I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 389: An unsuccessful savior, a very successful troublemaker.


It was the sound made by the fallen body that had lost its soul and hit its forehead on the ground.

it's all over.

Owen slowly put away his wand.

On the other side - the virtual image created by the phantom flashback had also disappeared, but Hermione immediately took his place.

The blue flowers are propped up, which is the magnificent magic called Sanchez Force Field.

And just when Owen thought everything was over, ashes to ashes, dust to dust.

But he was surprised to find that although High Priest Raviu fell to the ground. Lying on the ground lifeless.

Turning his head sideways, the exposed left eye was dim and dull, like a gem that had lost its highlight.

But Hermione held up the side of the force field.

The undead controlled by the priest did not collapse to the ground and turned into corpses again. Instead, he continued to bar his teeth and claws, and rushed towards Hermione with strange screams from his throat.

The raised bone wands made a rustling sound like the wind, yes - they cast spells even faster.

"This-" Owen had a bad feeling in his heart.

The next moment, another rain of spells buried him.

As a last resort, Irving could only continue to defend passively to see what happens.

And this change happened quickly.

He saw Raviyu's body at the top of the stairs being quickly dragged away by the undead.

Then the magic circle emitting silver light automatically levitated.

As for the runes surrounding Raviyu's body, their arrangement and combination were also changed.

A faint golden curtain descended.

Withstood most of Owen's probing attacks.

It also cut off his desire to get close again.

"The curtain looks so familiar."

The golden light in front of me is not only similar to the seven on the sea before, but it is at least ten points.

This further proves that the god the guy in front of him is worshiping is that person.

Then, the undead were divided into three, one part entangled with Miss Granger and suffered some casualties, and the other part restrained Owen and suffered heavy casualties.

The last part rushed towards the group of half-dead noble wizards hanging on the vines summoned by Sirocco.

As participants in this feast, they probably did not expect that their ending would be like this.

There were not many participants in this sacrifice, about a dozen.

Today, there are still seven or eight people alive. They are either bound by vines or bound by Owen's spell.

But whether it was the corpse on the ground or the imprisoned living person, they were all attacked by the undead at this moment.

Those who would rush over and then insert the bone-like wands in their hands into the bodies of the dead and living wizards.

Then he chanted a strange spell.

The sinister sound is like the wail of souls in the vestibule of hell.

Along with their wailing spells, a silver substance was soon extracted from the bodies of the living wizards.

The bone wand slowly turned into a burst of silver mist and merged into the wand above them.

After the staff receives this silver mist, it will soon feed back something strange, like the tide of nothingness is swaying, and the silver-gray vein-like 'light' wraps up those bodies one by one.

Along with the dead and the living.

Soon, those struggling, shaking, and twitching will calm down.

His body turned rigid, like a puppet, twisted and stood up again.

They - or they, the wound on the body that was penetrated by the bone wand will automatically grow out bone marrow, and the creature, which cannot be determined to be human, will take the longest one and use it as its own weapon - this This may be the source of the wand in the hands of the undead.

And more ‘light’ enveloped the body of High Priest Raviu.

The ‘light’ turned into a cocoon.

Squirming and stirring.

It's like things inside are being rearranged.

What happened inside seemed to be the scene of flesh and blood twisting, gathering, and reorganizing in the lavender sea in the void that Owen had once glimpsed.

After a while - although a lot of things seemed to have happened, a long time passed.

But all this actually only lasted ten seconds.

When the cocoon of 'light' breaks open.

Most of the other living wizards present were transformed by the undead.

But there are also quite lucky ones.

Miss Granger tried her best to snatch three wizards from the undead. In Owen's eyes, there was no essential difference between them and the undead.

These guys - they are not all preserved, and their bodies are full of vascular granulations and the like.

All handsome men and beautiful women, God knows whether the skin belongs to them.

"Tsk—that's really annoying." Owen cursed in a low voice.

These undead are really troublesome to deal with.

It is originally a kind of puppet, so don't expect the killing curse to solve it quickly.

What about the Obstacle Curse?

The effect is not very good either.

Their bodies are like the skin of a giant dragon, and their magic resistance is exaggeratedly high.

The petrification spell hitting it is like a stone hitting the water. It will only leave faint ripples, but has no other effect.

The Shen Feng Shadowless Curse is very suitable for chopping melons and vegetables.

But the damn thing is, after the undead arms were cut off, they picked them up, punched them back, and hey--they pressed them back on.

Even the brain.

You say it's irritating or not.

After more than ten seconds - Owen finally understood.

This group of creatures is essentially a group of puppets. If the wizard who supplies the magic power is not completely killed, they will remain immortal.

"Damn!" Owen cursed again.

I hate dealing with something so difficult to kill.

I don’t know since when, the world is full of creatures that can’t chew big melons until they die.

Over the past few years, this trend has not only not ended, but has become more common.


Sooner or later he would have to invent a spell more effective than the Killing Curse.

On the other side, the distortion in the 'Light Cocoon' finally stopped.

