I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 452 Death is approaching

The previous chapter has been modified——

"How...how is this possible?" Mr. Basil murmured in a low voice, his voice full of shock and despair.

Unable to accept this fact.

Almost the next moment, sadness was replaced by huge anger, and he had no ability to think after chasing him all the way.

Perhaps due to the influence of amnesia, his judgment has declined exponentially.

"what have you done!"

Seaside - Mr. Basil asked loudly again, his voice full of anger and sorrow.

"I let the dead return home." Mr. Bishop stood up from the sea and said calmly.

"The dead?" Mr. Basil's eyes turned red, "Who is the dead!"

"She is dead," said the Bishop. "This is an indisputable fact. She has died a long time ago. The 'alive' she you see is just the obsession of her soul."

"She didn't!" shouted Mr. Basil.

Then he walked towards the bishop step by step, waving his wand, and lightning fell.

The sea water exploded, lightning struck the sea surface, and the instantaneous high temperature brought up countless steam.

"She didn't! She didn't!! She didn't!!!"

The bishop's body was torn apart by the lightning, and the blood and flesh contaminated the sea water.

But he just won't die.

And the wound is still healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"You must accept this fact." The bishop's voice was calm and cold. Neither angry nor resisting, he just stood calmly in the water half waist deep, looking at the almost crazy man.

"She didn't!" Mr. Basil roared violently, almost going crazy.

And at this moment - a faint voice suddenly came from behind everyone.

"Yes - she didn't."

Everyone subconsciously looked back.

Suddenly, in the forest, a silver-haired girl was leaning against a willow tree and breathing heavily.

After seeing Basil turn to look at her, she stretched out her hand and waved weakly.

The next moment there was a 'pop', and Mr. Basil appeared in front of her.

Then, the girl raised her fist and punched the boy in the chest.

"Are you deaf?" the girl said, "I called you so many times from behind, but you didn't hear me at all?"


Zhang Xiaolin looked angry and wanted to say something else.

But before she could finish her words, the boy in front of her hugged her tightly.

The girl was startled by this sudden move, and those hands were too strong.

She was having trouble breathing.

But - after feeling the boy's trembling body and sobbing breath, she closed her eyes unconsciously, reached out to comfort his back, and allowed herself to be immersed in the sudden intimacy.

After a while, the warmth continued.

Miss Zhang changed from shy to angry.

She pushed Mr. Basil away, and then said with displeasure mixed with shyness, "Have you hugged me enough?"

"Reach out again, or I'll throw you into the sea to feed the fish."

The girl leaned against the tree, holding on to her last dignity.

"No!" Mr. Basil looked straight at him, something in his eyes almost overflowing.

"Go away!" Miss Zhang glared at him and said.

Her silver hair was spread out, like the snow on the high mountain, but under the white snow there shouldn't be a fiery heart, with a smile on her lips.

However, when her eyes turned from Mr. Basil's shoulder to the bishop and the confused townspeople, the smile on her face faded again.

"Let's go back first," she said.

"Hmm -" Mr. Basil nodded, then grabbed Miss Zhang's arm, and then with a 'pop' sound, the space was distorted and then disappeared.

On the coast, Mr. Bishop stepped ashore from the sea step by step. His eyes did not stay on the two wizards.

His eyes were always on the sea, on the undulating spirit flower, and a touch of joy emerged in his eyes.

"Soon--soon," he murmured.

His eyes then looked towards the huge ship with its dome raised.



After a period of space distortion.

Zhang Xiaolin and Mr. Basil appeared together in a claustrophobic room on the Camelot.

The young man opened the door and helped the girl out.

Once the dome is raised - Camelot has cast an anti-Apparition spell on the entire ship, and wizards can only enter and exit through this transfer room.

"How are you? Are you injured?" Seeing the weak look of the girl next to him, Mr. Basil asked urgently.

"It's okay." Miss Zhang leaned into his arms and said briefly.

"Lin!" Mr. Basil's tone became serious, "I saw the blood on you!"

