I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 442 Pain and bondage destroy common sense.

"Owen -" Hermione immediately stepped forward, "How did you do in the exam? Well - you will definitely get 'excellent'."

I always feel that my worries are a bit unnecessary.

Hermione took a deep breath and gradually calmed down.

Maybe she was influenced by Hannah, but she couldn't stop imagining that an accident would happen during the exam.

"Something happened." Owen looked at her and shook his head.

"You will definitely get an excellent one." Hermione was still saying like a self-hypnosis, "Wait a minute -" she suddenly realized, "There was an accident?"

"Of course it wasn't me who had the accident!" The boy held her hand and said with a smile, "Can a little Boggart have any impact on me?"

"I" Hermione stopped, her brown eyes staring straight at Owen.

What worries her is that Owen has faced an alien god before.

To this day, he may be the only one in the world who has faced the ultimate evil.

She didn't dare to believe what the outer god would look like, but she could probably tell what kind of evil god it was from the only creations [Pretender], [Son of Bad Omen] and [Dead Man].

She was worried that the boggart would imitate the appearance of an alien god.

"Don't worry." He patted the little witch on the shoulder.

Then he turned around and pointed behind him.

The little wizards who were watching all looked into the auditorium.

Harry also came over.

And the twins.

and Koatl, who was used as a tutor by Hufflepuff.

Everyone gathered outside the auditorium.

"What's wrong with him?" Harry saw at a glance that Ron's current state was extremely strange.

He didn't look relaxed at all, instead he was trembling all over, like a frightened child.

"That's just a boggart!" he continued. "At Ron's level."

"He needs a little help!" Owen said after Harry's words.

"What everyone fears is not the same Harry." He continued, "Maybe one day what you fear is not Voldemort, but Ginny getting hurt."

he said teasingly.

Ginny, who was standing just behind Harry, blushed all of a sudden.

And Harry - also rubbed his head in embarrassment.

I finally understood what Owen meant.

But when he turned around and thought about it, he felt strange again, "Ron, what would he be afraid of? I know he was afraid of spiders before, but now - could it be Death Eaters? Or Voldemort?"

Considering that Ron had been captured by Voldemort for more than a month, Harry had reason to believe that what he feared was the demon king that most wizards feared.

"No -" Owen shook his head, his eyes falling on Koyatel, "You know."

The girl's deep eyes were filled with invisible sadness.

At some point, her palms had clenched into fists.

She had also had such frightening memories.

Every time I think about it, my whole body will be wet with sweat.

She didn't know when she fell asleep, and the nightmare finally stopped bothering her - maybe she was numb, and the painful memories of the past could no longer make waves in her heart.

But - now - as she stood here, looking towards the auditorium - looking at her former self.

A trace of regret could not stop flowing in my mind. Back then - I should have been more determined. In addition, there was also anger, which was to express hatred for this damn world!

"My bad," Koatl muttered. Her scarlet eyes reflected the softness of her soul.

Pretending, Owen sighed, raised his wand, and said to her, "Not at all."

He tightened his hold on Hermione's hand, "The key lies in our own choice - expressing our true selves is our own choice, which is more important than our abilities. In fact, being able to feel like this Pain is what makes you the strongest."

"Because pain is part of human nature, and it just proves that you are still a human being, not a monster."

He spoke slowly, his tone sounding like the warm breeze blowing through the fields of Hogwarts in June.

There is gentleness and detachment from the situation.

The crystal wand exhaled silver mist, exuding the condensed light of the moon.

"But after all, we are different from a monster born from a love drug - after all, we are not alone."

He turned back to the auditorium.

He said loudly: "Calling God - Guard!"

"Qiang Qiang!"

A loud cry echoed through the sky above the auditorium.

It's Phoenix.

A phoenix rushed out of the huge silver mist.

The brilliant light shone on everyone in the auditorium.

Its head is high, its body lines are smooth and elegant, and its tail feathers are long and gorgeous, like an unfolding fan.

His whole body was burning with flames, and he was flying gracefully and calmly like an elf.

"Merlin's beard!"


The professors in charge of invigilating the exams at the Ministry of Magic took a deep breath and looked up in shock at the phoenix passing in front of the Gothic flying buttress on the ceiling.

"Calling God—Guard!!!"

Coatl was the second wizard to cast the spell.

With great sadness, she held up Salazar's wand.

The silver mist was also born from the tip of her staff.

Then, a huge silver snake with two wings on its back and horns on its head that looked like a crown shed the light of the patron saint and flew into the auditorium together.


Owen looked at the patron saint that looked like Quetzalcoatl in surprise.

This time, he didn't feel any traces of divinity or ancient magic.

Come to think of it - it was just the patron saint of Coatl, but it had been permanently changed due to the power of the god.

"Call the gods to protect you!"

Hermione joined in.

So far, she didn't understand why Owen cast this spell, but that didn't stop her from trusting the boy around her.

Grapevine wand, a cute little beast jumped out.

It was a four-legged beast with a mane on its neck and sparkling eyes.

