I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 387 Negotiating a Deal


Hermione couldn't stand the constant screams all around.

During the Battle of Poseidon, she would feel pity for those evil omens caused by the siren's mutation. During this time in Egypt, although she destroyed many dark wizards' strongholds, as long as she did it herself, it would be Mainly non-lethal spells.

It was still too difficult for her to endure it now, watching a wizard burn to death.

"Oh, okay." Owen noticed Hermione's frown from the corner of his eye.

Then, he waved his wand and stopped the fire escape curse.

The blue and white fire dragon roared and fell into silence.

The flames gradually died down.

The rising heat blew their long hair.

Hermione couldn't help but reach out her hand and hold down the broken hair in front of her eyes to prevent it from being blown into her eyes.

As for Owen, he took the opportunity to throw a Cruciatus Curse at the old guy.

Then came the confinement curse, the petrification curse, and several other magic spells.

At this time, the old guy, who had been burned by the flames and was filled with a burnt smell, had no strength to resist.

The moment the Cruciatus Curse hit him, he began to twitch.

Then, before he could cry out, the petrifying spell followed him.

He immediately blocked his mouth.

Owen glared at the guy, but there were not many ripples in his heart.

Maybe before, he would have cruel thoughts in his heart.

Casting the Cruciatus Curse now is nothing more than a plain punishment.

The old guy had to be punished for setting his sights on Hermione.

It's not to vent for oneself, but to let this kind of thing remember the pain, so that they can really have a long memory.

"It's a pity that the old priest seems to have been burned. She must know much more than this guy. She should be spared."

Owen said without regret.

Even if Hermione hadn't spoken just now, he would have spared the old guy's life.

After all, he was the only one alive here. If he wanted to uncover the hidden others, he could only keep him.

At this moment, this folded space has changed beyond recognition, and cracks have begun to appear in the strange kaleidoscope space. It was like a mirror being smashed.

Maybe it's because the old guy stopped supplying magic power, maybe it's because the high temperature generated by the fire shield spell just now exceeded the carrying capacity of this small space.

In short, broken branches are like growing branches, inevitably and quickly stretching their sinuous figure.

Then - "bang".

Owen, Hermione and the old wizard who was breathing but not breathing returned to the real world.

"Huh? There's a mouse."

A smile graced Owen's lips.

when they return to reality.

When he looked up, he saw a trembling body moving towards the stairs.

The man was wearing a familiar colorful rag robe. He was limping and his figure looked thin.

"Oops! I thought you were already reporting to hell." Owen mocked, "Where are you going?"

The joking voice behind him made the figure tremble slightly.

However, the priest did not look back, but quickened his pace and ran away towards the stairs.

She was no match for a little wizard who could cast such a powerful spell.

Just now - through the sacrifice of flesh and blood to the gods, she was able to escape from that space with the soul of one foot. She originally thought she had enough time to escape, but she didn't expect that good-for-nothing Harlond Martinez, who could only hold on for a few seconds. Ten seconds.

Damn it!

Damn it.

Why are these wizards so useless!

The old priest ran with resentment in his heart.

"Uh-" Looking at High Priest Raviu who didn't want to stop at all, Owen gradually put away the sarcasm on his face, "Do you look down on me? This will make you run away. Gran and I Ms. Jie’s surname.”

After saying that, Owen raised his hand and drove away with several magic spells.

High Priest Raviu had been silently watching behind him. After noticing the attack, he quickly turned around and raised his wand, barely cast a spell, and resisted the attack that was already close in front of him.

"Yeah? Someone changed?" Owen said in surprise.

"Oh my God!" Hermione was more direct. She was startled.

In fact, the voice and smile of the high priest Laviyu now look too terrifying.

At this moment, half of her face was full of wrinkles, old skin, sagging flesh, and her hair was gray, with all kinds of strange ribbons tied on her head like hairbands.

