I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 412 Two Legends

"Someone asked me to rest for a while," the man said.

"Dumbledore?" Wenda asked calmly.

"I heard that he is pushing for reform of the Federation. Do you think there is a need for change?" Grindelwald did not answer directly, but asked another question.

"Boring bureaucracy." She sat down again. "The war against the [Pretenders] has produced little success over the past few months. The Ministry of Magic in various countries is quite resistant to their thorough investigation."

"It's expected," Grindelwald said. "Sometimes he just can't toughen up, just like in the past few decades."

"You clearly have powerful power, but you are willing to be driven by others."

Shaking his head, he smiled contemptuously, and then his eyes fell on the cautious little wizards.

Because of the story Wenda just told, several young wizards gathered over and crowded on a sofa.

If you can't sit down, just sit on the ground.

Anyway, the thick carpet and the strong fire are enough to drive away the cold on the ground.

"Oh~ the young talents of Hogwarts." He said lazily, "We meet again."

"Oh! Hello - Mr. Grindelwald." Harry was so excited. The battle between Gellert Grindelwald and Professor Quirrell in his first year was still unforgettable to him.

Compared to Dumbledore, Grindelwald is the perfect wizard he imagined, powerful, confident, and omnipotent.

In comparison, Professor Dumbledore seems a bit too mysterious, and his powerful temperament is not obvious. Normally, he gives the young wizards the feeling of being more like a kind old man.

"Are you - Harry Potter?"

"Oh! Yes, do you remember me? Owen and I are good friends." Harry said.

"Of course - people think you are the legendary savior." Grindelwald said.

"Maybe I really am the savior!" Harry said excitedly with his eyes shining. This is the feeling of being recognized!

"Ouch!" He was feeling complacent, but his feet hurt.

It was Hermione who was standing beside him and stepped on him gently.

"Well - actually I think Owen is more of a savior."

"┗|`O′|┛Ouch~~!" Harry quickly stretched out his foot, this time stepping on it and glaring.

Hermione turned to look at Grindelwald, "There is no savior."

"We're just doing the right thing," she said.

"The right thing?" Grindelwald stared at the little witch.

In fact, what shocked him the most all year was the little Muggle witch in front of him.

He had met Hermione several times before, but he only paid a little attention to her like he was in love with her.

He had to admit that the little witch in front of him did have some talent, but it was not high.

As Hermione said herself, she just liked reading.

Diligence is nothing more than fully displaying the talents that an ordinary wizard should have.

For wizards like Dumbledore or himself, the so-called magical talent gap is too big.

But it’s only been a year and a half.

The little witch in front of her began to show her astonishing magical talent.

Many times, even he had to wonder, could she really be the heir to the ancient family that the rumors said?

"What do you think is the right thing to do?" Grindelwald expressed some interest.

Hermione straightened her back, her eyes firm and bright, "I think that protecting your friends and family, preventing innocent people from being harmed, and liberating oppressed lives is the right thing to do. We are working hard for this. .”

"Are you confident?"

"Yes, I will do it, we will." Hermione answered clearly without avoiding Grindelwald's gaze.

"Very good -" Grindelwald said approvingly.

The firelight reflected his clothes, and the flames danced in his heterochromatic eyes. He could understand a little bit why such a girl could attract that little guy.

Just as he was talking, two more people came outside the manor.

An old man with a white beard.

A young woman with fiery red hair.

"It's really lively." Dumbledore walked in with a smile on his face.

The witch following him was unknown to the little wizard present.

But she seemed very familiar with it.

The witch came to Wenda and said gently, "Merry Christmas, madam."

Then he nodded towards Grindelwald.

"Sir, the Ministry of Magic in South America is more chaotic than in North America. It takes a little bit of effort to get some key departments through. This delays a bit of time."

"Yeah!" Grindelwald lowered his eyes and signaled.

