I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 423 In the Tower of Divine Grant of Truth

Chapter 423 The Truth——In the Tower of Divine Grant

"Only the Patronus Charm can drive them away."

Owen said it easily.

The tone of his voice rose unconsciously. From his words, it was not difficult to guess that he had mastered the Patronus Charm, a powerful protective spell.

"Devouring souls?" Koyatel didn't pay attention to Ron's sudden look.

Many young wizards at Hogwarts had the Patronus Charm, which she had known about last year.

"It's somewhat similar to [The Pretender]," she whispered.

"They also feed on souls?"

"No - [The Pretender] obtains the memory of the parasite by eating the soul of the parasite, so that it can achieve perfect disguise."

"Ha - then they are really evil." Ron said, "I think it is better not to provoke these dementors. If one is discovered, more will soon be attracted."

Koatl nodded in agreement.

Immediately, the two headed towards the corridor in the other direction.

It quickly disappeared in the dim firelight.

The Soul Eater didn't seem to notice them either.

This abominable beast is still floating back and forth without getting tired of it.

It seems like it has been like this for thousands of years.


Suddenly there was a sound of a torch being put out in the dark corridor.

Maybe it was the ceiling or wall where water seeped in, and when the water droplets couldn't hold on anymore, they just dripped onto the torch.

Maybe someone snuffed out the flames.

Just like in the darkness, the outline of a human figure disappeared in just a moment.

No one can tell what it is.

The evil that this ominous night revealed only scratched the surface.

There's something deeper—even more disgusting.

Right there - right at the end of that corridor.


Koatl turned around sharply.

The dim light behind her made her feel for a moment that someone was watching her.

The mottled light spots and orange-red halo are like a fragile curtain.

The curtain enveloped her, causing her to fall into a trance.

Involuntarily - she reached out and grabbed Ron's arm.

The pace did not stop.

This familiar halo made her need someone to rely on.

Familiar corridors - familiar torches - familiar smells.

These childhood memories buried deep in her memory and the truth she had been investigating for months came to mind at the same time.

In a trance - she saw Port Isabel.

I saw an old house in Queens, New York.

I saw the strange snake tree in the courtyard of Ilvermorny Castle whispering snake language.

I saw this ancient obelisk that may have existed since humans appeared and drank blood.

See those miserable degenerates.

Disgusting, blasphemous creature!



This is a pejorative term.

If it is used by ordinary people to refer to another person, it probably means that you are a hairy baboon.

And here, the word American wizard is used to refer to those poor squibs.

Calling these people without magic scornful, they are atavistic monkeys.

Koatl has never thought that magic is a noble thing, but the Degenerates - they are a group of disgusting, hateful monsters.

It is the product of close relatives. In order to preserve the purity of its 'bloodline', the creature has degenerated into a new race that is completely different from normal people.

Their facial features are almost a stack of defects caused by inbreeding and physiological lesions.

The average intelligence is pitifully low, and their blood and history are filled with obscure murders and incest, as well as unspeakable perversions and acts of violence.

Perhaps only in Port Isabel, a corrupted land shrouded in ominous suspicions, could a son of the devil like Keyatl Stewart be born.

Everyone remembers that the first little Koyatel was born in 1921, but it was just a lump of flesh and blood with various deformities that could not be called human.

Her mother was a 35-year-old mentally retarded lunatic.

Fifteen minutes after little Coatl was born, she and her mother were burned up in the fire, turned into charcoal, and thrown into the deep water port of Isabel.

From then on, countless Koatl began to be born.

Countless pieces of debris slowly piled up in Isabel's deep-water harbor.

One day, the debris will be piled high enough - high enough!

So high that it's above the water's surface.

Show the world the evil history that buries the rest of it.

At that time, the dead Inferi will crawl out of the water.

Revenge against all who wave the wand.

Yes – they will crawl out.

Because the first Inferi has appeared.

She was born on July 13, 1978.


The story that led to her birth dates back to the spring of 1950.

That year a bereaved dog escaped from continental Europe to North America.

Since the showdown of the century in 1945, there have been countless lost dogs like this.

Most of them are followers of Grindelwald, and powerful characters have long been captured by the Federation. Those who can escape are just young people.

But this man in 1950 was different.

She is Grindelwald's right-hand man and the second-in-command in the Witch Army.

Afraid of her identity.

No American wizard was willing to take her in at the time.

The chaos Grindelwald caused in the United States is still fresh in her mind, and she remains a wanted fugitive from the Magical Congress.

Is the key target of arrest.

To protect her is to be an enemy of the entire magical world.

Of course - Wenda knew exactly what would happen to her.

The United States is just a transit point for her; what she really wants to go to is Africa.

I came here just for a temporary rest.

But surprisingly, someone chose to protect her despite the disapproval.

That's a bunch of monsters.

