I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 435 Plan exposed

There were no more [Pretender] attacks.

This had a great impact on Hermione and the others, causing a split within the D.A.. Some people thought that maybe Luna was really being controlled?

Otherwise it would not explain why the attacks stopped after she was imprisoned.

Of course, Hermione, Harry and the others completely believed that Luna was wronged, and there must be another reason why the attack stopped.

They even took the risk to go to the Owl Tower to rescue Luna on a dark and stormy night.

And this was caught by Umbridge.

The next day, she announced that she would expel more than a dozen D.A. members, including Hermione, Harry, Ron, Justin, Hannah, and Neville, in the name of endangering the safety of teachers and students in the school.

Almost overnight, the entire atmosphere of Hogwarts changed. Umbridge used her power to aggressively reduce Dumbledore's influence in the school.

She first dismissed Professor McGonagall as deputy headmaster, and then transferred some wizards from the Ministry of Magic.

Let them take charge of the day-to-day running of the school.

And step by step, she squeezed the curriculum of the deans of the four houses. For example, she appointed a witch born in Slytherin as the new herbology professor, while Professor Spratt only retained the responsibility of dean of Hufflepuff. No longer holds a professorship in any subject.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that she is further reducing the authority of the professors.

Soon, she will replace all the professors and deans, and expel all students who resist her.

Create a new Hogwarts completely under the control of the Ministry of Magic.

And now - it is the final stage of her plan.

When the April wind blows.

She is about to complete the feat of covering the sky with one hand.


Susan's narration was very fast. It only took her two or three minutes to tell the whole story.

After listening to all the stories, Owen had a ferocious smile on his face.

There was fire burning in the green eyes.

He has seen stupid people before, but this is the first time he has seen such a stupid person.

Owen figured everything out almost instantly.

It's all too obvious.

"Owen—" Susan called his name.

Behind him, Koyatel sneered nonchalantly.

Sure enough, no matter where you are, there are so many idiots.

She originally thought that Hogwarts would be different, but now it seems that the officials of the Ministry of Magic are all the same.

"Stop irritating her. If you are fired - we will" Susan hadn't finished her words.

Umbridge stood up at the guest of honor seat, still wearing the disgusting pink cardigan sweater and pink ruffled skirt.

She said in a girlish, high-pitched voice, "Owen Sanchez Rozier."

"You have been officially expelled from Hogwarts for aiding Hogwarts rebels and conducting illegal organizational gatherings."

"Gather your things now and leave Hogwarts in thirty minutes or I will send for eviction."

Umbridge's words caused an uproar.

The little wizards instantly broke into a heated quarrel.

The other professors looked at him with cold expressions, seemingly unconcerned and said nothing.

Only Professor Sprout gave Owen a thoughtful look, as if begging him not to cause too much trouble.


Owen opened his mouth and let out a long, low chuckle.

Then he whipped out his wand.

I'm too lazy to talk nonsense to this idiot.

The next second, a silver flash flew out of his wand, like the sound of a cannon. A Ministry of Magic official took action at the same time, and the spell he threw hit Owen's.


The floor shook.

The next moment, a more powerful spell was cast by Owen. All the wizards in front of him who tried to stop him were caught in the flash of light and were stunned on the spot.

Then - Owen raised the curse again.

On the ceiling of the auditorium, there seemed to be thunder coming out of the dark clouds.

The next second, seven or eight bolts of lightning fell straight down, attacking all the wizards he didn't know indiscriminately.

He stamped his foot again, and the floor seemed to come alive, with countless bricks and stones moving up and down. The wizards who held up the iron armor spell to resist the lightning were forced to be interrupted by the sudden shaking, and the next second their whole bodies were wrapped in lightning.



Accompanied by unknown screams and the sound of breaking glass.

Most of the people were lying on the ground.

These people were not Aurors at all, just ordinary employees of the Ministry of Magic, and they were completely unable to resist his magic.

Owen deadpanned.

Walking towards Umbridge step by step.

Each step brought greater pressure to the toad than the previous one.

"What are you going to do!" She waved her wand in panic and threw a curse at Owen.

These spells were directly bounced back by Owen, and they all acted on herself.

"Ah——" accompanied by some kind of scream.

Umbridge's thigh was cut open. He staggered and fell to the ground.

The knife she used to slit Owen's neck was now just a stab in her leg.

"Why are you so stupid."

Owen pressed forward step by step.

The little wizards on the long table retreated to both sides in a tacit understanding and watched the show with hot eyes.

"Heart-breaking and bone-cutting!"

Umbridge endured the pain, raised her wand, and chanted the curse madly and with hatred.

"Armor strikes back!"

White light flashed on the crystal wand, and the red curse seemed to be pulled by some kind of force, rebounding back and hitting Umbridge's chest.



A sound like a slaughtering pig suddenly came from the auditorium.

