I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 411 Christmas Dinner

"Oh - that's a good thing." Hermione said happily, "Voldemort is now deserted, so it will be easier and easier to defeat him."

"It's not easy either -" Owen glanced at Hermione.

Then a bucket of cold water was poured on the little witch's head, "Now we know that Voldemort can also create [Pretenders]. If we give him time, wouldn't he be able to pull out an army of [Pretenders]? Those things are comparable to eating death." Disciples are much more loyal, brave and unafraid of death, and they also have the ability to be infected with mutations. They are much more difficult to deal with than simple wizards."

"Then -" After hearing what Owen said, Hermione's originally happy face suddenly softened.

As a direct participant in the [War of Poseidon] and [The First Purge of Wizards], Hermione had seen the infection ability of mutated flesh and blood.

Muggles and wizards will become [bad omens] when infected.

And the legendary outer god can also create monsters like [God Skin Messenger], presumably using the same kind of mutated flesh and blood.

Then there is the African priest, a [pretender] wearing human skin. She seems to be an infected person with mutated flesh and blood.

But he retained his sanity.

In short, that kind of strange thing is really dangerous and scary.

If Voldemort frantically released it on a large scale - such as the super city of London, the number of people infected would be unimaginable.

"Now we can only strengthen the connection with the new Death Eaters represented by Bella." Owen said, "This way at least we can know in advance what conspiracy Voldemort has."

"Same." Hermione nodded.

I have to admit that this is indeed the case.

The two of them kept walking as they talked.

In a blink of an eye, he had arrived at the entrance of the principal's office.

They didn't say the password.

But the stone beast still came to life and jumped to the side. The wall behind it split in half, revealing a rising stone staircase, like a spiral escalator.

Stepping onto the stairs, the walls clicked shut behind them.

The stairs went up in a small circle and came to the shiny oak door with a bronze knocker in the shape of a griffon.

Owen pushed open the oak door of the principal's office.

When I walked in, the room was half-dark. The weird silver instruments on the table were sitting quietly, instead of buzzing and spinning like they usually do, blowing out bursts of smoke. The portraits of previous principals on the wall were all snoring in the frames. .

Dumbledore wasn't there.

He should have gone to Magic to discuss matters with Barty Crouch.

He expected this.

After taking a look at the layout of the room, Owen quickly walked to the corner where the Sorting Hat cabinet was located, waved his wand, and the lower cabinet opened, and a pensieve and some glass bottles floated out.

He picked up a new glass bottle, then took out his wand with his right hand, put the tip of the wand against his temple, and pulled out a strand of silver thread, which was the memory of his conversation with Bella just now.

The silver thread fell into the glass bottle driven by the tip of the staff.

Then he placed the glass bottle in the most conspicuous place in the cabinet.

"Headmasters, if Professor Dumbledore comes back, please inform him to view this memory. There is very important information here." Owen said to the portraits of previous principals on the wall.

"Okay, we will." Principal Delise Derwent opened her eyes and said to them with a smile.

The therapist at St. Goman's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Maladies is considered the most kind-hearted of all the previous headmasters.

"Hey - you brat, you came to disturb the sleep of us elderly people again." Some principals condemned him.

After all, Owen is a frequent visitor to the principal's office, and he often ran here last year.

Sometimes even late at night.

"I'm afraid this boy has been recognized by the office. He can come and go freely without even using a password." At this time, another portrait of the principal spoke. It was Sirius's great-great-grandfather, Phineas Nigel. Les Black.

"Boy!" He stared at Owen, "It seems you have a chance to become the principal of Hogwarts in the future!"

"When I become the principal, I will move you out first!" Owen said. This Principal Black, who was born in Slytherin College, always quarrels with him. After all, Owen is not a living person and cannot take action. A portrait is really chattering. Annoying.

"Okay - I'm leaving." He waved his hand and pulled Hermione out of the office quickly, without giving Black any plan to fight back.

Walking down the spiral staircase, Hermione asked him very curiously, "Owen, what is the approval from the office that the principal mentioned?"

"It's the approval of the principal's office." Owen explained. "Like many things in Hogwarts, the principal's office also has its own will. No one can enter that office except the approved principal without using a password. Come."

"Wow -" Hermione said in surprise, "You didn't seem to say the password just now. Do you really plan to become the principal of Hogwarts in the future?"

