I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 410 Anti-Voldemort Alliance

Hagrid's smile suddenly froze, "Why?"

"Because Hogwarts is going to be renovated," Owen had to tell Dumbledore's excuse.

"But -" Hagrid's expression changed several times, and he said with sincere disappointment, "No one informed me."

"It was decided this morning, and you happened to be away." Owen added.

"This" Hagrid was stunned, obviously not expecting such a situation to happen. He looked at Hermione and Owen, his eyes showing loss and helplessness.

"Okay, okay." He sighed, "Fortunately, I have someone to celebrate Christmas with me this year. This tree is still somewhat useful, but it finally had some festive atmosphere, and now it's gone."

"Are you going to the Forbidden Forest? It's better not to go deep into the Forbidden Forest recently - uh - well, he will be very irritable after being woken up. The weather is a bit too cold." Hagrid dragged the tree, feeling helpless. Turn around and walk back.

It seems that he plans to plant this fir tree in front of his house.

"No, we will only be at the edge of the Forbidden Forest."

Of course the two of them knew who Hagrid was referring to by 'him'.

That was the brother Hagrid brought back from the Island of Giants, the giant.

Although everyone criticized Hagrid for keeping a giant in the Forbidden Forest, what else could they say? It was his brother after all, and they really had nothing better to do.

The three of them walked towards the cabin together.

In front of the door of his room, the two parted ways. Owen found a relatively high mound. If anyone came from the Forbidden Forest, they would definitely be able to see them.

At this moment, the light snow in the sky is falling heavier.

The wind was blowing loudly.

Hermione pressed closer to him.

Not far away, Hagrid took out a shovel from the house, then found a suitable corner and started digging the soil.

It's not easy.

The ground was so frozen that even he, with his giant strength, couldn't dig much.

After more than ten minutes, he managed to dig a hole about two feet deep.

At this moment, a strange noise suddenly came from the forbidden forest in the distance.

It was the sound of leaves being scratched by something, and then snow falling to the ground.

He and Hermione looked up and saw a ball of silver light approaching them quickly.

Hermione subconsciously took out her wand.

It wasn't until the ball of light flew closer that she noticed whose patron saint it seemed to be.

"Don't let Lucius deliver news anymore. He's not reliable at all. That little loser."

A silver ball of light was suspended in the air, and then a snake crawled out of it, spitting out a letter and spoke.

"What? You wouldn't be stupid enough to confront him yourself," Owen teased.

"Huh - unless I'm an idiot." Bellatrix Lestrange's voice came from the ball of light. She was a little flustered and a little impatient. It seemed that keeping the appointment brought her great pressure. "He just put the information in a specific location and I would pick it up later."

"It's pretty smart, but how can I contact you without Lucius?" Owen said, "I can't just send a letter to Senior Tom directly!"

His words caused the other party to pause briefly.

Indeed - there is no effective and secure communication channel between them.

She seemed to be thinking, and then spoke after about ten seconds, "The Black family has a house elf named Kreacher. Use it to contact me. The Dark Lord will never care about these beasts."

"No problem!" Owen said decisively.

It wouldn't be difficult, Kreacher was loyal to them, the only variable might be Malfoy's mother, Narcissa Malfoy.

She also has power over Kreacher, although the elf will firmly keep the secret secret in principle.

But Narcissa Malfoy knew Kreacher after all and might notice something unusual.

But right now, I don’t care about that much. There is no absolute safety, and some hidden dangers are unavoidable.

"Okay, let's get down to business now. What do you want from me?" The voice from the patron saint paused, and then said.

Owen was not prepared to play charades with her and asked directly, "Did Voldemort send someone to infiltrate the Department of Mysteries last night to steal a prophecy ball?"

"How do you know?" The other party looked surprised, and then affirmed: "Yes, but it's not stealing - it's taking. The Ministry of Magic's insiders have already prepared it."

"Internal agent?" Owen frowned, and then asked: "He got it? Who is the internal agent? Someone died in the process."

"Of course I got it. As for the inside agent - an unknown idiot, Broderick Bode the Silent Man. We designed him to conflict with the vampire.

Sure enough, the vampire, whose head had long been occupied by black magic, was so angry that he directly killed him. This was exactly what we had planned, otherwise the Ministry would never have noticed that something was missing. "

"Wait? Broderick Border is an inside agent? Did you plan this? What do you mean?" Irving asked in confusion.

