I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 441 The exam is in progress

Parvati Patil blushed with excitement after hearing Professor Tofodi's approval.

Then after noticing Owen.

He immediately turned to look at him, smiled kindly, and waved to him.

Owen nodded in response.

Parvati Patil is a member of D.A. Judging from her actions just now, the content of the test is nothing more than simple floating spells and hovering spells.

It's very simple, and most members of the D.A. can cast spells like this silently or even without a wand.

"It's really good. Hogwarts is full of talented people." Professor Marchbain said in an old man's trembling voice, "I have seen too many surprises today.

Well, here we go, I’m excited to see what magic you’ll bring out. Now Mr. Rozier, please let this egg cup perform some cartwheels for me. "

"Okay." Owen responded.

Then, the egg cup in front of him floated and stopped easily in the air.

"Silent spelling without a wand?" Professor Marchbank glanced at him, but was not too surprised. It was probably because Hermione and Harry had already given her surprises before.

"Exquisite skills, very skilled, even better than some Aurors."

She wrote down quickly in her notebook.

As for Owen, he just smiled and did not speak.

By default, these spells were too simple for him.

"Albus told me before the exams. He said you were the best student Hogwarts has ever had."

"Even more than Miss Hermione Granger, known to the world as the heir of Gryffindor."

"I taught her some magic." Owen said flatly.

"Hmph - you are so immodest." Professor Marchban obviously didn't believe what Dumbledore said. After all, the witch under the stars in [War of Poseidon] brought too much shock to the world. It's hard to imagine. There are little wizards who can surpass her.

"I noticed in your exam paper this morning. You listed almost all the historical evolutions of the Levitation Curse. I didn't know that your research on magic was so deep? Can you show a few? Of course, the next step is Your performance will not affect your current grade, if you want extra points.”

"Okay." Owen nodded.

Then he remained standing.

But the egg cup floating in the air began to split, turning from one into two.

Two became four.

"A wandless and silent copying spell?" Professor Marchban looked at Owen in surprise, and then wrote a few more words in the record book, "Perfect technique, it's hard to imagine that you can use magic spells like this at your age. degree."

Before she could finish her words, the egg cup in the air had split into twelve pieces.

Then they start going from high to low.

Floating around.

"It's over Professor," Owen said.

"End?" Professor Marchban's eyes widened. Those floating egg cups had different floating postures. Some would keep swinging, some would rise and fall, and some would tremble constantly. Some even had burns on their surfaces. burn.

These spells were historically invented by wizards to make objects levitate, and were the predecessors of the levitating spell.

Professor Marchban certainly cannot recognize all twelve kinds of magic spells, but as a senior professor in the examination bureau, she can probably recognize seven or eight ancient versions of the floating spells.

And these can be matched one to one.

"Amazing-" After a long time, Professor Marchban said, her eyes staring straight at Owen, full of disbelief.

It wasn't just Owen's knowledge of the twelve levitation spells that shocked her.

Instead, he could cast the spell twelve times in a few seconds, silently and without a wand.

What a terrifying power this is?

She felt no trace of the other party casting a spell at all.

It can be said that if it were not surrounded by so many cups, she would even suspect that the boy opposite had done nothing at all.

"It's great, it's brilliant, I've never seen anyone cast a spell like this," she said excitedly.

"Beyond imagination." Professor Tofty on the side agreed, "Wonderful floating spell, incomparable incomparable spell."

"Okay, Owen, you can go." Professor Marchban paused, looked up at the surrounding egg cups, and added, "Well, put these cups away..."


A small episode.

For Irving, this is nothing.

He has mastered the principles of fundamentalism for several years and has somewhat understood them.

For him who possesses ancient magic.

Modern spells, whether they are Defense Against the Dark Arts spells or black magic spells.

He can use the principle of causality to deduce magic spells.

Curse - just like Hogwarts built by the four founders.

It doesn't happen overnight.

The Hogwarts of fifteen hundred years ago is definitely different from the Hogwarts of a thousand years ago.

The castle at the beginning was definitely smaller than it is now.

After successive expansions by principals and school boards, Hogwarts has reached its current size.

The same goes for magic spells. Every spell and every wand movement has been improved by wizards of all ages.

For example, the Shadowless Curse invented by Professor Snape stood on the shoulders of giants. It was impossible for him to invent a magic spell out of thin air.

The inspiration and ideas must also come from some ancient magic spell.

Under the influence of the principle of causality, the curse is like a heavy history book in Owen's eyes. It can arbitrarily look up what this curse looked like at a certain time in the past.

The only thing that troubled him was the magic required to flip through the history book. The more powerful the spells are, the more magic power he consumes to climb over. This is why he has only figured out magic such as the Levitation Spell so far.

In fact, what limits him is not his magic power, but only his interest.

Magic power, just like physical strength, will recover. Even if he studies one spell a day, he can master 365 spells in a year.