Then he turned all his attention to Dumbledore. The two looked at each other. Brewed over time, two of the most unique souls in the world are facing each other. That complex gaze, that clear gaze, that extremely simple gaze, all words lost their luster at this moment.

There seems to be an indescribable restraint between the lips and teeth. Make it difficult for them to open their mouths.

And others.

At this time, it is just a canvas that has lost its color and has become a background.

There was never a shadow of anyone else in their eyes.

Just so anxious.

Maybe it took a long time, maybe it was just a moment.

Dumbledore finally broke the silence. His voice was still so calm. If it weren't for the eyes that couldn't be moved away from behind his half-moon glasses, no one would know what was going on in his heart at this moment.

"How are you doing?" He thought for a long time, but he just said the most ordinary words.

"Not too good." Grindelwald stood up directly.

The black trench coat made a noise.

Leather boots stepped lightly on the wooden floor, making a 'tapping' sound.

He is the same as he was fifty years ago.

But both he and he knew that times had changed, and apart from aging, it was still difficult to hide their loneliness.

"But I'm used to this." He stared at Dumbledore, "Am I alone now?"

The two of them disappeared into the corridor leading to the restaurant.

And when these two legendary wizards left one after another.

The living room seems to be stepped from autumn to spring in one step.

Everyone began to pant. The silence just now made them so nervous that they were sweating.

"Wow - big sister!" On the other side, Garona swooped into Roy's arms.

"Where have you been? I haven't seen you for a long time."

"Well, I've been a little busy recently." She rubbed the top of Garona's head sympathetically.

"Mr. Grindelwald needs assistants for his work."

"So you are working for Mr. Grindelwald! Why didn't you tell us?" Garona said with some complaint.

"Because I need to hide."

Roy said softly.

Then he turned his attention to Hermione.

"So, you are the girlfriend of that little guy Owen."


Hermione looked at the witch in front of her. She had flaming red hair like a waterfall, and her eyes were shining like the stars, and the azure blue reflected the stars. The oval-shaped glasses are held up by her straight nose, which brings her an intellectual beauty.

She was very surprised. She didn't know which of Owen's relatives this was?

Are you from the Rozier family?

But that red hair reminded her even more of Weasley.

"Don't be nervous." Roy stretched out his hand to rub Hermione's cheek, "After all, Owen should call me aunt."

"Aunt?" Hermione was a little surprised. She had never heard Owen say that he had an aunt.

Faced with Hermione's doubts, Roy did not explain.

Let that past history disappear completely. Bringing it up again will only lead to unnecessary disputes.

"Okay." At this time, Wenda stood up suddenly.

She stared at Roy.

Although the two said nothing, others could clearly feel that there was a huge conflict between them.

Although Roy has always been very obedient.

Wenda looked out the window. The sky was getting whiter and whiter, and the moisture from the Atlantic Ocean finally arrived in Paris.

It's going to snow.

"The dinner is ready." She said solemnly.

Sibi was beside her.

The elf had just informed her.

"Oh! Finally - it's time to eat!"

Ron jumped up from the ground.

He was so hungry that his chest was pressed against his back.

They had lunch too early, which made him hungry in the afternoon.

Being able to persist until now is purely due to my reserve in a new place.

With Ron's sudden gag, the tense atmosphere suddenly relaxed again.

Hermione's fair forehead gradually became peaceful.

She is not a fool and can see the various contradictions faced by the Rozier family.

Just like in the novel - after the huge family passed the period of rapid development, it entered the stage of internal strife.

Then a once extremely glorious family came to an end amid infighting.

She began to worry about whether the chaos would affect Owen.

She knew that boy and could use force to solve the problem. Unless he was controlled by others, he would immediately choose to take action.

There are already conflicts in the family, and with his personality, I really don’t know what will happen in the end.

"Huh -" the little witch sighed and followed Harry and the others into the restaurant.

This is the cloister dedicated to dining in the manor.

Everyone sat down at the long table.

The restaurant has never been so crowded.

