I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 448 Island

(The previous chapter has been modified)

That's Li Huo.

It is the most powerful fire magic.

The dexterous hound jumped on the sea, lighting up the blooming spiritual flowers.

In an instant, those who passed away! Burning flames.

In the flames, they had no time to say goodbye, so they could only wave their hands, like sculptures frozen in time, watching from a distance as their loved ones drifted away.

The crowd cried out one after another. They were reluctant to leave. To say goodbye again was to tear open the scars that had not yet healed. The originally fuzzy memories became clearer and clearer. People - they can't always remember life. The ups and downs in my life, recalling the past, all I can think of is the happy days with my loved ones.

The pain made people unable to hold back their tears, but Liehuo didn't give them much time to say goodbye.

In the blink of an eye, the sea surface took on a new look, darkness fell, and the purple light disappeared.

Sirius put away his wand, lowered his head and said nothing.

Mr. Basil took out a handkerchief embroidered with green lotus from his pocket and handed it to Zhang Xiaolin, who was silent and looking at the sea.

"Hi-" He didn't know what to say.

As for Miss Zhang, who came to her senses - she immediately snatched the handkerchief away, then turned her head, leaving Mr. Basil with his back.

Mr. Basil, who racked his brains and could not find a word of comfort, could only recall the words of a shaman he had met in South America. "In fact, they have not left. They have always lived in our memories."

The girl remained calm. After a moment, she said angrily, "Do I need your comfort?"

"Humph——" She turned around, her face was as usual, and there was no trace of tears on her cheeks.

"You'd better give Winston the words of comfort you've prepared. He'll cry his eyes out!"

After saying that, the two of them looked at Winston, whose face was full of tears.

The way he looks now is nothing like the naive look he used to have.

Winston has always been chubby because for some reason he gained weight no matter what he ate, and he seemed to have accepted his personality as a comedian. He looked cheerful when he saw everyone. Like now, he was crying with tears in his eyes. Yeah, I really haven’t seen it before.

"Have you cried enough?" Miss Zhang walked over carelessly, stretched out her hand and patted Winston hard on the back, "How about asking Basil to find an iron bucket?"

"Hey--" Mr. Basil glanced gently at the girl who was so comforting, "can't you say something nice."

"What kind words?" Miss Zhang looked back at him.

"For example...say something to make people feel more comfortable." Mr. Basil touched his nose, feeling a little helpless.

Miss Zhang curled her lips, looked at Winston's red and swollen eyes, and suddenly felt soft. She walked over, hugged Winston gently, and said in a much softer voice, "I'm going to beat you if you cry again."


The emotional emotion that had been brewing in Mr. Basil dissipated in an instant.

"." He rubbed his eyes, and then said in a long voice, "Well... I'm actually feeling quite uncomfortable. Why don't you give me a hug to comfort me?"


He just finished speaking.

I saw that the girl in front of me had opened her folding fan, and with a slight wave, a jet of water as high as a person shot out. Mr. Basil, who was unprepared for a moment, was immediately knocked down by the water flow.

The cold flood poured on him indiscriminately.

After feeling chilled, his whole body trembled.

"Are you feeling better?" Zhang Xiaolin raised her chin and said condescendingly.

"Much better, much better." Mr. Basil casually cast a few spells on himself, and his clothes were dry in the blink of an eye.

And Winston witnessed all this.

Finally he smiled.

He looked at his two companions.

The three of them looked at each other and smiled. At this moment, they had never been so closely connected.

On the other side, as the ship continued sailing, the dark sea once again lit up with little lavender lights.

The blooming spiritual flowers floated from nowhere, seemingly endlessly.

But this time, both Sirius and the trio over there were cleaning the flowers quickly.

Just leave a small amount to guide them.

Just like that - things gradually calmed down on the Camelot.

Although there are some wizards who can't help but want to jump off the boat and pick up a spirit flower, this behavior will be stopped by their companions in an instant.

Everyone began to focus on their own tasks. Some were responsible for inspecting the hull, some were responsible for continuing to use magic to contact the Federation, and some were looking for ways to get out of here by opening the "Thousands of Magical Traps Countermeasures" published by the Federation.

In short, everyone is busy, and they make themselves busy.

Because only in this way will the restless thoughts stop.

Camelot continued to drive - about an hour later, at the end of the sea full of blooming spiritual flowers, there was suddenly a touch of green.

As the ship gets closer. A small island appeared in everyone's sight.

It was a small island full of spiritual energy. The forest was lush and extended, the leaves were colorful, and all the tree trunks had veins that emitted blue light like blood vessels.

It is full of energy and magic, and you can tell at a glance that the land here definitely contains miracles beyond ordinary people's imagination.

On the deck, Zhang Xiaolin frowned slightly.

I was a little worried about the sudden appearance of the island.

Immediately, her eyes were cold and she slowly opened the folding fan in her hand.