But after all, there is no real meaning in figuring out what so many spells looked like in the past. What a waste of time.

He only needs to master the evolution history of several key magic spells. Used as a reference for him to invent new spells.


In the evening, everyone relaxed completely.

After a day of exams, this group of people suddenly discovered that the exam questions were too simple and were definitely not for first and second graders.

Some people even gave today's test questions intact to the second-grade wizards and asked them to try it out, treating it as a practice for the real test questions in advance.

The result is that except for some advanced spells that the professor has not taught, most of the other little wizards can answer them.

Grades - it’s okay to get a passing grade or even a good grade.

During dinner, there was laughter and laughter in the auditorium, and even Hermione and Hannah relaxed.

There were noisy sounds one after another.

We chatted until late.

Tuesday is the Transfiguration exam.

The morning written test was generally more difficult than the Charms class.

Especially for the theory test on transfiguration, the entire test paper is full of complex spell models that require candidates to analyze.

Irving didn't have much room to play this time. After all, these models have standard answers, just like math problems. One plus one can't equal Godzilla.


The practical class tests are the Transformation Spell and the Vanishing Spell.

A transformation spell is a spell that allows two items to be transformed into each other, such as turning water into juice.

This is second grade knowledge.

Hermione learned about and mastered this magic in her first year.

During the exam, many professors came to watch Hermione's performance.

After all, she created a huge lava beast at the World Cup. Although other little wizards were involved, it was still very shocking.

In the face of praise, Hermione behaved very modestly. In fact, the magic she used back then was very rough. Looking at it two years later, it is a miracle that she could keep the lava from collapsing.

Owen didn't do anything weird after entering the examination room.

Because Professor McGonagall, who had disappeared for a long time, was standing not far from him.

A pair of eyes stared straight at him.

This made Owen give up the idea of ​​transforming the ferret in front of him into a dragon.

Just casually turned it into the Hufflepuff Gold Cup.

Of course - still wandless and silent.

But even though Professor McGonagall was watching him, he was not the only one making trouble.

Harry transformed his lizard into a tiny giant several feet tall.

He looks like Hagrid's younger brother.

He looked at his masterpiece with great pride, and used the vanishing spell to disappear it in front of the examiner's shocked eyes.

He immediately won the congratulations of all the professors present.

It looked like Harry was definitely going to get an 'Excellent' in this class.

Wednesday is the herbal medicine exam. This is Irving's strength.

This is his main battlefield!

However, there was an accident in the practical exam that day. Their original exam content was to take care of a pot of fang geraniums.

But Professor Sprout brought the wrong one. She brought a brand new magical plant, the multi-headed biting cabbage.

Irving's work, like a three-headed dog, this kale has three cauliflowers and bites like a rolling ball, with teeth everywhere.

And even if you destroy a cauliflower, just like ordinary cabbage, it will spit out the broken layer and peel off a new layer, and the new layer will be brand new teeth.

And each cauliflower has seven or eight layers!

Ha – this is definitely the greatest biting kale – no – killer kale in history.

The cabbage jumped out of the box like a wild horse, chewing things everywhere.

When you see that it can bite holes into steel, you won't question its combat effectiveness.

The little wizards could only suspend the exam and help Professor Sprout catch the cabbage.

Owen laughed from the sidelines.

After a battle between humans and vegetables, he had a new idea.

The next level of brand new kale is coming!

Ha ha--

In short, that day - the little wizards who finished the exam, everyone had some holes in their cloaks.

Next Thursday is the Defense Against the Dark Arts exam.

This is everyone's strength.

Everyone is full of confidence.

I didn't encounter any difficulties in the written test. In the practical test, I was tested on breaking spells and defensive spells, and then dealing with Boggarts.

Owen never liked Boggarts.

Because of what I am afraid of, it should be regarded as personal privacy!

Exposing yourself in public is exposing your weaknesses to others.

And in order for Boggart to see his own heart, he had to open his mind and stop Occlumency.

Harry ran into trouble here. The Occlumency he involuntarily performed caused the Boggart in front of him to appear as a silver mist without changing.

He scratched his head anxiously, and the examiner was also surprised. It wasn't until Professor Lupine, who was in charge of invigilating the exam, came over to remind him to stop the Occlumency that Boggart made any move.

Then, as expected, Voldemort appeared in the auditorium

Owen was very disdainful of this. This Boggart was too weak. He knew how far Harry had mastered Occlumency, and so far he was able to relax his mind.

With only this level of protection, even a Boggart can't see through it. It's really weak.

And the commotion at the scene goes beyond Harry's Voldemort.

Hermione's Boggart is a bloodied and dying version of himself.

The little witch was in a trance for a moment, but soon realized that it was fake.

Hannah saw a green light and a cold corpse. Owen knew that it was her aunt - she died in front of Hannah.