"We cannot disobey the Dark Lord's orders, but we can make obstacles. But - I want to say, this is not what I planned." Bellatrix Lestrange said sharply, it was obvious that she had a close relationship with The people behind this plan are definitely not on good terms.

"That Broderick is a fool - no - a lunatic who claims his wife is trapped in the past due to time travel, when in fact he never had a wife and was never married. , the wife he talked about, neither this person nor her family had ever appeared, but he stubbornly believed that the false wife existed, and kept applying to the Ministry of Magic to carry out larger time magic experiments.

After being rejected several times by the Ministry of Magic, he became more and more crazy.

Finally, he caught the attention of a [Pretender] and was able to make contact with the Dark Lord. "

"[Pretender]? Dark Lord?" Owen showed a thoughtful face.

On the other side, Bella did not explain too much, but continued to tell the story about Broderick, "That guy claimed that the Ministry of Magic had an 'extremely powerful time magic item' and he could steal it and donate it to The Dark Lord."

She did not hide her dislike for this man at all, and her tone was full of contempt.

Obviously, Bella Strange did not believe in the so-called time magic prop.

This was natural - she had probably never heard of a time turner when she was a student at Hogwarts.

As for Voldemort?

Owen wasn't so sure.

But he must have known that Dumbledore would never apply for a time-turner for him.

So whether he understands time magic is still unknown.

But no matter what, this is fatal information.

Dumbledore must be notified immediately.

The time turner cannot be allowed to fall into Voldemort's hands, otherwise it will be quite troublesome to deal with him in the future.

As for Broderick Border - it's possible that what he said was true.

There is a precedent for this in the Department of Mysteries.

In 1899, Heloise, a mute person in the Department of Mysteries, used a time turner to return to the past in an experiment, but died because the time exceeded a few hours.

During an experiment to travel back in time, Héloïse was trapped in the year 1402 for five days.

When she finally returned to the present, her body had aged five centuries and was irreparably damaged, eventually dying at St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Maladies.

Her travels changed the life trajectories of all the people she met in the past. At least 25 descendants disappeared from modern times and became "never born" (orally by myself).

Finally, in the days after Ms. Mintab was found, there were warning signs that time itself had been disrupted by such gross breaches of law.

The first Tuesday after her reappearance lasted a full two and a half days, while Thursday lasted just four hours.

The Ministry of Magic encountered a lot of trouble trying to cover up all this, and since then it has enacted the strictest laws and penalties for people who study time travel.

Owen didn't know exactly how the Ministry of Magic measured time.

What does it mean that Tuesday lasts two and a half full days and Thursday only four hours?

Unless in this world time is not an abstract concept, but an entity of energy or matter.

It can be reduced or increased, resulting in a reduction or extension of time.

In short, there are too many secrets in the magical world, and he has limited energy and does not understand them all.

A normal time turner can only go back about five hours, so the harm is not too great, but a time prop that can go back several centuries is too important.

On the other side, Hermione frowned similarly.

As a user of Time Turner.

She was all too aware of the catastrophic consequences that magic props could cause.

If Voldemort was allowed to master that kind of thing, she couldn't imagine how serious the consequences would be.

Out of his mind, he might go back in time and kill Harry before he was born?

To avoid your own failure.

Or kill young Dumbledore?

There are so many possibilities and disasters that arise.

This has to make people nervous.

While the two were deep in thought.

Bella's voice was still coming from the other side.

"His appearance has made our operations difficult, and many plans have been put on hold, so we can only use this to kill him." She said coldly.

At this moment, it was as if she had returned to her former devilish state.

"Oh - it seems that there are still your companions in the Ministry of Magic?" Owen squinted at the snake-shaped Patronus.

The current Bellatrix Lestrange really does not hide the fact that she betrayed the current Dark Lord at all. You know, she would have covered it up in the past.

She must have had an in-depth communication with 16-year-old Tom Tom recently.

The whole person is more inclined to young Tom.

Facing Owen's question, Bella simply chose to remain silent, which was a disguised admission.

"By the way, the prophecy ball is now. The Department of Mysteries has kept countless prophecies for hundreds of years. How did you find the correct one? You must know that only the person involved in the prophecy can take the prophecy ball from the shelf of the Department of Mysteries. Not insane."

"The vampire you mentioned - how did he get it?" Owen asked again.

"Horcrux." The voice in the patron saint said bluntly, "He holds a Horcrux of the Dark Lord."