I saw - on the painted fan made of water and jade made of bones, there were actually two fish swimming around.

That's a fan made of water!

"Back off!" cried Mr. Basil, raising his voice.

A group of wizards immediately left the side of the ship.

All eyes fell on the black-haired girl.

Zhang Xiaolin gently waved her fan.

The two fish in the water swayed their tails and jumped into the sea water.

As it falls.

The volume is also expanding rapidly. In the blink of an eye it was hundreds of feet across.

"It's Kunpeng!" Winston sighed, "I didn't expect to see him again."

"Remember the last time she used Kunpeng to flood an African city." Mr. Basil continued, "She was able to use magic to summon a city with 50,000 people in a place where there was no water, and withstand the forty-degree heat and dryness. City."

"That kind of impact is comparable to last year's Miss Granger, her posture under the stars."

"What you said makes me feel as if I am already old." Winston shook his head and said, "I have to say that the power of this origin magic is indeed too exaggerated."

"The exaggeration is about people, not magic." Mr. Basil said with a wry smile, "I have also tried to practice a few war magics. Being able to blow up a street is my limit."

"With the same spell, which Ms. Rozier can blow up a mountain?"

"The mentor is a legendary wizard. She is not even much weaker than Dumbledore or Mr. Grindelwald. You are really ambitious and ambitious." Winston glanced at Mr. Basil.

“Goals—of course they have to be ambitious!”

Mr. Basil shook his head and said proudly.

And where the eyes of the two people in front of me converge.

The girl was already flying lightly.

The folding fan in his hand is like a conductor's baton. As her right hand quickly rose.

The sea roared.

The terrifying tides visible to the naked eye surged, and the water on the coast of the island retreated dozens of meters in an instant.

"Prepare to strike!" shouted Mr. Basil.

The next second, the folding fan fell from the girl's hand.

A giant sea beast hundreds of feet tall jumped out of the water. Then hit the water hard.

In an instant, the waves of dozens of feet were like an insurmountable water wall, a city wall.

With some force, it rushed straight to the coastline.

"Bang!" Huge waves also hit the Camelot.

At this moment, another Kunpeng jumped out of the water, its wings with a wingspan of thousands of miles firmly resisting the waves.

Camelot only shook slightly, and the impact dissipated.

And over there on the island.

The tide instantly submerged it into a vast land.

The huge force even carried the sea water and threw it to a distance invisible to the naked eye.

Under this attack, all magic mechanisms and traps on the coast and hundreds of meters inland will be destroyed.

Zhang Xiaolin, with the folding fan in her hand, could clearly feel all the places where the sea water passed.

"No problem?" There was a strange look on her face, and then she waved her folding fan again. The Kunpeng in the sea waved its wings, turned into a bird, and returned to her folding fan.


"It's not surprising, after all, there is no way to use common sense to infer this place." Winston on the side said with a few complicated glances in his eyes.

"This is a bit like the virtual realm where Chang'an Imperial Academy is." Zhang Xiaolin continued, "But it shouldn't be so perfect - like an iron box with no gaps at all. This is not normal. No magic can be perfect. .”

"The gods have appeared, what else is impossible?"

He chuckled and waited for the tide to recede on the shoreline.

Ten minutes later, the land was exposed again.

He apparated and appeared directly on the coast.

After that, many wizards came to the island.

Sirius ordered the few remaining people to keep the Camelot, and the rest all went ashore.

"What kind of trees are these?" Basil looked at the surrounding plants emitting azure light and asked doubtfully.

"I don't know, it looks like some kind of willow tree." Winston said. His left prosthetic arm grabbed the hanging branches of the tree, broke off a section, and studied it carefully.

Maybe it was his misunderstanding. There were faint, almost undetectable traces of ancient magic in this leaf.

"The true form is revealed." He stretched out his left arm, and a golden stream of light surged out.

Then everything around him lit up with blue light in response.

"There's magic everywhere."

"The True Shape Revealing Curse is no longer useful."

This spell can detect traces of magic around, but now there are traces of magic everywhere, so naturally it can't be used.

"Be smart." Zhang Xiaolin rolled her eyes at him, then strode toward a tree, "It's an isolated island, and the plants on it can't come from other places, so -"

"So these plants should have ancestors?"

"It's the source." Miss Zhang said proudly.

"The traces are immediately revealed!" The wonderful magic power seeped into the earth, as if it had penetrated into intricate pipes.

What Miss Zhang is looking for is the thickest and longest one among these pipes.

"Trace the source!" Her folding fan burst out with golden light, and the light was like dominoes, lighting up some trees in the forest one by one.

"Brain!" Zhang Xiaolin said, and then walked into the forest following the direction of the light.

The others, after a moment of surprise, also followed.