"I have this idea." Owen rubbed his chin, "Well - I don't want to graduate from Hogwarts."

The two returned to the auditorium.

George and Fred had disappeared from the long table.

He must have gone home.

But Ginny was still there.

She sat with Luna.

"Everyone here?" Owen came over, "Okay, everyone packed their things, we're ready to go."

Hermione was very surprised to see Ginny still here.

Her eyes kept looking back and forth between Harry and Ginny.

Then he walked forward quickly.

Talk to her in a low voice.

Everyone else present also stood up one by one.

Everyone gathered together and followed Owen's footsteps, leaving the auditorium, leaving the courtyard, and walking towards the foot of the mountain.

"So you decided to go to Paris with Harry just because he took a second look at you?"

Luna, Ginny and Hermione walked side by side.

When Miss Granger learned the whole story, she couldn't help but cover her forehead.

I really don’t know what to say.

"I, I." Ginny suddenly stuttered, her usual liveliness, straightforwardness, enthusiasm and bravery gone.

"Okay, okay!" Hermione rubbed her forehead. She had always hoped that Ginny would be more self-sufficient and not put all her feelings on Harry. After all, Harry had never shown any signs of liking Ginny.

But that's how feelings are, sometimes they don't transfer according to personal will.

"This will most likely be the first time you and Harry spend Christmas alone." Hermione said. Most of the little wizards present had their own things to do. But we always get together.

This gave Ginny and Harry the possibility of being alone with each other.

"This is the last time," Ginny said.

She decided to take the initiative this Christmas. Maybe it was because Owen and Hermione were always tired of being together that stimulated her. Normally, she would not have the courage to face Harry.

"Yeah!" Hermione nodded.

the other side.

A group of people had already gone a long way along the road down the mountain.

The snow was falling harder and harder, and the wind began to howl.

However, the interest of the little wizards is getting higher and higher.

Leaving a row of footprints in the snow, they finally walked out of Hogwarts.

Owen faced a rock wall.

There are such rock walls everywhere in the Scottish Highlands, which should be caused by geological processes.

Hard, simple, and full of traces of time, the ravine on this rock wall is an epic.

Owen took his magic clock out of his pocket.

The wand gently tapped the pointer, and the clock with only the hour hand automatically reached the number five, and then it floated and stuck to the stone wall.

The next second, the stone wall seemed to turn into water, and the clock actually merged into it in a burst of ripples.

Later, many regular lines began to appear on the stone wall, and the lines became more and more numerous, eventually turning into a door.

The door solidified from nothingness.

It was a brown oak door.

There is a conspicuous metal number on the door that says five.

Then, Owen opened the door.

"Welcome to Paris."

Behind the door is Rozier's manor.

"Oh! God, it's so magical!" the little wizards exclaimed.

"What magic is this?" Luna asked with bulging eyes.

"Is it a portkey?" Ginny said. "No, this is not a door key."

"We used Portkeys during the World Cup before, and the spinning that day was basically the same as Apparition. Now we walked through a door and arrived in Paris. It was so easy."

Harry and Ron passed through the door one by one.

They knew that Owen had such a magic item, but they never asked how it worked.

"This is Nicoléme's invention, I call it the arbitrary door." Irving said.

Everyone passed through the door. He took out his wand and knocked on the door frame. The next second, the door was closed tightly, then turned into patterns, and then spit out the clock again.

"The effect is the same as a door key. The advantage is that it can set multiple target locations. But it is a backward product."

"Backward product?" Ron raised his eyebrows, "You call this a backward product?"

"Victor has improved and invented a better transfer magic. It's the stone door where we went to his office where he cast the spell."

"That's called - Warping Realm Jump." Owen said, "It's a magic that can cross continents and achieve any global coordinate transfer. It's much more powerful than this."

"Oh my God - I don't know at all." This time it was Hermione's turn to be surprised. As the only young wizard present who had taken the alchemy class, she never knew that Victor had invented such a powerful spell.

"There's a lot you don't know." Owen said with a smile, "Snape also invented the Shadowless Curse. Does anyone know about it?"

"Okay." He led the young wizards into the manor.

The weather in Paris is slightly warmer than in the Scottish Highlands, but not much.

It just didn’t snow.

And it was mainly because of the strong fire in the manor that it seemed warm and not that cold.

"Sibi—Sibi!" Coming to the living room, Owen shouted twice towards the empty living room.

