Overall, this is a Marvel blockbuster from the 1990s, as explosive as Avengers 4.

And the movie very implicitly satirizes the magical world in the last scene.

That is, when the protagonist group was in the ruins and was about to win with the help of the elf (played by Dobby), the enemy summoned a Titan.

At this time, the Muggle fleet arrived, and an invincible fleet composed of four aircraft carriers began to bombard the enemy indiscriminately.

Although their appearance makes sense in terms of the storyline.

But the director still secretly ridiculed the magical world. In the end, it is up to the Muggles to save the world.

"The shooting was really good." Outside the cinema, there were gusts of cold wind, and they suddenly walked out of the warm screening room. This was very uncomfortable, and the two of them couldn't stop shivering.

However, the mere cold wind did not affect Miss Granger's enthusiasm.

She was still thinking about what she had just seen.

"It's not bad," Owen said against his will. He smiled bitterly. With this plot, he might as well watch Avengers 4 again.

That is to say, a lot of magic spells were shot on the real thing. From the special effects 'level', it looks really powerful and majestic.

"I really don't know where the Ministry of Magic found these actors. I mean, there must be wizards among them, right?"

The two held hands and walked under the dim street lights.

Owen took out a robe from his pocket and put it on her body.

"Maybe they are all wizards? They can't cast spells in front of Muggle actors." Hermione continued, "And Dobby - it was to save Mr. Radcliffe (the protagonist in the movie - a young archaeologist) and the scene of self-sacrifice was so touching that several viewers next to us shed tears.”

"Haha——" The corners of Owen's mouth twitched. There were so many jokes that he didn't know where to start.

After a moment of pause, he explained speculatively: "They should have been shot separately."

"If you think back carefully, you will find that the scenes of the university - the ruins - the conflict - the decisive battle are not in the same place. Most of the plots that require magic are in the ruins. The scenes of the wizard actors should have been shot first. , and then put together the picture of the Muggle actors based on the results."

"Perhaps those important Muggle actors already know the wizarding world. Anyway, if such a movie can be released, it must have been approved by the Federation."

"I have to say, it's really bold."

The two drove into a deserted alley.

Then there was a burst of space movement, and when he reappeared, he was already back outside the manor.

"It feels like we're ready to start filming Harry Potter."

Owen said jokingly.

Shooting Harry Potter in the Harry Potter world, it seems that this vision is really possible.

"What?" Hermione turned to look at him, not understanding what Owen meant.

Did he want Harry to be a movie star?

"I mean in the future - after defeating Voldemort and the Outer Gods, our story can be made into a movie, just like "The Lord of the Rings" or "The Hobbit"."

"Unless the wizard abolishes the Statute of Secrecy." Hermione smiled helplessly. Is now the time to think about this?

"I feel that if the current trend continues, the abolition of the "Secrecy Act" will not be far away." Owen opened the door of the manor and walked into the living room.

It was just Harry and Ginny on the sofa by the fireplace.

There was no sign of Ron.

"It's possible," Hermione said, "But - why would they make a movie like this? To send a message of goodwill to the Muggle world?"

"Thinking too much." Owen pulled her to sit on the sofa on the other side, "How could such a superior man do such a thing?"

"It should be to cover up the "War of Poseidon" incident!" He told the truth in one word. When he told Justin and others about this incident before, he mentioned that the Federation seemed to have a way to deal with it, but Owen didn't expect this would be the method.

"Take what really happened and film it on film, plus a fictional storyline, so that the true and the false are mixed together. Within a few years, the real events will become the plot of the movie and become a kind of urban legend. , unless they are real victims who have relatives or died in the war - the remaining ones have seen [Evil Omen] with their own eyes, and their memories will become blurred under the erosion of time, and eventually they will not even be able to remember them. I can't be sure whether what I saw that day was real, or whether I made it up based on the movie scenes.

In fact, human memory is like this - as a kind of intelligent life that can 'dream', most people's memories are false and full of self-aggrandizement. That's why there is such a thing as a pensieve in the magical world. The purpose is for wizards to sort out their memories and ensure their authenticity. "

"I have to say, this is really a very smart way."

"Ah - is that so?" Hermione frowned and thought carefully, indeed - the monsters created by the Nazis that appeared in the movie do have the appearance of [Evil Omen], at least 70% to 80% similar. .

Obviously, this setting must be intentional.

As Owen said, confusing the truth is the purpose of the Federation.

"What are you talking about?" From the side, Harry and Ginny cast curious and confused looks.

The two were very close, but not touching. There was an ambiguous smell in the air, but it did not cause any qualitative change.

It seems that it still needs time to brew, Owen thought.

It shouldn't take long.

"Oh! That's it." Hermione immediately became energetic.

She stared at the two of them with burning eyes and began to talk endlessly about the movie just now.

