I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 434 Hogwarts Incident

Owen didn't stop talking.

His voice continued.

"In the end, it was Isolt's adventure companion, the father-like William Pukechi, who appeared on the battlefield. Just like his descendant Voldemort, the conceited descendants of Gaunt would never care about elves, goblins, Pukechi and the like. Gormlaith was a human creature, and Gormlaith paid for it with her life. She was shot through the heart by William Pukech with a poisonous arrow.

When it was all over, Iseult buried her aunt's wand in the school grounds, and within a year a snakewood grew where it was buried, and no amount of cutting or pruning it could help. A few years later, it was discovered that the leaves of this tree had powerful medicinal properties. "

"After Isolt's death, one of her two daughters, Leona, who inherited the talent for magic, chose to remain unmarried. She hoped that her bloodline would disappear and not be passed on. The other was born a squib. (possibly as a price for triggering the magic of love) married a local Muggle. The Stewart family spread."

Owen's voice slowly stopped.

The setting sun shines goldenly on the sea in front of you.

Several seagulls dived into the golden glow, fluttered their wings and flew out again, holding sea fish in their mouths.

Every drop of sea water is wrapped in golden light, just like the golden juice that pops out when gold is burned.

Further away, several fishing boats passed by. After all, this was an important trade channel connecting the Old World and the New World. It was not surprising to see merchant ships coming and going.

"I feel like you are just telling a story." Koyatel looked directly at the sea rippled by the sea breeze, as if saying goodbye to the setting sun.

A different kind of poetry and romance gather together and never dissipate.

Owen did not explain anything specifically to Koyatel. He had no such obligation. He just expressed some speculations in his heart. "Maybe the magic of love can be passed down through the blood." He said, "Ifa. There is indeed a snake tree on the grounds of the Demonic School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and you can try to dig up its roots to find Salazar Slytherin's wand."

"Don't worry that the snakewood will die. It has been taking root for hundreds of years. Without the magic wand, it will still live and continue to grow."

"Don't you like Slytherin House?" Koatl held back his eyes at Ron, "Call him an old madman."

"Evaluating something cannot be divorced from the times." Owen said, "In the past, Muggles and wizards were hostile. The influence from the Holy See made Muggles think that wizards were evil. Salazar had pure-blood ideas. Not surprising."

"If Salazar was really that evil, then the other three founders wouldn't have co-created Hogwarts with him.

The mistake was that the later pure-blood wizards relied on an idea from a thousand years ago without knowing how to adapt it. "

"The world today is no longer what it was a thousand years ago."

Owen turned to look at her, "After everything is over, you can go back to Ilvermorny to verify whether what I said is true. Principal Eulalie Hicks will be very happy to see you again."

"As for you -" he looked at Ron again, "go home quickly."

With that he left the deck.

He was going to Dumbledore to ask for something.

About a week later.

The review of Ron and Koyatel is finally over.

The Federation really couldn't find any more abnormalities in the two of them.

However, from Koyatel's confession and memory, they did know the truth about Port Isabel.

In the face of that horrifying story and reality, all wizards fell silent.

Especially certain American wizards, Aurors.

They simply couldn't believe that the descendants of the Purifiers could be so insane. This was not the Middle Ages or the ancient dark ages.

How dare they - oh - no - of course they dare, because all those people were supposed to do was overthrow the Magical Congress.

In addition, everything about the New World was transmitted back to Europe.

War and casualties have become everyone's biggest concern today.

Every Daily Prophet leaves several families utterly devastated.

Of course, this also includes several young wizards from Hogwarts.

Owen didn't know how the parents of those little wizards would feel after seeing their children's names on the list of victims, but it would definitely be a bolt from the blue.

Koatl left the freighter a week later and headed to Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry again.

Ron also returned to the UK after parting ways with him.

Owen was responsible for helping Federation employees deal with some disasters caused by ancient magic, such as those who were initially infected by "Pretender" and were still in the process of transformation - he could still be treated at this time. Of course, once the transformation was completed, the original owner's If his soul had been eaten by the parasite, he would really be helpless.

As a result, he could only return to Hogwarts a few days later.

A few days later.

Owen stayed on the cargo ship.

In the early morning, there was a sudden knock on his door.

Open it and take a look.

It turns out that Koyatel is back.

With complicated eyes on her face, she said directly with an incredulous expression, "I don't understand!"

She stared at Owen, "If those things are true, how do you know? How do you know!"

She was a little emotional.

He is holding a black wand in his hand. The wand has silver patterns on the body, like a silver coiled above it. The wand is slightly curved. The handle has gold and silver colors, like vine-like branches, and those branches are still blooming. flowers.

Although Owen has never seen the wand.

But he guessed it belonged to Salazar Slytherin himself.