The body looks like a lion - but the tail doesn't look like it, because its tail is very wide and silky.

The limbs are also more slender, with eagle-like toes.

Hmm - why does it look so much like Sirocco?

That little guy only has the blood of Zuowu.

Hmm - thinking about it - Owen was suddenly startled - talk about it? Where is his cat? Where is his dragon?

Haven’t seen it in months! ! !

"Calling God to protect you!!!"

Hermione raised her wand high, as if waving an invisible flag, and her voice echoed in the air, blowing the battle horn.

Afterwards, the sound of mantras came and went, as continuous as the waves.

In the auditorium, various patron saints emerged like a tide. They had different shapes, some were majestic and mighty, some were gentle and lovely, and some were small and exquisite.

Harry's patronus, a stag, also burst into the Great Hall.

Although the little wizards were confused by Owen's sudden behavior, they trusted him, so more and more people joined in.

More than a hundred physical guardian angels rushed into the auditorium.

The scene was as spectacular as a zoo cafeteria opening for dinner.

These patron saints are either running and jumping, dancing gracefully, or singing in a low voice, which is very lively.

In addition to the little wizards in front of the auditorium, in the courtyard and in the courtyard, more and more people noticed the changes that happened here.

From this more patron saints joined in.

"Merlin on top!"

The examiners were at a loss for words.

Looking at the ceiling, there are more and more patron saints entrenched on the flying buttresses.

The silver ocean directly subverted their basic common sense.

The Patronus Charm is a kind of profound white magic that is extremely difficult to master!

Right - right!

But - why do these little wizards all summon physical guardian spirits?

They couldn't imagine how these young wizards mastered such advanced magic. However, the sight before them made them believe that this was a miraculous moment.

"A miracle - this is simply a miracle." Professor Marchban said tremblingly.

Although she had already known about the little wizards at Hogwarts before, she knew that there were many talented little wizards in this class, and she also knew that many people in the castle could use the Patronus Charm.

Whether it was clearly told to her by many professors including Dumbledore, or the news that two years ago, dementors invaded the Hogwarts Quidditch pitch, and hundreds of young wizards waved their wands to release the Patronus.

But - at that time, judging from the photos, most young wizards could only make their wands spit out a cloud of silver mist.

Not many can summon physical guardian spirits.

But now - there are hundreds of little wizards outside the auditorium, there are even a few first and second graders in the crowd, they look quite young, they are just children.

But they - their wands also spit out balls of silver light, and with the blessing of powerful positive emotions around them, they also successfully released their physical guardian angels.

Apart from shock, she could not find any words to describe the scene in front of her.

There are more than a hundred physical guardian gods, and the silver light mist almost becomes some kind of physical substance, like clouds falling from the ceiling. A person may never see such a scene even once in his life.

A strong positive sentiment enveloped the entire auditorium.

The Boggarts in those cabinets were shivering, trembling with fear, and wanted to escape, but they did not dare to leave the cabinets at all.

Although they are both dark creatures, Boggarts are not dementors after all. If they were dementors, facing so many patron saints would be enough to make them evaporate.

Ron slowly raised his head, his eyes gradually regaining clarity from the confusion.

The strong positive emotions permeating the auditorium were like a sharp sword, easily cutting off the chain of memories in his heart.

Those heavy pasts and painful memories recede like the tide, leaving behind a piece of tranquility and clarity.

Raising his head, Ron looked at his companions in front of the auditorium door.

For some reason, his vision was somewhat blurry.


The light penetrates the water droplets and divides the picture into several scenes.

He looked at Harry.

Look towards the Koyat.

Look at Owen.

Looked at Hermione.

Look at Ginny and everyone who cares about him and the people he cares about.

With happy memories in my mind, every scene is filled with the smiles of my companions. Those are their shared memories, the pillars that support their souls.

Infinite warmth surged in Ron's heart, and he had come out of the shadow of the past.

Wiping away the tears, a smile appeared on her lips.

Then, he raised the magic wand that belonged to his ancestors.

He said gently: "Call God—Guard!"


Like gushing waves.

Like a wanderer returning home.

Like a river flowing into the sea.

The silver mist is like a shooting star rising upstream.

Then a hound emerged from the mist.

It howls and rushes into its home on the ceiling!


At this time, the auditorium became quiet.

All the professors and examiners stood quietly, staring at the miracle that belonged to Hogwarts.

They were all wrapped up in an intense feeling of happiness and joy.

I can't help but recall the happiest things in my life.

The patron saint spell has no such effect, or it is very weak.

But when so many patron saints gather together, the effect is infinitely amplified.

Professor Marchban looked up at the most eye-catching one among the patron saints.

That phoenix.


Very few wizards have a patronus of magical animals.

Most of them are ordinary animals without magical powers.

This was the second time in her life that she saw someone's patron saint being a magical creature.

Last time, it was also a phoenix.

The professor's eyes gradually fell on Owen.

She couldn't help but think of Dumbledore's words, that child was the best student in the history of Hogwarts.

