I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 421 Prison

Showing that prison is hardly good news.

Although the wall clock is magical, its function is limited. The meaning of "prison" is that Ron and Belle are imprisoned.

But it cannot show whether he was injured, whether he was tortured, whether he was missing an arm or a leg, etc.

Compared to the worries of the Weasley family.

In the castle, others were not less panicked.

Everywhere was filled with strange emotions of fear, shock and indescribable excitement. Everyone was discussing the Death Eaters and the trapped young wizard, and rumors were flying.

No matter where you go, you can hear discussions about this matter, and students are not interested in studying.

Some people say that this is Death Eaters taking revenge on Hogwarts.

Because their attack failed in the third grade, Voldemort was angry and killed people to vent his anger.

Some people think that this may be related to last year's battle on the top of the Azkaban Tower. Last year, Voldemort designed to capture the participating young wizards and their friends, thinking that he could easily blackmail Dumbledore with the handle.

But it turned out that Dumbledore had seen through his trick and had already sent someone to ambush him. His plan failed. Now Voldemort wants to repeat his old tricks, seize the young wizard as a hostage, and threaten Dumbledore and the Ministry of Magic.

Some people say that this is a conspiracy of the Magical Congress of the United States, and they deliberately create a big incident. In fact, there are no Death Eaters, and there is no Voldemort. Everything is a conspiracy of the Magical Congress to attract Aurors from all over the world to the United States, and then catch them all in one fell swoop.

They want to dominate the world.

This guess - the source came from Luna, and the explosion was not as severe as her previous rumor that Barty Crouch had died long ago, and now this one is a viper pretending to be a goblin.

Of course, not many young wizards believe this rumor.

Most of them still believed that this was a conspiracy between Voldemort and the Death Eaters.

In fact, children from magical families have heard of these Death Eaters since they were children, and their names are almost as scary as the devil.

The crimes they committed during Voldemort's reign of terror were well known, and the families of the victims were among the students at Hogwarts.

Someone cast their sights on Harry, Susan, Neville and others.

Since their family had all fought against the Death Eaters, it was easy to understand that Voldemort wanted to take revenge on them.

Harry and Neville needless to say, Susan - her uncle, aunt and cousins ​​all died at the hands of a fugitive - and that fugitive was a Death Eater.

The castle was in a mess and everyone was distracted.

But it is precisely because of the chaos that D.A.'s little wizards study spells even harder.

Owen originally thought it would be great if they could learn those few spells by the end of this semester.

Now it seems that this time may be several months ahead of schedule.

And if there is one thing that remains unchanged in this era of change, that is Umbridge's Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

To be honest, not only the little wizards like Hermione and Harry who didn't have much dealing with her, but even some neutral little wizards who were just watching the show didn't understand why she was turned upside down by the Death Eaters outside. She still doesn't allow professors to teach necessary spells to their students?

Students were even prohibited from practicing spells with each other.

Recently, Umbridge came up with a new education order, prohibiting professors from talking to students about things other than class content, and even personally supervising between classrooms.

This caused the angry Professor McGonagall to quarrel with him several times.

The other professors were also afraid to avoid her, and she was a nuisance to everyone in the castle.

Everyone said she was mentally ill.

Harry and the others believed that brains were a luxury for her and that she had no brains at all.

But this does not prevent Umbridge's official position from rising like a rocket.

At the end of January, due to Dumbledore's prolonged absence from Hogwarts, the Ministry of Magic promoted Umbridge to Acting Headmaster.

In early February, she was promoted to deputy director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement and concurrently served as director of the minister's office.

Until Valentine's Day, she was already the Senior Under-Secretary of the Ministry of Magic.

This was completely incomprehensible to the little wizard and professors.

Wherever the young wizards gathered, they could be heard cursing Umbridge.

They called Barty Crouch blind.

"Any Minister of Magic who doesn't want to be a puppet would do this. It's normal."

Valentine's Day.

This was originally a relaxing day for them, but now it was wrapped in another atmosphere.

In the Room of Requirement, members of the D.A. are conducting training sessions.

Today's lesson is the Patronus Charm.

Although there are many young wizards in the academy who can successfully cast spells, this is when there are no enemies. Casting the Patronus Curse in a safe environment and releasing the Patronus Charm in the face of dementors are completely different things.

They still need practice.

"What's the meaning?"

Owen transformed into a sofa, and Hermione and the others were sitting next to it.

She has a wooden table at her hand, with many parchments on it, recording the progress of the D.A. members in mastering the spell.

At this time, she was looking sideways and asking.

Owen chuckled, "In peacetime, the Minister of Magic will naturally not have any disputes with Dumbledore, but in wartime? Dumbledore's people in the Ministry of Magic are no less than those in Hogwarts, and Aurors are even more numerous. They were all his students, not to mention the old antique Theseus Scamander. Moreover, the power of the Order of the Phoenix was not weaker than that of the Aurors.

Any minister who wants to be in power will try his best to squeeze out Dumbledore, otherwise he will only be half a minister - or even less.