"Just think of it as the heir's inheritance!" Owen couldn't explain.

No one will know about this.

Because everyone who knows is already dead.

He can't say it's because he has read the original work!

"You" Koyatel obviously didn't believe what Irving said. She stared at Irving seriously, "You are too mysterious," she said.

"I have a hunch that you are more than just a successor."

"I know several previous heirs." She put away the wand. As a descendant of Slytherin who also inherited Parseltongue, she had already revived the wand. "They are indeed very powerful wizards, but their power is only a powerful advantage when facing gods. If we look at the gap with other wizards, they are not even as good as Dumbledore. They are not like you, who know so many things and master so many things. What strange magic."

"Maybe I'm better!" Irving joked.

In response, Koyatel did not respond, but remained silent for a while, and then said, "When will you return to England."

She said, "I have discussed it with Principal Eulalie Hicks, and she plans to let me go to Hogwarts as an exchange student. I will repeat a year, and I won't be in school for the entire seventh grade anyway."

"Understood." Owen nodded. Of course he understood the good intentions of Principal Eulalie Hicks. Although Koyatel has now gotten rid of the shackles of all forces, after all, the remaining Purifiers in North America will soon It can't be eradicated, and sending her to Hogwarts is also a kind of protection.

She no longer has the ancient magic wand body, because Quetzalcoatl has left her soul.

"But you'll have to wait a few days. I have something to take care of."

"No problem." Koyatel said decisively, then turned around and left, looking at her as if she was very resentful of herself.

Owen shook his head. It was undeniable that he had indeed tampered with her while treating her.

But - at that time, he didn't know the secret about Koyatel.

At that time, he thought that the other party was a chess piece of the Outer God, the anchor mentioned by Dean Brigid. It's good that he didn't eliminate her directly.

Thinking of Owen, he returned to his room. There was a glass jar on his table.

Inside was a flesh-and-blood plant that looked like a bud.

This is what he took out from the bodies of those people who were parasitized by the [Pretender].

Come to think of it, Bella seemed to have told him this kind of thing.

It seems to be called [Dead Root].

He has been studying this thing for the past few days.

Unfortunately, nothing came of it.

He can only know that there is a wizard's soul in the [Death Root]. If it is stuffed into another person's mouth, like a pre-set program, automatic recovery will begin with the other person's soul and flesh and blood as the foundation. , resurrect yourself.

This process will last for a long time and is quite brutal.

The victim can only watch helplessly as his soul and consciousness are deprived, then becomes an idiot, and finally becomes a part of the other person. Whether it is physical pain or psychological torture, this is undoubtedly a very cruel thing.

A few more days passed.

Maybe it was just too boring on the boat.

Koyatel and Fleur came together inexplicably.

The two are always together, neither close nor indifferent. There was a kind of distance, but because of her work as a therapist, Fleur consulted Koatl many times, and the two of them became familiar with each other over time.

During this process, Fleur discovered that the girl in front of her knew an incredible amount of potion formulas and spells.

Although many of them are old things that have been eliminated in the past.

But there can still be many interesting lost magic or potion recipes.

Fleur, who had already studied alchemy, quickly found a common topic with her.

At least they have something to talk about, right?

A few days passed again.

Owen, who really had no clue, planned to go back.

The Federation has been unable to capture the [Pretenders], and even if they are caught, they are the kind that have been transformed long ago and can only be imprisoned, tried, and finally sent to the execution stand.

After waiting for several days without seeing the new [Pretender], Owen finally lost his patience.

However - just as he was about to leave, a newspaper carried by a wizard who came from England to support caught his attention.

It's yesterday's Daily Prophet

The bold and enlarged title made him unable to take his eyes away.

————There is a major crisis at Hogwarts.

————[The Pretender] sneaked into the school, and many little wizards have been injured.

————Dumbledore was questioned by the school board. He was distracted from the work of the Federation and was no longer able to take charge of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

The school board has announced that Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore will be relieved of his duties as Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry with immediate effect.

The new principal will be Dolores Umbridge, senior deputy minister of the Ministry of Magic, member of the Education Committee, and senior tea confectioner.

——Just yesterday, a shocking incident occurred in Hogwarts, involving a Slytherin student.


Owen was stunned when he saw the news.

Although he could enter and exit Hogwarts just like his own back garden, it would still be quite difficult for others to enter!

What's more, after the [Pretender] appeared, the school banned outsiders from entering.

Unless the little wizard is killed in disguise before then.

"I'm going back." Owen immediately dropped the newspaper.

He was very confident about Miss Granger's strength, but what if someone pretended to be another little wizard and made a surprise attack?

"I'm with you." Koatl was beside him.

This is the freighter's restaurant, so of course she will appear here.

Owen didn't respond, got up and ran out quickly.

