I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 414 Sweet Night

On the other side, Hermione didn't show too much excitement about this kind of thing. She just silently reached out and pulled the brim of her hat to hide herself.

She didn't want to be recognized and surrounded here.

So embarrassing.

Of course, this little surprise did not dampen everyone's enthusiasm for the hiding place.

This French Diagon Alley has many hot-selling products that are not available in London.

The amazing magical goods from other European countries kept them coming back.

Some of them even Owen has never met.

At noon, they had lunch at a magical cake shop called Sman Tik - Sweet Mystery.

That's a very unique store.

The sun shines on the stained glass windows, casting colorful light and shadow. The bronze plate on the store door shines brightly, with "Sweet Secret" engraved on it.

The heavy wooden door kept being pushed open.

A burst of sweet smell came to my face.

The walls are covered with ancient magic instruments and various exquisite cake pictures.

I don’t know what kind of magic it is that can actually make pictures smell.

Next to the huge floor-to-ceiling window of the store is a huge glass display cabinet. Exquisite cakes are displayed in the glass cabinet one by one. They are colorful and of different shapes, like precious treasures.

Under the enthusiastic recommendation of the shop owner Sman Tik (Golden Gallon Offensive), they tasted many flavors of cakes one by one. The moment they bit into the sweetness, the wizard seemed to have been cast a happy spell. A gentle feeling of comfort and pleasure enveloped their bodies and minds.

"It's really good!" Ron commented after eating four six-foot cakes in a row.

"Different." Even Luna, who has a somewhat unconventional personality, expressed her liking for this.

As for Irving?

He was still studying how the cake in front of him tasted like beef, smelled like roast beef, and had the shape of fruit cream.

Originally he just thought it was a pre-dinner dessert.

It wasn't until the shopkeeper served something like beef brisket, cut open and filled with various vegetables and meats, clearly a barbecue 'cake', that he realized how wrong he was.

Magic - it's really amazing.

Right at the end of their meal.

Luna suddenly took out a card from her coat pocket as if she had a live coal in her pocket.

A black card with a shiny golden arrow on its top.

At this moment it is pointing in a certain direction impartially.

"Oh - it's my dad who's here." Luna held the card and explained to everyone, "How many days will we meet again?"

"No problem?" everyone said enthusiastically.

"Okay-" She stood up quickly and said to them, "Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas," Owen responded.

Then, Luna, who pushed open the wooden door, held up her own sign and quickly disappeared into the crowd.

After that, they left their hiding place and wandered around famous scenic spots such as the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame Cathedral, and the Louvre Museum.

Quite by chance, they met Bill and Fleur when they visited the Palace of Versailles.

The two were probably dating.

When she saw Hermione again, Fleur was very happy to chat with her.

The situation last night was really not suitable for a small talk between girls.

What's more, Hermione has always been the protagonist of the party, and Fleur can't get in the middle of the conversation. She still did some harm to the legendary first-generation Dark Lord.

During the girls' chat, Owen learned that Hermione had been in contact with Fleur through letters.

Fleur knew they were coming to Paris for Christmas.

Sure enough, Miss Granger's charm is very attractive. She can attract girls everywhere, especially beautiful girls.

She was chatting and laughing with Fleur the whole time.

At the end of the visit, Bill suddenly called Ron away.

It seems like something is wrong with them.

This left the little wizards' tour group with only four people.

Him and Hermione, Harry and Ginny.

Upon seeing this, Owen decisively proposed a separation.

Of course Ginny agreed, and Hermione knew his intentions, so she agreed.

Only Harry was worried about whether he would have any difficulties because he didn't know French.

But these were nothing. After Owen handed Sherlock to Ginny to greet him, all problems were solved.

As the afternoon approached, it was finally the world that belonged to the two of them.

Along the Seine River, Owen and Hermione strolled on the river beach.

There were young men and women coming and going.

The river sparkled in the afterglow of the setting sun, like a shining ribbon winding through the city. In the distance, the buildings in Paris look even more magnificent against the blue sky and white clouds.

The two chatted about some light topics. They talked about each other's current situation and shared each other's joys, sorrows and joys. The sun shines on them, covering them with golden light. At this moment, the two seemed to have forgotten the world around them and were only immersed in each other's company.

About six o'clock in the evening.

He and Miss Granger settled in a Muggle restaurant.

Today is the first day of Christmas and there are young men and women everywhere.