"Horcrux?" He placed his right hand on his chin, thinking deeply.

Now almost all of Voldemort's Horcruxes have been destroyed - except for the diary.

The only thing he has left is - Gaunt's ring?

The one with the resurrection stone?

Speaking of which, the third-year Aurors launched a raid on the old house of Voldemort's Gaunt family, which had been destroyed.

So Dumbledore didn't find the Horcrux.

Was it taken away by Voldemort in advance?

"However, I had already changed it before he got the prophecy ball." Bella paused for a moment and then said.

"Did you change it?" Owen looked at the snake-shaped patron saint in front of him in surprise.

He had an inexplicable feeling that Bella urgently hoped that the current Voldemort would die as soon as possible?

"How did you find it?"

"The real Dark Lord can be found!" Bella said decisively, "He wants to know why the great Voldemort was defeated by a baby."


Hearing what Bella said, Owen understood everything instantly.

After sixteen-year-old Tom Riddle returned to Bella's hands, the first thing he wanted to do was to figure out how he lost to a baby, so he ordered her to find the prophecy ball. With the help of Tom's soul, Bella could easily The prophecy ball was found in the Department of Mysteries, which had been infiltrated into a sieve and unilaterally opened to Death Eaters.

Owen can even deduce that it was Bella who told young Tom about the prophecy ball, because this is what the elderly Tom is looking for.

"What about the real prophecy ball?" Owen asked.

"He was destroyed after seeing it," Bella replied. "Then a fake one was made, the content had been tampered with, and it was put back in its original place."

"Okay - very Mission Impossible!" Owen breathed a sigh of relief for Harry, but on the other hand, he felt uncomfortable with the rapid division within the Death Eaters.

Why are you moving faster than us now?

You are trying every possible means to kill Voldemort, right?

It is obvious that some of the Death Eaters within the Ministry of Magic - even many people - are completely swayed by the young Tom Riddle.

Although Owen didn't know exactly what method the senior used to fool so many people so quickly.

You know - that's just the sixteen-year-old Tom Riddle, not the adult Tom who came back from traveling around the world and is a master of black magic.

How can he do this?

Is it a piece of cake?

Using the now-elderly Voldemort as a shield to show off his power?

But Death Eaters are not all fools. How could they not see how capable a little Hogwarts wizard is?

Of course - excluding himself here.

Unless - Owen has another idea - the diary stayed in Dumbledore's hands for two full years!

Two years!

Who knows what the old principal transformed that sixteen-year-old Tom into.

But overall, it's definitely a good thing for the Death Eaters to see them divided.

As for how many good people there are in the Ministry of Magic.

forget it!

This institution is rotten to the core, so it’s better to tear it down and start anew.

"Okay, do a good job!" Owen said easily.

The little snake revealed the snake letter and responded, "In a few days, Kreacher will give you a list of people."

"Oh! Who is that?" Owen became interested.

"The chess pieces controlled by the Dark Lord, in your words, they are all [pretenders]. That list - don't arrest them immediately, otherwise they will be exposed."

"[Pretender]? Can Voldemort also create [Pretender]?"

"It couldn't be done before, but it can be done now." The little snake paused and said: "He is no longer a human being at all, a monster? No - it's more terrifying than that. His method of punishing his subordinates is to make them swallow them. [Dead roots].”

"[Death Root] What is that?" Owen asked curiously.

"A plant, a plant with the appearance of flesh and blood, like a combination of minced meat. You have seen it. It is the top of Azkaban Tower that was originally intended to be stuffed into your mouth."

"After eating the [Death Root], the wizard will turn into a monster wearing human skin. He will only obey his orders, and even his soul cannot escape."

Owen could clearly feel the fear coming from the snake in front of him, and his body was trembling slightly.

"Do you have any cure?" she asked after a moment.

"Of course." Owen nodded. The so-called [Dead Root] should be the name of the parasitic flesh and blood monster they had seen before. "As long as it doesn't change immediately."

"Okay -" the patron saint said in a very crisp voice, and then it seemed that she wanted to say something else.

But at this moment, the silver light became erratic, "He is calling me, I have to leave."

After saying that, the patron saint in front of him suddenly turned into a ball of silver light and disappeared.

"Are you so anxious?" Owen said to himself.

Under Voldemort's pressure, the Death Eaters had a very difficult life.

No wonder so many people chose to betray him.

