I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 388 Army of the Undead

The bewitching voice of High Priest Raviyo continued, "Think about it, I ask you to think about it carefully.

You have also seen my disguise just now.

That's what you will look like in forty or fifty years.

Old, decayed, haggard, senile, with skin like dry dead wood. The hair is sparse and gray, and you have to maintain this appearance for at least a hundred years.

Look, what Miss Granger looks like now.

You must be her boyfriend or girlfriend. "

The corner of her mouth twitched, but she still managed to form a smile, "What a beautiful face, whether it's you or her, how long can you keep looking like this?

In ten years, her face will lose its luster, in twenty years it will develop wrinkles, and in thirty years it will be flabby and out of shape.

Even if you don't think about yourself, think about the other person.

Is it right? "

"How about it? From now on, I will be responsible for all the sacrificial materials for the two of you. You just have to be prepared to stay young forever." High Priest Raviu's words were like a sharp sword touching honey.

She is severing their consciences bit by bit. The desire in my heart was aroused by the honey, which was so sweet that it left a wonderful taste in my mouth.

If it were an ordinary person, his tongue would have been pressed against his lips by now, and he would have unconsciously opened his mouth to agree.

Tsk tsk——

Too bad she was facing Owen.

"Eternal youth. Tsk tsk - what a mouth that is good at making sweet words." The corners of Owen's mouth raised, outlining a disdainful arc, "Do you mean by body you mean a pile of scraps of flesh that piece together a human-like monster? ?”

He looked up and down at High Priest Raviyo.

When I think about it, under that beautiful body are ferocious twisted flesh with blood vessels that are as alive as earthworms.

He felt a chill.

"Monster?" Raviyu lowered his head and glanced at his abdomen, where the wound was almost filled with new flesh and blood.

"Is this a monster?" She raised her head again, "This body?"

She suddenly took off her robe, revealing the tight-fitting lining underneath.

Her figure is light and well-proportioned; her shoulders are narrow and straight; her waist is slender and graceful; her buttocks are round and straight; her legs are slender and well-proportioned.

The whole body looks like a finely crafted work of art.

It's like a flower in bud.

The whole person looks elegant and full of vitality, which can be called the most beautiful thing in the world.

Raviyu stood at the entrance of the stairs, with his arms spread out as if displaying merchandise, and he said proudly, "With such an appearance, a beating heart, and a warm touch, even if it wants to give birth to children and leave offspring, it can Easy to do.

As for the inner-haha-child you mentioned, you are still too young.

This is a world based on appearances.

Who cares whether what's under the skin is internal organs or something else.

As long as it has normal 'functions', what's the difference between it and normal people?


If you mean spiritually.

Then - your Miss Granger is the savior who saves the world. Who would question or dare to question such an inner nature?


This is just the prejudice of the world, I prefer to call it efficient!

Wounds heal quickly, there is no physical weakness, and physical strain is impossible. How can I say this - rare -?

The Muggles have a word that I think is very appropriate.

--evolution! "

"This is the evolution of wizards! It is also the evolution of humans!" She opened her arms wider.

The tone became more and more high-pitched.

The bewildering sound became more and more intense.

"You two, I really can't think of a reason for you to refuse."

"Catch me, and all you can get is a Merlin Medal and endless pursuit. Let me go, and you will have everything."

She finished.

He stared at the two little wizards not far away with burning eyes.

Rationally speaking.

The benefits she outlines are simply too great.

In this transaction, conscience is the least valuable, and justice can be thrown away. In the face of endless life and an eternally young body, you can even change your body to play. If you get tired of playing with this one, just change it. Tool.

Those pieces of flesh and blood are the true body, and the skins are found all over the world.

Find someone you like, control the flesh and blood to penetrate into her/his body, replace him/her.

Faced with such a choice, the vast majority of people probably have nothing to hesitate.

Even though the bright future that the woman described was actually full of crises, there were many people who chose her.


Again - today - she never should have met Owen.

Owen knew everything about her so-called methods.

