I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 447 Virtual Realm


Zhang Xiaolin just glanced at it and recognized the treasure - Kunlunxu's treasure of the town, one of the ancient artifacts recognized by the Ministry of Magic of the Ming Dynasty.

The upper, middle and lower layers of the prayer wheel correspond to longitude, latitude and altitude respectively. As long as you enter the location, it can take you to anywhere in the world.

"No—it's a replica."

Come to think of it, if this were genuine, those old guys from Kunlunxu could tear down the Federation.

"Which master's work is it?" She looked at Sirius and asked curiously.

But the other party just rolled his eyes at him. How could the dog father know whose work it was? It was enough that he could use it. How could he bother to ask who made it.

"It should be a replica made by Nico Flamel." Winston guessed from the side. "Kunlunxu has banned outsiders from studying that artifact for the past three hundred years. We wanted to apply for research more than ten years ago, but we were told The real Shangri-La has been sealed for three hundred years.”

"Yes." Zhang Xiaolin said. She was not interested in alchemy. It was also because there was a replica in Chang'an Imperial Academy, which was the work of Master Mozi, so she asked curiously.

As the replica was safely nested into the giant ship, obvious cracks suddenly began to appear around the ship.

But it's not the ship itself that's cracked, but the space itself that makes the physical world around it.

The next moment, the cracked space burst out with golden light.

The ship shuddered slightly.

All the surrounding seawater and whirlpools have disappeared.

It seemed like they were sailing into outer space.

In the cylindrical space, stars are shining brightly, embedded in the sky, shining with strange light.

Ambilight, like the Milky Way.

In front of us, at the end of space, appeared a huge planet with blue ocean and white clouds. The clearly visible mountains are obviously the earth.

The earth rotates crazily, and when the giant wheel approaches, it slowly stops. At this time, looking at it, the continent on the surface of the earth is the European continent.

Everyone can even see the outline of the British Isles.

Next, their boat seemed to be stretched. The boat became very long, and even the people on the boat were pulling the pixels of a photo into a thin line. Within a few breaths, this pulling feeling turned into a kind of gravity or push, and the giant wheel accelerated instantly.

He drove out of the cylindrical space in the blink of an eye.

There was a loud "Bang!"

The giant ship fell into the sea.

Splashing into waves several feet high.

Everyone gasped for breath. The experience just now was too magical. For a moment, they really thought that they had left the earth and flew back to the UK in synchronous orbit. The space just now made many people forget to breathe.

Crazy and romantic.

"Oh - what a nice experience." Basil Pierre said happily.

Not many people in this world can experience this wonderful journey.

"Nothing -" Zhang Xiaolin shrugged.

At this time, the dome of the giant wheel has been taken off.

The salty and wet smell of sea water hit her face, and the girl leaned on the hull of the boat and looked at the calm sea.

In Taixue, Shangri-La is used quite frequently. After all, such useful magic props are rare in ancient times.

She had traveled to Europe several times through that replica, so among everyone, she was the only one who felt calmest in her heart, without any waves being stirred up.

"Phew—exploration failed."

On the deck, the other wizards were not very interested.

After all, a failed expedition could not have brought them excitement. The vortex just now was really dangerous. If it was so difficult for Camelot to enter it, then the wizards really couldn't think of any other way. .

It seemed - the expedition to Australia was bound to have its casualties. And this was not what Sirius wanted to see.

"We should find a mermaid or mermaid." Zhang Xiaolin said, "The ocean has countless emotions, and they can read the signs to predict the future and point the way. Even in violent storms."

"Oh - you still know something about magical creatures?" Winston said in surprise, "You have never had any knowledge in this area before. I remember when you were in the Congo, you didn't even know the Chimera. "

"I'm a professor now after all - I was just not interested in things other than magic before." Zhang Xiaolin defended: "Besides, I haven't recognized all the magical creatures in the Ming Dynasty, so how can I have the mood to understand other people?" of."

"You are still young."

"Huh - you're not that much older than me."

"Hey - if you have any free time to bicker, why not come over and take a look at this." Mr. Basil yelled at this time.

He was on the other side of the deck, facing the sun.

The girl walked over and joined Winston.

They looked toward the sea.

It was immediately clear why Basil seemed a little panicked.

I saw that the rising sun dyed the sea surface into golden color, creating a brilliant road with sparkling waves.

And among these microwaves, there are countless red flowers floating.

The center of the five petals is wrapped with blue-white stamens. The stamens sway in the wind, scattering lavender pollen.

The entire sea surface is covered with these petals, which is extremely magical.

"Wait a minute -" Zhang Xiaolin suddenly noticed that something was wrong with the sun in the distance.

"The light - it seems to be coming from the bottom of the sea."

After hearing her voice, everyone looked up.

There seems to be less golden gilding on the sea.

Without the light blocking their sight, they also saw the red sun in the distance.