And the girl also followed.

I found a deserted corner again.

He took out the clock he carried with him, set its only hour hand to the corresponding position, and hung it on the wall.

Soon the familiar random door appeared.

After Owen looked deeply at Coyatel, he opened the door.

Behind the door was his safe house in Hogsmeade, the location of which only he and Hermione knew.

Today it has a new visitor.

"Is this? A portkey?"

For the door that suddenly appeared, and the completely different place behind it.

After passing through the gate, even the temperature dropped a few degrees, and it was obvious that this place was very far away.

And when she followed Owen out of the room and saw the familiar villages around her, she knew where she was.


She came here last year.

"It's amazing, this is definitely not a portkey."

Along the way, Koyatel marveled at the magical props that Owen brought out.

It is different from any transfer magic that I am familiar with.

Because she had no feeling of passing through space, no dizziness, no feeling of drilling into some kind of pipe, and no strange feeling of being squeezed and stretched.

Bland—bland, like walking through a door casually.

Owen had no time to talk to her, and he quickly returned to the castle along the path.

He entered the school through the south gate of Hogwarts.

Going out from here, there is the Quidditch pitch on the other side.

There is a huge garden in front of the south gate, and a greenhouse on the left.

This is also where Hogwarts teachers and students hosted the other three wizarding schools two years ago.

Koatl walked into Hogwarts from here again.

Enter the castle, follow the stairs on the left, open a wooden door, and a corridor appears in front of you.

On one side of the corridor is a row of huge windows, and on the other side are some armor sculptures and the like.

The most famous armor ornament in the entire Hogwarts is here.

The two armor ornaments always fight, and sometimes the little wizards need to break up the fight.

But no one ever wanted to separate the two

This is a kind of bad taste.

After walking through a splendid hall, climb a few stairs and open the door, and you will come to the passage connecting the auditorium building.

Owen's steps became faster.

Because vaguely, he seemed to hear sounds coming from the front, which were very mixed and noisy.


When Owen pushed open the oak door and came to the auditorium.

In front of me - it seems to be a medal ceremony.

No - no, but there were many reporters, officials from the Ministry of Magic, young wizards and professors all present.

He saw Umbridge sitting in Dumbledore's chair, smiling at the flashlight.

He saw the reporters' sketch pens scribbling down disgusting words that might be praising her.

Everything is so abnormal.

Owen was in a daze as if Voldemort had won the world and Hogwarts had completely fallen.

"What's going on!" he said with a frown.

Umbridge ignored him. She kept smiling and talking to the reporters on the side.

Susan came over quickly.

He pulled Owen's sleeve and motioned for him to return to his seat.

But Owen obviously has no such intention.

He was holding back his fire, and there were many fewer little wizards in the auditorium.

He didn't see Hermione, Harry, Ron, or Justin.

Hannah was also missing.

Susan saw the anger in Owen's eyes.

She glanced back in the direction of Umbridge and found that the toad was bragging about his achievements like a spring breeze.

Simply, she stood there and started telling Owen everything that had happened recently.

Susan spoke quickly.

Irving refined it with more concise thinking.

To put it simply, shortly after he and Dumbledore left, the Pretender appeared in Hogwarts. It took over the body of a student and launched a shameless sneak attack on the students.

The professors and Hermione were busy for several days but could not catch the occupied student.

Because the other party seemed to change his identity after attacking once.

It didn't even complete the transformation, it just took control of the little wizard's body, and started attacking others without fully controlling the soul.

A young wizard who escaped unharmed claimed that the young wizard who attacked him was stooped, sweating all over his body, and had a ferocious expression as if he was being manipulated, while he was resisting.

This attack lasted for a week, and several young wizards were injured. The young wizard whose body was invaded was still alive because the transformation was completed, but fell into a coma.

Things worsened a few weeks later.

A young Ravenclaw wizard nearly lost his life in an attack.

At that time - Umbridge was just right, so tragedy didn't happen.

After that, she started investigating the matter.

And it was determined that the latest body invaded by the [Pretender] was the witch from Ravenclaw, Luna Lovegood.

This statement was immediately opposed by all other Hogwarts wizards, headed by Hermione.

But here's the problem, crazy girl Luna's behavior is not normal, and the logic of her behavior cannot be inferred, so you can't tell whether she is pretending or she is herself.

Umbridge killed Luna.

Rumors at the time claimed that this was related to Luna's father's year-long attack on the Ministry of Magic, the Minister himself, and Umbridge in The Quibbler.

Anyway, she ordered Luna to be imprisoned in the Owl Tower.

After that, as expected, there were no more [pretender] attacks.

This had a great impact on Hermione and the others, causing a split within the D.A.. Some people thought that maybe Luna was really being controlled?

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