"That's someone else's." The girl explained.

"It's complicated. I'll tell you after I get some sleep."

"Everyone has amnesia. I'm afraid that you will forget what happened yesterday when you wake up. Moreover, this kind of fatigue cannot be relieved by sleep."

"Really?" The girl blinked, her black eyes like the dark night sky, quiet and deep.

"I won't forget you."

"But" Mr. Basil's heart trembled, and he almost forgot about her.

"Okay." After a moment, he said, "I'll stay with you."

The two of them hugged each other and walked to Miss Zhang's room.

He helped her onto the bed.

Although the girl kept urging him to leave.

But Mr. Basil did not move an inch after he brought a chair and sat down beside her bed.

Zhang Xiaolin couldn't resist her, so she could only glare at the man fiercely, as if to warn him not to have any inappropriate thoughts, and then she could no longer resist the sleepiness and fell into a deep sleep.

Mr. Basil sat beside the girl—looking on quietly.

He was afraid of forgetting her again.

He wanted to carve her image into his brain.

The deep sleep lasted for a full ten hours.

During this process, Sirius and Winston both came and breathed a sigh of relief after seeing Miss Zhang lying on the bed safely.

Now - it seems that they can do nothing but fight against oblivion. The whole ship has become quiet. Only a few lucky Yuan'er who have not been 'infected' are in charge of the overall situation and patrol the crew's rooms every once in a while.

They were afraid that someone might actually forget to breathe while sleeping and fall asleep forever.

The sunlight on the sea gradually became dim.

When there was only a ray of afterglow in the end, a faint tremor could be heard on Miss Zhang's bed.

This startled Mr. Basil, who was guarding her.

Because he saw that the girl was helplessly opening her mouth, as if she had a nightmare.

"Lin?" Mr. Basil called her several times, but Miss Zhang didn't respond at all.

His mouth was still open and he couldn't see the air coming in or out.

Without much hesitation, he quickly stood up, bent down, and kissed her.

He was helping her with artificial respiration.

With his help, Zhang Xiaolin's slightly trembling body finally calmed down.

Her eyes shot open.

The two looked at each other.

Everything seemed still.

After a moment, the boy reacted and fled in panic.

The room suddenly became ambiguous.

Mr. Basil's face turned slightly red. He quickly straightened his body and looked unnaturally away from Zhang Xiaolin's direct eyes. He took a deep breath, trying to calm his nervous heartbeat.

"Are you...are you okay?" he asked stammering, trying to sound calm.

Zhang Xiaolin was still in a state of being in a different world. She blinked and tried to understand what had just happened. When she realized that Mr. Basil had just kissed her, her eyes suddenly shone with a dangerous light.

"You know?" Miss Zhang was the first to break the silence. Her face was red and her eyes wanted to eat the sneaky guy in one bite. "If I hadn't been too lazy to raise my hand now, I would have given you some color to show you!"

"Oh——" Upon hearing this, Mr. Basil immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

You don't have the strength, right? He became bold, sat on the bed again, stretched out his hand to help the girl up from the bed.

"Then save it first," he said.

Then he helped the girl tidy up her clothes.

Her robe was stained with dust and blood, and one of her silver earrings was missing. Her hair was disheveled, and strands of silver strands obscured her vision. She looked so sloppy.

"Clean it." He first cleaned the girl's clothes.

And my own.

Then he conjured a wooden comb and helped her to stand up her hair.

"Why did it change color?" asked Mr. Basil.

The warmth at this moment made him feel dazed and reminded him of that adventure in South America.

That time - they were also exhausted. In order to avoid being chased by a group of indigenous shamans, they didn't rest for several days.

When she finally retreated, Lin suddenly fell down on her back, then lost her temper and refused to get up, saying that she was too tired to even scold the natives.

In fact, it was all her fault that time. Originally, they had just some minor conflicts with the indigenous shamans. If she hadn't been madly angry and offended, she would have cursed at the shamans who were chasing them for several days. , to exhaust the English vocabulary. Make the other party very angry, otherwise, if they were normal, they would have dispersed after chasing you for a few days.

