I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 450 The thing more terrifying than death is forgetfulness

what happened?

Zhang Xiaolin leaned against the wall and peeked inside quietly.

The composition of the residents in this small town is very complex, with people of all races from all over the world.

The clothes worn also have distinct characteristics of the times, from the early Middle Ages to the Renaissance and within the past hundred years.

From wizard robes to Muggle suits, linen clothes, casual wear and more.

This reminded her of the sailboats she saw on the wall of the vortex when she first entered the vortex, which seemed to be from other times.

At this time, the townspeople in the church looked like they were people hundreds of years ago. She was wearing a corset, and her top was closely embroidered with exquisite patterns and patterns. The design of her skirt was quite complex, with a multi-layered hem and pleated skirt. design.

Her eyes and actions seemed dull, and her whole body was as numb as a delicate doll. Blood dripped into the jar, and there was no muscle change caused by the pain.

This is very abnormal - no matter how much a person can endure the pain, the body will not lie. You may not make a sound, but the muscles will twitch and tighten unconsciously. This is biological instinct. In order to heal the injury, prevent Blood flows.

Zhang Xiaolin frowned.

Is this town finally going to show its weird side?

She did not rush to scare the snake, but slowly stepped aside, leaning against the wall, and lightly tapped herself with the folding fan in her hand. Suddenly, her figure seemed to be erased with an eraser, becoming illusory and transparent.

Although, when you lightly touch the wall with your fingers, your whole body seems to melt and seep into it.

Hiding in the wall, she watched coldly.

About two minutes later, the back door of the church opened, and the amiable bishop walked in calmly.

Without saying anything, he bent down to pick up the jar on the ground, then turned around and walked out of the back door.

Seeing this, Zhang Xiaolin immediately followed.

After leaving the church, she discovered that the direction the bishop was heading was towards the mountains behind the town.

Is there really any secret in the mountains?

I obviously investigated for several hours and found nothing unusual.

She even used some special methods, but to no avail.

Forget it - she shook her head.

Anyway, the secret is about to be revealed.

Thinking about it, Zhang Xiaolin's pace suddenly quickened.

Muggles shouldn't walk very fast, but Mr. Bishop seemed to be walking like a race walker, and his pace was so fast that Miss Zhang had to trot to barely keep up.

They ran all the way out of the town and looked at the mountains and clouds from a distance. Zhang Xiaolin couldn't help but worry that this person wanted to reach the top of the mountain on foot.

That can tire people to death.

Fortunately, Zhang Xiaolin’s worries did not come true.

After about dozens of minutes, they arrived at a hillside.

The terrain at the foot of the mountain is very undulating, and it's normal to have "bulges" like this everywhere.

I saw Mr. Bishop suddenly stop, and then suddenly looked back as if he sensed something.

Miss Zhang was startled.

The blue fluorescence emitted by the surrounding willow trees illuminated his face, which was a pale face with cloudy eyes.

Zhang Xiaolin was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously held the folding fan in her hand tightly. A strange fear rushed over her face, but she was very confident in her phantom spell, and she didn't think the bishop with no magic fluctuations in his body could detect anything.

Sure enough, those cloudy eyes glanced at him without focus. After stopping for about ten seconds, he turned around and immediately knelt down. He put the jar aside, then spread his arms and murmured: Muttering some kind of prayer

The next second, the earth seemed to be breathing. The ground turned into some kind of swamp. Everything became soft and wrapped around the small hill, like a girl's belly, rising and falling. It was not an earthquake, no disaster occurred.

"This -" Miss Zhang looked at everything in front of her in confusion. There was indeed a magic spell to soften the land, and even a magic spell to turn the land into a swamp, but that bishop - he clearly did not cast any magic spells. Curse, magic, really just kneeling there and reciting a few prayers, why did it trigger such a huge reaction from the land? She didn't understand - how could a Muggle do this - unless the other party was a legendary wizard who far surpassed her, and the method of casting the spell was like breathing, she couldn't detect it at all, or there were wizards around, and people were secretly helping him. .

Or - is there any magical trap here?

Zhang Xiaolin opened her lips slightly, biting her lips with her white teeth. The slight pain brought her extremely clear thoughts, and she began to feel the magic of this place invisibly.