This is no different in the restaurant.

Compared to the British, French couples are much bolder. As soon as the two of them approached, they saw at least three or four young couples kissing in public in the restaurant.

Lingering as if no one is around.

There is an ambiguous smell in the air.

Hermione squeezed Owen's hand tightly, and the blush on her face became even more intense.

This is so embarrassing.

She couldn't be that bold.

However, Owen felt it was just right.

That's the atmosphere.


He found a seat on the innermost side by the window and sat down.

The last couple had just left, and they caught up with the good times.

The waiter in the restaurant is a young girl in her early twenties, with thick black hair, Asian from an unknown country.

She spoke French with a strange accent and said, "Want something."

"Recommend today!" Hermione said shortly, not daring to raise her head to see the strange look in the waiter's eyes.

"Okay." The girl withdrew her gaze, quickly wrote something in the notebook in her hand, then turned around and left.

She returned to the checkout counter.

Owen saw her discussing something in a low voice with her colleagues, and would look at her strangely from time to time.

"I guess they thought I was a girl again. Two girls dating. It's quite rare in this era." Owen put his left hand on his chin, with an upward smile on his lips, leaning forward, all eyes on On Hermione.

"Huh?" Hermione was startled and her eyes widened. It turned out to be like this - no wonder many people kept looking at them as soon as they entered the restaurant.

"Maybe I have to keep the Disillusionment Curse when I go out in the future." Owen said, seeming distressed, but it was more likely that he was pretending. He was too lazy to pretend, and he would not change his appearance because of other people.

"I think this is good."

"Really?" Owen grabbed Hermione's hand unexpectedly, "I may be very busy recently - mainly things at the hospital."

"At least these days."

There are two weeks of Christmas vacation, and he should be busy in the hospital for the first week.

"It doesn't matter." She said seriously, "Being able to save people is more important than anything else."

"That's what it says -" Owen kneaded her fingers, "But I'm not saving them just to save them. This is a kind of magic exercise."

"Especially those guys who are looking for death themselves."

A strong anger suddenly burst out from his voice, but it disappeared in just a moment.

"Forget it," he continued, "come to think of it, I haven't prepared your Christmas gift yet."

Owen looked at him gently.

The two of them did not have a fragile relationship that relied on gifts or surprises, nor did they lack anything.

This made Owen very confused about what to give.

Just like the gloves and hat Hermione gave him, it was more of a thought.


His fingers kept tracing across her palms, and every time she wanted to pull them back as if she was getting an electric shock, but she obviously couldn't match his strength.

"I suddenly thought of something good." He met Hermione's resentful eyes and said.

"What?" Hermione bit her lip while studying his face.

The boy's eyes were like shining emeralds, and a few strands of hair were scattered on his forehead, which made his originally less angular features softer.

He tied his hair with a simple hair rope, then stuffed it into a windbreaker, and then put a hat she knitted on top of his head to cover the long silver hair as much as possible.

Although this is not very useful, it may even make people look more - um - 'cute'? A sense of déjà vu, but it can provide some psychological comfort.

The smile on the boy's mouth grew a little wider.

He took Hermione's right hand, and then, as if by magic, he clamped his fingers in the air, and then a ring appeared in his hand.

Then—with a shocked look in her eyes, Miss Granger put the ring on the middle finger of her right hand.

"It should be the left hand," Owen said, "but it can only be worn on the hand you are used to casting spells on."

"This is Solomon's Ten Rings." He explained, "It is a very powerful ancient magic item that can be triggered about every half hour. The effect is to enhance one of your magic spells."

"He's not very useful to me."

Owen sighed and said that he had figured this out in the past three months.

The ring does enhance his spell, but not more than three times its power. Moreover, the spells in the ring can be reactivated every half an hour. For him, the enemies he has to face can either be defeated without the enhancement spell, or he can't defeat them even if they are enhanced ten times, so This ring looks very tasteless on his hand.

But it was clear that Miss Granger had no regard for the purpose of the ring.

She just stared at it blankly.

This is a very inconspicuous solid gold ring.

But if you look closely, you will find that there are flames dancing on its surface.

Those ‘flames’ are actually tiny magic patterns that cannot be detected by the naked eye.

She didn't expect Owen to give her a ring at all - no - maybe later, but not today.

This fool - doesn't he know what it means to put a ring on a girl?