Her story wasn't necessarily accurate, but it still managed to pique the interest of Harry and Ginny.

"A movie with the wizarding world involved!"

Oh my gosh - that gimmick alone was enough to get them into the theater.

Harry needless to say.

Ginny also knows about movies.

Owen had a screening at Hogwarts, and the twins even bought movie tickets.

"I really want to see it," Harry said with bright eyes.

"You can watch the midnight show," Owen said, "as long as you understand French."

The film that was staged in France was, of course, a French-dubbed version. Foreigners are not used to reading subtitles.

Both he and Hermione understand French, so they can naturally watch the movie without any barriers. Even if there are some long and difficult sentences that Hermione doesn't understand for a while, he can act as a translator.

But this was too difficult for Harry and Ginny.

"Oh! That's such a pity." The light in Harry's eyes disappeared for a second, and he said frustratedly, "I can't understand French."

"The original version of the movie is in English. You can watch this movie in a London cinema, and it should be released globally." Irving explained on the side, "Just go back in advance."

"Oh! That's great. I can spend a week in Paris first, and then go back to London. Then we'll go see a movie." Harry subconsciously turned to Ginny and said.

The red-haired girl was startled. She didn't expect that Harry would suddenly invite her so directly. Strong joy naturally sprouted in her heart, and she agreed immediately, as if she was afraid that Harry would regret it.

Owen and Hermione watched the whole scene.

Both of them smiled.

It seemed that they all made room for these two young wizards who were in the ambiguous period.

With something thoughtful in mind, Owen took Hermione and left the living room.

Harry and Ginny's cheeks were slightly red. They seemed to realize something. Under their gaze, another couple quickly crossed the corridor and climbed the stairs.

Finally disappeared from their sight.


On the second floor, Owen stopped in front of his bedroom door.

Hermione and the girls' room was at the far end.

"I want to ask you a favor." Owen said.

"What do you need me to do?" Hermione said nervously, looking over Owen's shoulder and landing on the door.

"Don't be nervous." The boy stroked the hair on her back and said in a provocative tone, "It's a Christmas gift."

"You know, I saved a lot of people. Almost all of them sent me Christmas gifts this year, at least hundreds of them. They filled the whole house."

He kicked open the door of his room with his foot, and the dazzling array of gift boxes inside proved that he was indeed not lying.

"There is still some time - I would like to ask you to open the gift box together."

"Ah——" the little witch looked very surprised, she thought

"Just unboxing?"

"What? Do you want something else to happen?" Owen stared at her with a smile, "I think it's okay, after all."

"Just unpack the box." Hermione said angrily, then pushed him away and walked into his room.

Before Owen could say anything else, she had already moved a chair and began to unpack the colorfully packaged boxes like she was venting her anger.

She was extremely focused.

Keep your eyes straight, keep your hands steady, and keep your mind steady.

Only by staying busy like this could she help herself not to think about other-bad things.


The loud slam of the door made Hermione shake her hands in fright and threw the gift box out.

Turning around, his eyes met Owen's naked gaze.

He did it on purpose.

The little witch didn't seem to doubt her own judgment.

He must have done it on purpose, just to see himself make a fool of himself.

"Alala - you're so careless." Owen walked towards her step by step. He picked up a gift box and said, "These are the patient's gratitude to the therapist. Each one is full of emotion, and it can be obtained Be careful and take it apart slowly - if you break it, you will be failing them."

"Well - the night is still long."


Early the next morning.

Rozier Hospital for Magical Invalids in Paris.

Third floor, Mutation Treatment Department.

Owen is busy.

In front of him were three American wizards who were seriously injured.

The healer at the hospital had removed most of the curses from them, and the rest was his job.

Beside him, Sirius and Moody were staring at the wizard on the bed.

And Owen - he is in the final stage of clearing away the magical power with resentment.

Last night at midnight - no, it should be night.

At that time, he and Granger were happily opening gift boxes.

Moody didn't know why he was so crazy, and suddenly broke into the manor to look for him.

He was forced to take him to the hospital.

Then I would work overtime for others.

The one he is currently treating is already the fifth one.

Outside the ward, Harry was craning his neck to look inside through the window on the door.

He just came to the hospital this morning with Ron, who came back last night.

Neville's parents arrived just after their visit.

Hermione and Ginny did not follow - Ms. Rosier seemed to have something to tell them.

"Look! Owen's treatment is over."

Harry saw Owen retract his wand, then step aside, flop down on the free bed next to him, and fall asleep.

"Are you going to start the interrogation?" Ron also poked his head over.

The two were very excited. They had never seen an interrogation scene before.

But unfortunately, Sirius inside noticed them peeking, and with a wave of his wand, the bed curtain on the door closed automatically, blocking their view.

"Uh--we were discovered." The two of them crossed their faces, reluctantly walked away and sat on a bench nearby.