Sad and sharp.

Her body twitched unconsciously, and liquid flowed from the corners of her mouth and eyes.

Even the wand in his hand was thrown aside due to his uncontrollable hand.

By this time Owen had arrived in front of her.


He said.

In an instant, countless memories belonging to Umbridge were opened to him.

He knew everything about her conspiracies, but he didn't find what he wanted in those memories.

That [Pretender] was much more cautious than Owen thought. After changing several identities, he hid his current identity from Umbridge. The two communicated through letters.

Owen glanced at Umbridge with disgust. He had already browsed this guy's life just now.

The feeling was like watching someone carving patterns on shit, and the level of disgust was no less disgusting than the true appearance of the Outer God in the lavender sea he had seen on the other side of the Sea of ​​Stars.

He flicked his wand, and the wine glasses scattered on the ground suddenly transformed into metal ropes, tightly locking the old toad in place.

"Professor." He glanced at Snape, who was sneering at the side.

"You need some truth serum," Owen said.

But Snape seemed to have been prepared for it. He flicked his sleeves and the potion appeared in his hand.

Then Snape stood up quickly and came to Umbridge.

A bottle of precious potion was poured into her mouth.

Then he threw the empty bottle aside in disgust, and said coldly, "Tell me. You don't want to tell others everything!"

A trace of struggle flashed across Umri's face after being poured with the truth serum, but her mouth began to uncontrollably reveal all the secrets she had kept unknown for many years.

Including her Muggle mother.

My father works in a magic maintenance department.

Over the years, he recounted all the deeds he had done over the years by falsely flattering his superiors and ruthlessly taking credit from other colleagues and taking it as his own.

Everyone present was shocked by the actions of this monster in human skin.

Among the reporters, of course, Rita Skeeter was included.

Her eyes were burning like a greedy wolf, and the smile on her face was about to overflow.

She snatched the sketch pen of another injured reporter, along with her own pen and notes, and used a three-pronged approach to write frantically about Umbridge's disgusting life.

She felt she needed to write a book to expose all of this.

And Owen was in no mood to pay attention to those ugly things about Umbridge.

He stood on the guest stage and looked at the bustling little wizards.

Suddenly a light flashed in my heart.

"Now all you little wizards out there, raise your wands and cast the Patronus Charm!"


Owen said forcefully.

Soon, the wizards participating in the D.A. raised their wands to cast their respective patron saints, and the other young wizards also led them to cast this magic.

As for those under third grade who have not learned this magic, these people are not among the suspects circled by Owen.

[Pretender] Only in safe places, such as the priests of Raviyo, who want to live forever, will choose very young wizards as the transformed body.

Because for adult wizards, they are naturally unwilling to be suddenly stuffed into the body of a young wizard whose magic power has not yet grown up and is thin. What's more, in Hogwarts, the one has the task of attacking others. Therefore, there is a high probability that he will not choose a young wizard below the third grade.

In the fourth grade and above, most of these little wizards have mastered the Patronus Charm. Even if they cannot summon a physical Patronus, they can still make the wand spit out silver balls.

As for the converted [Pretenders], it is obvious that the earth-shaking changes in their souls will make them lose the possibility of summoning the patron saint. Even if a miracle occurs, the patron saint will change accordingly.

Soon the little wizards from the other three colleges summoned their patron saints.

The auditorium suddenly lit up with waves of silver.

And everyone also understood Owen's intention. He wanted to use the Patronus to find the [Pretender] hidden among them.

Soon everyone's attention was focused on the Slytherin people.

Although Draco looked quite unhappy, he still released his Patronus.

His two followers, Goyle and Crabbe, could only make their wands spit out silver balls.

The other students at the same level had more or less wands shrouded in silver mist.

But there is one person who stands out from the crowd. When compared with others, he suddenly becomes special.

"Theodore? What are you doing?" Draco frowned and scolded the boy, "Don't let others make trouble for us."

The tall boy named Theodore Nott stood there blankly. He was very thin and sick, and looked like a withdrawn person.

He was part of Draco's inner circle.

Just not as loyal as Goyle and Crabbe.

A marginalized person in a small circle.

"I don't know the Patronus Charm." Theodore Nott said coldly.

"?" Draco looked at him, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

Because of the Battle of Hogsmeade, the Dementors attacking the Hogwarts Express at the beginning of the third grade, the Dementors suddenly attacking the players in the Quidditch match, etc.

There was a craze for learning the Patronus Charm at Hogwarts.

This spell even became the benchmark for competition among various colleges.

Including himself, all Slytherin wizards have practiced this spell assiduously.

He had seen with his own eyes Theodore Nott's ability to unleash a physical Patronus.

Now he actually says that he doesn't know this curse.

For a moment - Draco suddenly realized something was possible.

Could it be that—he had to hold the wand tightly.

