I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 439 The badger’s laughter welcomes the exam

"But you are a descendant of the bloodline after all. What if there is some bloodline magic? Who knows?" Owen said pretending to be serious.

Although he himself thought it was ridiculous.

But what if?

What if that old bald man Salazar Slytherin really left something behind that Voldemort didn't discover?

These are the treasures of Hogwarts!

As a member of Hogwarts.

This is roughly equivalent to his treasure!

His treasure! ! !

Can he not be anxious?

"Oh, by the way - in addition, there is an underground secret room. I think you should go and see it. Maybe you can get Salazar's inheritance just like Miss Granger got Gryffindor's inheritance. It’s inheritance.”

"Do you also need to open the Parseltongue?" Koatl raised his eyebrows.

"No - this time it's the Lion's Roar - haha." Owen suddenly laughed, "The heirs of Slytherin can speak snakeskin - the heirs of Gryffindor can do the Lion's Roar - the heirs of Ravenclaw can The Whisper of an Eagle—The Badger’s Laughter, the descendant of Hufflepuff!”

"Haha, that's really interesting." He laughed heartlessly.

"You can't speak the language of small animals, and you're too embarrassed to say that you are a descendant of some ancient bloodline——"

"Then speaking of which, I also know the language of small animals!"

Owen raised his head and said leisurely, "Don't you know?" His eyes were bright, and he instantly frightened the other little wizards present, "I can speak the language of foxes.

Da Chu Xing - King Chen Sheng. "


Although no one among the little wizards present understood Owen's cold joke.

But Koyatel still felt that the boy in front of him probably had something wrong with his head.

As for Hannah next to him - they were used to it.

Irving will always be intermittently abnormal for a while.

It's okay - it'll be fine in a few minutes.

Intermittent - does not affect normal life.

With Owen's dementia-like speech, the little badgers finally started talking.

The room gradually filled with laughter and laughter.

It was like walking into the Hufflepuff common room and all the worries and sorrows were shut out.

Everyone was enthusiastic, chatting and laughing, and the atmosphere gradually heated up.

Koyatel also slowly integrated into this group. She found that everyone was actually very friendly. After clearing up the misunderstanding, these little wizards did not have any evil intentions.

Except for the Gryffindor trio.

Badgers laughed in the lounge.

Outside the window, the breath of spring is already strong.

The gentle wind blows gently, bringing vitality and vitality.

It gently brushes the branches, bringing green buds and taking away the cold frost in winter.

A state where vitality and all things are competing has arrived.

Soon - naturally the wizard.

It will make everything warm and beautiful.


Time started to fly.

Professor Lupin returns to Hogwarts.

Harry guessed that Dumbledore probably had no suitable candidate.

In fact, he was looking forward to Sirius coming back.

But to be honest, Owen thinks that among all the Defense Against the Dark Arts professors over the years, Professor Lupine is the most competent.

Sirius - he is not suitable. If you want to lead students to face a dark wizard or a battle, it would be good to let Sirius lead it, but as a professor of Defense Against Dark Arts, he is really incompetent.

When he returned to Hogwarts, his biggest role was to ridicule and suppress Slytherin.

Besides, the fight with Snape...

It was meaningless, and it was even more impossible to persuade the two of them to give up this meaningless fight or give in.

In short, Lupine's return has put the school back on track.

It only took him one lesson to capture the hearts of the little wizards.

Professor Lupine specifically asked Victor for a comprehensive understanding of what [Pretenders] are and their true form [Death Roots].

He told the little wizards the truth, and even borrowed the trophy that the Federation seized from the United States - a [Dead Root] placed in a glass display case.

Only then did the young wizards realize that the lump of soul and flesh fused together, which looked like some kind of fungal plant, was the true form of the [Pretender]. They are not aggressive at this time. Only when someone puts it into the wizard's mouth will it come alive.

And such a switch can debilitate the new body for a long time.

Therefore, capable [pretenders] will choose to perform some kind of evil sacrifice ritual. Through sacrifice, they can control the host's body faster and devour the host's soul.

The response to these classes at Hogwarts was huge.

Many professors even came to listen.

Hermione compiled a paper summarizing the lessons she had attended, as well as some of Owen's own research.

And published the paper in a newspaper, hoping to let more people know the truth about the "Pretender".

In the paper, she also proposed that the way to distinguish [pretenders] is the Patronus Charm.

This paper quickly attracted coverage in major newspapers.

There has even been a trend in the magical world to learn the Patronus Charm.

But that’s a story for later.

In a flash, more than a month later.

As the 0.w.ls exam approaches, everyone finally returns to the rhythm of Hogwarts.

The library is full every day, and everyone is working hard to review.

But they are not doing it for the exam.

Most of them are just to learn magic and become stronger. To survive.

D.A. meetings also became more frequent.

Quidditch matches also began to be held normally. They played one game a week to determine the champion at the end of the semester.