Sirius led the Aurors of the Federation and spread out to protect the three people in the center. An ominous premonition arose in his heart. These unusual things around him reminded him of the Ionia city. The caves, those strange moss plants and crystallized minerals.

They are all blue rays, both have never been seen before, and they are all related to the outer body.

He was really afraid that an invisible divine skin messenger would suddenly burst out of the forest.

So he has been directing the Aurors around him, in pairs, to cast the Revealing Curse every minute to prevent any invisible monsters from hiding in the shade of the trees.

Late at night, there was no longer any light coming from the sea, but the surrounding trees emitted a brighter blue light. They replaced torches and street lamps, illuminating the surrounding area.

After walking for half an hour, the forest gradually receded, but there was still seawater rushing up around it.

Some farmland began to appear around. Although it was submerged by water, you could vaguely see that the fields were covered with various crops. There were also cattle and sheep standing in the water enough to submerge their knees. They put their mouths into the sea water and were leisurely and contented. eating grass.

A small town suddenly appeared not far away.

It is located in front of mountains in the distance. The overall area is not large, with less than a hundred households and only half a mile in diameter.

The town is located on high ground, and the seawater has reached its limit when it floods the endless farmland.

"Be on guard!" Sirius ordered.

The surrounding Aurors gathered together.

"A small town suddenly popped up -" Zhang Xiaolin opened her mouth and said, "Maybe the people living here are really undead!"

"." Winston shook his head noncommittally, "It would be great if they were undead."

He said, "I'm afraid it's a creature like a demon that creates undead. It's not like we haven't encountered them before."

"Stop talking!" Zhang Xiaolin yelled angrily, "I don't want to recall that experience at all!"

The wizards around him responded with silence.

For a moment, everyone sincerely hoped that their loved ones would appear on the island in the distance so that they could be together for a short time.

Although this possibility is not high, after all, after the explanation of the Ming wizard Zhang Xiaolin, they all know that the undead are actually seen by the spirit flower. If there is no wizard approaching, just like the Boggart, they will not have any Variety.

"Thomas, please keep your hands here." Sirius said solemnly, "I allow you to use any magic spell. Remember that the highest criterion is to protect your own life. Don't care whether the enemy has the ability to attack you."



"Yeah." Everyone nodded.

Sirius was almost about to say the words "unlimited killing". But there was nothing he could do. After all, in this strange and dangerous place, any accident could happen, just like the deceased who had just appeared - he had to make the most careful plans.

"Stay vigilant - let's go over and take a look." Sirius directed two-thirds of the people to stay where they were, and then led the trio along the man-made stone road that appeared at their feet, and began to slowly move towards this strange town. .


It was too quiet.

There seems to be no wind on the island. The surrounding trees are lush and lush, but there is no sound of the wind rustling the leaves.

There were no insects in the field, and only the shadows of birds and beasts could be seen.

The cattle and sheep in the fields had been grazing, and the four people passed by them, but they didn't respond at all, they were very numb.

It's as if their only purpose of survival is to eat grass, and they don't care about anything else.

In the team, Zhang Xiaolin's eyes suddenly fell on the stones on the field ridge.

This kind of stone seems to be a kind of decoration, which can be seen everywhere on the road. Almost every few steps they take, they can see one.

There was moss growing on every stone, so it was obvious these things had been there for some time.

Looking at it, it seems to be a very ordinary granite, with uneven surfaces and stacked layers. There are graffiti using simple limestone paintings on the rock wall - a strange painting with arms spread out and a white body, like a portrait of an evil ghost.

So what exactly is it?

She didn't know, but she suddenly had a headache.

It felt like pins and needles - but it only took a moment for the feeling to disappear.

Shaking her head, Zhang Xiaolin frowned slightly. She remained silent and continued to move forward.

Less than half a mile away from the town, soothing singing could be heard faintly.

As they got closer and closer, the sound became louder step by step.

It was a chorus of many people, and the sound came from the building in the center of the town.

All four of them took out their wands and held them tightly in their hands.

"Once a battle breaks out, don't get entangled and just apparate away, you know!" Sirius stared at the three of them seriously and said.

"Hi - I think you look down on us a bit." Miss Zhang looked calm on the surface, with a hint of arrogance in her tone, but her black eyes kept staring at the center of the town in the distance.

"It has nothing to do with you."

The girl's attitude reminded Sirius of a person, and that boy always had this attitude. "You have no experience in facing alien gods, and you don't know the correct way to kill the gods' creations. Most of the gods' creations cannot be killed directly even by the killing curse."

He explained, “Many methods are summed up by previous battles over and over again.”

"Okay, okay, uncle, we will pay attention!" Zhang Xiaolin shrugged, not taking Sirius's words to heart at all, but the look in her eyes became more cautious.

Seeing this, Sirius stopped trying to persuade him. Little guys are always fearless and will not change their mentality until they have suffered setbacks themselves.

"Then, be careful."

Immediately - he said no more.

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