I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 438 Sorting Hat: Another one?

When we got off the bus, everyone looked unhappy.

Geminis are the calmest, probably because they've done this so many times.

Among the others, Koyatel reacted the most. If it weren't for her image, Owen guessed that she would have retched on the ground.

It seems that after Quetzalcoatl left her soul, it still had some impact on her body. It should feel like cutting the upper limit of a person's energy bar in half.

Hermione was also feeling quite uncomfortable, but it seemed that her normal schedule and physical exercise during this period were very effective, and she just looked a little pale.

As for Owen himself—his little Superman body had no idea what motion sickness was.


After the few people returned to Hogwarts, they immediately aroused cheers from the young wizards, as if they had won a battle.

But among the joy, there is also a trace of sadness.

Owen, the little wizards who were temporarily parasitized by the Pretender, could be treated, but Theodore Nott was really dead.

Someone died in the school!

Although in front of everyone, the person was still alive and kicking - but they knew that someone was indeed dead.

Although as early as the third grade, the little wizards were already used to seeing cold corpses.

But that's the bad guy, a vampire, a werewolf, a dark wizard.

It is true that Theodore Nott had a bad relationship with most of the young wizards. Their families were all Death Eaters, but after all, they were classmates who had been with him day and night for several years.

The feeling of loss may last for weeks.

The changes in the outside world are even greater.

Barty Crouch ultimately failed to retain his position.

Because of Umbridge's involvement, he was accused of conducting a Veritaserum trial. The result was that he was not involved in this crazy evil plan, but it also revealed that he was at odds with Dumbledore and ordered Umbridge many times. Deliberately causing trouble for Dumbledore in an attempt to drive him out of the UK.

This set off quite a political turmoil in the Wizengamot.

This matter is neither big nor small.

It's normal for politicians to try to get rid of Dumbledore, as his predecessors had tendencies in this direction.

But after Umbridge's evil plan was exposed, his orders were covered with hints, instructions, behind-the-scenes motives and other identities.

At a time when public opinion is raging, it is easy for people to lose their correct value judgments.

Sure enough - on Easter, Barty Crouch was found guilty in the Wizengamot trial presided over by the new Minister of Magic - the former Director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, Rufus Scrimgeour.

He was sentenced to fifty years in prison for dereliction of duty and undermining the public safety of wizarding society.

As for Umbridge - she was directly sentenced to death. Since the dementors in Azkaban have escaped, the dementor's kiss cannot be done, so she will be very lucky to receive her first kiss in hundreds of years. A criminal who was executed by a wizard.

As for all the laws during Umbridge's tenure, they were all abolished overnight, and all expelled students were invited back to school, and Dumbledore...

No one wanted to bear Dumbledore's wrath.

The school board collectively lost its voice.

Are they supposed to tell Dumbledore that they banned you as Headmaster not long ago and then chose Umbridge, causing her to kill a young wizard at the school?

Oh my god - just thinking about this made me realize that the greatest white wizard was going to be furious.

In the end - Rufus Scrimgeour, the new Minister of Magic, went to the United States in person. I don't know what he told Dumbledore.

Anyway, the second day of the Easter holidays.

The little wizards saw their dear principal in school.

Many people even shed tears as if they were in another world, and wished they could throw themselves into Dumbledore's arms.

The old principal hugged them calmly.

No one knew what kind of anger was hidden behind his half-moon glasses.

But before that, the most urgent thing is about the Koyatel branch.

On the evening after the Easter holidays.

Before dinner, Professor McGonagall specially took out the sorting hat from the principal's office.

There is a four-legged stool in front of the arc-shaped desk of the faculty and staff.

Koatl followed Dumbledore's footsteps and walked in from the side door next to the guest of honor seat.

Because everyone already knew she came to Hogwarts. So no one showed any surprise or anything.

"Did she dye her hair?"

The vacation is over, and Justin, who was expelled, returns.

"No - she has black hair," Owen said, his eyes wandering to the Ravenclaw benches.

When he saw Luna talking quietly to Qiu Zhang, he felt relieved.

The other party seemed to notice him too.

Luna raised her head and gave him a cute smile.

Owen responded with a smile.

"Then she dyed her hair before? To be honest, silver hair looks much cooler." Justin's eyes couldn't help but fall behind Owen.

"What?" Owen glanced at him, "Do you think I am willing?"

"So what kind of magical accident caused your hair to become like this?" He said enviously, "I want to dye my hair blonde, can you?"

"How about dyeing it red?" Owen raised his fist, "Let him break it!"

"Okay, stop arguing." Hannah smiled and stopped the boys' boring banter. "The sorting is about to begin."

"I really wonder which college she will be assigned to?"

"It must be Slytherin, there's no need to guess!" Owen said confidently.

"Slytherin?" Hannah frowned, "That's really unfortunate!"

On the other side, the sorting ceremony that only belongs to one person has begun.