It is close to the sea, seeming to rise and fall.

But the obvious half in the sea looks more real, while the exposed half looks more illusory.

The halo shines very strangely.

The surroundings were also too dark. It might be the first ray of sunlight in the morning shining brightly, or it might be the last ray of sunlight entering the sea at dusk, so the feeling that the light came from under the sea was not so obvious.

But if you look carefully, you can still easily see that the ocean is indeed glowing.

"Where are we?"

Everyone was trembling with fear, and the next moment they all started trying to cast the Apparition Spell.

Soon - the wizards discovered that although their apparation was successful, they only moved less than a few feet in place.

Didn't go where they thought they would.

Zhang Xiaolin saw everything.

Then, her figure began to twist, and the next second, she appeared on the sea.

"Can we only see what we see?"

Waving the folding fan, she stayed steadily on the sea.

Bend down, pick up a pink flower, and look at it carefully.

"This thing - looks familiar."

Suddenly her pupils tightened, and she immediately recognized the flower in her hand.

"Blooming Spirit Flower."

"Spiritual Flower?" Basil and Winston appeared beside her at the same time.

"The legendary magical plant." The girl's red lips moved slightly as she explained: "Legend has it that there is a plant called the Blooming Spirit Flower growing under Mount Tai. When the flower blooms, it will connect to the spiritual world of a soul. The person holding the flower will , drink the stamens, open your heart and see your deceased relatives.

The master said: The scenes you see are all illusions projected from the heart. You don't want to talk about strange powers and confusion. The right way is to practice together. But most people in the world can easily let go after experiencing separation between life and death, so this plant soon became extinct.

It has not appeared in the world for at least a thousand years. "

"So now that it appears, what does it mean?" Winston frowned.

Zhang Xiaolin smiled slyly: "This means either we have discovered a precious ancient plant, or -"

She pointed around, "Either welcome to the world of the dead."


Mr. Basil only thought she was joking - although the joke was not funny at all, and - the surroundings gradually dimmed strangely. The sun seemed to really sink into the sea.

"Now - we are trapped here." Zhang Xiaolin said, "These spiritual flowers on the sea are the only signposts. Maybe we should follow its direction and move forward."

"That's not a very good idea," said Winston.

"No." The girl smiled slightly and looked at the sea in the distance. "That's either the exit or hell."

The other two people had heavy expressions and stopped talking.

The sea full of pink flowers did not make them feel beautiful or amazing. Facing the unknown, they just felt a sincere fear, which is the instinct of living things.

Especially now, when the light is about to fade.

The three returned to the Camelot.

Sirius, who was standing on the deck watching, naturally heard the conversation between the three of them.

Regarding Zhang's point of view, it doesn't matter if he doesn't want to agree, because there is no other choice.

Just now, he had someone try the door key he had prepared in advance.

The result is no different than Apparating.

They're really stuck here.

"Follow those petals." Helplessly, he could only say this.

I couldn't help but start to worry in my heart.

Nominally, there are more than a dozen people on the entire ship under his command, and his own life can be lost, but they - they are still young, especially those few, who will be the backbone of the future magical world, if something unexpected happens.

Sirius shook his head, his gaze getting deeper and deeper.

On the sea - the Camelot cut through the water smoothly, and they did not encounter any obstruction.

The surroundings were as quiet as a lake in a deep mountain, with few waves.

Everyone on the deck looked around solemnly.

The blue water gradually stopped shining even a trace of light, but the sea surface was still sparkling.

It's those spiritual flowers.

The lavender light emitted from the stamens is like a road sign.

The sea is covered with these road signs.

The Camelot sailed by, pushing open the stamens of the flowers smoothly, as if scissors were cutting through a canvas.

Zhang Xiaolin has been standing at the bow of the ship, staring at the sea in the distance.

She held a spirit flower in her hand, and the purple smoke kept changing in her hands. Vaguely, she seemed to hear someone calling her name.

That gentle voice was like a mother's.

Serious words are like those of a father.

Although she didn't drink the flower dew, she had already seen her relatives walking out of the mist one after another and staying with her.

On the boat, the other wizards soon discovered.

Above the sea, every spiritual flower began to sway.

The lavender smoke penetrated deep into the sea water, and then one arm struggled to come out of the water.

One - two!

More at the end.

Countless people stood up from the sea. They held the blooming spirit flowers and stood there, just looking at them - silently sizing up the people on the boat.

The Camelot is like a train bound for death. The platform is full of deceased relatives on the ship. Some are confused, some are struggling, and some want to get off.

"That's—that's my mother!" A wizard on the ship lamented. He couldn't help but approach the side of the ship, his eyes reflecting the appearance of a certain mother who had passed away. He raised his right hand, and the steps he took became bigger, like a child who had been away for a long time, wanting to go home and throw himself into his mother's arms.