This time it is roughly divided into two camps - one is Dumbledore's Army including the Order of the Phoenix.

On the other side are the Saints of Grindelwald and members of the Wiccan Party.

The long table is filled with all kinds of delicacies carefully prepared by the elves.

Not only French dishes, but also recipes from Germany, Italy and other countries.

The ceiling of the cloister, like the Great Hall of Hogwarts, casts a spell, and through the layers of clouds, snowflakes fell.

However, after landing at a certain height, these snowflakes disappear and do not fall to the ground.

It can be said that the entire corridor has been carefully decorated by the elves for the evening banquet.

However, their efforts don't seem to be paying off.

In fact, from the moment everyone sat here, an invisible smell of gunpowder arose.

Unexpectedly, the flames did not burn from Wenda's body.

Instead, it came from Grindelwald and Dumbledore, two ‘couples’ who had a tragic love in Owen’s words.

At first, they just talked about some recent problems they had encountered at work.

But when such problems begin to unfold.

Conflict arises.

As a recent major event, eliminating the "pretenders" naturally became a topic they discussed together.

Always a hardliner, Grindelwald dismissed Dumbledore's scrupulous investigative methods.

What he advocates is a large-scale strong intervention. The original deal with the "pretenders" cannot be delayed, and those people cannot be given the opportunity to prepare. The longer it is delayed, the more corrupt the situation may be.

"Albus." Grindelwald's voice was full of firmness and unquestionability, "Maybe you have been hiding behind your school and principles for too long. You still don't understand the situation clearly, and your meaningless hesitations and concerns will only make things worse. It gets worse. I think before you give your next hesitant order, leave it to me to handle it."

Dumbledore frowned slightly, his voice calm but equally firm: "I understand your concerns, Gale. But we must ensure that our actions will not harm innocent people. We cannot ignore justice because of our eagerness for success. and moral bottom line.”

A trace of dissatisfaction and anger flashed in Grindelwald's eyes: "Justice and morality? Do you still care about these when facing these [pretenders]? They won't reason with us, Albus? You Are you confused?"

Grindelwald's words were like a sharp knife, piercing Dumbledore's heart.

Although they reconciled.

But the philosophy was never unified.

The only consensus between the two sides now is that they both believe that the other's ideas are flawed or even wrong.

They all put the future of the wizarding world on the next generation. In the past it was Owen, but now - Miss Granger's name also appeared on the list of appointments between the two.

Dumbledore took a deep breath and tried to keep his voice calm: "Gayle, I just firmly believe that no matter what kind of enemy we face, we can never give up our principles and bottom line. If [the Pretender] is going to be aggressive today because of the possible existence of If we invade and destroy other countries, everyone will panic tomorrow because of possible unwarranted censorship and invasion of personal privacy.

In fact, the number of [Pretenders] is not as large as we imagined. Although we still don't know how they reproduce, it must be quite difficult. Otherwise it wouldn't have been more than a hundred years, that's all. "

"Bottom line of principle." Grindelwald wriggled his lips, his heterochromatic eyes full of dissatisfaction.

Obviously, these illusory things could not convince him.

However - he didn't speak again, he just looked at Dumbledore coldly. The arguments and conflicts between him and Dumbledore could no longer be resolved with words. If dialogue could bring the two of them to agree on the same ideas, then how could they be so different? This should have been achieved ten years ago.

Rather than the ongoing debate.

Suddenly, his eyes fell on Miss Granger, who was talking to Roy.

Hermione also noticed the gaze.

"What do you think we should do?" he suddenly asked.

And this time, Dumbledore also looked over in surprise.

When he understood Grindelwald's intentions, he began to look forward to Hermione's answer.

"Me?" Hermione pointed at herself, looking left and right. After making sure that the two legendary wizards were looking at her, she quickly sat up straight, then frowned and began to think deeply.

This is definitely not a question that can be answered easily.

This is a paradox.

There is nothing she can do.

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