I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 449 Death, Precia

"Can wizards also have faith?"

In the ears, there are bursts of singing like sacred music, and people can't help but have such doubts.

A group of people walked into the town.

This is a medieval style town. Glowing willow trees everywhere light up the road.

The ancient cobblestone streets shone with a faint sheen, and the stone madmen were inlaid with colorful glass. Blue-white light sprinkled on the glass, forming mottled light and shadow.

But no one passed by.

It was quiet except for the singing coming from the center of the town. There was no breath of life.

Maybe it was some kind of celebration or banquet that brought the residents of the town together.

This is what everyone guessed.

"What nonsense are you talking about? How can wizards have faith?" Winston objected. Wizards themselves possess the power of strange powers and chaos, so the magical world is far more secular than the Muggle world.

But it’s not right to say that you really have no faith at all.

Many wizards believe in Merlin.

But this belief is more of a respect for the legend. After all, Merlin will not ask them for a share of the incense money.

"There are still some." Miss Zhang said, "If you talk about faith, you have to talk about gods."

She solemnly said, "Following the ancient sages is also a kind of faith."

"Yes." Mr. Basil nodded. Belief in Merlin is very common in the Federation, and it is also an act of following the ancient sages.

But - it wasn't just him, so everyone noticed that the rooms on both sides and the doors of every house were graffitied with some kind of penetrating paintings.

It looked exactly like the abstract paintings they had seen painted on rocks in the fields.

Dark night - blue light - evil ghost that penetrates people.

A wind of fear could not help but blow, making everyone present tighten their hearts.

There is no need to talk about the issue of faith, because this town reveals an evil atmosphere from beginning to end, which cannot be speculated by ordinary people.

The town is not large.

Several people walked along the main line, walked through a central garden square, turned around a block, and came to a building full of Gothic style.

It looked like a Muggle church.

At this moment, the wizards were startled. They saw a group of people wearing black robes, all wrapped up, carrying something out of the back door of the town.

The other party obviously also discovered them.

The leading man in black robe glanced at them, his gaze stayed for about three or four seconds, and then moved away.

Afterwards, the people in black robes continued their work as if it was nothing, carried something and left quickly, disappearing into the silent night after a while.

The wizards were alert, but no one stepped forward rashly.

This town is not normal, and with everything unknown so far, it would be unwise to come into conflict with the town's residents. Caution - this is an excellent quality that these old men of the Federation possess compared to the younger wizards.

After all, today is different from the past. In this increasingly weird world, it is difficult for you to have any experience to speak of. In just a few years, there are more new enemies and more types than many people will see in a lifetime.

So it is not their prudence—but their imprudence, that has been covered with the quilt of the merciful earth.

Withdrawing their gaze, the four of them remained silent.

Then they each held their wands tightly, slowly walked up the stairs, and opened the door of the church-like building.

You can see the whole church at a glance.

The walls were covered in tar from burning oil lamps, making them disgustingly black, and the stained glass was blurry. There were even broken ones that were sealed with wooden boards. Several wooden boards were pieced together, revealing a long irregular crack. You can see the weird night outside.

At this time, about a hundred people, men and women in different clothes, were sitting on rows of benches in the room.

Their eyes were dull, and they looked at the seat of the guest of honor.

There - a middle-aged man in a suit and tie was holding a thick yellowed booklet and leading the believers in singing hymns loudly.

The language coming out of his mouth did not belong to any language known to the four people present.

It seems to be a very ancient human language, even more than thousands of years old.

In the room, the singing continued.

Neither the believers nor the bishop cared about the four people who suddenly barged in. They preferred to sing songs rather than asking about their origins.

It continued for a while before the singing slowly stopped.

The man who looked like a bishop waved his hand to everyone to wait a moment.

Then with a calm expression, he crossed his hands and began to pray.

The believers all made the same gestures, again in incomprehensible language.

Longer than the song lasts.

"It's so nagging." Miss Zhang muttered. She hated this kind of unknown thing the most, and the completely incomprehensible voice in her ears was very hypnotic.

According to the correct time, it should be late at night, which is the time to go to bed.

Her thoughts gradually relaxed, and as she was thinking, a silver-haired figure floated gently from the window.

Through the irregular joints of the wooden boards and the exposed slits, Zhang Xiaolin could see clearly.

Her eyes immediately moved to the next window, which was stained glass.

It's gray and not as gorgeous as it was at the beginning.

I waited, but after a long time, no one passed by the window.

There is not even a change in light and shadow.

She frowned.

But it was not announced.

After a few more minutes, the prayer ended.

The residents of the town stood up and dispersed in twos and threes.

Finally - the Bishop's attention fell on them.

"Welcome." He spoke fluent English, even with a British accent, "Welcome to the undead, um - it's been a long time - valuable souls have come here."

"Undead?" Sirius frowned, "What do you mean?"

"It doesn't matter." Mr. Bishop, a very kind-looking man, wearing a linen robe, said kindly, "Time will explain everything."

"What is this place?" Sirius asked again.

"Everything in the world has a name, but its real name may only be known by the wind, and I - we call this land Precia." The man said gently, "A long time ago, the world was in perfect balance. The world is a huge tree of life. Every branch, every leaf, and every flower is carefully arranged so that the sun shines and the rain and dew reach. People, animals, and spirits are all peaceful and peaceful.

Suddenly one day, an inexplicable external force interferes with the balance of the world, and the spiritual world begins to experience ripples, followed by cruelty and killing. Precia means the harbor of souls. This is the temporary residence of all the dead. When they let go of their obsessions and cleanse themselves of cruelty, they can welcome the next greater adventure. "

Miss Zhang frowned, feeling confused. The man's words sounded like fog to her ears, and she was completely confused.