The overall appearance is not just that of a white-haired demon, it can also be called a witch's corpse crawling out of a cemetery.

The other half of her face has smooth skin, a firm face, blue eyes, and dirty golden hair popping out from her forehead.

Such an incongruous face is the source of fear.

"You're such a fool!" Owen said with a strange expression, his eyes widening.


I saw two young wizards in the distance with shocked expressions on their faces.

The high priest quickly stretched out his hand and touched his face in panic.

The reality of two different touches told her that her disguise had been shattered.

This immediately made her eyes look more gloomy.

"Huh-" She took a deep breath.

Staring at the little wizard over there.

Simply stop pretending.

High Priest Raviu held the handrail at the top of the stairs with one hand, and raised his wand with the other hand, chanting a magic spell on his face.

Then, Owen and the others saw the high priest in the distance, as if he had uncovered his own skin.

She uncovered half of the old face and threw it to the ground.

There seemed to be something crawling under his rickety body.

Slowly, her body shape changed dramatically.

The bent waist straightened up.

The withered arms were like snakes shedding their skin, and the new skin was like that of a girl.

The dry chest suddenly stood up like a balloon.

The magnitude was so large that Miss Granger next to Owen frowned.

After a few seconds.

The person in front of me is like a new baby.

The exquisite facial features are like finely carved porcelain.

Clear and bright eyes, like water;

The bridge of the nose is straight and the lips are thin and supple.

Her long, dirty golden hair cascaded behind her like a waterfall.

The figure is curvy, and the whole body is full of youthful atmosphere.

Looking at it, she seemed to be only seventeen or eighteen years old.

"You" An idea immediately popped into Hermione's mind.

That is - the so-called High Priest of Raviyo - shouldn't it be a title?

This is very common in Africa.

The strongest person in a tribe will inherit the title of high priest.

The title itself comes from the name of a certain great hero from the ancient tribe.

High Priest Raviu is just a title, and has been being impersonated by a sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl.

It was the most reasonable explanation she could come up with.

There can be no rejuvenating drugs in this world.

Will there be one?

Thinking to herself, Hermione looked at Owen next to her.

He always knows the answer.

Owen naturally noticed the confused look in the girl's eyes.

"I don't think it's time for Miss Granger to think about rejuvenating her youth now. It will have to wait at least twenty or thirty years later." Owen said with a smile. After receiving a look from Hermione, he continued to explain: "Okay - - There is indeed a rejuvenating potion, but it is a very, very precious potion. It is more than ten times more difficult to brew than a lucky potion. The most important thing is that this kind of potion requires a herb that can only grow in one country. And in which country herbal medicine is prohibited from exporting, wizards from other countries basically cannot brew this kind of magic potion."

"However, there are sub-level potions that can also delay aging and restore youth. But those potions will cause a mutation to the body. For example, our senior Tom fused his body with a snake and watched Young indeed, but just not human anymore.”

"However, the High Priest Raviu in front of me is not a rejuvenator."

Owen turned to look at her with burning eyes, "If you hadn't just said that you would take away Miss Granger's body, I would probably have thought that 'High Priest of Raviyo' was a title. Now it is given by a A sixteen or seventeen-year-old witch pretending to be.

But--it's not true, right?

You have lived for two hundred years, maybe even three hundred years old!

By occupying other people's bodies and swallowing other people's souls to replenish one's own. "

Hearing the sound, Hermione's eyelids twitched slightly next to Owen.

He quickly reached out and grabbed Owen's left hand.

——Occupy other people's bodies?

Swallowing other people's souls.

Did she just want to take over her body and soul?

This - a chill rose up from Hermione's back and soon spread throughout her body.

This is too terrible.

When she thinks that her body will be occupied by someone else, she will even continue to maintain her interpersonal relationships, continue to go to school, graduate, and even get married and have children.

And he would have died long ago.

She was scared even thinking about such a future.

How could such magic be possible?

On the other side, feeling the warmth from his palm, Owen held it harder.