Magic is bound to leave its mark.

This is the consensus of all wizards, but powerful wizards can easily find those traces, while ordinary wizards have a difficult time.

After a few seconds, her eyes suddenly lit up, and something seemed to be emerging from the bottom of the hillside.

Sure enough - following Mr. Bishop's prayer.

The green grass on the ground seemed to have gone crazy and began to grow crazily, like countless tentacles.

Upon closer inspection, the grass began to become rough, hard, and grew sharp thorns, which looked like some kind of thorns.

The growth rate of the thorns was still accelerating. After a while, the thorns as thick as arms began to tangle together to weave a door.

The door was completely made of plant roots, with small white flowers growing out of the gaps. Seeing this, Mr. Bishop suddenly grinned.

The door was opened from the inside.

Someone is standing in front of the door. It was a man whose head was entangled with countless thorns, his upper body was naked, and his skin was red, as if he had been beaten by countless thorns.

He looked to be a full twelve or thirteen feet tall and extremely strong, like an ancient Greek statue.

The thorn man lowered his head and seemed to be looking at Mr. Bishop.

However, because his face was completely entangled with thorns, his gaze could not be seen at all.

After confirming the arrival.

The Thorn Man stepped aside and remained silent.

Mr. Bishop, on the other hand, quickly picked up the jar on the side, stood up and walked in.

"It seems the secret is here."

Zhang Xiaolin's eyes revealed a hint of excitement.

It was cat-and-mouse banter.

It's good to have flaws.

I really thought the memories in your head were correct.

She looked at the bishop's back and thought to herself.

Apparently there was something wrong with his memory.

Maybe they are all fake, maybe they are true and false, but they definitely hide a lot of things.

The witch took steps without hesitation, her speed was even faster because the door made of vines was rapidly collapsing.

At the critical moment, she chose to apparate directly.

The moment he landed, the folding fan suddenly unfolded, and the raging tide, like a big net, swallowed up the thorn man in an instant.

Zhang Xiaolin didn't take this big, round guy seriously at all.

So what if you can blow open a steel plate with one punch? The confinement spell can't firmly trap you in place, unless your skin can resist the spell like a dragon. Moreover, her water prison spell is not a simple confinement spell.

Zhang Xiaolin stared ahead.

In front of him is a corridor composed entirely of plant roots, about fifteen feet high and five or six feet wide.

Showing an obvious downhill slope, it seems that the real secret should be at the bottom of the hill.

Calm down your mind.

She stabilized the phantom spell that was about to collapse. The future was still full of unknowns, so it was always okay to be cautious.

With this thought in her mind, she stepped forward and continued to go deeper.

Just then - a black shadow suddenly appeared.

Like lightning.

His big hands suddenly grabbed her neck.

Miss Zhang was stunned for a moment. Before she could cast the spell, a strong force came from her neck and she almost bit her tongue.


She glared at the man in front of her.

A look of disbelief.

Fast - too fast.

The man's movements were so fast that they exceeded her reflexes.

And it's terrifyingly powerful.

"Thunder" Zhang Xiaolin struggled hard and stammered out the magic spell: "Here comes the Thunder Emperor!"

The next moment, a large amount of thunder and lightning suddenly appeared around her.

Thunder and lightning rushed straight towards the thorn man.

Then the 'cracking' arc of electricity cut through the man's skin as easily as a sharp blade.

But - he pinched her hand and still didn't let go.

Even though the thunder and lightning scorched his whole body black with electricity, leaving traces like the lines of tree branches, oozing blood, he still didn't let go.

Even harder.

"Woo-" She didn't have time to whimper.

The folding fan in his hand also lit up with lightning, but this time, it was completely gathered together, and the lightning turned into a sword blade.

A flash of sword light flashed, and the man's arm detached from his.

Zhang Xiaolin took off the severed arm, then raised the lightning sword in her hand, and slashed the thorn man's neck with one strike.

The methods are very cruel.

She kept swinging her sword like a madman.


"Here comes the Thunder Emperor!!!"

Lightning roared again.

The next sword cut off the thorn man's head.

Thorns were scattered everywhere.