How can one department be allowed to have two voices? "

"As for what Umbridge has done - she and the Ministry of Magic have determined that Hogwarts is training Dumbledore's army. The more outstanding the previous graduates Percy and Wood are, the more determined they will be. Thoughts. Especially-" he looked at Cedric, who was practicing the Patronus Charm with Qiu Zhang, as well as Fred and Angelina beside him, "After they graduate, Barty Crouch can It’s not doubt anymore, it’s panic!”

"So they just want to restrict us and not teach us defensive spells?" Harry gasped, quite angry. Next to him was a Daily Prophet, and there were a few new names on the list of victims today. .

Several names come up every week.

It was like an alarm bell, constantly ringing at him.

When he closed his eyes now, he could see the miserable state of the wizards tortured by Voldemort.

They are asking for help, but there is nothing they can do.

Nothing can be done!

"The struggle for power is a life-and-death struggle. Besides -" Owen's lips raised slightly, "to put it bluntly, if Voldemort takes power and our war fails, only those of us who oppose him will die. Wizards are most of the teachers and students of the Order of the Phoenix and Hogwarts. As for the Ministry of Magic - Senior Tom is not a trivial person. In any case, he needs a power structure to help him maintain order. I don’t know if Barty Crouch’s conscience is still there. How much is left, but Umbridge certainly doesn’t care who her superior is.”

"You said she has surrendered to Voldemort now?" Harry said fiercely, with a fierce look in his eyes.

“Not now, but she certainly would if she had the chance.

That is a toad who only surrenders to power. She will be the loyal dog of whoever gives her power, no matter who comes to power! "

"Then she is really ****" George came over and said disgustedly.

"Hi." Hermione glared at him.

"Sorry, but I couldn't help it." George said nonchalantly.

"It doesn't matter, she is a hundred times worse than the adjective you mentioned." Owen shrugged, "ε=(ο`*))) Alas, there are always people holding back on the road to saving the world, which is really distressing."

He said, "How about killing her? I have a hundred ways to do it quietly. No one will doubt her."

"Owen!!!" Hermione turned to look at him, her eyes full of warning.

"Okay, okay, I don't want to dirty my wand by killing her."

Owen thought for a while, shaking his head, and suddenly another inspiration came to him, "Why don't we kill that old guy Barty Crouch. Replace him with someone obedient, or find someone to pretend to be him, polyjuice potion or a disguise spell or something." .”

"That's enough!" Miss Granger slapped the table hard.

A pair of brown eyes scanned all the wizards around him.

It wasn't Owen's boldness that made her angry. In fact, Hermione was used to his evil thoughts.

What she was really angry about was the little wizards around her.

Harry and George actually showed expressions of approval, which was amazing!

This is not a training institution for dark wizards. Not even producing Death Eaters.

"Just kidding." Owen reached out and rubbed her shoulders, "Only if the situation does not continue to deteriorate. Otherwise, I don't mind cleaning the Ministry of Magic. Those who are questionable can only 'ask' them to get out."

He said playfully, but his tone was cold and sinister.

He could no longer see clearly the future situation.

Everything that may be beyond his control makes Owen more irritable and angry now.

When he was in control, he could play political games with those idiots. If something unexpected happened, he would be unable to suppress some negative thoughts.

He hates the unpredictable.

But reality is not a novel, and some things are illogical.

Just like this time - who would have thought that Death Eaters would suddenly attack the United States?

Who knows what will happen to those wizards who fall into the hands of Death Eaters.

Owen doesn't know.

Even though Merlin gave him the false memory that he had been with the Death Eaters, interrogating prisoners was not the part he was responsible for.

As for torture - some madmen have an interest in it. There are many such lunatics among the Death Eaters.

What worries Owen even more is the Divine Grant Tower on the coast of Brazil.

In order to excavate the tower, American wizards and Brazilian wizards and many Aurors were infected with mutant magic.

This is what keeps him busy during Christmas.

In two weeks, he treated about two dozen people.

Of course there are still some, mostly minor ones, that can be cured using Victor's magic healing machine. There is no need for him to do it himself.

Wait - think carefully.

In the deep sea of ​​consciousness, a glimmer of light suddenly flashed.

Owen's hand squeezing Hermione's shoulder suddenly stopped.

The little witch was stunned.

Then looked at him confused.

"What's wrong? What did you think of?" she asked with concern.

Owen didn't respond.

He raised his hand and put it down again.

Then he stood up slowly and walked to the side with a frown.

Away from the chaos caused by the little wizards.

There are countless thoughts rushing through my mind.

He couldn't help but close his eyes - countless memories began to boil, and various details that he had ignored before became clear at this moment and were connected together.

The first thing Owen remembered was the scene where Sirius and Moody were interrogating American wizards.

Although he was drowsy at the time, he heard some.

Their answer was perfect—American Wizard's answer was perfect.

You can't find any problems, it's as if everything is so natural.

At that time, both he, Sirius and even Moody subconsciously believed that these people were telling lies.

