I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 433 Telling a History of the Past

It was almost half a month after the incident in the United States.

News from the wizarding world has just reached Downing Street.

Mr. Harker sat in his office with a long briefing sheet in his hand.

It was not a briefing from the MI6 intelligence agency, but one sent to his office just this morning from the Treasury.

The U.S. stock market has melted down.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 1,885 points, and the S\u0026P fell 7% on the day, triggering the circuit breaker mechanism in the primary market and temporarily halting U.S. stocks for 15 minutes.

After the opening, it continued to fall 550 points.

The New York Stock Exchange was in chaos.

This is unusual news. You have to know that it was only a few years after the fall of Mao Xiong. How could the market, which was so full of food, collapse overnight?

Until ten minutes ago, a black-robed wizard claiming to be from the Ministry of Magic broke into his office and talked with him for ten minutes, bringing him all bad news, each one more serious than the last.

In fact, Mr. Harker was very disgusted with this group of Ministry of Magic officials.

They were just like the group of civil servants who would only cause trouble for him.

When the Death Eaters escaped from prison, they came once and asked themselves to cooperate with them in a nationwide wanted manhunt.

They also came here once in Italy, asking themselves to order Muggles - oh, that's what they called me. Order the Muggle fleet to cooperate with wizards and so on.

Of course Mr. Harker knew that the Muggle fleet mentioned by wizards refers to the NATO combined fleet, but - maybe this group of wizards hiding in the shadows still lived in the last century, or the last century, and thought that the British The empire dominates the world!

Now the UK is just a US missile launch base. How can it have any influence to order the NATO fleet?

Then came this time.

"The Magical Congress of the United States of America is on hold. A large number of wizards from other countries may enter the UK legally or illegally in the near future, which will have an impact on the Muggle world. You must be mentally prepared."

Oh my God - listen to this.

Just don't let me wipe your ass when you cause trouble.

However, Mr. Huck had to admit that when he heard the news for the first time, he was actually a little excited.


You, America, have this day too.

This is an opportunity.

He was keenly aware that if that damn Ministry of Magic could obey his orders, he would definitely be able to reap huge benefits from the other side of the sea this time.

Of course - it's not bad now. It's declining. Even if it doesn't make progress, it can still be considered progress.

It would be best if this chaos could disintegrate that country like its last opponent, which would be an absolutely huge surprise for the British Empire.

Thinking to himself, Mr. Harker put away the memo in his hand.

Then he dialed the internal phone number at hand.

The task of strengthening the surveillance of overseas persons needs to be arranged by him personally.

And on the other side of the ocean far away from Downing Street, even far away from London, far away from the UK.

A huge cargo ship was sailing on the sea.

However - if you look at it from a higher perspective, you will find that the freighter seems to be spinning on the sea and has no specific destination.

This was a Muggle freighter leased by the Federation and now served as a wartime command center for North America.

In addition, it has other uses.

That is to arrange for refugees and wounded people and to screen suspects - so the rescued wizards cannot leave and return to their own country. Instead, they need to board the freighter and undergo several days of observation and interrogation by the Federation to make sure that you are not a [Pretender] 】The liar who stole the brain.

Including Ron, Koyatel and Bill Fleur, they all stayed on this ship for a long time.

Bill did not return to the UK after his identity was confirmed.

Perhaps the cruelty of the war inspired his desire for revenge, and he chose to join the joint encirclement and suppression force on the spot.

Fleur was forced to stay on the ship and work as a healer on the ship, responsible for brewing potions.

Owen also came here after clearing the Divine Grant Tower to participate in ancient magic.

When he met Koyatel on the boat, he was actually very surprised. He was really surprised that the other person was still alive.

As for Ron - then he was even more surprised.

He knew Ron's level, and it was a miracle to escape from Voldemort.

This made Owen wonder if someone was helping him behind the scenes.

"How long are we going to be on the ship?"

Ron, who was bored, looked at the unchanged sea level and said in a dull mood.

"There are still a few days left!"

Owen said flatly.

Because Ron had faced alien gods directly and had been possessed by others during the battle, although Dumbledore and Grindelwald both believed Ron and Coatelle's words, the system is the system. If there were no If a person follows that system, it becomes an empty piece of paper.

He himself also agreed to his surveillance and interrogation.

"It's so long - I feel like a long time has passed." Ron sighed.

"It's been a long time indeed," Irving said. "It's been March."

"Yeah." Ron sighed.

Coatl's from the deck also came over.

She had just finished today's interrogation - she, like Ron, was under long-term surveillance.

In fact, Owen himself was one of the wizards spying on them.

As the heir, there are some things that only he can see. Coupled with the prestige of Rosier Magical Invalid Hospital and Dumbledore's permission, it is not difficult for him to obtain such an identity.

Including the memories of the two men's battle in the Brazilian God's Grant Tower, he had browsed through everything that night, even more than once.

"I don't know what else you want to know!" Koyatel said stiffly. She had just gotten rid of all the restraints, and before she was free for even a second, she was imprisoned by the Federation again, which made her very angry.

"Everyone who knows knows. The point is that they can't believe it." Owen shrugged.

Ancient secrets such as alien gods, heirs, and ancient magic are so bizarre that it is difficult for people to accept them all at once.

"If they don't believe it for the rest of their lives, will they imprison us for the rest of their lives?"

"That won't-" Owen looked at her and said, "Dumbledore won't allow it."

"Then I really want to thank him." Koyatel said stiffly.

Then he raised his head again and met Owen's eyes, "You should have seen the memories of me and Ron in the trance. What Ms. Shani said about me, my family, about that so-called Do you know what love is?"

"Yeah -" Owen nodded, "I know."