Before, she didn't believe it at all.

But now - when the phoenix above us rules the beasts.

She believed it.

She firmly believed that another great wizard, a wizard far superior to those before him, had been born.


After that day, the little wizards didn't care, and everyone did their own thing.

For example, prepare for the next exam.

After all, everyone knows that their classmates can release physical guardian spirits.

What's so surprising about this? They had seen a more spectacular scene of the patron saint casting a spell a few years ago.

But this incident caused quite an impact on the outside world.

Although there had been a spectacular scene in the Quidditch match before, when dementors attacked Harry and hundreds of people cast the Patronus Curse.

But that time was far less clear than this time. At that time, there were still many young wizards who could only make their wands spit out silver mist.

Moreover, the current situation is exactly when the [Pretender] is making people panic. Reports like this can boost everyone’s confidence.

People give all the credit for this to Dumbledore.

Look, what is the greatest white wizard?

Could Umbridge, that monster in human skin, teach such a student?

The Ministry of Magic is indeed a loser, so why doesn’t Dumbledore serve as the Minister of Magic?

Many people have this or similar thoughts from the bottom of their hearts.

Poor Rufus Scrimgeour's approval ratings have inexplicably plummeted.

But compared to the two idiots before.

Rufus Scrimgeour is much smarter.

The next day, he personally went to Hogwarts to have a cordial meeting with Dumbledore, and also asked reporters to take photos, which was a big gain in Principal Bo's traffic.

Owen felt that he was just here to pull off the tiger's skin and promote the banner.

This feast also changed Ron.

Dumbledore chatted with him for a long time.

In short - when I saw Ron the next day, he seemed to be back to his old self. Although Owen knew that was impossible.

But his depressed mood for the past few months has finally become a little more relaxed.

Koyatel had been out late that night.

Hannah said, a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth when she came back.

Owen himself didn't see this scene because he had gone to bed long ago.

On Friday, Owen and Hermione went to take the ancient runes exam together.

Harry and the others have a day off.

Not many wizards took this course in the entire fifth grade.

The exam was over soon.

Owen breezed through.

Professor Bathsheda Bablin even bluntly said that Owen's rune skills have surpassed some scholars in the wizarding world.

He is good enough to start a sect in this course.

The professor is not talking nonsense.

Modern runes are inherently an archaeological subject, with a large number of text combinations and even some runes themselves having been lost.

As an heir to ancient magic, Owen has a relatively complete inheritance.

This alone is enough for other scholars to study for a lifetime.

Hermione certainly had no trouble with this class.

After all, with him as a humanoid translation machine, she made rapid progress.

Getting perfect scores is a piece of cake.

Saturday and Sunday.

It was a day of leisure and relaxation for the little wizards (only Owen).

Everyone is busy reviewing Potions in preparation for the exam on Monday.

For most students, this subject is difficult.

The main thing is that you don't know which potion will be tested in the exam.

The potion recipe you memorized for a long time may not be tested at all.

In order to be foolproof, they could only memorize the entire fourth- and fifth-grade potion formula.

Harry was the last person to take the exam.

As expected, during the Potions written test in the morning, Harry suffered the biggest blow since the exam week.

He couldn't answer several questions. He only answered 90% of the questions on the paper, and he didn't know whether they were correct or not.

Obviously - he probably won't get 'excellent' in this course.

Um—when did you have this idea?

Harry shook his head. He actually wanted to get 'excellent' grades in all subjects?

Oh my god - it must have been Hermione.

As long as he can be good and don't affect him becoming an Auror in the future, that's fine.

Thinking about it this way, he felt much more relaxed.

The practical exam in the afternoon seemed not as difficult as the written exam in the morning.

Because there was no Snape at the exam site - most people had an easier time configuring potions than usual.

Even Neville mixed the potion perfectly in one go, so he knew that the others would not encounter any trouble.

In the evening, everyone sat in the lounge, enjoying the relaxing days with empty heads.

Everyone tried their best for today's exam.

"Ah - there are still four doors, and I will be relieved!" Justin said tiredly, and he slumped on the sofa without any personal image.

Even Susan couldn't stand it anymore, so she walked over and kicked him before she restrained herself.

"Haha -" Owen smiled sadly - he didn't want to get involved in this topic.

Because Dumbledore enrolled him in too many subjects.

He has four electives, Magical Creatures, Ancient Runes, Alchemy and Divination.

Originally, he did not need to take an exam for Alchemy. This course was originally an elective course for young wizards in the sixth grade, and they took the exam in the seventh grade.

However, Victor gave him an advance, and Owen seriously suspected that it was Dumbledore who instigated it - of course, it could also be that Victor felt that there was nothing left to teach him. This course would count as him graduating early, and he would not come here in the next two years.

The same goes for Hermione.

There is really no need for the two little wizards who write textbooks every day to attend classes.

When it comes to collaborative research, that's right.

Anyway - eventually this year he will take the exam with Hermione and several seventh years.

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