The next second, the elf did not appear.

However, a small white beast jumped out.

It's Sirocco.

To be honest, he forgot about this little guy

During the three months he was in the hospital, the elf took care of him.

As for Bakar.

Hagrid would be more than happy to take care of the dragon.

"Meow-" the kitten jumped into his arms.

Then, Sibi showed up.

"Sir, you are back." It looked at Owen respectfully and was wary of the many little wizards around him.

"Go home for the holidays!" Owen glanced at the female elf. The only difference between male and female elf was the sound. Anyway, he couldn't tell any difference from the appearance.

So thin—nothing feminine at all.

He teased the kitten's neck, and then said to the little wizards behind him, "Wherever you want to go, just look for Sibi, and he will take you there.

Well - there are many elves in the Rozier family - enough to take care of you. Well - they are all workers, not slaves. "

Owen glanced at Hermione out of the corner of his eye, and sure enough, the little witch's expression turned ugly.

"Anyway, she knows where you are going."

"Got it!" others said.

Neville was the first to find Spy.

He was more anxious to go to the hospital to visit his parents.

Harry was not in a hurry. He had made an appointment with Sirius and he just had to wait for a while at Rosier's manor.

Ron felt the same way and waited for Bill.

As for Ginny, of course she was wherever Harry went.

It's just Luna - tomorrow she's going to a hiding place (the Magic District of Paris, similar to Diagon Alley). Her father was already waiting for her there.

So I can only stay here for one night at most.

They made a noise in the manor.

Owen and Neville rushed to the hospital.

He had several surgeries to perform and Neville had to take care of his family.

In the afternoon, Sirius arrived at the manor.

Also here are Bill and his girlfriend Fleur.

The two met in Paris. Compared to Fleur, who had just graduated, they had been working hard for several years. Bill, who was humorous and well-informed, attracted Fleur's attention as soon as he appeared.

The two of them got together so smoothly.

Fleur also brought her sister Gabrielle Delacour.

The little girl had a very good relationship with Harry and the others because of what happened at the top of Azkaban Tower. The shouts of the brothers and sisters are very endearing.

The night is getting dark.

The owner of the manor is finally back.

Wenda stepped into the manor alone, wearing a thick black robe and a hood.

She was stunned by the laughter rising in the living room.

After seeing their identities clearly, she started to take steps again.

In the room, everyone is busy putting up Christmas decorations.

Several people were singing Christmas carols under a huge Christmas tree, and a warm atmosphere rose around them.

"Ms. Rozier, you, you." Hermione was the first little wizard to discover Wenda's return.

I don't know why Miss Granger is very afraid of this elegant witch in front of her.

Not the dangerous kind of fear.

Maybe it's because she is an irritable girl. Every time she stays with Wenda, she feels uncomfortable all over.

"If you don't mind, just call me grandma like Owen." Wenda said flatly.

Sibi appeared smoothly and took the robe she took off from her hands.

"Okay, Granny," Hermione said in an almost inaudible voice.

She was extremely embarrassed.

But just when she was about to look for a crack in the ground again.

Another wizard came outside the door.

This is an acquaintance of the little wizards, Victor.

"Professor Victor?" Ron and the others were very surprised.

"Why are you here?" said Harry.

Victor was wearing a blue robe, holding a cane in his right hand, and walked in slowly.

"Teacher." He came to Wenda and said.

"Yes." The witch responded on the sofa, and then continued to look at the Christmas tree, not knowing where she was wandering.

"Ms. Rozier, is my mentor. We spend Christmas together every year."

"That's right!" At this time, another voice came from outside the door.

Three people walked in.

Hermione and Harry only knew one of them.

Garona Nome, researcher at the Italian Ministry of Magic.

It was a girl with brilliant golden hair and light green eyes. Very young, looking only in his twenties.

They had seen it before in [The Battle of Poseidon].

"The fat guy is Winston, and the short guy is Kent." Garona said to Harry, Hermione and Sirius with a bright smile.

"Teacher, another year has passed and you are still so young and beautiful."

"Hi - my name is plump!" the wizard named Winston said angrily.

"Teacher, Merry Christmas."

"I don't know when I got the title El Chapo," Kent said.

"Merry Christmas. Teacher."

"Yeah!" Wenda still simply responded. "Sit wherever you like."

The little wizards didn't know these people very well.

But Bill seemed to know them very well.

Several people were talking and laughing.

