I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 437 Easter Dinner

Courage is man's greatest hymn - that's what he said before!

He also said that wisdom is the key to the realm of God, and gentleness is a kind of power!

Knock - I suffered from the lack of people in the Badger Courtyard!

"Courage is the greatest hymn of mankind." Koyatel's expression was slightly surprised. She recited these words carefully, from which she seemed to see her past struggles and resistance under oppression.

And the belief in the obelisk that will never move forward even if it means death.

Ron gave his life to save her.

In a blurry fantasy, the pursuit of the past heir, Shani.

Facing the outer gods - facing the gods - facing the darkness above the sky.

Courage is the sword that cuts through thorns and thorns. Without courage, the world might have sunk long ago.

"I'll go to Gryffindor!" she said.

"Oh! Welcome!" the other little wizards said happily.

And Owen.

He didn't bother to argue anymore.

Hogwarts has a tradition of sorting houses.

In the school's thousand-year history, no student has ever been transferred to another school, and the old man in the Sorting Hat always talks about how he never makes mistakes.

The specifics - and the dirty hat.

In addition, Owen felt as if he had forgotten something ever since he sat here.

After staring at Ron carefully twice, I remembered.

"That's right." Owen put his hand into his pocket, searched for it, and took out a box.

He handed it to Ron, "In the end, it suits you. Maybe it's fate. You were destined to use it."

Just looking at the box in Owen's hand, Ron felt a strange feeling well up in his heart.

He had already guessed what would be inside.

Magic wand!

And it was a wand that belonged to his ancestors.

Sure enough - after Ron took the box and opened it, there was a crystal wand lying quietly inside.

"Shannie Maeve Weasley's crystallized wand, I got it back from Professor Dumbledore. Only you and I can use it in the whole world." Owen said, "Take it, it is now What’s best for you.”

"I know." Ron nodded. The moment he held the wand, the tip of the wand outlined a golden afterglow, which was very magical. This happened only when Harry got his destined phoenix wand. Only then did they appear.

He could feel that the wand in his hand seemed to make a joyful sound.

It was as if its owner had returned.

Ron was immediately affected by the remaining magic power in the wand, and huge sadness stuck in his neck, making him unable to breathe.

Through the long river of time, in the picture of nothingness woven by magic, he saw the witch named Shani Weasley sighing before she died.

"Hey -" a sigh actually came from his ears.

The voice contained the reluctance of the deceased to leave the world.

It was Shani's reluctance to let go of her recently born child, her reluctance to let go of her relatives, her friends, and her reluctance to let go of the castle of Hogwarts.

Fragmented memories intertwined with strong emotions lingered in Ron's mind.

Until—suddenly, outside the living room, at the top of the stairs.

Mrs. Weasley walked in.

She smiled gently, "Dear little ones. Dinner is ready."

"Oh - do we have an extra guest? Owen, and..." Her eyes stayed on Koyatel.

Then brown eyes lit up.

Come quickly.

"You must be Koyatel, right!" Mrs. Weasley walked towards Koyatel enthusiastically.

Koyatel raised his head in surprise and looked at the middle-aged woman who suddenly walked towards him. Mrs. Weasley is plump and dignified, with thick brown hair and piercing brown eyes that make her look both friendly and determined. Her clothes were neat and simple, and she wore an apron.

"Yes, ma'am." Koyatel replied nervously. She had never met such an enthusiastic person.

Mrs. Weasley smiled and took Kyatel's hand, then knelt down and hugged her. "Welcome, welcome to come." She said, "You are the hero of our family." She patted Koyatel on the back, her tone full of gratitude and respect.

“No—” Koyatel was at a loss.

Among all the witches she met, those people were all dressed in gold, silver, brocade silk and satin, and looked aloof.

Of course, it was not that she had never met a poor witch, but no one had ever shown such a warm and firm expression towards her, and an inexplicable feeling of warmth emerged in her heart.

The witch said quickly: "No - madam, we help each other, and he also saved me."

Mrs. Weasley released the hug, looked into Koyatel's eyes and said, "I know my son. Although he is very good, he is always reckless and puts himself in danger. I know he needs to be like you. Have such friends around you.”

"Mom!" Ron called.

After returning home, he didn't explain much to Mrs. Weasley. He didn't mention a word about the battle in the obelisk. He just said that an American witch saved him.

"Oh - ok, ok, get ready to eat!" Mrs. Weasley forced a smile, patted Koyatel's hand, and pulled her towards the restaurant on the first floor.

Everyone else got up and followed.

Walking down the stairs, Mr. Arthur and the twins were the only ones in the restaurant.

Easter was not Christmas, the other Weasley children had jobs, and Sirius was too busy with things in America to get back.

"Sit down wherever you want," Mrs. Weasley said.

On one side of the stairs is the restaurant, which has a long dining table that can seat about a dozen people. It can also be seen from this that the Black family was once prosperous.