The headless corpse spurted out countless blood, like rain.


Zhang Xiaolin gasped and smiled ferociously.

Half fear, half anger.

Everything happened so fast, like lightning, everything was destined to be over in just a few seconds.

She lowered her eyes and looked at the body on the ground.

A flash of anger flashed in his eyes, he raised his foot and kicked it out with great force, hitting the man's body and crashing into the wall of tree roots on one side.

That power directly made the wall dent.


He rubbed his neck.

At this moment, her mood calmed down a little.

Lowering his head and seeing the blood covering his body, his slightly calm mood became unhappy again.

"Clean up!"

The witch closed her eyes, and a whirlwind blew up, blowing the stains on her body.

The tips of the hair were beating wildly. The cold wind blew against her face, covering up all the irritability in her heart.


Suddenly Zhang Xiaolin opened her eyes.

She was horrified to find that the blood stains on her body had not disappeared, but green buds had grown out of her blood.

Heartbreaking pain came.

It was as if something had penetrated her skin.

The girl's eyes widened and she looked at her feet in disbelief.

There, the thorny head of the thorny man rolled down suddenly opened, and inside, there was no head at all, only twisted branches and a blooming spirit flower that exuded purple light.

The next moment, the thorn hood on the ground suddenly jumped up.

Zhang Xiaolin immediately swung her long sword and struck it with one blow.

But who knows, those thorns predicted the girl's sword light in advance. They scattered in the air, and then gathered again after dodging the sword.

Then it wrapped her head directly.


The next moment, countless branches grew out of the thorn helmet.

And the girl's body - like a puppet with its strings cut off, fell down powerlessly.


"Get back to the ship!"

Sirius noticed the panicked expression on Mr. Basil's face. He had been running around the town in a hurry half an hour ago, neither sitting nor standing.

"You need to rest, we can't stay in this town." Sirius continued.


"She might still be in the mountains," he emphasized. "No one here knows how to use magic, so she won't be in much trouble."

"Okay-" Mr. Basil nodded.

Miss Zhang disappears from time to time. Whenever she encounters something or a place that interests her, she will try desperately.

Everyone around her knew it during the time she was traveling with her.

"We are going to discuss countermeasures." Sirius said again. Then directly cast Apparition.

On the boat, the sound of "Puff" sounded.

The next moment, the wizards who had left the ship were back.

Camelot was a huge ship.

Every time he travels, he carries a huge amount of supplies, and with wizards' methods, as long as he has received a Hogwarts education, he will never starve to death.

There were many rooms below decks, and a small number of people went to rest after returning to the ship. They were exhausted physically and mentally, and the truth they believed was too much to bear. My head felt dizzy, as if I was about to fall down any moment.

The other wizards, headed by Sirius, gathered in the ship conference room.

Discuss countermeasures together.

This discussion is boring and fruitless.

No one knew what to do. Silence was the main theme. After a while, everyone left the conference room and went to rest.

So tired!

Everyone feels so tired!

Most people almost fell asleep.

A few hours later, Sirius opened his eyes again.

Through the porthole, the sea outside was shining. The light shone up from under the sea water, and the water surface shimmered like a bowl of golden juice.

After briefly freshening up, he headed to the captain's room.

Several wizards on shift were taking a nap on the chairs at the monitoring station.

Sirius walked over, his footsteps making crisp sounds on the metal deck.

This woke up the wizards, who quickly stood up and looked at the captain of Camelot.

"Have you tried the contact information we discussed yesterday?"

He still wanted to contact the 'outside world' without giving up.

After the Camelot's own contact method failed, they discussed several contact methods in response before going to bed, all of which were ancient magic.

"I" several people looked at each other, trying? Damn it!

After everyone left the conference room, they fell asleep.

I just woke up, so I don't have time to try it.

But you definitely can’t say that.

Immediately, several people quickly sat back in their chairs, preparing to operate the Camelot and start trying.


One minute--

Two minutes——

Three minutes passed, and a thin layer of sweat appeared on the foreheads of several federation technicians.

His eyes were full of panic, as if frozen, and he didn't move for a long time.

"What's wrong?" Sirius asked.

"I-I-I forgot how to steer a ship."

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