The castle grounds gleamed in the sun as if they had just been painted; the clear sky reflected the sparkling, calm lake; the satin-smooth green grass occasionally rippled in the gentle breeze.

June is here, and for fifth graders, it can only mean one thing - their O.W.Ls exams are finally here.

Teachers no longer give them homework, and all class time is spent reviewing questions that teachers think are most likely to appear on exams.

Coupled with the chaotic world situation outside, the castle is full of dedicated but anxious little wizards.

Compared to others, Harry is busier - he is busy with Quidditch matches, busy preparing for exams, busy with D.A. meetings, and practicing spells. Also busy learning Occlumency from Snape.

Sometimes Harry would wonder if Professor Lupine could continue to teach him Occlumency.

If Professor Lupine knew this spell.

But it was obvious that both Owen and Professor Dumbledore suggested that Snape come.

He is professional.

Although this kind of nervousness is not common in other people, it still affects them profoundly.

One day, after the herbal medicine class in the greenhouse.

Ernie, Justin Hannah and everyone in Gryffindor did not leave.

They were sitting on the deformed seats, reviewing the lessons.

The greenhouse is a great place.

The place is large, and it is surrounded by various plants, and the air is fresh. Professor Sprout has used many constant temperature magics for these plants, so there is no need to worry about cold or heat.

All in all, this is the best place to study in Hogwarts.

"How many hours do you think you can review a day?"

Ernie, one of the few people, was raising his neck and said.

Ernie was lucky. He was on the west coast of the United States at the time, so he was very lucky not to be involved in the war. However, because the Magical Congress was shut down later, he was unable to return to the UK, so he was delayed a lot of time.

"I don't know," said Ron, "a few hours."

"More or less than eight hours?"

"I think it's more." Ron looked up at Ernie, then immediately lowered his head again.

"Are you crazy?" Ernie said in shock, "I think eight hours is the limit. I review for an hour before breakfast every day, and the average is eight hours. If things go well, I can study for ten hours on weekends. I study for ten hours on weekends. I studied for nine and a half hours, Tuesday was not so good, only seven hours and a quarter, and then Wednesday..."

If time permits, he will go on and on, detailing how he finds time to study.

Judging from his appearance, if others spend less time reviewing than he does, he will get great satisfaction from the comparison process.

This is not something worth showing off. The key is not the amount of time, but whether you really master all the knowledge points.

"While you were talking nonsense, I had already written down the medicinal properties of another herb." Justin said ruthlessly.

"By the way, where's Owen?"

"He asked us to review here, where is he?"

"Do you think he still needs to review?" Harry raised an eyebrow and said.

"Well - it's okay if he's not an examiner. If he were an examiner, he would definitely ask very difficult questions."

"Where's Koyatel?" Hannah looked up and asked.

"She doesn't need to take exams." Hermione explained, "She is an exchange student and is in seventh grade this year in Ilvermorny, but she did not attend the entire seventh grade.

So now I just need to review the seventh grade knowledge and choose the N.E.W.T. course.

It will be good to follow the seventh graders in the second half of the year and prepare for the N.E.W.T. exam next year. "

"Well she's lucky," Ernie murmured.

At this time, suddenly the door of the third greenhouse was pushed open.

It was Owen—he walked out with a swagger.

"What did you do?" Hermione looked at him and asked.

"Um - the professor got some new herbs, I'll study them and study them."

"Did you run in and steal something?" Hermione said with wide eyes, "You asked me to review here to cover up, did you?"

"No way!" Owen immediately shook his head, "How can it be called stealing? I did it for research."

"so what?"

"Okay - just bring some so the professor can't find it."

"you sure?"

"Of course - the professor placed a curse on those bonsais. The legs of anyone who breaks in will turn into beets." Owen said proudly, "But this is completely trivial to me."

"Then Professor Sprout found out that her crops had been stolen and the curse didn't take effect. Who do you think she would suspect first in Hogwarts?"

"Uh-" Owen's face was startled, and then he said directly, "Forget it, she will definitely doubt me if she loses something anyway. Instead of doing this, I might as well actually steal it myself!

I can't suffer! "

"." Hermione rolled her eyes at him.

Owen and Professor Sprout were almost like a family, and the professor wouldn't blame him even if he knew.

He should be somewhat measured!


Owen sat with them and glanced at the courseware that the young wizards were reviewing - it looked like it was compiled by Hermione, it was ten inches thick - was there so much to say?

Then what kind of manuscripts should I sort out?

Just memorize the textbook again.

Moreover, the O.W.LS exam is still somewhat complicated. The exam is divided into a written test and a practical class.

Needless to say, there is no need to say much about the written test. You can roughly guess it by referring to their final grades. It is mainly a practical test. The examiner cannot ask you to demonstrate all the magic spells in the textbook.

Therefore, if you can know in advance which magic spell the examiner is going to test, and then learn that one unexpectedly, it will be easy to pass.