She felt as if her eyes were about to burst and something was about to gush out.

No - her nose felt sour, and she quickly covered her eyes with her other hand, fearing that Owen would see her.

Owen was surprised by Hermione's strong reaction.

He guessed she would be surprised, but he didn't expect it to be this serious.

He stretched out his free right hand and left traces of his fingertips on her cheek.

Then said gently, "That's just the beginning Miss Granger."

"There are still nine left."

"Are you going to cry every time you get one?"

The girl's body trembled slightly, and she put down the hand covering her eyes. Her eyes immediately became mist-like and crystal clear.

She suddenly boldly pressed her lips to his fingers, feeling him hold her hand tighter.

"Muggle expulsion," Owen said in a low voice.

A small Muggle banishing curse spread half a foot from their desk and chair.

Everyone's attention was turned away from them, as if something else was going on.

Then he crossed the table from the opposite side of Hermione and stood shoulder to shoulder with her.

The girl's heart was beating loudly.

She realized what was going to happen.

But there was no intention of escaping at all. But boldly, close to his arms. She closed her eyes and felt the boy who belonged to her with all her heart.

Listen to his heartbeat.

That's also accelerating.

For a moment, this was more joyful than any other confession.

They hugged like this, and after about ten seconds, Hermione raised her head and stared at him.

After a moment of pause, she took the initiative to kiss his lips.

Fiery—like whiskey.

Although she had not drunk that kind of strong liquor, she guessed it was what it tasted like now.

The boy responded fiercely, hugging her so tightly with his arms. The bodies fit together so perfectly that she had to bend over to maintain this position.

His hands moved up the girl's back, and finally his fingers threaded into her hair.

Hold it against the back of her head so she might feel more relaxed.

Of course, it's also fun to stir up a girl's hair.

With every touch, she would tremble slightly.

Gradually, I don’t know how long it has passed.

This suffocating kiss ended.

The lingering spirit turned from hot to sweet, with sweetness and a hint of sourness rippling on the tip of the tongue.

Both of them unconsciously wanted more - but - this was obviously not a good place.

"Did you have a plan for a long time?" Hermione's face was hot. She felt shy about her boldness just now, but her body was still in his arms, not willing to leave, but there were so many fiery eyes at the moment. Be sensible.

"How can you say that?" Owen pinched her cheek, "It's not a matter of time."

Hermione gritted her teeth and stared at him affectionately. Yes - Owen was right, it would be a matter of time.

But I always feel that that thing will come later.

Maybe a year or a few years from now.

Is it too early?

The idea just came to her.

She immediately realized the faint binding feeling coming from the middle finger of her right hand, and the ring.

My own struggles are just reserved and shy.

She already belonged to one person forever, and that person only belonged to her. It was hers.

Early or late, it makes no sense at all.

Since we have to face it sooner or later, why not today?

Raising her hand, Hermione looked at the ring again, and then looked at Owen.

Biting her lips and teeth, she spoke shyly but tenaciously, "You know what you should ask. Do you want me to ask? How can there be such a thing?"

"Hmm - it's not impossible?" Owen said jokingly.

Then he saw the girl open her mouth, revealing a row of sharp teeth, making a motion to bite him.

"Just kidding," he said.

Then he lifted the girl's chin, stared and asked, "So - Miss Granger - will you marry me?"

Like a dream, the stars hit the earth, and the girl's brown eyes were filled with tears and hope.

Then, she smiled, and all the emotions in her eyes disappeared, leaving only happiness and satisfaction in the end, "I - willing!"

Then the two souls collided again.


Dinner lasted from six o'clock to about seven o'clock in the evening.

Of course they can last longer.

However, if he continued, the Muggle Expelling Curse might become ineffective.

Because magic just makes people not notice them, in the Muggle heart, there are still people there, and they can't not finish dinner for several hours. This is so abnormal.

After dinner, under the shocked eyes of the waiters, the two held hands and walked out of the restaurant cuddling.

At this point, it's still early.

None of them wanted the day to end so quickly.

And Irving already has a good place to go.

Just now in the restaurant, there were several couples talking about where to go next, and they all seemed to have chosen to watch a movie.

He heard that a new movie was released on Christmas Day. It was a new masterpiece by some great director. In short, it was very topical. He heard the topic of this movie several times in the restaurant.


A good place to go, although old-fashioned, but compared to 1995, and the little wizard who rarely watched movies.