Coatl sat on a four-legged stool.

Professor McGonagall placed the tattered Sorting Hat on her head.

The auditorium fell silent instantly.

Everyone is curious as to which college she will be sorted into.

"Hmm - another talented head." The Sorting Hat opened its mouth, "Has the wanderer from far away gone home?"

Coatl was very curious about the Sorting Hat on his head.

She had heard from Hermione and the others that this was a very ancient magical item that was the fusion of the wills of the four founders.

Such magic items are rare in Ilvermorny.

"It's difficult. It's very difficult. I can see that I have courage, a sense of responsibility, very little ambition, and a good heart."

The little witch was a little surprised. Could this hat really read her mind?

Yes, she does not have any ambitions - although she looks extremely powerful, this ambition is not directly related to anything else. She used to just want to get rid of the outer gods, but now she just wants to be free.

As for ruling the wizarding world like her other blood relative Salazar Slytherin, she had never thought about it from the beginning.

"Blood relative of Slytherin." The Sorting Hat whimpered, "Well - yes, it would be a surprise to everyone if you, a descendant of Salazar, did not enter his house."

"I don't want to go there," Koyatel said directly.

"My bloodline is not my choice. I just want to live an ordinary life."

"Not going to Slytherin?" the Sorting Hat said slightly surprised, "You should know that you can fully unleash your talents there."

"I'm only going to be at Hogwarts for a year. Unleash my talents? I think I've got enough for now." Koatl said, "Are you surprised by my choice?

Well - I heard someone say that you are the fusion of the wills of the four founders. Is there still Salazar Slytherin's consciousness in your consciousness? Is he threatening you now? Are you under his control? "

The Sorting Hat was silent for a while.

Professor McGonagall on the side suddenly glanced in a certain direction with a twitching corner of his mouth at the boy who was waiting impatiently for his meal.

This kind of question - I feel like I've heard similar questions before.

"I am who I am!" the Sorting Hat said angrily, "You are the second wizard to ask such a question!"

"Really? What's the first one?"

"Hmph! Well - since you can't make up your mind and are not willing to go to Slytherin, then well! In view of the ideas of the four founders, you'd better go!

Hufflepuff! ! ! "



It wasn't just the little wizards who were making noise now.

Even Dumbledore at the faculty round table looked at the girl in front of him in surprise.

He thought that the other party would be sorted into Slytherin because of his blood.

I also thought about the other person being sorted into Gryffindor because of his courage.

She also thought that she would be sorted into Ravenclaw because of her intelligence far beyond other young wizards.

But he never thought from beginning to end that Koatl would be sorted into Hufflepuff.

However, as the principal, he remained calm and was the first to applaud.

Then the little wizards on the long table of Hufflepuff also applauded belatedly.

Although they were surprised that each of them could stuff an egg into their mouths, just like when Owen was sorted into Hufflepuff.

But the reality is that there is no logic at all.

——It’s because they can’t figure out the logic.

On the Gryffindor bench, Hermione, Harry and Ron also had surprised faces.

Is the Sorting Hat finally broken?

Professor McGonagall took off the sorting hat on the Koyat's head, and then looked at Professor Sprout with some sympathy.

I saw that the other party had not yet recovered from the shock.

Seeing this, she felt lucky again.

Fortunately it's not her college

Koatl stood up and walked to Hufflepuff's long table very naturally.

As a prefect, Cedric welcomed her into the family on behalf of Hufflepuff.

As for Owen - he's still frowning in confusion - why can't we talk while eating!

Why are they sitting there like this?


Assi.! @#¥

Sorting is finally over.

Behind the staff table, Dumbledore waved his hand to signal everyone to be quiet and stood up.

He looked at everyone with gentle eyes.

"Welcome," he said, "our friends from Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

Everyone applauded enthusiastically again.

All the professors, including Dumbledore, applauded.

After a while, the applause ended and the auditorium returned to silence.

Dumbledore continued, "In the past half year, Hogwarts has encountered unprecedented challenges."

"We lost a lot because of this, even classmates and friends we got along with day and night."

“Our auditorium is a little emptier.”

Dumbledore's voice was very gentle.

But the atmosphere in the auditorium was like falling from early spring to late autumn, and everyone couldn't help but lower their heads.

Including Theodore Nott, Hogwarts lost five or six young wizards.

The castle lost them forever.

"I am responsible for this. It was my dereliction of duty." Dumbledore said sadly, "I feel ashamed of this."

At this moment - the greatest wizard in the legend was swaying slightly like a candle in the wind.

Perhaps it was everyone's misunderstanding, but they actually saw tears streaming from the principal's eyes, and the tears streaked down his old cheeks and dripped on the dining table.

At that moment - the little wizards felt as if their hearts had been hit hard, and they were extremely uncomfortable.

No one has ever thought about the great responsibility that the man who is over a hundred years old has on his shoulders.

