I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 422 Resurrection from the Dead

Ron believes that the most merciful gift in the world is knowing that he is going to die, but finally surviving.

Yes - after he woke up and learned that he had fallen into the hands of Death Eaters, he had no intention of returning alive.

Given the long-standing reputation of those crazy dark wizards, his chances of survival were too small, too small.

almost impossible.

But the fact is, he is still alive.

He saw Voldemort and what Harry, Cedric and Owen said was like a skeleton. Voldemort has blood-red vertical pupils, no nose, and crazy behavior.

He originally thought that the other party would use the killing curse to kill him without mercy.

Or torture him to madness with the Cruciatus Curse.

But no matter which one, Voldemort did not do it.

He stared at himself with interest for a long time, and after confirming that he was a good friend of Harry Potter, he ordered that no Death Eaters should harm him, and then imprisoned him here.

Ron naturally knew Voldemort's intentions.

He is not a fool.

The demon must be trying to use himself as bait to lure Harry or Owen and Hermione into taking the bait.

Or use him as a hostage to blackmail Dumbledore.

Ron never thought that one day he would become a breakthrough point and Voldemort's bargaining chip!

This made him feel more uncomfortable than killing him directly.


There was the sound of raindrops falling again.

Listening to Ron's confusion, he was tortured mentally and physically during this period, from the initial fear to the current despair.

He didn't know if he would ever see the sun again, and he was even more afraid that his friends would be caught by Voldemort because of him.

"Huh -" Ron's long sigh came from the dark prison.

I wonder what everyone is doing now?

Death Eaters attacking a small town will definitely detonate the entire wizarding world.

Even if the news that he was caught had not spread, he would definitely be listed as missing.

Harry, Hermione, Owen and Neville, are they anxiously discussing countermeasures?

And mom and dad.

The clock in the living room must point to his imprisonment.

They must be aware of their current situation.

Ron felt bad at the thought of his mother probably sitting in the living room crying.

He had always wanted his mother to be proud of him, especially after Harry, Hermione, and Owen around him had made a difference.

But now - all these visions will come to an end.

My dream is about to sink to the bottom of the sea.

Time passed little by little, as he became more and more desperate.

Suddenly, he heard footsteps, someone was walking towards his prison.

Those were high heels, and the sound they made when stepping on the ground was very clear.

Then came another voice.

It was a sound of friction between metals, with some kind of rust, a sharp, tooth-trembling sound.

That was the iron door in front of him, and it was opened.

A ray of light - not dazzling, the faint light from the dim torch shone in.

Ron's body tensed up instantly, his eyes widened, and his red hair was greasy and stuck together.

His face was covered with dust and mud.

"Humph - still alive." A contemptuous voice came from under the dim light.

It's a woman.

Ron swore he must have heard this voice somewhere, and he had an impression of it.

Finally, the woman walked through the door completely.

Ron recognized her immediately.

Bellatrix Lestrange.

Voldemort's loyal dog.

The culprit who invaded Hogsmeade was captured alive and imprisoned in Azkaban, but she escaped from prison again last year.

"If you want to know something from my mouth, then I advise you to give up!" Ron sat cross-legged on the ground and said forcefully.

Although his body was extremely weak at this time, and he had not eaten or drank for two days, which made him almost collapse, he would never give in to the enemy. He was not a Peter Pettigrew.

"Hmph -" Bella snorted softly and said disdainfully, "Idiot."

"If we really want to know something, there's no need for you to ask."

Her black hair was scattered on both sides of her face.

The hair in front of her forehead was combed back and tied into a high bun.

A long black dress.

Wearing a pair of black open-toed thick-heeled low shoes.

The facial features fade away from the madness.

Wearing light eye makeup and reddish lip color.

The whole person is reserved and dangerous, with the temperament of a scorpion beauty.

"What do you want to do?" Ron looked at her warily.

He would not think that Voldemort's loyal dog was here to make fun of him.

"The Dark Lord wants you alive." Bella said calmly, "So——"

As she spoke, she suddenly stopped all movements.

It seems like it's stuck.

It's like waiting for something.

His eyes were staring lifelessly at the wall behind Ron.

The pause lasted at least ten seconds.

She did something when even Ron was confused.

She stretched out her wand, approached the bubble-like restriction, and tapped it.

The next moment, the restriction suddenly emitted a dazzling red light. The red light became more intense and turned into a sharp knife, leaving a hole in the restriction.

Ron closed his eyes subconsciously.

Then he felt something flying towards him.

Hit him in the chest.

When he opened his eyes in confusion, the red light disappeared and the restriction was healed.

And Bellatrix Lestrange. She had no intention of staying at all, turned around and left the prison.

The steel door closed again.


Ron frowned and rubbed his eyes.

It took a while to get used to the darkness again.

