The fire burned brightly in the fireplace.

The living room is warm as spring.

Sibi was hiding in the corner and watched the hostess (Wenda) using magic spells to examine the two little witches.

Last night, when the lame Auror came to look for the young master, it tried to stop him, but it was of no use.

For this it had to punish itself, because it was all its fault, and it was it that disturbed the Rozier family's chances of prosperity.

As an elf who has served the Rozier family for generations.

It had been a long, long time since Sibi had seen his family, especially the master's bloodline giving birth to a new life.

Other branches are also depleted of talent, with few members of the younger generation left.

This made Siby feel scared - especially after meeting the descendant of Black, this fear became even more intense.

The Black family was once a powerful and noble family, but now there is only one male descendant left. Perhaps this ancient family will disappear in the long river of history before long.

And Rozier - it knows that the British Rozier family is almost completely wiped out, and the development of the North American branch is not ideal. If the French mainland continues to decline,

What if Rozier is gone? What should it do?

Do you want to be like those poor masterless people who go to the kitchen of the magic academy and live with the stove for generations?

No - never.

Spy stared at Hermione from afar.

Even if the famous witch is a mudblood - she will swear that this word will never come out of her mouth in this life.

That would be much better than the disappearance of the elegant and noble Rozier family.

"Mistress, breakfast is ready." Suddenly Sibi appeared next to Wenda, lowered his head and put his hands behind his back and said.

"Yeah - got it." Wenda nodded coldly.

The spell she had just used was one of those created from decades of experiments with human magic.

It can be used to detect the status of a wizard's specific organs, such as the heart, liver, kidneys, stomach or muscle groups.

All organs of the body can be tested.

It is more sophisticated and accurate than the detection spells currently used in magical hospitals.

"Let's go have breakfast," she said.

Leading the two little witches with crimson cheeks to the restaurant.

Rozier's breakfast was not as luxurious as the pure-blood family had speculated, it was just simple vegetable porridge and a few side dishes.

Wenda's taste is very light, and she doesn't have much pursuit of food. This is related to her certain period of depression - at that time, it was good to have a stutter. The whole of Europe was arresting her, so how could she still be in the mood to enjoy it? gourmet food.

After the three of them sat down, Wenda's voice suddenly sounded, "I must warn you. Some common traditions in the magical world are absolutely wrong.

This happens to many wizarding families. "

"The biggest mistake among them is early pregnancy." Her eyes were straight, without any expression at all, and her flat tone seemed to be asking the little witch if today's breakfast was to her liking. "Pure-blood wizard families almost all agree that a The idea is that the younger the parents are, the more powerful the children will be, Weasley-Malfoy-Black. Almost all wizards think so."

"It's clear this was a serious mistake."

"Ah?" The two little witches looked surprised and shy, what are you talking about! These words - I can't imagine coming out of your mouth.

"No need to be surprised." Wenda said calmly, "In the past few years, I have been deceived by others." At this point, she suddenly emphasized her tone, obviously full of resentment towards someone.

She stretched out her slender fingers and rubbed her brow.

The anger in my heart calmed down a little.

"Alchemy - cloning - artificial human." She looked at Hermione, "I think you understand the meaning of these terms."

"I" Miss Granger was stunned for a moment, then nodded, "I have heard that Muggles have also studied human cloning. Nicolas Flamel also mentioned artificial alchemical life in his book. That is alchemy. One of the highest mountains in the art world.”

"Many years ago, these were my subjects." Wenda simply said with horror, "In short, you should understand what I mean - don't think about those things until you are twenty-five years old."

"Okay." She suddenly stood up and said to Hermione, "There are some things that I need to deal with. Let's take a look at everyone in the manor."

As she spoke, she suddenly threw out a copper key inlaid with green gems and a rose engraved on the handle.

Hermione caught it subconsciously.

"This is the Rozier family - no - this Gringotts vault key. It is the inheritance of my Owen mother, which also includes this manor."

Her eyes flashed with heavy regret.

Like a raging wave rising on a calm sea.

She was right.

So far, the fact that he is still removed from the list by Rozier has not changed.

The estate was actually Owen's property, which he inherited from his mother.

It was reasonable and not inappropriate to leave it to Hermione.

"Wait a minute -" Hermione looked a little panicked holding the key, "Grandma?"

When I defend myself again and want to say something.

Wenda quickly left the restaurant.

Disappeared into the corridor.

"." She sat down at a loss.

Ginny on the side was very excited.

Suddenly inheriting such a large manor, what's there to be upset about? Isn't this a good thing?

Besides, the lady made it very clear that the manor was Owen's property, and there was no problem in leaving it to Hermione, the mistress.

"Be happy!" Ginny said from the side, "it's not a bad thing."

"So expensive!" Hermione retorted, "God knows how much it's worth, I'm afraid of losing it. Forget it - when Owen comes back, I'll give it to him."

"Well - he must have let you take it without even opening his eyes," Ginny said seriously.

After so many years, everyone knows Irving well.

Although he loves money, he is not conservative about it. He spends money as fast as he makes money.

This is evident from the Christmas gifts he gave to other people.

Only choose the most expensive, not the best.

Because he was simply too lazy to choose.

"." Hermione squinted her eyes and thought about it carefully, it seemed that this kind of thing would indeed happen.

Well - forget it.

They can discuss it again when he comes back.

The little witch carefully put the key into her pocket, then picked up the spoon and took a mouthful of vegetable porridge.

Ah - so hot!

"Hufu--" He blew a few times before swallowing the food in the spoon.

After drinking half the bowl of porridge, Sibi suddenly appeared with a letter in his hand and walked over nervously.

"Miss - I have a letter from you."

"My letter?" Hermione wondered, taking the parchment from Sibi's hand.