Everyone just relied on him blindly and did not realize that this big tree had reached the limit of its load-bearing capacity.

At this time - Professor McGonagall stood up, and she suddenly clapped her hands.

Immediately afterwards, everyone in the auditorium stood up and applauded.

The thunderous sound, mixed with roars of support for the old man, continued in the auditorium for a long time.

A few minutes later.

The applause gradually died down.

"Thank you!" said Dumbledore.

"The world has become more and more chaotic. Many times, many things have exceeded my expectations, such as what happened in the castle before.

I hope you can be more united, have the same goal, and open your mind. Given the evil monsters that exist in the wizarding world that can disguise themselves. We can only fight it to the end by showing more unbreakable friendship and trust. "

His voice was deafening.

After regaining his composure, he glanced around the field and continued, "The chaos of the past few months must end.

Regarding positions such as Head Boy and Student Union presidents and prefects, business as usual will be restored, and the banned Quidditch matches will continue to be held. "

"In addition -" Dumbledore paused, "For the Defense Against the Dark Arts course, I invited one of your former professors, and he is very willing to return to the class."

"Well - he should have arrived yesterday, but maybe he was delayed a little due to work."

As he said that, the door of the auditorium was suddenly pushed open.

It's Filch and his cat.

Of course, everyone's attention was mainly focused on Filch's back.

"Oh my God! It's Professor Lupin!" Harry was overjoyed.

The other little wizards in Gryffindor immediately clapped again.

Then came other colleges.

It was different from when he first stepped into Hogwarts.

Today's Professor Lu Ping, although he also has an aura of exhaustion, his robes are neat and intact.

His hair was also trimmed, and he walked past the Gryffindor table with a smile on his face and a wave of his hand.

"I am very grateful to Professor Lupine for agreeing to take over this annoying job."

"Thank you!" Lupine came to the guest of honor seat. He seemed surprised that the young wizard at Hogwarts had such great enthusiasm for him.

"Okay." Dumbledore waved his hand, "Now enjoy your dinner!"

The next second, countless delicacies appeared on the long table.

There is a wide variety and there are even dishes from other countries.

This meal was very complicated for everyone.

There is both longing for the future and nostalgia for the past.

Things are unpredictable, who could have imagined that those things would happen!

After dinner, Cedric led the Hufflepuffs back to the common room.

When Owen wanted to leave, he was stopped by Professor Sprout.

She didn't know Coyatel at all.

I wanted to find him to find out more about this little witch's life experience.

"She?" Owen raised his eyebrows, "She is a descendant of Slytherin and the founder of Ilvermorny Magic Academy, and she also carries a god on her body."

Owen didn't know that Professor Sprout was stunned when he told the life experience of the first Koatl.

"She, a descendant of Salazar?" The professor suddenly felt that he had to talk to Professor Snape and the Sorting Hat.

"But why - how did she come to Hufflepuff?"

"Professor, when did you start letting bloodline be the judge of all truths?" Owen said, "What happened to Salazar's descendants? The sorting depends on personal qualities, not bloodline.

Although I also wonder why she was sorted into Hufflepuff. "

"Yes - you are right." Professor Sprout nodded, but she was so surprised that she did not turn around for a moment.

"In short, she is a girl who lacks love. She is an orphan, with a miserable childhood, a miserable boy, and a miserable youth.

It's not as miserable as it was a few months ago.

It would be nice if you paid her a little attention. "

"In this way-" the professor's expression changed, "I understand."

"Okay, you should go back too! I guess Hannah and the others have a lot to say to you."

"I think so." Owen smiled and ran away.

In the Hufflepuff common room.

Many young wizards are keeping a distance from Koyatel, and everyone cannot fully accept this former 'enemy'.

Although the whole Hogwarts knew about her saving Ron.

Cedric was the only one present who was chatting awkwardly with him.

There is no way, he is the wizard who is most familiar with the other party.

It wasn't until there was the sound of oak barrels rolling and Owen walked in that he felt relieved.

"How about it! It's not bad!" Owen walked over with brisk steps and sat next to Hannah.

"Our Hufflepuff common room is the best in the whole of Hogwarts. It's much better than Slytherin's underground ice cellar. Just be glad you didn't enter Slytherin!"

"Hmm - it's pretty good." Koyatel said calmly.

But the warmth around her and the magical plants singing softly in her ears did make her relax.

She had never seen a room so full of life.

"But don't waste your identity. There is a secret room in Hogwarts. Well - it was the second game of the previous competition - where is Slytherin's secret room. You can go in and find the things left by your ancestors. There are hidden compartments or something, just in case I can find some treasure."

"Remember to speak snake language."

"Not interested," the girl said. "There are many wizards who can speak Parsellus. As far as I know, Dumbledore can speak Parseltongue. If there really is anything in that secret room, it would have been taken away long ago."

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