He was a little confused by all this.

Then he lowered his head and looked at his arms.

That's a package. When he opened the package and put his hand in it.

Oh - it turned out to be some food, or in other words, some fruits and vegetables that didn't need to be cooked. I don't think the Death Eaters would light a fire to cook for themselves. Ron chuckled.

In just an instant, his smile faded.

Ron was in distress.

If he can't escape - it seems there is no hope now.

Then he should starve himself to death.

Or find any way to kill yourself. Let him die in this prison

At least this way, Harry and the others wouldn't be dragged into the water.


With this thought, the food in your hands becomes dispensable.

Even if he quenches his hunger until his stomach becomes sore and aches.

Didn't eat them right away.

Ron looked up.

He looked at the small, palm-sized windows on the wall behind him.

The window used to ventilate the prison became his only place to place hope.

No one would die if they could.

He didn't want to either.


Ron, who was thinking wildly, suddenly found that his vision went dark.

All the light in the prison faded.


what happened?

It only took him a moment to react.

Did someone block his window?

He quickly squinted his eyes and carefully identified the figure outside the window.

Then——Ron was shocked.

"you you."

Because a character appeared there who should never appear.

His eyes widened and his mouth opened involuntarily.

"Sure enough--am I really going to die?"

"Is it an illusion?"

The murmurs in the prison also attracted the attention of the wizard outside the window.

"Why is there a window here?"

Outside the window, under the heavy rain, a hooded girl with black hair and scarlet eyes was hanging on the wall.

She was looking inside through the palm-sized window.

The obelisk should be complete, so why are there windows?

The witch felt doubtful in her heart.

However - most of the current tower has collapsed, and the windows may have been dug by wizards in recent years. Her confusion did not last long.

And when she saw the people in the room, she still had thoughts in her heart.

Then, she took out a cloak from the pocket at her waist. He wrapped it around himself suddenly.

The whole body was covered - and then a magical scene appeared.

Her body began to shrink rapidly, and after she was only the size of a fist, she was wrapped around her and climbed directly through the window. After landing, the magical cloak opened up instantly, and she returned to her normal size.

"Are you the only one?" the witch said as she put the cloak on the ground back into her pocket.

"." Ron's head was still restarting.

He had realized that the witch in front of him should be a living person.

But—didn’t Owen say that she was dead?

And the president of the Magic Congress also confirmed that she was indeed dead?

"Isn't that Sanchez arrested? Or Granger?" the girl continued to ask.

At this time, Ron finally reacted.

"No," he said. "There were some Hogwarts wizards who were caught by the Death Eaters. But these two were not caught. They are not in the United States."

"Really?" The witch's voice sounded more regretful. She walked around the restriction on the ground and walked to the iron door. Then she put something like a lens on it. The next moment, the scene outside the door actually appeared in the lens.

After looking around carefully, I determined that no one was there. She just put away the lens.

"Then it's just me." The girl said to herself, then took out her wand and pointed it at the iron door.

"Hey - wait." Ron asked, "Get me out, I can help you, no matter what you do? Oh - by the way - what's your name? Wait - I'll be there soon Think about it."

"You?" The girl looked at Ron with a look of disgust, "What's your use? Apart from being a hindrance?"

"How can you say that?" Ron looked angry, "It's not like we haven't fought before, and you didn't beat me, okay?"

"That's me letting you go."

"Haha - I don't think so, you obviously wanted to kill me at that time." Ron said coldly.

"Oh - I remember, your name is Coyatel, Coyatel Stewart!"

"If you are really as useful as you say, you won't be caught by them." Koyatel raised his head and said disdainfully, "Is this your attitude in asking for help?"

"Sneak attack! It was the Death Eaters who attacked me in a sneak attack!" Ron defended, "There were four or five dark wizards at the time, oh - and you traitors from the Magical Congress of the United States. They swarmed me. What could I do?

As for my attitude - ahem - that - Miss Stewart, can you be merciful and save me? "

At this point, he still cares about face.

Just now he was thinking of starving himself to death so as not to cause trouble to Harry, but now he had a chance to escape.

Don't rush to grab this life-saving straw.

Ron's words made Koyatel think deeply.

She does need help, but this helper can't be too stupid.

The strength of the guy in front of me is so-so, but they haven't seen each other for a year, and he may have improved. In general, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, and it is not impossible to save him.

"Remember - after you go out, you will listen to me." Koyatel said after thinking deeply.

"Of course." Ron nodded quickly, "You are the boss."

The witch didn't say anything, but put her right hand into her pocket again.

After rummaging for a while, she took out a long dagger.

The dagger looked very familiar to Ron, as if he had seen it somewhere.

Koyatel, on the other hand, slashed the restriction with a knife, and it was torn open.

Not big, only two feet in diameter.