A pair of eyes stared at Theodore.

"Are you kidding me?" he said.

"No -" Theodore Nott's eyelids twitched slightly, "I haven't used that spell for a long time, so I can't use it now."

He changed his rhetoric.

Draco obviously didn't believe this.

On the other side, Owen didn't have that much patience. The next second, a red curse flew straight over.

Immediately afterwards, Theodore Nott subconsciously raised his hand. The iron armor curse followed the trend.

The light blue armor flew past, completely blocking Owen's spell.

"Haha——" Facing Theodore, who suddenly seemed to be much stronger, Owen already had a guess in his heart.

He lunged forward.

Lightning struck from the ceiling.

"Multiple freezing spells!"

On the ground, countless ice crystals spread almost in the blink of an eye.

Theodore, on the other hand, used an exaggerated casting speed to first cast a spell to resist the thunder and lightning, and then turned sideways to avoid the ice crystals. A fierce light flashed in his eyes.

His eyes stayed on Draco.

The meaning is very obvious, he just wants to find a hostage.

Draco naturally saw the ferocious light in Theodore's eyes, but - he had long been reborn after having suffered at Hogwarts for several years, and he was not afraid of danger. He raised his hand and cast a petrifying spell.

Goyle and Crabbe behind him also cast different evil spells.

Theodore, who was caught off guard, was knocked to the ground by the curse.

Although he barely escaped Draco's Petrification Curse, he did not escape Goyle's Disarming Curse.

The huge impact of the spell caused him to lose his wand, and his whole body went sideways like a cannonball.

The little wizards who were watching were well prepared, and they used the Iron Armor Charm to prevent them from acting as human shields.

On the floor - blood soaked the corners of Theodore's mouth.

He struggled to get up, staring at the little wizards around him with hatred.

However, before he could get up.

A huge force came from his back, forcing him to be closer to the ground.

"You and Umbridge are equally intelligent. Equally stupid."

Owen put his foot on Theodore's back.

His body is comparable to that of Superman, and he can guarantee that the guy on the ground will never be able to break free.

"When you infiltrate a place, you should at least do some research before you come back!" Owen said jokingly.

At this moment, a cold stopping voice suddenly came from behind him, "That's enough."

Professor Snape, wrapped in black robes, strode over.

"He is a student of my college, and the power of disposal is in my hands."

"I'm afraid your students are gone, Professor!" Owen let go of his feet, cast a few restraining spells and stepped back to the side.

The physical flexibility of the guy in front of him is obviously not that of the one who just completed the transformation. In other words, the real Theodore Nott is dead.

It's impossible to save him again.

Snape's face instantly turned cold when he heard this.

His cold eyes were filled with unspeakable anger.

He reached out his hand, grasped Theodore's chin, and lifted him up.

Then he pointed the wand at his cheek and said coldly, "Legilimency!"

To the outside world, it is just a matter of a moment.

But Snape had already browsed through all of Theodore's memories in this moment.

As a master of Occlumency, Snape was able to pry open the opponent's brain in front of him, even if the opponent knew Occlumency.

What's more, the idiot in front of me doesn't know how to do it at all.

After a moment, Snape let go.

It's like throwing away garbage.

He returned to the guest of honor seat step by step and said to Professor McGonagall, "Inform the Ministry of Magic. We have found an escaped beast."

This confirmed everything almost instantly.

Theodore Nott is the [Pretender]. As for who the monster who replaced him is, the little wizards don't know, but everyone immediately retreats and clears an area.

The other professors hurried over and completely controlled Theodore Nott.

The auditorium fell into a deathly silence.

Only Umbridge was still describing her sinful life.

And the sound of Rita Skeeter's quill scraping against parchment.

After a long time, Professor McGonagall struggled out of the shock caused by Snape's whispered narration.

Her expression was extremely ugly.

He looked at Theodore Nott as if he were looking at a bedbug.

The professor had never shown such disgust in his eyes. I really didn't know what kind of shocking truth Snape told in the air.

"Now—attention all little wizards."

Professor McGonagall's sonorous voice rang over the auditorium.

"Return to your respective common rooms immediately and be led by your respective prefects."

"Owen, you are responsible for bringing the Gryffindors back to their dormitories," the professor added.

Umbridge has banned all student organizations in the school, and all student union presidents and prefects have been dismissed.

According to the previous positions of the students, the prefects of the other three houses are still there.

But in Gryffindor, Hermione is Head Girl and Ron is Prefect.

Neither man is present now.

I can only let Owen do it for me.

The little wizards in the auditorium began to leave one after another. They walked very slowly, somewhat reluctant to leave, as if they had heard some explosive news from Umbridge's mouth.

They have heard that she bought a [Death Root] from a dark wizard.

"That's right." Professor McGonagall, who was already dizzy with anger, looked at Koyatel. She had already noticed this familiar girl.

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