On both sides of the table are ancient cabinets, and a variety of silver tableware are placed in those glass display cabinets.

There is a huge crystal lamp above the head.

"Hey! Owen, you're back!" George came over and gave him a hug.

"I knew you would definitely come." Fred hugged him too and then said with a wink.

"Hurry up and wash your hands." Mrs. Weasley said pretending to be serious. After looking at Owen and Koyatel, she immediately changed her expression to a gentle one.

She took an Easter egg wrapped in colored paper from the cabinet nearby and handed it to Owen, "Happy Easter!"

"Thank you," Owen said.

Mrs. Weasley patted him on the shoulder.

Walking towards Koyatel again and handing her another egg, "Happy Easter kid."


Then she was busy putting dinner on the table. Although there was magic help, she was always busy.

If you go to help her at this time, Mrs. Weasley will definitely push you to sit down. She doesn't like others to help her in this kind of thing.

At a superficial level, she felt that her husband and children were busy with dangerous things, and that she could not provide any help. All she could do was this small thing. If she needed help from others even for such small things, it would only make her She suffered.

On a deeper level, the children have grown up one by one. A feeling of loneliness began to arise in her heart.

"Oh - don't open the eggs at this time. Let's eat first, okay?" After setting the tableware, Mrs. Weasley suddenly turned her head and warned her as if she had remembered something.



Owen and Koyatel replied.

The so-called Easter eggs actually contain candies, and in some places they contain bread, but in the UK most of them contain chocolate.

Although I don’t know why wizards still celebrate the resurrection of Jesus, this festival is their legal holiday, and they have three days off.

After washing your hands.

Everyone sat at the long table.

This was the first time in months after Christmas that all of the Weasley family was together.

As the situation outside gradually deteriorated, the Burrow was no longer suitable as a place for their family to gather on a daily basis.

The protective magic there is not as good as here.

Moreover, the three children of the Weasley family, Bill, Percy, and Ron, are all enemies of Voldemort. Especially after the incident in Brazil, it would be normal for a Death Eater to sneak into the Burrow one day to carry out assassinations.

"I hope we can be full at Christmas." Mrs. Weasley put the food on the dining table and then said something inexplicable.

She sat at Mr. Arthur's right hand.

Eyes sparkling with tears.

Beside her, Ginny quickly hugged her mother's left arm.

And Mr. Arthur also held her right hand.

No one knew how much stress Mrs. Weasley had been under in recent weeks.

At the dinner table, the atmosphere suddenly became a little depressing.

Warmth, but there is a hint of crisis seeping into it.

"Before we start dinner, I want to say-" Mr. Arthur patted his wife's hand and comforted her, and then turned his attention to Koyatel, "If it weren't for you, my son might not be alive." I’ll be sitting here.”

He picked up the juice on the table and said, "Here's to Keyat'er."


The rest of the Weasley family also raised their glasses, especially the Geminis. No matter what conflicts they had with Koyatel before, now they all say that she will be their family's forever friend.

"Here's to Stewart!" Owen said.

"Here's to Shani!" Koatl said.

"Here's to Shani!" Ron said.

"Kyatl," Hermione and Harry said together.

After dinner.

The little wizards gathered in the living room on the second floor.

Ron has been reluctant to reveal too many details about Brazil's Occidental Minaret.

This time when Koatl came to visit, she naturally became a breakthrough point for the other Weasleys.

However - under the sign of Ron's resisting eyes, Koyatel also didn't say much, just some side stories and things about Grindelwald and the Federation Aurors.

The girl's scarlet eyes had some ripples rising at a moment that was difficult for ordinary people to detect.

Seeing that Koyatel didn't want to say more, the others didn't ask further questions.

After all, it was not a good memory. Just from the newspaper reports, one could infer the dangers involved.

The rest of the time, the little wizards sat around on the sofa, chatting about the announcement on the Hogwarts bulletin board today.

Owen brought one over.

——Employment consultation.

This is the tradition of Hogwarts. Before the O.W.L. exam, every little wizard must determine his or her future plans, because you have to determine your elective courses based on the career you choose.

Aurors, Cursebreakers, and Magical Creature Keepers each have different requirements for O.W.L. certificates, and some even require N.E.W.T. certificates.

However, given the current complex domestic and international situation, no one can make a decision about the future at the moment.

However, Owen knew very well that after graduation, most of the people present would join the Auror Office of the Ministry of Magic, or the United Wizards Special Operations Team (Dumbledore has not chosen a loud and fixed name until now. It may be that other representative countries are afraid Once the name is confirmed, everything is settled, and they still want to struggle.)

Hermione is expected to take the promotion route of Director of the Auror Office, Department of Magical Law Enforcement, and then Minister of Magic.

"I guess you will all join the Federation in the end." Owen took a sip of hot tea and said, "Professor Dumbledore is currently expanding the powers of the Federation step by step. Didn't he plan to establish a wizard's own bank before? That will definitely happen by then. There will be a shortage of people.”