"Hi - Miss Granger, want to go see a movie?"

On the streets, the street lights are still on.

The orange light disperses the darkness.

Although it was cold, the two people in love felt inexplicably warm.

"Huh?" Hermione looked at Owen. From his joking eyes, she knew immediately what he wanted to do - she also knew some of the dating skills in the Muggle world.

Although I have been derailed from the world here.

But she was not just a Muggle-born little witch in Hogwarts.

The witch who was one grade above her once told her sister about her date with a boy, and mentioned that the dark environment of a movie theater was a good place for a date.

And she didn't seem to have any reason to refuse, "Well -" she nodded.

With Hermione's consent.

Owen took her and quietly followed several couples.

Those couples had just said in the restaurant that they were going to watch a movie.

Of course he didn't know where the movie theater was around here.

You will never get lost if you follow them.

It's not that far after all.

Three blocks later.

He and Hermione saw a huge sign from a distance.

It seemed to be a movie poster.

Several huge searchlights illuminated the poster, making it quite eye-catching.

"Huh?" Suddenly, both of them noticed a very familiar figure on the poster.

The moment he saw that figure, Owen knew that his plan had failed.

Originally he planned to enter the cinema. Find the most deserted movie, preferably no one will watch it.

The dark environment, the deserted corner, and the blessing of Muggle expulsion and confusion spells, tonight will definitely leave a wonderful memory.

But - the moment the poster appeared, he knew that there would be no progress tonight.

"Is that Dobby? Has he become a movie star?" Hermione exclaimed, pointing to the poster.

When have magical creatures been exposed to the Muggle world with such publicity?

What about the Ministry of Magic?

Don't care?

"I don't know - I haven't seen it in half a year." Owen shook his head. This year he did not go home, that is, his residence in London, so he did not see Dobby.

During the time he was in the hospital, the Rozier elves were helping him.

As for Dobby - he thought the free elf was on his journey around the world again!

Only now did Owen know that Dobby had gone to film a movie!

"Well - it seems we have no choice." Owen shook his head in frustration, and Hermione's attention must have been on the movie.

I followed the crowd and squeezed in, after buying two tickets for a movie called "Treasures of Rome".

They walked into the screening room under the guidance of the staff.

Following the numbers on the tickets, the two found their seats easily.

As soon as I sat down, I heard the audience in the front rows discussing the movie enthusiastically.

"Director Christopher Snyder's new film, oh my God! I absolutely loved his "Lord of the Rings" which was so popular the year before last."

"Yeah! The great world of Middle-earth! The special effects are amazing, and Gandalf, honestly, if I were a wizard, I would definitely want Gandalf as a teacher."

"That's right! If there was a wizarding school, Gandalf would definitely be the principal. He is perfect for this position."

They chatted excitedly.

Just what he said made Owen laugh uncontrollably.

Why does this Gandalf look more and more like Dumbledore the more he talks about it?

Hermione also found it interesting. With the praise from these people, it made her look forward to the next movie even more.

Soon the lights in the screening room dimmed.

The logos of several major film publishing companies flashed in sequence, and the movie slowly unfolded.


After two and a half hours, this 'Marvel' blockbuster of the 1990s finally came to an end.

for this movie.

It’s hard to rate Owen because his plot is so lazy.

Right – lazy, not rotten.

It's just a Hollywood movie factory assembly line product. There is nothing thought-provoking in the plot.

The only thing worthy of praise is the acting skills of the actors and the exaggerated special effects that look like real movies.

It's probably a remake of Raiders of the Lost Ark.

The protagonist team is invited by the University of Turin to search for an ancient ruins on the coast of Italy.

After arriving at the destination, after a series of boring adventures (for Owen, it is a boring adventure, after all, he has watched too many movies, and the plots of the 1990s are really cliche for him).

The protagonist team was surprised to find that the so-called ancient ruins under the sea were actually the birthplace of Roman mythology (actually Greek mythology).

The ruins are filled with all kinds of magical items.

Just as the protagonist group was preparing to pass the news here to the university, a group of soldiers wearing uniforms that were quite familiar to Europeans also appeared in the ruins.

It turned out that someone had already arrived here first.

The remnants of the Nazis discovered this place decades ago.

Here they devoted themselves to studying these 'mythical objects' in an attempt to rebuild the Third Reich.

Immediately afterwards - the plot developed in the direction of Hydra.

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