Then, he continued, "Such magic technology can never be produced in Africa."

"I do know that there are people and places with similar technology. I'm just curious about where you got it from."

"This has nothing to do with you." It was different from the hoarse voice before.

This time, the girl's clear voice was unusually loud.

"Now that you have discovered it," she said.

"What? Are you going to be stupid and become our enemy?" Owen raised his eyebrows, and his eyes fell on the right leg of High Priest Raviu and a fist-sized hole in his lower abdomen.

Speaking of which, the sacrifice in front of me might not be human anymore (in a biological sense).

That hole was just created by Hermione. A normal person—no—not even a magical animal could still be alive and kicking after having a hole blasted out of it.

And she is still alive.

And in the open space on the chest, there are countless pieces of flesh that are squirming, connecting, and multiplying like insects, and are quickly repairing the wound.

Owen had only seen this scene in one place.

That is, the part of the outer god is controlled by the essence of God in the giant.

In that battle, the giant's body repaired the damage caused by his spell in this way.

The only difference is speed.

Zhenzhen - Speaking of which, if Hermione's blow just now had been aimed at her head, she might not have been alive.

The little witch is still kind-hearted

"No - why fight." High Priest Raviu leaned on the handrail of the stairs.

The young face is full of smiles.

"You may have guessed my abilities," she said.

"You two are British, and you are also young wizards at Hogwarts. So have you heard about the resurrection of the Dark Lord?"

"Huh?" Owen was stunned, "Why were you involved in his resurrection?"

"Of course!" She continued calmly, "Three years ago, God guided him to meet me on the Greek island of Mothrace. At that time, the famous Dark Lord was just a wandering soul, and even animals Not as good as that. His soul at that time was probably no better than a pig or a dog, and could only be attached to a lower-level snake, not to mention how miserable it was."

"Then what?" She narrowed her eyes, and the smile on her face became even brighter, "I was the one who made him rejuvenate, resurrected him, repaired his soul, and single-handedly created his second glory."

"It turns out it's you." Owen was stunned and immediately understood that third-year Voldemort suddenly resurrected and became younger, invading Hogwarts as a teenager.

All of this turned out to be the fault of the priest in front of him.

"Yes, it's me." High Priest Raviu said proudly, "You should have no doubts about my skills anymore."

"Yes - I must admit that I coveted the body and soul of that girl, the great ancient magic heir, the descendant of Gryffindor, who was destined to become the legendary wizard Miss Hermione Granger.

But, after all, she didn't suffer any real harm, right?

And she also got the benefit. She got most of the soul essence that was used to replenish the soul that was lost during the soul transfer. Maybe she can’t feel it now, but soon, the feeling of relaxed body and full of energy will Reflected. "

"So?" Owen interrupted, "After all that, what do you want?"

"It's very simple." High Priest Raviu smiled slightly, "How about we negotiate a deal?

Leave me alone and keep this secret, and as for old Harlonde Martinez, have his way, but don't spread the information he knows. "

"Haha - a lot of people died here, and there was such a serious battle. The Ministry of Magic may have noticed it."

"It doesn't matter." High Priest Raviu continued, "It is a coincidence that a group of monsters escaped from the Ikull Magic Hospital for the Disabled and attacked here. All the deaths of wizards were caused by those monsters, you won't Being suspected.”

"Wow! Perfect plan, but the question is - why should we let you go." Owen stared at her, "Give me an irresistible reason."

"For Miss Granger." High Priest Raviu replied, "Not to mention that as the heir to ancient magic, she is destined to end badly, but she provoked so many dark wizards in Egypt, and her future career will... Can she escape easily every time?"

"Besides - the lifespan of wizards is always limited. How long can you live? Two hundred years? Three hundred years?

As long as you let me go, we will be companions. As long as I am alive, you can stay young forever and live in the age of girls and boys. "

It’s still very uncomfortable and I tried my best to get four thousand.

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