That couldn't be called a letter, because it was just a kind of paper, not even parchment, but a Muggle letter.

The text on the letter was crooked and it was impossible to see what was written.

In fact, Hermione couldn't even tell what language it was.

"What is this? A prank?" she said.

Hearing what Hermione said, Sibi immediately seemed to be relieved, and the worry on his face disappeared without a trace, and then said firmly, "Yes, Sibi also thinks it is a prank. Sibi must teach that liar a lesson." .”

"Oh! Wait." Hermione put the letter on the table.

"By the way, Spy, are you a free elf?" Hermione noticed the house elf in front of her. It was different from Dobby before. The clothes on its body were not a piece of linen, but a washed white one. dress.

He even wore a small cotton-padded jacket, which was of course very old.

But house elves couldn't get clothes, so she asked Spy if he was a free elf.

"Freedom?" Sibi was startled, took a few steps back, and bumped into a chair nearby. It covered its mouth, as if it had uttered some disgusting words. "That's an evil word. Why would you think that."

"Huh?" Hermione narrowed her eyes. She remembered that Owen said that these elves were paid, so she asked again, "Then do you get paid?"

"Yes, sir, he insists on giving me five galleons every month." Sibi showed a headache. The young master is good at everything, but he insists on giving money to himself - to all the house elves in the manor. money. This distressed it.

"What do you use the money for? Buy new clothes?"

"No - how could Sibi use it to buy that kind of thing? Sibi will save it and return it to the gentleman when he needs it."

"Give it back to him?" Hermione rolled her eyes.

She couldn't understand why such a simple and logical thing as getting paid for work would be such a huge obstacle among the elves.

The elves in Hogwarts think the same way.

Dumbledore, of course, paid the elves.

But they are as if they were kept by the owner and will be returned one day and will never be spent.

This immediately reminded Hermione of last night's movie.

Dobby was so different.


Just when Miss Granger was lost in memories, a familiar sharp voice suddenly came to her ears.

She responded and saw the door of the restaurant.

Owen was walking side by side with Harry.

And at his feet, there was a familiar little guy.

"Dobby?" Hermione was surprised and delighted.

She noticed Dobby's outfit.

He wore a straight children's suit, shiny special leather shoes, and a deerstalker hat. He was also wearing a brown windbreaker.

At first glance, it looks like a Parisian outfit, and the strange combination from before is gone.

"Big star!" said the little witch.

Dobby smiled honestly, but his eyes were shining, "No!" he said.

"Dobby just played a small role." He quickly ran to the witch.

Then he took out a photo album from his arms.

He jumped on the chair and placed the album in front of Hermione.

"These are stills and highlights," he said excitedly. "Dobby has made many good friends. Those Muggle actors all respect Dobby very much. They like to watch Dobby perform magic tricks."

Hermione's eyes fell on the photo albums, and sure enough - there were photos of Dobby and the actors, everyone's photos.

Although these photos were just ordinary photos and could not be moved, Hermione could still see satisfaction and happiness in those joyful smiles.

"Muggle actors don't understand house elves. They think Dobby is a legendary strange being from Avalon or other mythological stories from other countries." Harry explained at the side, "This is why they are so enthusiastic. .”

"That's great!" Hermione nodded fiercely, then patted Dobby on the shoulder, "Then you are now the representative of the elves. Let ordinary people get to know the real free elves."

When Hermione said this, Dobby immediately straightened his back, his big eyes shining with the glory of responsibility and responsibility. He patted his chest, "Leave it to Dobby, Dobby will definitely do his best. .”

After that - everyone laughed happily.

But at this time, there was an elf who couldn't bear it anymore.

"Traitor!" Sibi roared angrily.

"A disgrace to the elves."

It stared at Dobby hysterically, "Sibi didn't let you in, how dare you come here and tarnish the great Rozier."

"Dobby is a free elf. Dobby's friends allow Dobby to come in." Dobby replied not to be outdone, "Dobby can go wherever he wants."

"How could anyone like you, a despicable, dirty, smelly elf? You lied! You lied again!" Sibi stretched out his hand, which was covered with bandages, and said to drive Dobby away, " Get out of here, get out of Rozier’s house!”

"That's enough, Sibi!" Owen shouted with a frown, "I let Dobby in."

I didn’t sleep well all night and it was noisy as soon as I got home! So annoying.

And Dobby - when he just returned home with Harry, he saw a sneaky figure at the door.

As he got closer, he realized it was Dobby.

He said that he had written to Hermione to inform him and was waiting for her permission to enter.

This surprised Owen. When did this little elf know how to walk through the main door and knock on the door to announce something?

Didn't he just barge in with a 'poof' every day?

Maybe it’s because I’ve met more people outside and now I finally know how to be polite.

"Sibi, what's wrong with your hand?" Hermione noticed the elf's hand.

"She must be punishing herself. She did something wrong." Dobby yelled from the side: "That's what elves are like. They must punish themselves, because if the master finds out, it will be miserable."

"Is that so?" Hermione looked at it, "You did something wrong."

"Sibi—Sibi." The elf staggered back, glancing at Owen, and then at Hermione.

Fear and self-pity flashed across the green face.

It knows that it has done something wrong, and its owner knows that it should be punished.

After a while, a few big tears fell from Sibi's big bulging eyes, "Last night - the lame Auror broke into the manor, Sibi didn't stop him, he took the young master away. As a result - Oh - it's all Sibi's fault, Sibi is so useless."

As it spoke, it began to pick up the table legs and bump its head upwards.

Hermione felt embarrassed.

But he didn't have time to defend himself.

Because she had to stop the elf first, "Stop, Sibi. Stop!"

She said loudly, but it was of no use.

"Okay - since you have to accept the order," she said, "then - as the hostess, I now order you to stop immediately."

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