Then he turned around, holding Hermione's hand as he prepared to return to the castle.

Walk down the hill.

Hagrid was holding a bucket and watering the fir tree that had just been buried in the soil.

The light green liquid seeps into the roots of the tree.

That's not just water.

It is a plant growth agent.

Prepared by Professor Sprout.

"Hi - who were you talking to just now?" Hagrid greeted them.

"The leader of a certain resistance organization." Owen said slightly teasingly.

"Resistance organization?" Hagrid looked at him doubtfully, "What are you doing?"

He doesn't know much. I thought Owen was joking with him, "Forget it - you guys should go back to the castle as soon as possible and don't wander around the Forbidden Forest. The number of people in Hogsmeade has increased a lot recently, resulting in poachers lurking in from time to time."

"Got it." Hermione responded.

They really didn't intend to linger.

The information just obtained must be informed to Dumbledore as soon as possible.

Especially the information about the Time-Turner.

They walked back a little faster. But it’s not going anywhere fast.

How can one walk fast when the snow is deep and slippery?

On the way, Hermione kept thinking about Bella's attitude just now.

From her perspective, the attitude of this woman - who was known as Voldemort's most loyal servant and who had been shouting and killing them before - shocked her greatly. She had changed so quickly.

The speed made her a little worried.

"Did her attitude change too quickly? Is there any conspiracy?"

On the covered bridge, Hermione finally asked.

"Well - maybe, but it's unlikely." Owen responded, "The Unbreakable Curse will restrain her from breaking her oath."

"Of course - the unbreakable curse is of little use to smart people, just like the law - no matter how detailed the regulations are, there will always be people who can exploit its loopholes."

Entering the courtyard, their steps became much faster.

"But there should be someone helping us this time, so there is a high probability that she will not deceive us."

"Help?" Hermione turned her head and looked at him.

"It's Voldemort." Owen said, "Back then, when he just graduated from Hogwarts, Senior Tom gathered a large number of people with his eloquence and evil charisma.

But if an organization wants to really make waves, it must have the support of at least one class.

He deliberately chose the concept of pure blood - this may have something to do with his Salazar blood.

He believed that his bloodline was the noblest.

In short - because of the pure-blood supremacy he promoted, he immediately gained strong support from those pure-blood factions who had long been squeezed by half-blood wizards and Muggle-born wizards. "

Owen continued, "Among the twenty-eight pure-blooded holy families, there are only a few families, such as the Abbot family where Hannah belongs. Because they have been born in Hufflepuff for generations, they have not joined forces with Voldemort.

Half of Ernie's Macmillan family were also born in Hufflepuff.

There are also purebloods like Weasley who were turned into traitors.

Beyond that, his doctrine is supported by nearly every other pureblood family.

Because of this, Voldemort was able to rise quickly and become a force that could compete with the Ministry of Magic and even the Federation. "

"Of course - I support you in order to get something in return. The Malfoys, for example, are very straightforward. They hope that after Voldemort comes to power, he can pass several bills that will benefit them, such as hunting Muggles."

"Oh my God!" Hermione exclaimed. This was the first time she knew that the Malfoy family had such a request.

Thinking about it, her parents had met Lucius before.

How creepy.

"Voldemort doesn't care about pure-blood interests. He only cares about himself and eternal life. He used to pretend, but now." Owen paused, and his expression gradually became indifferent.

"Ever since he colluded with the alien gods, he has become less and less human. We can no longer tell what is inside that humanoid creature wearing snake skin?

Probably just like the priest we saw in Egypt, just a twisted mass of flesh.

Faced with such a 'master'.

Of course, the pure-blood wizard class will also resist.

What they want is an agent who can represent their own interests, not a monster sitting on their head with a knife at all times. "

Hearing this, Hermione understood: "So - the split of the Death Eaters is inevitable. In other words, defection is inevitable. They even want to see Voldemort's defeat more than we do. It's just because Voldemort's powerful magic now deters them, otherwise it would have been long ago Just become like birds and beasts and disperse?"


Owen added, "As an organization, the Death Eaters don't even have a number two figure. This is very telling. The cohesion of the organization lies in Voldemort. As long as he falls, the Death Eaters will immediately fall apart, just like Same as fifteen years ago.

Now, more and more people are secretly rebelling against Voldemort, and no one wants to stand side by side with a monster. This is definitely a good thing for us. One thing goes off the other, and although our power has not increased, it has become stronger. "

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