"You know?" The girl looked very surprised.

"I've always known it," he said. "I just didn't react at first. Stewart sounded like a Muggle surname, so it didn't attract my attention. Later I remembered that the surname of Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was... Descendants of the founders, Mrs. Isolt Thayer and her husband James Stewart, bear the surname Stewart."

"Then what?" Koyatel raised his eyebrows, she knew this.

She is a descendant of the two founders.

She's half Stewart.

"But what you don't know is that Ms. Isolt Thayer is the oldest pure-blood family in Britain, a direct descendant of the Gaunt family. In short, you are a descendant of Salazar Slytherin and Lord Voldemort. We are related by blood."

"What?" Ron was shocked.

This - this was so surprising to him.

Ron never doubted Owen. He turned his head and looked at Koyatel, and found that the other person's face was also full of doubts.

"Are you sure?" Koatl said nonchalantly. What Owen just said was illogical, and in her opinion, it seemed that he was undermining Ilvermorny School of Magic. It was hard to convince her.

"Listen to a story." Owen was not in a hurry to explain, but talked about something else.

"I promise, no one else will know this story except me this week."

"I'm listening." Koyatel nodded.

Owen withdrew his gaze and turned to look at the sea in the distance.

The sunset over the sea is breathtaking. The sun gradually sets in the west, and the afterglow fills the entire sea. The golden light and the deep blue interweave together, forming a beautiful picture.

The waves sway gently in the breeze, as if paying homage to the setting sun. At this time, the sea surface was calm and tranquil, as if the whole world was immersed in this warm and soft light.

Owen's voice slowly rose along with the waves, "Our story begins in 1603."

"Isolt Thayer's mother, Leona Thayer, was born into the Gaunt family, a pure-blood family and a descendant of Salazar Slytherin, one of the founders of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. However, Leona did not support the idea of ​​blood purity like most of her family, and chose to be friendly to Muggles."

"And her father, William Thayer, is a direct descendant of the famous Irish witch Morrigan. The union of the two is the most pure-blood marriage worth talking about among pure-bloods.

Isolt's early childhood was very comfortable and beautiful. She was loved by her parents, and her family often silently helped their Muggle neighbors and used magic to treat humans and livestock. But all this aroused the hatred of her aunt, Gormley Gaunt, who engraved pure-blood superiority into her blood and believed that Hogwarts should divide the other three houses except Slytherin. The crazy witch who closed down her business found the Isolt family, killed her parents and took the young Isolt away to raise her alone.

Gormlaith believed that her sister was close to Muggles because her family had been in contact with Muggles for too long and had been contaminated by Muggles. So she forbade her niece to have contact with anyone and locked her up. "

In the distance, the sky begins to change color as the sun sinks below the horizon.

From the initial golden yellow, it gradually turned into orange, red, and finally deep purple. These colors intertwined together to form a beautiful sunset, decorating the entire sky like a dream.

"Twelve years passed like this. In order to completely get rid of her aunt and prevent her from finding her, Isolt stole her aunt's wand and boarded the Mayflower in 1620 to sail to the American continent.

In the following time, Isolt, who had regained her freedom, wandered around the North American continent. She met a Pukechi and went through many adventures with him. In her many years of adventure, she rescued two wizard boys from an invisible monster, and met a young Muggle named James Stewart.

She built her own hut on this land and named it 'Ilvermorny'. It was the name of her parents' room, which Isolt used to commemorate them. After that, she fell in love with James Stewart and began Teach those two little boys (adopted sons) magic. As time went by, many local wizards and aborigines began to come into contact with Isolt. Because the wand magic used in Europe was more 'advanced' and easier to master than the hand gesture magic of the indigenous wizards, they sent their children over. Hopefully Iseult will teach children about European magic.

Slowly, Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry became more and more famous. Isolt also drew inspiration from the stories about Hogwarts that her aunt told her when she was a child, and divided the school into four houses. Birds, cats, leopards, pukechi, horned water snakes. "

"The time came to 1634, when the Ilvermorny School of Magic had begun to take shape. Its reputation continued to spread far and wide, and Isolt and James also had their own children. They named the two twin daughters after their mothers. Names were given: Leona and Martha.

Unfortunately, fame brought them not only glory but also disaster.

Gormlaith Gaunt came to the door.

She used a spell to put Isolt and James into a coma, and planned to take away their twin daughters and start raising them again.

During the attack, Isolt's two adopted sons discovered the conspiracy and started a duel with Gormlaith Gaunt. Although the two brothers are superior in strength, there is still a gap between them and the dark wizard Gormlaith. When Gormlaith used the killing curse to prepare to solve the trouble in front of him.

A miracle happened - twin daughters Leona and Masha were awakened by the aftermath of the battle and started screaming. The curses on Isolt and James were actually broken by the power of love caused by their daughters, and they woke up. "


Irving paused when he said this, and Koyatel also made a short questioning sound in cooperation.

"Two babies?"

"How can this be!"

She has always believed that the magic of love should be an ancient curse, and the cost of activating it may be her own life.

But now Owen told her that babies can also trigger the magic of love. Doesn't this mean that there is no need for a spell or anything else to trigger this magic?

Owen did not explain, but continued after a pause, "Iseult is no match for his aunt. After all, she has not received a systematic magic education. Although she has rich combat experience, which is accumulated from many years of adventure, compared to Charm, Gormlaith can easily crush her.

Most importantly, the wand in Isolt's hand was her aunt's wand, a wand that belonged to Salazar Slytherin himself. It can be controlled by Parseltongue, and Isolt, although pure blood, did not inherit Salazar's Parseltongue.

When Gormlaith ordered the wand to sleep, Isolt had nothing but a fire stick in her hand.

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