I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 443 Finale of the School Year

"Hehe-" Justin giggled, knowing what Owen was troubled about.

Sure enough, being a good student is not that easy.

Of course - to say how irritated Irving is, it's not that he's just unhappy looking at Justin's face.

Miss Granger works harder than him!

She has eleven exams.

I only have ten doors.

Less Muggle Studies than Hermione.

When I think about it - wow - I really feel much better.

Tuesday is Care for Magical Creatures.

The exam is not difficult at all.

Students were asked to accurately identify a hedgehog hiding among a dozen hedgehogs. The trick was to feed them milk in turn. The hedgehog is a very suspicious animal that has a characteristic when it thinks someone is trying to poison them. The thorns of magic will stand up.

Plus, how to feed and clean a fire crab without getting badly burned, as well as a demonstration on how to properly touch a Bowtruckle and choose from a variety of foods to feed a sick unicorn. .

Wednesday morning was the astronomy theory test, and since they had to wait until the evening for the practical astronomy test, the afternoon was changed to a divination test, with Hermione doing arithmetic.

To be honest, Divination class—this exam should be renamed the Hogwarts Arts Examination.

Because you can hardly expect a group of young wizards who have no prophetic talent at all to be able to see anything decent from those crystal balls.

Most of the young wizards could only squeeze their heads to recall the way the famous magician Professor Trelawney made prophecies, and spoke under their breaths all kinds of ambiguous prophecies that in fact even they themselves did not know what they were talking about.

Justin, that idiot, kept mumbling about what kind of bald wizard he saw. After a while, he realized that he was briefly describing the appearance of the examiner sitting opposite him through the crystal ball.

Harry didn't give in too much. He didn't distinguish clearly between the wisdom line and the life line on Professor Marchban's palm, and said that Professor March should have died last Tuesday.

Hannah pretended to be presentable. Before entering the examination room, she untied the braid on the back of her head and entered with her hair disheveled. While observing the crystal ball, she shook her head and talked nonsense. Professor Marchban obviously She didn't believe it, so in order to get high scores, Hannah secretly cast a lighting spell without a wand to highlight the crystal ball!

But she apparently forgot that glass reflects light.

A flash bomb exploded in front of her eyes. Hannah couldn't dodge and subconsciously raised her hand to block it. Instead, she slapped the crystal ball away.

It happened to hit the knee of Professor Trelawney who was accompanying the invigilator.

From the way Professor March was holding back her laughter, and the way Professor Trelawney was jumping and sitting on the steps beside her while enduring the pain, Owen guessed that she should be able to get at least a passing grade in this course.

After all - she just performed a nice wandless and silent lighting spell!

As for Owen - he certainly didn't inherit his grandfather's prophetic abilities.

Merlin is also a famous prophet, but unfortunately this has nothing to do with him.

After staring at the crystal ball for a long time, he could see that the quality of this thing was not very good. There were many cracks and bubbles in it. I was afraid it would only fetch a few dollars in the market, and nothing could be seen.

But it doesn't matter, he is much smarter than Hannah. With the silent and wandless body transformation spell, a large cloud of mist immediately stirred up on the surface of the crystal ball, and then the cloud and mist began to transform into the appearance of Dumbledore - he seemed to be eating something. thing.

Then Owen immediately answered, saying that he saw Professor Dumbledore eating a pile of cockroaches in the office!

The other D.A. members on the side were stunned when they saw this scene.

Can you still do this?

As the prerequisite spell of the Phantom Curse, they have all learned the Phantom Curse.

With the cheating device opened by Owen, everyone was enlightened, and the corners of their mouths rose crazily, making it difficult to hide their smiles.

Hmm--it looks like everyone should be able to get a good score in the divination exam!

After the messy divination exam and astronomy practical exam are over, for most young wizards, the last exam on the history of magic is left.

The practical exams in astronomy were actually pretty interesting.

They will give you a blank star map and you need to fill in the positions of today's stars.

This is easy, but it tests proficiency, because the exam time is limited, and the examiner cannot allow you to spend five or six hours to complete the star map.

Owen quickly found them all. For the rest of the time, he did not hand in the paper in advance. Instead, he looked at the stars through the astronomical telescope - trying to find a planet suitable for human survival, such as Kepler 452b, which is approximately 100 kilometers away from the solar system. 1402 light years.

Well - the earth is really too complicated, it’s better to be an alien.

After searching for a long time, he could not find this G-type main sequence star in Cygnus.

Wizards' telescopes are still too weak compared to Muggle gamma-ray astronomical telescopes, X-ray observatories, ultraviolet observatories, etc.

But it is very useful for observing the planets in the solar system, and it is very clear, just like using a camera to photograph a mountain.

After watching it for a while, Owen felt bored. He wanted to find the Sea of ​​Stars where Merlin was said to be.

Unfortunately he didn't know where it was.

Thursday - it's the History of Magic exam.

This course is considered the most difficult one for most young wizards.