Because it is difficult to call a group of creatures with goat faces, deformed bodies, missing arms and hands, and even tails as humans.

When they opened their mouths, the roaring sounds were like the barking of hounds, which proved that they were definitely not human beings.

However - not everyone is an irrational madman, there are still a few, a few guys who look more like humans and can speak human words.

They call themselves 'purgers'.


The lost Wen Da felt familiar with this term.

In fact, any American wizard is familiar with this organization.

They are a group of wizard mercenaries.

Before the seventeenth century, when neither a country nor a magical government was born on the North American continent, those who fought crime in this land were a group of wizard mercenaries called Purifiers.

At that time, dark wizards on the European continent would flee to North America after killing people. The imperfect international order and Auror organizations at this time made such cross-continental pursuits difficult.

And the victims are generally eager to catch the killer.

Naturally - black market bounties began to flourish.

The Purifiers are a group of dark wizards who work for bounties.

Regardless of whether they are criminals or not, as long as they can get a bounty, the Purifiers will choose to hunt them. Over time, these people became increasingly corrupt and brutal. Eventually they even started selling wizards and capturing innocent No-Majs in exchange for bounties.

In short - they are a group of gangsters who fight against evil.

The turning point of everything came with the establishment of the Magical Congress of the United States in 1693. This newly established wizard organization began to arrest and judge those purifiers who had betrayed their kind.

Purifiers who committed murder, wizard trafficking, torture, and other evil deeds were also executed.

Yet some of the most notorious purgers evaded capture. After the international arrest warrant was issued, these people disappeared forever among the No-Maj crowd.

Then the group began to splinter.

Some gave up their identity as wizards and began to marry Muggles to form families, but they passed on their hatred of wizards and MACUSA, and their descendants became the founders of the new witch-hunting movement in the United States.

Some are unwilling to give up magic and power.

They began to intermarry regardless of their preferences.

Pureblood meets pureblood.

For generations—for more than two hundred years.

In the end - they turned into the disgusting, deformed monsters that Wenda saw.

This is a stupid organization - at least until Rozier doesn't sort out their bloodline, yes, it is.

But after just over twenty years.

By 1978, the organization had grown to the point where it occupied parts of the Magical Congress and Ilvermorny Academy of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Never before has an organization grown so fast and secretly.

Neither does Grindelwald’s witch-hunting party.

It wasn't until they stepped onto the stage that they attracted a large crowd of followers.

And the Purifier?

They are just rats crossing the street.

How dare you show up in the American wizarding world?

Really let them do this.

All these gifts come from that obelisk.

It is an ancient tower located on a reef off the coast of Brazil.

No one knows how many years it has been there.

It's not complete.

Yes, the tower collapsed.

At least a third of its black stone has sunk forever into the sea.

The Ministry of Magic has never stopped excavating the tower.

Someone is sponsoring them - goblins from Gringotts.

Like goblins digging pyramids in Egypt.

At first no one thought there was anything unusual about this. Goblins just like to dig around and find treasures from the soil.

Until a woman analyzed some ancient magic from a piece of triangular slate, in addition to the goblins, there were a group of wizard excavation teams around the obelisk.

That's a weird group of people.

Wearing a black robe, covering all exposed parts of the body.

Wearing a mask, I never take it off, even in temperatures over 30 degrees Celsius.

The Brazilian Ministry of Magic certainly took notice of this strange group of wizards.

But they did not intervene. After the other party paid a large sum of gold galleons, the Brazilians enthusiastically opened their doors and welcomed them to dig as they pleased.

This lasted until——


Or today.

"I have to stop them."

After returning to North America from Hogwarts, Koatl had this idea in his mind.

At first, it was just an idiot's gibbering, but as she woke up, there was no longer a whisper from the outside god in her ears, and the memories of the past began to become clearer, this kind of thought began to grow uncontrollably.

It took her something.

Part of the truth about her life experience was found out from the libraries of goblins, Purifiers, Ilvermorny, and the Purifier's secret library in Port Isabel.

She also knew something about what the woman, the evil woman who opened the forbidden door, had done.

This frightened Coyatl.

I saw her at Hogwarts.

Having been so close to the most evil witch ever.

If-if she could go back in time.

If she saw that witch again, she would cast a killing curse on her without hesitation.


There was an unusual noise in the dim corridor.

Koyatel quickly hid aside with Ron.

In front of them appeared a group of sneaky wizards with hollow faces and strange bones, like creatures from the cave.

They were not Death Eaters, not anyone Ron knew.

The presence of such a creature in this ominous obelisk is undoubtedly a source of fear and disgust.

"What is that?" Ron asked softly. He didn't even use the word human, because that was really far from human.

"The Purifiers," Koatl replied simply, "You can also call them Isabelles."

"Isabel?" Ron looked at her doubtfully.

The witch's pretty face was covered with frost, and her blood-red eyes showed complex expressions such as fear, anger, and resentment.