"They always think we're still kids," Harry said.

"That's it - you and Owen faced the mysterious man last year, and it would be useful to learn some interrogation techniques. I mean, if we catch a Death Eater in the future, we can at least know how to pry something useful out of them. Come on." Ron also said dissatisfied.

"Haha - I think at that time, Owen will definitely use Legilimency directly without interrogation." Harry said scornfully.

"Well - that's something he can do." Ron agreed.

The two smiled knowingly and began to wait quietly.

None of them thought that the so-called interrogation would last so long.

For more than an hour, there was still no movement in the room.

"What are you doing?" Ron gradually became impatient, "These American wizards are so loyal? They don't say anything?"

"They didn't bring any veritaserum?"

"Veritaserum is the most precious potion. It's not that easy to get." Harry also felt a little irritated. Who would want to stay in the hospital after a good vacation?

"I heard from Bill that something happened while digging ruins again, just like the time in Italy. Many monsters emerged from the ruins.

Moreover, the professionalism of American wizards is far from that of Gringotts.

Of course - you know, that's what goblins do, like digging around in the ground. Ron said mysteriously, "Bill will leave for the United States soon."

Conduct a serious inquiry by the Federation.

Take me with you. "

"Oh my god - they dug out a giant that was hundreds of feet tall." Harry said worriedly, "There are no Owen and Hermione this time. How are they going to deal with it?"

"God knows." Ron waved his hand, it was none of his business and he didn't care.

At this moment, the ward door was suddenly opened.

The two little wizards stood up subconsciously.

"Not a word of truth! Not a word!"

Sirius walked out angrily.

He roared angrily, "Even the memories are half-truths and half-false, and it's obvious that they have been tampered with!"

"Maybe we have to give them some Veritaserum. We have to try it. What if the Veritaserum is more effective than Legilimency? We can get something useful out of the mess of memory."

"It's useless." Moody was slightly calmer than Sirius. As an old Auror who has been working as an Auror for decades, he has seen all kinds of criminals, but this is not enough to make him timeless.

The magic eyes swiveled, and Moody said seriously: "They are all small characters, and they can only know some peripheral news."

"That's better than listening to stories here for an hour." Sirius was still angry.

In fact, the wizards in the room almost answered all their questions.

The content of the answer is also logical and self-consistent, with no nonsense.

But the problem is that it is too logical, everything is so reasonable, and it seems that the reasons have been prepared in advance.

"It seems we are destined to get no results here," Moody said.

The two quickly left the corridor.

Harry and Ron wanted to follow, but were stopped by Sirius.

Their conversation wasn't over yet.

At the end of the corridor, in front of the unoccupied window sill, they continued to discuss.

"We can only hope that Tonks can gain something. Where are Bill and the others? Have they set off?" Moody asked.

"This afternoon," said Sirius, "everything is ready."

"What is he doing?" Moody said with some displeasure, "He should have set out a few days ago instead of delaying it until now."

"I heard that I met a girlfriend in Paris." Sirius said calmly.

"Girlfriend?" The magic eyes suddenly focused on Sirius. His face was full of surprise, as if he heard wrongly. His face darkened, and then he growled, "What kind of girlfriend is he in the mood for at this time?" ! It’s simply ridiculous. Is he completely unaware of the seriousness of the problem? Do you want me to reiterate that the world is in crisis?”

"This is also part of the disguise." Sirius explained, "He will also take Ron, the youngest son of the Weasley family. Only if he behaves carelessly and indulges in debauchery, the people behind the scenes may relax their vigilance, and Tonks can Find opportunities.”

Sirius's reason was very reasonable, but it still made Moody quite unhappy.

In his traditional thinking, they should be serious, cautious, and efficient, and he didn't quite agree with Bill's plan.

"Okay." Moody finally nodded, acknowledging the plan.

After all, they couldn't find anything better.

Make sure you have a plan.

The two of them parted ways.

Moody has other jobs.

Sirius was responsible for picking up Harry and Ron, as well as waking up Owen and letting him and Harry go home.

As for Ron - he was sent to the French Ministry of Magic, where Bill was already preparing to leave for the United States.

In the manor.

Wenda was using her wand to chant spells that Hermione had never heard before, holding on to her and Ginny's bodies.

The process was embarrassing.

She felt that the lady in front of her must have misunderstood something.

She could explain why she slept in Owen's bed.

After Owen left last night, she opened the gift box alone. She didn't know what time it lasted, but she just knew that she was very tired at the time and fell asleep on his bed.

But - obviously, Wenda didn't really believe Miss Granger's words, so she had the previous physical examination.

Of course nothing will come of this.

After all, they really didn't do much.

But regarding this result, maybe it was her misunderstanding, Hermione always felt that this lady was a little disappointed?

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