?

But they didn't drink any of the town's water or eat any of the food.

Unless the poison spreads in the air and poisons them through inhalation.

This is too unbelievable. Although there are indeed poisons in the magical world that can do this, some magic spores, but the effect is not to make people forget, but to suffocate and kill them. Moreover, these airborne spores can only be grown in a closed environment. In order to be effective, the island is surrounded by sea breezes. Even if there were magic spores, they would have been blown away long ago.

Sirius kept guessing at various possibilities.

But every possibility was rejected by him as soon as it appeared.

At this time, an unprecedented terror and disaster enveloped him.

He lowered his head and looked at his shadow reflected on the gilded floor beneath his feet. At this moment, he suddenly felt that the shadow was a little strange - as if he was looking at another person.


In the conference room.

There was an indelible tiredness on everyone's faces.

Even though Mr. Winston took out a few bottles of refreshing potion from the package that he carried with him and cast the wireless stretching spell, and everyone drank it, the feeling of fatigue still lingered.

The potion did cheer them up, but the mental exhaustion never faded. The body seems to have become someone else's thing, a living and old soul.

"We have suffered an unprecedented attack." Sirius's voice was unusually serious. "The enemy's attack method is unknown, but we have indeed been attacked. Our memory is fading. We have forgotten our companions and how to control the ship. Maybe in the future And forget how to cast spells.”

"As time goes by, I don't know if this 'sickness' will deepen. Maybe it will subside after a while. Maybe in the end we will even forget how to eat, drink, and breathe. At that time, we will truly die."

Everyone's heart was chilling, but not everyone was drowsy. Among the dozens of people present, there were still two or three people who were not in any condition.

And they were looking at everyone with confused eyes.

"But we are wizards." Sirius said, "We can extract important memories and watch them over and over again every day to alleviate the symptoms."

"Why are they okay?" Winston asked, pointing to the wizards who looked normal and had no idea what was going on here.

"I don't know." Sirius said, "I just asked them. On the ship - they stayed with Bisker and the others, and they didn't do anything different from other people the whole time. Maybe - maybe it was a disease, It’s just that they haven’t been infected yet?”

Bisk is one of the technicians in the command room. He and other technicians in his room have suffered from severe amnesia. Those wizards who are still alive and kicking have also stayed with them before. It is impossible for some people to be affected, and others It's not logical that a part of it is not affected.

"It takes time to observe." Winston nodded and said, "Your guess makes some sense."

Maybe what kind of disease is it really?

"We all need a comprehensive physical check-up," he added, "and as soon as possible!"

Maybe after a while, they won't understand what the bottles, cauldrons, and stirring sticks in the therapist are used for.

Winston led the affected wizard to the healing room. There is a therapist on the ship, and he himself has rich experience in this field, and he is half a therapist.

Mr. Basil couldn't stay on the ship for a second. He wanted to find Miss Zhang.

He was not worried about the girl's safety. Her strength was unrivaled even in the entire wizarding world. He was just worried that Miss Zhang had also been tricked. Maybe she hadn't come back yet because she had forgotten where the Camelot was.

On the boat - an unaffected wizard offered him to go with him, but Mr. Basil sternly refused, and he could no longer drag anyone into the water.

Then, he disappeared alone.

No one knows what will happen if you enter the island again. Maybe you will become an idiot directly?


"I know it's not easy!"

In the town, some residents were gathering in the woods on the east side.

"Every life, every death, is out of necessity." Mr. Bishop, standing in front of a group of people, there was a deep pit at his feet, and a person was lying in it.

The residents stood around the potholes, heads lowered.

"But this is a road we must take. She is finally free." Mr. Bishop crossed his hands and placed them on his chest. "May Ionia take care of her and may she rest in peace."

After reciting the last prayer, the surrounding residents picked up the floating soil and threw it into the pit.

More people repeated the move.

Soon the man walking in the dirt was completely buried.

And just after she was completely covered with the quilt of the earth, an inconspicuous bud stretched out from under the floating soil. It twisted its waist and then grew crazily. Almost in the blink of an eye, it grew into There was a towering tree, which was the most common willow-like tree species on the island.

From the branch of the thickest and tallest trunk a flower grows.

A white-pink flower with green-white stamens exudes lavender light.

A resident stepped forward, held the flower in his hands, and picked it off. Then he turned and walked out of the woods, walking along the cobblestone road toward the distant coast.

The other townspeople followed behind him.

They sang songs - some sad, some melodious, some melodious tunes were transmitted to the distant sky along with the swaying waves of golden wheat in the farmland.

—Are you going to Scarborough Fair?

- Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme.

—Say hello to a girl there for me.

——She used to be my lover.

--Please let her make me a linen shirt.

- Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme.

——There are no seams or needlework on it.

——She will be my true love.

The team singing the dirge did not show much sadness.

It was more like they were going to a party.

Farewell a princess to get married.

A golden stream of light rises from the sea, and the clouds in the sky reflect this light, allowing it to shine on everyone's face, bathing them in golden glory.

Along the way, the singing never stopped.

The breeze blows on my face, and the singing sounds are like gorgeous silk floating in the sky.

Finally, they reached the coast.

The man holding the blooming spirit flower stopped for a few steps.

Under the gaze of everyone, he walked towards the sea.

Place the blooming spirit flower lightly on the sea like a paper boat.

The sea water is undulating, the flowers are swaying, and they are slowly sailing into the distance.


The bishop stood on the shore and murmured, "Home at last."

The song spreads far and wide again.

Eventually someone was disturbed.

It was Mr. Basil, holding his wand, like an angry lion, rushing out of the woods.

"what have you done!"

"What have you done!"

His body was covered with mud, and he looked as if someone's grave had just been dug up.

The voice was filled with resentment and sadness.

Holding the wand in his right hand, he punched Mr. Bishop hard in the face with his left hand.

The huge force directly smashed Mr. Bishop into the sea.

With a 'bang' sound, white water splashes rose.

As soon as Mr. Basil entered the town, he noticed this strange procession.

It caught his attention at that time.

Searching for traces in the opposite direction, he soon found the brand new pit and tree in the woods.

What was buried under the tree was the skeleton of a woman. She was rotting and her face could no longer be seen clearly. She was like a melted candle and her whole body was no longer human.

‘Buzz! ’

When Mr. Basil saw this scene, his eyes suddenly turned black, as if he had been hit hard by an invisible force.

He staggered a few steps, almost unsteady on his feet, and felt an indescribable fear in his heart.

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