She is quite good, but she is very hateful!

I remember that was the last time he escaped with this poisonous snake girl on his back.

After she was safe, the girl who fell asleep was as dirty as she was now - it was he who cast a spell to clean her and comb her hair again.

"It was originally silver." The girl leaned lazily on Mr. Basil's arms and breathed. "The teacher said that silver is too conspicuous, so he helped me hide it."

"Here -" she tilted her neck, exposing her ears that had lost earrings to him, "This is a magic weapon that can cast illusion spells and iron armor spells at all times. Now that one is missing, it will lose its effect. .”

"I will get it back for you." Mr. Basil held the girl's hair, tied it up into a simple high ponytail.

"You should give me a new pair, idiot!" The girl snorted, raised her chin, raised her head, and glanced at Mr. Basil.

A trace of embarrassment flashed across his eyes.

This stupid idiot - why has he never come to see her in the past three years, but just keeps writing letters!

He had hinted so clearly, should he ask her to say it clearly?

Really - a lump of elm wood, a fool.

Mr. Basil was a little overwhelmed by Miss Zhang's gaze.

He thought something might happen.

Looking at the bright red lips, getting closer and closer.

"Ah, hit!" The next moment, a strong palm wind hit him directly in front of his face.

Mr. Basil was startled and hurriedly dodged, but he could not dodge the first grader but the fifteenth grader. The girl's other hand still hit him well on the chest.

"Hmph!" The girl bit her red lips, "I still want to take advantage."

"Head full of lust."

After all, maybe the anger just now made her get rid of her fatigue. For the first time, she finally overcame the mental obstacle of wanting to sleep in her head and slowly got up.

He lifted the thin blanket and placed his feet on the ground again.

She shook her ponytail and said, "Let's go!"

"I want to find someone to settle the score!"

"." Mr. Basil rubbed his chest in pain. Although the punch was not very powerful, he always had to pretend.

His girl just wants to be pampered.

However - after hearing Miss Zhang's words, the smile on his lips suddenly faded.

He reluctantly propped himself up, stood up and said, "You should think about your body."

"Also, did you encounter any danger last night?"

"It's a small thing." The girl said nonchalantly, "That's why I want to take revenge now."

With that said, she was about to leave.

Seeing this, Mr. Basil quickly followed.

The two left the room one after another.

Pushing the door open, I just walked into the cabin.

They were shocked by the scene before them.

When he saw them, there were two crooked bodies lying in the corridor.

It was as if he suddenly fell while walking, causing his body and limbs to appear in a twisted posture.

Mr. Basil quickly stepped forward to check the status of the two of them.

Although he already had a guess in his heart, when his fingers touched the other person's neck, he still felt a sense of sadness in his heart.

"They're dead."


"Death by suffocation," said Mr. Basil.

"Damn it!" Miss Zhang said angrily.

He took out the folding fan from his waist and waved it angrily. The huge floating water droplets slipped from the folding fan, and then slowly swallowed the two of them as if it had some kind of viscosity.

‘Pa’ she closed the fan blades suddenly, the flowing water transformed into wood, and two coffins suddenly appeared.

After doing all this, she walked straight over the two coffins and hurried towards the transfer room.

How could Mr. Basil put her in danger again?

He quickly chased after him.

After a few steps, someone stopped them.

It's Winston.

He had just been woken from bed by an unaffected wizard.

This is also Sirius' request.

Even if they rest, they cannot rest for a long time, whether eating or drinking, etc. - the substances needed by living creatures are likely to be forgotten by wizards during sleep, and they will eventually forget to eat and starve themselves to death.

Therefore, the maximum rest time he set cannot exceed six hours.

Now, exactly six hours have passed since he checked the health of everyone on the ship and then went to rest.

"Where are you going?" He looked at the two of them tiredly, speaking weakly.

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