Finding the right moment, Ron swooped out from the gap and collided with Koyatel.

"Sorry, there's only one direction." Ron said awkwardly, and then quickly got up.

Koyatel, who was holding the dagger, had a fierce look in his eyes, and he wanted to kill this guy.

But in the end she endured it.

He just patted his robe in disgust and muttered: "It stinks to death."

"Uh-" Ron pushed away the broken hair from his forehead, feeling a little embarrassed and at a loss.

He carefully chose not to say anything, and just stood there blankly.

Not doing well. Better than being annoying.

"Take it." Koyatel put away the dagger and took out another wand and several bottles of magic potion from his pocket.

"Some unfortunate man's wand, one of my trophies," she said. Then he threw it to Ron.

Ron took the wand and the bottles of potions.

No matter what it was, he poured it all into his mouth.

"Hmph - aren't you afraid that it's venom?"

"Then why did you save me?" Ron licked his lips. This is a powerful energy tonic.

This potion can increase the vitality of the drinker and eliminate fatigue.

Of course, it doesn't directly fill the stomach, it just makes people feel better.

Ron, who was holding a strange wand, pointed the tip of the wand at himself and cast several spells in succession.

Cleaned up.

Waterproof and moisture-proof.

Rapid deformation.

Then his body felt refreshed again.

The long robe and thick coat also turned into a simple single coat and a black cloak with a hood.

"Somewhat level." Koyatel said.

Being able to use an unfamiliar wand to cast these spells without any obstacles is a level of magic that far exceeds that of an ordinary young wizard, and even an average adult wizard cannot do it.

"The result of regular practice." Ron couldn't help but feel a little proud, "I can easily use these spells without a wand."

"Hmph - do you want me to praise you?"

"That's not necessary." Ron bit the banana in his hand to cushion his stomach. "So what's your plan? Sneak in at this time. What's the purpose?

Before, I would have even suspected that you were working with the Death Eaters or those traitors from the Magical Congress. "

"And aren't you dead?" In the end, he couldn't help but ask the question. This was so weird that he couldn't help it.

"How is it that you crawled back from the cemetery again? Are you satisfied?" Koyatel said coldly, then he quickly drew out his wand and cast several unlocking spells on the iron door.

But it has no effect.

Until she recited a completely different spell, which sounded like Hebrew, the iron door suddenly opened.

"Awesome!" Ron praised. Needless to say, there must be all kinds of protective magic on this door. With his level of magic, he would not be able to open it for a lifetime.

Hearing the sound, Koyatel didn't say anything, but bent down and walked straight out.

Outside the door was a dark corridor, with only the torches that appeared every three or four feet on the walls providing some light.

Water dripped from the unknown stone walls, and fungal crops grew in many places.

The corridor was damp and stuffy, and exuded a putrid smell.

Koatl frowned and tapped his wand lightly on the wall.

"Damn it."

She cursed.

Because nothing appears.

She didn't see any runes or runes.

Before - when she came here more than ten years ago, these inner walls were still engraved with various runes, but now they are like ordinary walls. It is obvious that this was deliberately damaged by someone.

Natural decay does not occur so quickly.

"What's wrong?" Ron said cautiously. The banana peel in his hand was hit by a subtle disappearing spell and disappeared without a trace.

"We have to speed up." Koyatel said something incomprehensible, and then walked quickly deeper into the corridor.

Seriously - Ron was kept in the dark.

In his opinion, the girl in front of him was incomprehensible.

This place is also inexplicable.

Even Voldemort found it a bit baffling.

He did nothing for several days, unless there was something more important than capturing the little wizard.

But he couldn't think of anything more important than catching the little wizard and blackmailing Dumbledore.

Capture the Magical Congress? Completely control the United States?

Is this possible?

Ron's head was in a mess, and he followed Koyatel silently.

Watch as she carefully avoids possible traps.

Her fanny pack is similar to Owen's fanny pack, and there seems to be an endless variety of magical props.

With the help of props, they successfully evaded Death Eater patrols several times.

"Wait--what is that?" In the darkness, Ron took Koyatel's arm, and the two hid in a corner.

Through the faint firelight, he saw something crawling in the darkness not far away, floating in the air.

"Dementor!" Ron recognized this creature after just a few careful glances.

There is no way, the little wizard at Hogwarts is too familiar with this kind of monster.

"Dementors?" Koyatel was startled. She knew about this creature, but only learned about it from books.

"They used to be the guards of Azkaban, but they defected a few years ago. No one knows where they went." Ron said in a low voice, "This is a terrifying creature that relies on sucking the happy memories of wizards. If it sucks Leave it on too long and it can eat your soul.”

"Only the Patronus Charm can drive it away."

He glanced at Koatl, unsure whether he had mastered the spell.

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