Because it only has a theoretical part and does not require any practice at all, you have to rely on rote memorization to pass the exam, which is the most uncomfortable for wizards who are used to waving wands.

"History of Magic" is a thick book.

It’s really difficult to remember those complicated names, dates, and historical events.

Most young wizards are approaching their exams and haven't even read their notes yet.

The same goes for Owen himself. He doesn't have any superpowers in this class. If you don’t know, you just don’t know. Can he still make up a random piece of history?

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the candidates dragged their tired bodies into the auditorium and sat down in front of the upside-down test papers.

"Open your test papers." Professor Marchban said in front of the auditorium and immediately turned the huge hourglass upside down. "You can start."

Opening the test piece, Owen glanced at it first.

Good guy, it’s not easy.

——Did the Wand Regulations contribute to or help better control the goblin rebellions of the eighteenth century?

—How was the Statute of Secrecy violated in 1749, and what legislation was introduced to prevent a similar situation from happening again?

——State the reasons and circumstances that led to the establishment of the International Federation of Wizards, and explain the reasons why wizards in Liechtenstein refused to join...

They are all essay questions.

Owen shook his head and flipped through the entire "History of Magic", which was also signed by Bathilda Bagshot.

It was given to him by his grandfather, and Bathilda Bagshot was his great-aunt.

Although he had read the book many times, it was impossible to expect him to recite the entire text like Hermione, but he probably remembered some of it.

Then he began to answer.

——The Wand Regulations were the trigger for goblin rebellions, but they were not the main reason. Goblin rebellions were quite common in the 17th and 18th centuries, and the early goblin brotherhood existed in the 16th century.

——In 1749, the Great Riot of Magical Creatures triggered a crisis in the Statute of Secrecy. In order to deal with the uncontrolled magical beasts, Article 73 was added to the Statute of Secrecy in 1750.

——The first president of the International Confederation of Wizards was Pierre Bonacud, but his appointment was questioned by Liechtenstein because Pierre tried to stop the hunt for trolls and give them their due right. For their part, Liechtenstein has always had tense relations with some particularly vicious tribes of mountain trolls.

After two and a half hours of being groggy.

Professor Marchban asked all students to put down their pens and start collecting papers.

For Harry Justin and others, the o.w.ls exam is over and they can indulge as much as they want.

But he and Hermione had one last exam.


Friday - A very small number of seventh-year wizards took the alchemy exam.

Gemini included.

There is a written test in the morning.

This is not a problem for Owen and Hermione.

The textbooks used now are all edited by these two people. It is really laughable that you use the works to test the authors.

There was a practical exam in the afternoon, and Victor prepared several alchemy materials for them.

They are responsible for mixing an alchemical potion.

It's a bit like the Potions exam, except that alchemy uses some minerals instead of herbs.

In fact, Victor planned to test the young wizard to create a magical alchemy tool.

But that would take too much time. In the two hours of the exam, it is impossible for anyone to complete it.

Victor's alchemical potion is full of ancient magic.

That was the formula he invented, and he succeeded. He developed an alchemical potion that could improve the human body's physical condition.

The effect is obvious. After being injected into the human body, the body's organs, bones, and nerve responses will be significantly improved.

Professor Marchban tried that potion himself.

In this regard, she only used 'shock' to describe the experience.

A genius invention, an invention that can change the world.

But Victor didn't care about this, he had a bigger vision in mind.

He is committed to transforming ancient magic and promoting people's livelihood.

This is just a small step for him.

If the affairs of the Outer God hadn't delayed so much of his energy, he should have been able to produce even greater works.


The exam is over.

The little wizards are free.

Now, everyone can indulge as much as they want and wait for the exam results in July, based on which they will decide on the courses and professors for next semester.

Take Snape, for example, who decided not to admit students whose Potions exam scores were below excellence.

This means that most people have to say goodbye to him.

"Thank God it's finally over"

"Yeah - it's over!" said Harry.

The auditorium became noisy again.

Everyone sat together and talked to each other.

"I need to completely relax now. I just saw Seamus and Dean. The two of them are collecting money to buy some things in Hogsmeade. You know, for the all-night celebration tonight."

Yes - as a rule, every fifth grade class holds an all-night celebration on the Friday night after exams because they have holidays on Saturday and Sunday.

This is kind of a tradition.

"Not everyone welcomes the celebration," Hermione said flatly.

She was right.

The fifth graders were buzzing with joy or preparing for tonight's carnival.

The seventh-grade students were somewhat sad, and the air was filled with an atmosphere of reluctance when parting. They used their last time to go to various places in Hogwarts to leave memories. After all, after graduation, many of them may never leave again in this life. No chance to go back to school.

George and Fred, as well as Angelina, Gawain of Hufflepuff, and Cedric are all graduating.

Of course their moods vary.

The twins had the least reaction. Their shop was in Hogsmeade and they could come back at any time.

Cedric felt relieved.

He felt refreshed after being about to get rid of someone.

Others are really a little sad.