Like Draco's group of pure-blood wizards, if they have some connections in the family, they can always find out about exam questions.

Before that, several Slytherin students had shown off to the young wizards from other houses outside the Potions classroom very proudly, "You have to use connections. My family has had a relationship with the head of the Wizarding Examination Authority for many years - —Sr. Gsilda Marchbain—came to my house for dinner." That sort of thing.

This once again made the fifth grade wizards mistrust the Ministry of Magic, fearing that they would send another idiot.

But this must be just a boast of the Slytherin guys. Ms. Gsilda Marchbain is Dumbledore's person through and through.

She was the wizard who supported him the most, even the first!

Because when the old principal took the graduation exam, it was Ms. Gsilda Marchban who invigilated the exam. From that moment she knew that the boy with extraordinary talent would achieve great things in the future.

The sound of reading in the greenhouse was accompanied by the sound of rustling leaves.

The golden sunlight shines through the green glass windows and casts a rich vitality into this plant paradise built on steel supports.

As the sun sets, the little wizards disperse.

Within a few days, they waited in an inexplicable atmosphere of anxiety for the time and specific arrangements for the O.W.LS exam.

"As you can see."

In the Hufflepuff common room, Professor Sprout was standing in front of the bulletin board and said.

Behind her, a flying pen on the bulletin board was writing the exam date and time.

"Your O.W.LS exam will last for two weeks. You will take the written exam in the morning and the practical exam in the afternoon. The astronomy practical exam is scheduled in the evening."

"Okay - these are some commonplace words. I know you will never use them, but the rule is that I must tell you some of these."

"Ahem." The professor coughed lightly and continued: "Your test papers are all subject to the strictest anti-cheating spell. It is strictly forbidden to bring automatic answering quills into the examination hall. In addition, there are memory balls, detachable cuffs and automatic Correction ink.

I would say that your ability is more than enough to handle the exam. Take it easy!

Although in the past almost every year there was at least one student who thought he could evade the rules of the Wizarding Examination Board. But at least in the past three years we have not seen students cheating.

I hope you continue this tradition. "

"Excuse me, Professor," Hannah said, raising her hands in the air, "when will we know our grades?"

"The Ministry of Magic Examinations Authority will deliver it to you by an owl in July." Professor Sprout said with a smile.

"That's great," Justin said happily, "We don't have to worry about it before the holidays."

"Yes!" Sprout said slightly excitedly, "I have a hunch that this year's exam will definitely break thousands of Hogwarts performance records, because we have the best students in this class."

The group of young wizards below blushed. The professor said so frankly, which made him a little at a loss.

"Don't be shy, you deserve this."

"Of course, Professor! We can definitely break the record!" I don't know who shouted below.

Instantly, all the little Hufflepuff wizards became excited.

Everyone happily cheered each other up.

The atmosphere seemed very relaxed.

Koyatel was crowded on the sofa by the little wizards. Everyone was busy. She was holding a book "Ancient Alchemy Revealed" in her hand. At this time, the book fell to the ground, but she did not notice it.

Because she was also looking at Professor Sprout.

Similar things were happening in the towers of other colleges.

However, the styles of the several deans were different, and Professor McGonagall's tone was more serious.

This can be seen from the serious and nervous expressions of the fifth grade lion cubs the next day.

On the other hand, the Hufflepuffs were all refreshed and smiling with confidence in their victory.

At lunch, while everyone was eating, they suddenly noticed that there were many strange wizards in the courtyard outside the auditorium.

They saw Professor Dumbledore walking from the stone bridge with a group of old wizards who looked to be a thousand years old together.

"Oh, my God," Hannah whispered timidly, staring into the foyer. "Is it them? The examiner?"

"I guess so," Owen said.

As the exam approached, Hannah became more and more nervous.

Although no one thought she would fail the exam, she couldn't help but think wildly, such as whether she would perform abnormally or something unexpected would happen.

"Should we take a closer look?" Justin said.

"What are you doing there?" Owen grabbed an apple from the plate and took a bite. "Do they have horns on their heads or tails behind them?"

"Hurry up!" Hannah took the lead, pulling him and running out. Many students had this idea, and soon the door of the auditorium was filled with little wizards.

Harry and Hermione were among the crowd, craning their necks.

The one beside Dumbledore was a very small hunchbacked witch.

She is Professor March, the examiner this time. Her face is covered with wrinkles, like spider webs.

"The journey went well. We arrived a lot early." Professor Marchbain said loudly. She seemed to be a little deaf. Although Dumbledore was very close to her, she spoke loudly, "Yes, the wizarding world It's a mess now, and people are suspicious, as if [pretenders] Death Eaters, etc., may appear at any time, but I told them not to worry at all, because you are here, Albus, I have always been with my My friend said that as long as you are at Hogwarts, there will be no chaos in the school."

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