"Wait a minute--" The person next to him quickly grabbed him.

But the person who held him also saw his relatives when he glanced at the sea.

It's their father.

It's their mother.

It's their brother.

It's their sister.

It's their lover.

In the purple light, the dead people seemed to be alive, smiling, looking at them in pain, and reluctantly.

For a moment, everyone seemed to have been stabbed hard in the heart.

"He looks more and more like a powerful wizard."

The French wizard Winston Nomu, who was about to comfort Zhang Xiaolin, was suddenly startled, and then turned his head in disbelief, his eyes falling on a peerless beauty on the sea.


In an instant, he was pulled back to the past by endless thoughts.

I remember when I was a child, the eccentric 'mother' with silver hair, gray eyes, always secretly led them away from the Saint's Hidden Castle, carrying Ms. Rozier on her back.

She likes the sea and the sun.

When she was a child, happiness was always connected with her and never separated.

Garona, Kent, Roy, Victor and myself. A group of four or five-year-old children, the oldest being teenagers, followed their 'mother' and traveled around France, from the prosperity of the big city of Paris to a new cup of tea in a suburban town. That was their happiest time. .

Until their 'mother' betrayed Ms. Wenda, their childhood seemed to end abruptly at that moment.

“Call me sister—do I look that old?”

The woman smiled gently, and there was no blame in her deep eyes.

"Mother-" Winston stared blankly, breathing a little quickly.

His eyes were wet with tears, and the ripples made his vision blurry.

"Okay." The flower bloomed with brilliance, and the woman stepped on the light steps and walked up to him.

Gray eyes fell on Winston's left arm, a stinging tremor flashed across his cheeks, and his white hands fell on his prosthetic body, "Does it hurt?"


Tears dripped from his cheeks.

Silently falling into the sea.

The flowers in the sea become more colorful.

"No -" He was so overwhelmed that he couldn't even utter a complete sentence.

"It was a long, long time ago."

"I'm sorry." The woman wiped the tears from his face, "Maybe I shouldn't be so selfish."

"We don't blame you, we don't blame you," he said hurriedly. "After you left, Ms. Wenda often fell into silence. She closed herself up and spent countless years. I know that she was thinking of you."

"I've met that boy Owen. He is an amazing wizard. He is destined to achieve achievements that are unimaginable to ordinary people. Oh - he even has a girlfriend."

Winston was like a dam that opened its floodgates, and he couldn't stop thinking about him.

Owen's figure was all in his words. From every bit of his growth, everything he knew, he said everything in detail.

The woman just looked at him tenderly, smiling and saying nothing.

Watching him talk about him and others, listening to his story, there is no self at all, but he is everywhere.

After a long time, Winston finally stopped. He realized that his words might have made the woman feel sad. After all, he was her son. Not watching his child grow up with his own eyes was the cruelest punishment for a mother. .

He lowered his head, not knowing what to say, so he could only say briefly, "I'm sorry, I may have said too much."

The woman shook her head gently, stretched out her hand to hold his, and said softly: "No, I like hearing you say this very much."

"But you should talk about yourself. You are already a big boy. I wish I could watch you grow up with my own eyes."

Winston raised his head suddenly, and the moment he looked into those gray eyes, tears burst from his eyes.

The depression squeezed by the boring life in those research laboratories, the pain caused by forcibly using ancient magic to transform the body, the most important relatives turned against each other, and one killed the other.

These painful memories flowed out with tears.


The crying all around was like the heaviest symphony in the world.

Complex emotions, filled with parting and pain, are the things that humans are most unwilling to let go of, and are the cornerstone of what makes them who they are.

Even if you are heartbroken every day and experience pain thousands of times every day. But the feeling of forgetting is worse. Even if it is painful, they don't want to forget.

Sirius looked at everything indifferently.

The wand in his hand lit up red.

He knew clearly that these undead creatures could not be the deceased, perhaps it was just the flowers that took advantage of people's memories.

It gives a glimpse into the most precious things in the human heart.

Just when he raised his hand, ready to end it all.

A figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

He was a tall wizard with golden brown eyes, a thin face.

With eyes.

Sirius's hand trembled slightly, and the magic about to cast the spell dissipated.


"Padfoot." James looked at him, his eyes so steady behind his glasses, "Harry, I'm leaving it to you."

"Huh." Sirius took a sharp breath, nodded, and then his eyes became hard again.

Immediately, the tip of his wand suddenly spit out fierce red flames.

The light illuminated the entire sea.

It was not an ordinary flame, but a liquid-like crimson flame. It jumped and hovered in the air, as if it was alive. The temperature was extremely high, causing the surrounding air to twist and make a sizzling sound.

With a flick of the wand, the crimson flame began to expand rapidly, turning into a huge hound. It ran wildly on the sea surface, and immediately - ignited the entire sea area.

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