In the city of Ionia, the island of giants, this technology is clearly stored in a large underground warehouse.

Owen is all too aware of the evil methods involved.

Not to mention, in doing so, you have to sacrifice your soul to the external gods.

Just constantly replacing and cannibalizing other people's souls, just the memory of other people's souls, can make you crazy.

This is why all the bodies chosen by the high priest are teenagers, or even younger. She is trying to prevent other people's memories from contaminating her own will.

Children--compared to adults, have fewer and lower memories, both in quantity and quality.

But - no matter how little it is, if it adds up to a lot, people will eventually go crazy.

And this will probably be about four to five hundred years.

So no matter what she said eloquently, Owen just thought she was farting.

Can this kind of rubbish technology be used?

I don’t even know how to filter my soul, and I’m not afraid of people making fun of me when I say it.


But just as he was about to end this useless deal.

The inexplicable touch from his left hand made him pause.

Then Owen turned his head in disbelief and looked at Hermione beside him.

No way!

Miss Granger, have you been persuaded?

Feeling the gaze coming from her, Hermione raised her head to look at him.

She knew that Owen might have misunderstood.

Yes - she did have that little heartbeat, but it wasn't because of her eternally young body or anything.

The priest on the other side obviously got him and Irving on the wrong side. He is the heir to ancient magic.

And she was also worried about Owen.

Consider he's been injured twice in one year. And both times it was serious.

One time he was in a coma for several months, and another time he disappeared completely.

She is afraid——

He was even more interested in the treatment methods mentioned by the priest.

In the near future, maybe I will be able to use it.


Hermione shook her head.

After the sacrifice she just made while lying on the altar, I am afraid that her so-called treatment method is to kill another person and then replenish herself with the soul and flesh of that person.

You can never kill one person to save another.

Immediately, she quickly stopped her thoughts.

Terrible thought.

"Are you okay?" Owen asked quietly.

"It's okay!" Hermione tilted her head slightly.

"Hmm - well, eternal youth is really very harmful to girls. But if you want it, I actually have something better."

He just thought it was Hermione who was blinded by youth and beauty.

And as he finished speaking, he was naturally rewarded with a blank look from Hermione.

She glared at the other person, "I don't care about that kind of thing, I do it because of other people."

"Actually, I care a lot." Owen thought she was embarrassed.

"It's unforgivable to think about Miss Granger that you can grow old. In my heart, you have always been fifteen."

"I'm sixteen this year!" Hermione wanted to bite this guy right now.

Obviously she was worried about him.

Now, I can't help but desire it.

"Oh - I forgot again that you hit me when I was a year old."

"I'm one year older than you? Do you think I'm old?"


Okay, if you keep talking, you will become a scumbag.

Owen quickly stopped talking, and let's talk about this issue later.

"Ahem!" Owen raised his head and looked at High Priest Raviu, who was sitting firmly on the high platform over there.

The two little wizards muttered for a long time, they must be discussing.

And as long as you discuss it, it means you are successful.

Because if the other party is really one of those moral saints.

That would be sternly rejected from the start.

"What a wonderful deal." Owen said with a smile.

"But we refuse."

"Okay - then we will meet again in the future, and I will inform you. Wait - what did you say?" High Priest Raviu's expression suddenly changed, and she thought she had heard wrongly.

"I said, we refuse!" Owen repeated again.

"Reject? You actually refused?" Raviyu's eyes darkened and became sinister.

She looked at Owen coldly and said, "Why?"

"Because-" Owen glanced at Hermione out of the corner of his eye, "I have something better."


Faced with such an answer, High Priest Raviyo almost laughed out of anger.

"Do you have something better?" she said angrily with a smile.

What arrogance is this!

The two young wizards, whose combined age was probably less than thirty years old, actually made arrogant remarks and overestimated their abilities by saying that they had skills far superior to hers.

This was the biggest insult she had ever heard in so many years.

"In that case——"

High Priest Raviu smiled coldly.

Then the wand in her hand disappeared.

In its place was a cane.