"Hey - I'm planning to hold a celebration party in the Room of Requirement. It's a big place." At this time, Owen came over, "Most of the fifth-year students are D.A. members. There are only some Slytherins, and you wouldn't think of it anyway. You saw Slytherin at the party, right?"

"Good idea." Harry nodded in approval.

"I'm treating you this time," Owen said, "wine, food, and all kinds of candies. I brought a lot of things from the store. There's also the latest milk tea. I call it 'Weasley'." "

Ron's eyelids twitched and he gave Owen a thoughtful look.

"Awesome." George said happily, "There should have been a drink with our name a long time ago. This is a signal and an encouragement to us. There will definitely be a Weasley series of drinks in the future."

"Then you two come on." Owen said with a smile.

"Let's go -" he stood up and said, "Go and decorate first."

"Okay!" All the little wizards stood up.

Everyone left the auditorium in groups and went to other towers through the suspension bridge. The request was not in the tower where the auditorium was located.

It was a big party.

Everyone had a great time.

Of course, Owen was even happier after trying his new milk tea. These guys, who have two weeks to go before summer vacation, will definitely not be able to resist trying it again - at this time, they can only go to Hogsmeade Village to buy it. .

This time - he made another fortune.

For Harry, this year's journey is not over yet.

Their last Quidditch match was held in mid-June.

Battle against Ravenclaw.

Whoever wins this game will win this year's Quidditch Cup.

Very easily, Harry defeated Qiu Zhang. Although the opponent was very unhappy, he still calmly congratulated Harry on winning the championship.

As for Hufflepuff and Slytherin.

Hufflepuff finished last in Quidditch every year, and in Cedric's third year, they finished second.

As for Slytherin, their long-term laxity led to their insufficient adjustment and they were defeated by Ravenclaw's tactics. Against Gryffindor, Harry continued to show off his outstanding flying skills. Only five minutes into the game, he caught the Golden Snitch.

In a sea of ​​red, this year's Quidditch ended unsatisfactorily.

And the Academy Cup - because the scores were quite confusing this year, it was not awarded.

On the last night at Hogwarts, the seventh graders stayed awake all night. Their figures were everywhere in the castle. Gradually, the night became darker and darker, and everything would eventually be buried in darkness.

The next day, the Hogwarts Express arrived unexpectedly.

The elves loaded their suitcases onto the train.

After a brief breakfast, everyone got on the train to London.

"Where are you going during the summer vacation?" Harry asked glumly in the carriage. He was going to stay at the Dursleys' house for another month. This was the last time he would live there because he would be an adult next year during the summer vacation.

"I don't know." Owen held Hermione's hand and kissed them.

This time they weren't sitting in booths. It's an ordinary car with hard seats in the front row.

"Then we'll have to wait and see who will pick me up when I get off the bus."

"What do you mean?" Hermione turned around and asked.

"If it's a member of the Rosier family, then I'll go home. If it's Dobby, then I'll stay in London. If there's no one around, I'm going to sneak out. I want to go around the Far East."

"What about you?" He turned to look at Hermione.

"Me?" Hermione held a stack of "Daily Prophet" in her other hand, which contained some of the most recent magical events. "Go home," she said.

"It's time to calm down." Owen nodded, "Look what has happened in the past few years. The savior will also be tired."

"Right, Harry."

"Huh?" Harry raised his head and stared innocently at Owen's face, "I just want to move out of the Dursleys quickly. I really can't bear it for a second. I don't even want to get off the train for a while. "

"You can sit here until September 1st," Owen joked, "or you can ask Professor Lupin to arrange an internship for you.

I heard from Cedric that the Federation has established a new department called the International Wizards United Relics Protection Committee, which is responsible for searching for ancient ruins around the world and carrying out excavation work. Professor Lupine is the head of this new department-Cedric Where did Ke get his internship qualification from? It’s a great job, and you can travel around the world for free. How great! "

"Sounds great!" Harry said with some envy.

He looked for Cedric in the carriage, but could not find him.

He and Qiu Zhang are probably talking about their feelings for each other.

“Maybe I’ll have a chance in August!”

"By the way." Owen kicked Ron who was sitting across from him again, "Where's Coyatel? As far as I know, she has no home to go back to, and she can't go back to the United States at all now."

"Sirius arranged for her to live at No. 12 Grimmauld Place." Ron said gloomily.

"What? No arrangement to live in the Burrow?" Owen raised his head and said, "My intuition tells me that if she agrees to live at No. 12 Grimmauld Place, she may agree to live in the Burrow. How about giving it a try?"

"Intuition?" Ron raised his eyebrows, feeling that it was unreliable.

"The heir's intuition." Owen said, "You didn't realize that she actually treats you differently from other people."

"Difference?" Ron frowned, "Is there any? Why didn't I see it?"

"Haha - you are really stupid. I would like to invite Miss Granger to speak next."

Hermione glared at Owen, then took a deep breath, and her eyes fell on Coatelle, who was sitting with Hannah, Justin, and Ernie. She was sitting next to them. Hermione doubted what Owen had just said. , she heard every word.

This made the little witch feel a little embarrassed.

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