"I don't really like banking." Hermione said vaguely. She was looking at the "Daily Prophet" intently, even though she had read it over and over four or five times.

"I think Aurors are very good." Harry said, "I will definitely become an Auror."

"Don't you want to be a Quidditch star?" Owen's eyes turned to her and asked.

"..." Hearing the sound, Harry seemed hesitant, but he was still sure of his thoughts, "It's too chaotic outside, I think it's better to contribute to this. Quidditch - I haven't played this whole year. Now, I feel unfamiliar.”

"We must still focus on the vision of Weasley's Alchemy Workshop." The twins said in unison, "We are going to launch a series of defensive alchemy items recently, which will definitely sell well."

"I don't care." Ron said silently, "Let's survive first!"

Owen glanced at him, and once again came up with the idea of ​​deleting Ron's memory?

"What about you?" Owen looked at Koyatel.

"Me?" Koyatel was a little confused.

The orange light shone on her cheek, but it didn't look warm at all. She was as cold as ever.

Only those smart eyes were slightly different from before.

"I don't know," she said, "Maybe I'll travel around the world."

"It's a normal idea," Owen said. "I used to think about graduating and traveling around the world."

"What now?" Hermione put down the newspaper and asked.

"Now?" Owen sighed, "Dobby has visited all the places I'm going to and took all kinds of photos. I just feel like I've been bullied. I can't cheer up."

"Huh?" Hermione frowned, not understanding what he meant.

"It's okay." He shrugged and said, "We'll talk about it after graduation. I don't plan to leave Hogwarts yet."

"Then you can try to be a professor. Defense Against the Dark Arts professor sounds like a good fit for you." Hermione said seriously, "Hasn't the Hogwarts Principal's Office already recognized you? Maybe in a few decades you will be I can take over Professor McGonagall’s position as principal!”

"Decades!" Owen waved his hand, "It's too long, I can't wait. Well - maybe I will continue to go to school."

"Go to school? Where? Other magic schools? Also be an exchange student?" Hermione spewed out many questions like a barrage of questions.

"Oxford, Cambridge, MIT - I can't even name it. I graduated from Hogwarts at the age of eighteen, which is the age when I go to university. I'm going to study physics for my great dream of the stars and the sea!"


Faced with Owen's answer, Hermione didn't know what to say.

Throughout the history of magic, there has probably never been a wizard who studied physics.

But she knew very well in her heart that Muggle physics could definitely be of great use to magic, and it might be possible to develop many new spells.

"Whatever you want." Hermione said, "But before that, don't you want to think of a way to invent a spell to identify [pretenders] based on the Patronus Charm."

"Ha-inventing a magic spell?" Owen's cheeks trembled, "Miss Granger, do you know what you are talking about? Do you think it is easy to develop a magic spell? Most wizards spend their entire lives not to invent. The new curse can’t even improve the old one.”

"I think you can definitely do it!" Hermione said solemnly.

"Uh-your inexplicable trust puts me under a lot of pressure!"

Owen touched his chin, "Unless we can catch a [Pretender] and dissect it - complete research."

The expressions of the little wizards changed.

"Well—certainly not 'using' Theodore Nott."

Just when the little wizards were about to continue talking about this topic.

Outside the living room, Mrs. Weasley and Ginny walked over together.

After dinner, she seemed to have gone to find her daughter to get some information about Coatl.

For example, what colors, clothes, etc. does she like?

Owen heard the conversation between mother and daughter when he visited the Black family's genealogy tree on the fourth floor.

It was clear that Mrs. Weasley was saddened by the fact that Koyatl was an orphan again.

"Oh - little guys, maybe you haven't noticed, but it's very late now."

Mrs. Weasley said gently, "Now, it's time for you to go to bed."

"Tomorrow, we should go back to Hogwarts."

"Okay mom." Gemini responded.

Everyone got up one after another, said good night to each other, and left the living room.

Koyatel, on the other hand, was held by Mrs. Weasley's hand, not knowing what they were going to do.

There are a lot of empty rooms at No. 12 Grimmauld Place. After all, this is the mansion of the Black family.

There are four floors.

It was easy for them to find a spare room.

After a night.

Suddenly it's a new day.

After getting up early in the morning and having breakfast, they prepared to take the Knight Bus back to Hogwarts.

Although - there are better choices, but - isn't there a newcomer in the team?

This can be considered as taking her to experience the life of a British wizard.

However--except for Owen, the other little wizards soon regretted this decision.

The moment they step on the bus and the car starts moving.

It was extreme speed, sudden braking, and a right-angle turn of more than 90 degrees.

Trust me, the average person gets dizzy and vomits up their overnight meal in one minute.

The physical fitness of young wizards is not much better than that of ordinary Muggles.

Coatl was unlucky.

This may be the first and last time she takes this kind of transportation.

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