The lines were prepared in advance.

But now that I think about it - maybe - they were actually telling the truth?

Are they really all innocent?

Magical Congress of the United States of America is not monolithic, or it could be said that the [pretenders] have only infiltrated a part of it.

Subsequently, those [Pretender] officials occupying high positions deliberately sent Aurors who were still loyal to Congress to dig at the Divine Grant Tower.

Ron has said that the Americans' excavation level is too poor, not as good as the goblins, not even as good as Bill's expedition team in Egypt.

Before, I thought it was because the excavation work of the Divine Grant Tower was too difficult. But now - Owen rubbed his temples, his thoughts gradually clearing up.

What if the diggers were Aurors instead of professional curse breakers?

No wonder the casualties are so high!

Turns out it was all planned!

No wonder Death Eaters dare to attack one of the most powerful magical forces in the world.

No wonder a week went by without any news being delivered.

Finally, it all made sense.

Is this what happened?

One link after another - relying on the loyal Aurors to dig with their lives, they not only cleaned up this group of people, but also made progress in the excavation.

Even taking complete control of the Magical Congress and recruiting Death Eaters.

Kill multiple birds with one stone!

Damn - damn.

Thinking of this - Owen couldn't help clenching his fists.

The Death Eaters are so grand that they don't hesitate to cooperate with the [Pretenders] who control the Magical Congress, so their goal cannot be as simple as capturing a few Hogwarts wizards.

In other words, the little wizards are just the icing on the cake, and their real purpose-Voldemort's real purpose is definitely darker and more evil.

"Things are getting worse." Owen sighed quietly.

The transformed room in the Room of Requirement also has several windows.

There are several huge floor-to-ceiling windows.

The gray-blue glass was covered with scars that seemed to be broken. Through these scars, Owen could see that a majestic heavy rain was flooding the entire Hogwarts.

The damp and cold wind was howling, and the sky was so dark that no trace of light could be seen.

Everything is gray.

It was like the sky was falling.

"Is a storm coming?" Hermione came to him.

It was natural to hold his hand.

If it were normal, she would never hold his hand in public.

But - the girl's sixth sense told her that the boy in front of her needed her now.

"Yes - the storm is coming." Owen tightened her hand and nodded weakly.

A long time ago, he—not—should say everyone who traveled through time—or went back to the past.

This is the emotion they feel when the world around them is a world they know well.

That is, if something happens to these people around you - or dies - then the nature will be completely different.

Because it makes him, they feel like it's their responsibility.

At least that's what Irving thinks now.


Suddenly a white light appeared outside the window.

Then there was a crash of thunder.

The white light illuminated his face pale.

Owen uncontrollably grabbed the girl's hand next to him.

He suddenly realized that he seemed to praise Hermione too highly.

Before, he had never thought that defeating Voldemort—defeating an alien god was something difficult. There might be twists and turns, but it would definitely be easier than in the original story.

He has saved so many people. Nothing will go wrong.

But now - Ron was transferred away by the Death Eaters, can he come back alive?


And Hermione - now has become a thorn in Voldemort's side no less than Harry.

The rain outside the window is getting heavier and heavier.

It’s so cold in the Scottish Highlands in February that there’s nowhere to hide.

But the fire in the Room of Requirement was strong, and it drove away the cold.

The little wizard is here, almost always wearing a single sweater.

Originally, this place would never be penetrated by cold, but now, Owen felt a hint of coldness.

Dark clouds not only hit here, but also crossed the endless sea.

On the far side.

On the coast of Brazil, 7,000 kilometers away from the British Isles.

The clouds also condensed into rain and fell on the ground.

Only this time, what it brings is no longer cold, but coolness.

Years later, looking back on the past, Ron Weasley would still think of this prison that completely changed him.

He said more than once that during the years of being trapped, he personally killed a boy.


The intertwined catalysts turn boys into men.



It was the sound of raindrops hitting metal.

Hearing such a voice made Ron irritated. Although his mouth was dry, but——

He glanced at the light red restriction in front of him, which enveloped him like a bubble, making it impossible for anything in the outside world to penetrate, except for sound and sight.

His wand had long been taken away by Death Eaters.

Although Ron can cast spells without a wand, it is obvious that this restraining spell cannot be broken by him.

He has been locked up here for several days.

It dawned twice, and this was the third time darkness enveloped us.

This was all due to the palm-sized window on the wall behind him, from which he observed the waxing and waning of the sun and the moon.

It's true - he doesn't remember how he was caught.

It sounds a bit embarrassing, right?

But the fact is that he got lost with Bill and the others during the initial chaos in Port Isabel.

The reason for getting lost was not because he was trying to show off his talent and wanted to deal with those Death Eaters or something.

It was the MACUSA officials who were originally serving as their tour guides who suddenly launched a surprise attack.

He got lost while running away with Bill and Fleur.

After that - he didn't remember what happened after that.

Now that I think about it, I should have been knocked unconscious by a sneak attack by a Death Eater or a traitor from the Magic Congress.

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