From the conversation between them, Harry and the others could get a general idea.

These are the backbone of various European countries, from the Italian, French, and German ministries of magic.

They are all very young, the oldest is only twenty-five years old, and the youngest Garona and Victor are only twenty-one years old today.

Oh my god - the little wizards were all shocked.

You must know that Professor Victor's attainments in alchemy are said to have surpassed Dumbledore. Even the next generation of alchemy leaders would not do so. Who would have thought that he is only twenty-one.

They always thought that Professor Victor was just younger

In addition, the attentive Hermione also discovered that these three people, including Professor Victor, all had disabilities.

Professor Victor is lame.

Garona's left eye felt a little unnatural, and she thought it should be the magic eye.

Kent's left hand is prosthetic.

Winston's entire left arm is prosthetic.

Owen once told her that Victor's lameness may be caused by studying ancient magic. He tried to use ancient magic to strengthen his body, but failed, causing his right leg to become disabled.

Because it is ancient magic, modern treatment methods are useless.

He could only stay like this.

But now he should be able to cure himself, but for some reason he keeps putting it off.

Maybe it’s to give yourself a warning!

Looking at the other three, they may have the same reason.

She looked away.

His eyes fell on Wenda again.

The woman fused with melancholy seems to never laugh.

She is sitting on the sofa, like a statue born from the hands of ancient Greek craftsmen, the goddess of beauty, Venus, brought to life.

The orange light of the fire covered her with a gentle blanket, but the more so, the more desolate she appeared.

It was incompatible with the lively atmosphere around it.

"Grandma." The second time she spoke, Hermione seemed much more straightforward, as if that title wasn't so difficult to say.

"Yeah!" Wenda responded.

"You are the principal of Durmstrang School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, right?" Hermione said, "What kind of wizarding school is that? How is it different from Hogwarts?"

She started the conversation.

Wenda's eyes fell from the Christmas tree to Hermione.

She knew what the little witch in front of her was up to.

There was a pause of about a few seconds.

To Hermione, it seemed like centuries had passed before Wenda finally spoke: "Durmstrang has a castle just like Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. But it's not as big as Hogwarts Castle. .”

She said slowly.

Hermione waved, and the other little wizards came over.

The person in front of me is the principal of a magic school!

Calculating this is equivalent to Dumbledore personally telling them the appearance and history of Hogwarts. This novel experience is something that most people cannot experience.

"It only has four floors and can only be lit by magic. There are vast grounds and stunning views outside the castle. There is also a mountain lake behind the school where some large, dark, ghostly ships dock.

Students also dive here in the summer. "

She slowly said that Wenda seemed like a real grandmother at this moment, telling this distant story to her descendants in a gentle tone.

These stories are mixed with interesting anecdotes from the castle's past and demonstrations of some of Durmstrang's powerful war magic.

In the living room, various sounds come from time to time.

That was the sound of the war curse.

Accompanied by the exclamations of the little wizards, a rich atmosphere was added to the manor. Brilliant fantasy colors.

"It's so lively."

At this time, the closed door of the manor suddenly opened.

The howling wind filled the living room.

Everyone's attention was subconsciously focused on it.

He was as tall and thin as Dumbledore, wearing a suit, a windbreaker, and a pair of leather boots.

He has short silver hair, handsome features, clear outlines, deep eyes, and a handsome and evil face.

Those eyes of different colors seemed to be able to see through people's hearts.

The voice telling the story suddenly stopped.

Everyone recognized the man's identity.

Gellert Grindelwald.

"Oh! God." Ron exclaimed, looking extremely excited.

"Harry, did you see that?"

"Although I wear glasses, my vision is normal," Harry said.

The legend about Grindelwald is widely circulated at Hogwarts.

Of course - the most scandalous thing was his affair with Principal Dumbledore.

Everyone loves that story.

Harry is a senior member of Grindelwald's secret society.

"You're back." Wenda stood up and looked at the man affectionately.

Grindelwald walked step by step with elegant and calm steps.

There is a different kind of confidence and strength in him that makes people addicted.

"Playing with moles is not difficult, but it is very draining." He said flatly, without sitting on the sofa.

He conjured a wooden chair by the fire.

Then he leaned in lazily. "Communicating with a bunch of idiots who think they're smart is not a good job."

"So someone told me to take some time off."

"Dumbledore?" Wenda asked calmly.

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