It is exactly the same as the wooden stake carved with monsters inserted in the center of the altar.

No—that’s the stake on the altar.

Because now the altar is empty.

"I haven't done anything with anyone in two hundred years." High Priest Raviu raised the strange thing in her hand - the staff - it should be called.

Circles of runes formed brilliant haloes of light, floating and flying out from the surface of the staff.

"Most of the people I meet are smart people," she continued. "I didn't expect that I met two idiots today."

"You will regret it."

"I regret that I gave up such a great opportunity. I will regret it even more. I will become the enemy of God."

After saying that, the magic ring surrounding her suddenly lit up.

Then, thick gray mist spurted out of her pocket.

In the mist, there seemed to be the sound of golden swords.

Soon, each face became distorted and ferocious, and their eyes were cold and ruthless, like the ice in the abyss. The body was ashen, exuding a gray-white sheen like steel.

Cold and scary.


"No -" Owen noticed that all of the 'corpse' were holding wands.

Unlike European magic wands, some are staffs and some are bells.

Some even used their bare hands to make various gestures for casting spells.

These are wizards.

And he can also cast spells?

"This is - the undead? The living dead?"

Owen couldn't figure it out.

Because before the surrounding air became heavier and more oppressive, a spell was already attacking them.

"Can you really cast a spell?"

Owen's eyes widened.

This guy - a necromancer?

"Iron armor protection!"

Owen outlined the blue curtain to resist the messy curse.

"Okay - I play the summoning style."

The next second, he entered the battle alone.

"Total petrification"

"Shattered to pieces"

"The Divine Edge is Shadowless"

"Armor Strikes Back"

The dazzling magic spell, which was as bright as lightning, roared towards the undead.

Owen strolled closer and closer.

From time to time, undead would be knocked away by his counterattack.

And their spells were completely bounced around.

The wall of the basement suffered another heavy blow. The curse hit it like a cannonball and exploded, shattering the rubble on the ground.

And the initiator of everything was staring at the large area of ​​undead Queen High Priest with burning eyes.

"No - how is this possible?"

High Priest Raviu looked at Owen in disbelief as he pressed forward step by step.

She was so frightened that she lost control of her soul and staggered with her right foot, causing her to sit down on the stairs.

She was still holding the staff, but there was a huge wave in her heart.

No wizard has ever equaled ten.

Wizarding combat is not Muggle combat.

Ten muggles attack one.

Even if that person is hit a few times, it won't cause any serious harm. Even for those tough guys, your attacks can't even break through the defense.

But wizards are different - no matter how powerful the wizard is, he will fall to the ground and be helpless if he is hit by a spell.

No matter how focused a person is, he cannot face the attacks of ten enemies without making any mistakes.

And in front of me - although her undead army cast spells much less frequently than living people, there were still twenty or thirty undead standing here.

Quantity more than makes up for the quality gap.

"What did Hogwarts teach you, and why? Are all the little wizards there geniuses?" High Priest Raviu asked, and the runes covered on the surface of the staff in his hand once again formed a magic ring.

This time the ring glowed with brilliant golden light.

Then golden swords shot out from these rings.

The power is far greater than the curse of the undead.

"Phantom body flashback!" Owen said nothing.

The wand lit up with water-like ripples.

Then a virtual image of him appeared on the spot.

The virtual image casts force field magic.

Deflect the golden sword.

And he himself was transformed by Shilok's phantom, and after the space was distorted, he came directly behind High Priest Raviu.

She didn't react hastily.

And Owen would naturally not give her the slightest chance.

An eerie green light suddenly lit up.

Along with a burst of chaotic sounds, it seemed as if the invisible god of death flew through the air.

"Avada Kedavra!"

The next second, the death curse was pushed out by Owen.

The sickle of death struck directly at the body of the high priest Raviyo in front of him.

The next second.

The woman on the stairs staggered forward like a puppet who had lost control of her soul. Then, her soles softened and she fell straight down.

Slower, slower, damn it - why do my legs hurt so much when I have a cold?

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