Luna's Boggart is more corpses, including Owen, Harry, Hermione, Ginny and many of her friends.

This made the examiners who invigilated this class and Professor Lupine, who was responsible for maintaining order, feel pressure. This made it urgent to strengthen the mental health of the young wizards at Hogwarts.

Among them all, Owen's Boggart is the most unique.

The rusty cabinet opened in front of him, and after a burst of black mist, a slim figure walked out of the cabinet.

It's a girl.

She looks almost exactly like Owen.

"Huh?" Professor Marchban said in surprise, "Is this - are you afraid of yourself?"

"Or?" She was keenly aware that the Boggart's transformed Owen was different from the real Owen - after all, one had a calm chest while the other had a bulging chest. "Are you afraid that you will become a girl?"

Professor Marchban held back his laughter and came to an absurd conclusion.

Owen could only roll his eyes at this. How could he explain who made that foreign god look like him? No, he was becoming more and more like that foreign god.

"Damn - your reputation is ruined!" Owen covered his forehead, and just waved his hand, and he expelled the Boggart back into the box.

Professor Marchban held back his laughter and quickly wrote and drew in the notebook in his hand.

His reputation was in disrepair.

After getting Professor Marchban's permission, Owen planned to leave here immediately.

But at this moment, another accident happened in the auditorium.

Ron, who had just come in, faced Boggart at another test site, and what he saw was shocking.

Silver-gray mist spread from the cabinet, and then countless mist slowly condensed.

The mist slowly solidified, and an iron-green face appeared.

Then came the other three.

They were four young wizards who were tortured. They had [Death Root] poured into their mouths and their whole bodies were struggling hysterically.

That image only appeared for a moment.

Professor Lupine, who had quick eyesight and quick hands, immediately waved his wand, and a gray spell went straight away, directly expelling the Boggart back into the cabinet.

The scene was silent, although most people didn't notice it.

But everyone including the invigilating professor and the candidates at several nearby test centers saw this scene.

Professor Lu Ping's face darkened, and he immediately dismissed the strange looks around him.

Then he talked quietly with the invigilator.

The atmosphere at the scene became more serious.

About ten seconds later, the invigilator looked at Ron with a heavy face and sympathetic yet admiring eyes.

His lips wriggled slightly, and then he said gently: "I feel sad that a young wizard like you has faced this - okay - like this, I learned a lot about Hogg from other young wizards. Any little wizard in Watts can summon a patron saint, if you can"

He was giving Ron a step down.

Strictly speaking, if the little wizard cannot defeat the Boggart, he will fail the exam.

You will get zero points directly.

Of course - casting the Patronus Curse is definitely much more difficult than a Boggart Expelling Curse. If he can cast it successfully, then there is absolutely no problem in getting an 'excellent' in this exam.

But although this step is easy for most young wizards,

Some young wizards mastered the Patronus Charm last year or even the year before.

Ron is naturally included in this list.

He also often beat Peeves with his Patronus.

But - obviously, it was very difficult for Ron to cast the Patronus Charm at this time.

He looked in extremely bad condition, standing aside trembling, his forehead was covered with cold sweat, and his hands could not stop trembling.

The whole person was in a daze, obviously being greatly shocked. The memory fragments that lingered in his consciousness lingered like nightmares, making it difficult for him to concentrate.

Professor Lu Ping sighed helplessly when he saw this, and then said something to the invigilator.

"Let it rest for a while!" Professor Marchban suddenly came over, "Let the other little wizards take the exam first, and put him last."

"Okay professor," said Ron's proctor.

"Thank you!" Professor Lu Ping said gratefully.

"It doesn't matter, I know some things, and those things - I just hope it can become history in the past, and it's best not to be mentioned again." Professor Marchban sighed softly, and then returned to her examination center.

This scene was fully visible to Owen, who had just walked to the door of the auditorium. He once again came up with the idea of ​​​​deleting Ron's memory, but he quickly realized that this was not the key now.

The exam is still going on

Something heavy filled the sky above the auditorium.

Like dark clouds about to bring heavy rain.

Owen stood in front of the door, thinking in his heart.

Take a deep breath.

His palm touched the door of the auditorium.

The oak door has a warm touch, as if it is telling a never-ending story.

The weathered wooden door is carved with the emblems of the four major colleges.

The complicated patterns are still clear.

It is invisible to the many people who carved it.

Seeing this, Owen thought slightly in his heart, and then he pushed hard with both arms, and the door squeaked open completely.

In the auditorium, the professors all looked at him, wondering what Owen was doing.

And outside the door.

Hermione, Harry, and the others were chatting quietly.

There were many young wizards gathered in the courtyard, most of whom had just finished their exams, and some who came to watch the excitement.

For example, Gemini was among the crowd, selling their improved version of the pick-me-up to fifth-grade wizards.

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