Her fingers were trembling. Was it excitement or fear?

"It seems that we have finally found the right direction." Koyatel said again.

"I have to stop them as soon as possible."

After saying that, she suddenly stood up.

Raised his wand - only then did Ron notice.

Koatl also changed her wand like him, and the one she had in her hand was no longer the one she used in last year's competition.

Without waiting for him to continue observing.

The spell cast by Coatl had long since sped away.

A silent curse.

Cutting spell.

Vanishing spell.

The three magic spells work together smoothly.

Ron only saw the monster covering his neck, moaning silently for a moment, and the next second its head disappeared.

"Bang!" There was a slight knocking sound.

It was the sound made by the corpse falling to the ground.

"That's awesome." Ron subconsciously touched his neck, and then walked forward with the witch.

He cast the disappearing spell again, making the half-body body disappear.

Then clean and wipe away the blood stains on the floor and ceiling.

"What are you trying to prevent?" After doing all this, Ron asked cautiously.

Faced with the boy's inquiry, Koyatel did not speak.

She was a little surprised.

Surprisingly, the other party cleaned up the body skillfully.

This is not normal—extremely abnormal.

How old is he?


Two years younger than me, or one year and a few months.

How could such a young wizard have such determination?

Could it be that—could it be that some evil spirits had already invaded his brain during the time he was imprisoned in the tower? Has he become a believer in an alien god?

Or maybe he was originally a descendant of Isabel and was born with crazy blood?

Maybe I shouldn't have saved him.

Koyatel regretted it.

But Ron in front of her didn't notice anything strange about her, and kept asking questions.

"Why are you so nagging?" He said slowly, "What can't you be honest about? Maybe I can still help you."

"Why aren't you afraid?" After silence, the girl finally spoke.

The two Hogwarts wizards, Granger and Sanchez, made her a little unsure.

"Afraid?" Ron was startled and then understood. "Hey - it's not just corpses, I've seen them a lot. I saw them with Harry and a lot of classmates in the first grade. The one who died was our Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. At that time, he was parasitized by a mysterious man.

The third-year Death Eaters invaded Hogsmeade Village, and many wizards died. Do you know that this year's "Battle of Poseidon" will take place in the Italian waters? We've dealt with a lot of [bad omens]. "

"Huh?" Hearing the sound, Koyatel was very surprised and said, "Are you there too?"

"Harry and Hermione are here, don't you read the newspaper?" Ron said, "Although most of the pages are used to report on Hermione. But there are also stories about me and Harry, and George and Fred. name."

"You guys." The girl was stunned. She didn't know what to say. She only uttered one sentence after a while, "The teaching method at Hogwarts is really special."

"Well - you must have misunderstood something, but - it doesn't matter, so what are you trying to prevent?"

This time, faced with the boy's doubts, Koatl finally gave an answer, "Since you participated in the [Poseidon War], you should know what is in that obelisk."

"Hermione said, what kind of alien god it is."

"Yes." She nodded, "But there are many obelisks like that around the world, and they are just below our feet."

Koatl pointed around.

"You - don't tell me that you are going to fight a Titan several hundred meters away." Ron's eyes widened. He finally figured out where this place was.

Now that he was reminded of the god-like battlefield during the summer vacation, he was still a little scared, let alone having to deal with it personally.

"No -" Coyatel shook his head, "The one in Brazil is much stronger than the one in Italy."

"Sturdy?" Ron said noncommittally.

The dilapidated walls around it are full of water seepage gaps.

The corridor beneath my feet was undulating, and from time to time there would be a deep pit.

How do you see that this place is strong?

"This is just an appearance." Koyatel emphasized, "This is a high tower built by a god, and the core is still intact. As long as we rush over now, replenish the ancient magic power, and maintain the existence of the ban, it will be enough - if If you’re lucky, you won’t have any contact with outside gods.”

"What if something bad happens?"

"Unfortunately?" The corners of Koyatel's mouth twitched slightly, "If he died at the hands of a Death Eater, it would be just a normal death.

If we fail to catch up and cause the outer gods to break away from the tower, their souls will probably be crushed and swallowed. "


"What? Are you scared?"

"To be honest, it's a bit." Ron gritted his teeth and said, "But - I definitely won't let you face this alone."

"How can you save the world without me? Hermione was the one who took the spotlight before, now it's me too!"

Ron said impassionedly.

But no matter how you look at it, it seems like you are cheering yourself up.

Koyatel felt that he should be grateful.

At least the one she saved wasn't an idiot who could only talk nonsense and whose mind was hollowed out by cowardice.

But - in her opinion, the boy in front of her clearly lacked knowledge of the indescribable god.

He just glanced at it from a distance.

The contact time is definitely not worth that Granger.

All he knew was the tall figure like a titan.

But this is the simplest form of the Outer God, yes - the simplest!

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