She glanced at Mr. Basil and saw that he also looked confused. Obviously, his mood at the moment should be the same as hers.

Later, Sirius took on the task of talking to him.

Zhang Xiaolin left the church with Mr. Basil, and came to the window where she saw the silver-haired figure floating past. At this moment, the windows were closed, it was quiet, and there was nothing unusual.

Miss Zhang carefully observed the windows and the surrounding environment, trying to find any clues. However, she found nothing except some dust and traces of time on the windows. She couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, and began to wonder if she had seen it wrong.

At this time, she thought about the back door of the church.

So, she left the window and came to the back door of the church. The back door leads to a path that winds its way up to the mountains outside the town.

Miss Zhang stood by the back door and looked at the mountains through the gap between the two rows of buildings. However, apart from the lush trees and rolling mountains, she didn't see anyone.

"Strange-" Zhang Xiaolin frowned, and then went back to the church.

In front of the door, Sirius was still talking to the man.

However, the other party has been surrounding it in a fog, and the central idea is just one sentence. After a while, you will understand it yourself.

It was obvious that Sirius had lost his little patience.

After the other party continued to say in a roundabout way that the way out of here was in his heart, he took out his wand and cast the Legilimency spell on the man.

"It should have been like this a long time ago." Zhang Xiaolin complained.

Dumbledore's people! Just too decent - she couldn't help but glance at Basil beside her.

The incident in South America was caused by his not allowing her to use the Legilimency spell, which led to the further deterioration of the situation. If she had pried open the other person's brain to understand the truth from the beginning, then a series of subsequent events would not have happened.

Sirius used the spell very skillfully.

It looks like this time was well spent.

But after a moment, his expression became even more ugly.

As his left hand fell, the bishop walked away with a smile.

He was left standing alone in front of the church door in silence.

"What's wrong?" Victor stepped forward and asked.

Among the three people present, Zhang Xiaolin had no contact with the Dog Godfather. Basil rarely participated due to different responsibilities. But he - because the Rozier Magical Disabled Hospital is located in Paris, as the French Ministry of Magic's supervisor for the Federation The liaison officer was in contact with Sirius from time to time.

Facing Winston's questioning, Sirius seemed a little lonely, but remained silent.

After a while, he made some moves. He put the wand against his temple, and then pulled out a silver stream.

The intertwined threads floated down, and Winston immediately took out a glass bottle from his pocket to catch it.

"See for yourself," he said.

Then he turned and left. At this moment, he didn't seem to care about the weirdness and danger in the town.

The three of them looked at each other with confusion written on their faces.

Victor took out another mirror from his pocket.

This is the same function as the meditation mirror. As a student of Ms. Rozier, although he is not as talented as Victor in alchemy, his achievements are far beyond ordinary people. There are various alchemical magic tools in his pocket, most of which are his own inventions, and some are the works of Ms. Rozier.

He poured the memory in the bottle into the mirror, and soon, the blurry and turbid mirror immediately revealed a human figure.

A man appeared on the screen, and it was obvious that he was Mr. Bishop just now.

Then the scene began to change rapidly. It was impossible for Sirius to browse through a person's life in a short time. First of all, it was impossible from the magical point of view, because no one could cast a spell for that long. Second, Legilimency was a kind of It was an uncomfortable experience. There would be a strong sense of a foreign body entering the brain. People like Snape who were using Legilimency would not feel comfortable. If it was Voldemort, it would be like scratching his brain with a blunt knife.

No one can endure the pain that invades their brains for a long time, and the final outcome can only be madness or death.

Therefore, the image in the mirror flashed very fast.

A few fragments of that bishop's life, boyhood, and youth flashed by, mainly his memories after entering this place.

Time passed by minute by second, and soon, the water-like surface of the meditation mirror turned turbid again.

And after receiving all the information, they all remained silent.

"No way—" said Basil, "we came here via Shangri-La."

"We are different from the islanders," Winston added.

Your own memory will not deceive yourself, so the only one who will be deceived is someone else's.

Then the three of them looked at each other, turned around and rushed into the town.

Those residents who had just returned home and whose doors had not been closed were being treated roughly at this moment.

The three people entered the house as if they were shopping for zero dollars, but their purpose was not goods or finances, but people.

Waves of milky-white magic light belonging to the Legilimency spell sounded.

For more than an hour, the three of them searched the brains of more than fifty residents in the entire town.

It's not that they don't want to continue, but that they have too many memories of other people in their heads. This is very dangerous and can make people lose their consciousness.

All the memories come together.

If nothing goes wrong.

So it seems like - they're dead.

Outside the town, the three of them were sitting on a field and looking at the sea. Sirius had already joined the others. He also did not believe the bishop's words and did what the three of them had just done.

And the conclusion reached is the same.

Obviously no one wanted to accept such a result, and they began to rummage through boxes and cabinets in the town to find the secrets they thought should exist.

Because judging from the memories of the townspeople, they are just ordinary people, at least for now, and they cannot threaten the wizards at all.

The silent trio also joined the action, but her direction was towards the mountains in the distance.

The scene in front of the church was still vivid in her mind.

The three of them split up and several hours passed by.

Exploration in the mountains yielded nothing.

In the dark night, she didn't notice anything unusual. The mountain was still the same mountain, with no other characteristics except that it was filled with magic.

Somewhat discouraged, she returned to the small town church at the place she had agreed with Basil and Winston.

Waiting for the turn.

From a distance, Zhang Xiaolin saw the church's oil lamp on.

She thought Winston or Basil had returned.

A few hours ago, I saw the silver-haired woman in front of the window. Through the gap in the wooden board, Zhang Xiaolin, who was just passing by, accidentally glanced into the church.

But he saw a small town resident holding a knife and gently cutting his left arm.

Let the blood drip into the jar in front of you.

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