Like breaking an egg.

High Priest Raviu sat up suddenly, and all the silver material around him was instantly returned to the staff.

She was sitting there, breathing heavily, as if she had just come back from under the water.

This time, she looked at the boy who was still pressing closer, with fear in her eyes.

Although the magic she mastered allowed her to regenerate in this way, it required a large number of souls to be sacrificed to the gods in exchange for it.

He doesn't store much soul.

For more than two hundred years, she has been careful not to cause mass killings.

All souls are obtained from Muggle-born wizards in countries with the weakest Ministry of Magic management.

Especially those war-torn countries.

It was precisely because of her caution that we got to this day safely.

I really didn't expect that the only risky move in her life would be a failure.

Maybe it was because her life had been so smooth over the past few hundred years that she became a little forgetful.

And when she looked at Owen.

Owen was also sizing her up.

The technology she has mastered.

It's not a secret in front of myself.

The magic clearly recorded in the large underground warehouse of 'Ionia' is called - Living Heaven.

This is a kind of magic that can be called heresy.

The wizard who invented it and the wizard who used it deserve to go to hell.

To put it simply, this magic is an improvement on the Horcrux magic.

Owen is now certain that the despicable Herbo, the ancient Greek wizard who invented the Horcrux, is most likely the body of the Outer God.

The soul contained inside may be the outer god-Ionia.

This dark wizard who was born in at least 1,000 BC is the inventor of many dark magics in the world today. The Horcrux traps he left behind have harmed many dark wizards.

From the information he has obtained now and what Koyatel provided, it can be deduced that wizards who die by splitting their souls will eventually be trapped in the tangled illusion, and 'Ionia' is the master of the tangled illusion, and also In other words, once you choose to make a Horcrux, it is equivalent to selling yourself to an alien god.

It's just that the price needs to be paid after your death.

The God's Beloveds transformed this magic and shortened the process. As long as the soul is divided and sacrificed, it will go directly with God. Then use the power of the gods to protect your soul to achieve the same effect of defeating death.

The difference is that the objects attached to Horcruxes can be destroyed, but ordinary wizards don't even know about ethereal gods, let alone how to find and destroy them.

It may be attached to the body, or it may be somewhere else.

Only the heirs can see the exact location. This is because the power of the so-called gods is also ancient magic, so the heirs - Owen can see the traces.

It was precisely because of this that he was confident that he could defeat the old monster in front of him.

But now——

Although he could see the trace, the trace was not a road sign, it was right there. It was more like a kitchen filled with the aroma of food. As for where the pot was, you had to find it yourself.

Just now, Owen was testing to see if the power of the god was in her body.

The result is obvious, he guessed wrong.

But it doesn't matter - the other party has already self-destructed.

That staff—she definitely attached her soul wrapped in divine power to that staff.

Have a goal.

Owen's swing of the stick suddenly increased in speed.

Although the undead are immortal, they are still subject to physical collisions, knocking them away one by one. Even if they crawl, it will take some time for them to crawl back.

Raviyu immediately felt great fear after witnessing this scene.

Maybe she had a way to defeat Owen, but she didn't want to try that way.

Then she immediately said: "What do you want? What good will it do you to catch me?"

It was obvious that she had just been killed once.

But now, he didn't mean to blame at all. Instead, a stiff smile appeared on his face, "Can't we sit down and have a good talk?"

There is no way - most of the souls she has devoured in the past two hundred years have been children. What kind of fighting skills and magic knowledge can you expect from a group of children?

And she herself has never worked hard on combat magic. After all - eternal youth and immortality are two big killer weapons in hand, and it's just a verbal exchange with everyone.

Need to get started?

Fighting, isn't that what barbarians do?

An African high priest with a reputation like her would never have a chance to talk to a savage.

Today is really her first battle in two hundred years.

"Okay!" Owen said while waving his wand: "You can commit suicide!"

Priest Raviu's face froze, and he smiled with an unnatural and awkward expression, "Just kidding. As long as you can let me leave safely, you can do whatever you want!"

She kept her attitude quite low, even a little flattering.

There's no way - she's afraid of death!

She was destined to live forever, and she had only lived for more than two hundred years. She didn't want to die, and she didn't want to take any risks for it!


Owen said with a half-smile.

"Of course - as long as I have it." Raviyu smiled reluctantly.

Taking advantage of the situation, she inadvertently lifted the hem of her skirt.

She was wearing a pure white silk dress underneath. Considering the weather in Egypt today, there was naturally no leggings underneath.

When she mentioned it, her two delicate bare feet and white calves were immediately exposed.

On the upper body, the turbulent waves made the dress stand up high, and the snow-white chest was exposed unbridled.

This scene - really made a black line appear on Owen's forehead.

He glanced in Miss Granger's direction.

That look seemed to say, look at how bold this person is.

And Hermione - after responding to his cannibalistic look.

Then she focused all her anger on the priestess who looked almost as big as her.

Just now - she was wondering whether she should remind Owen to capture this person alive and not to kill her.

Now - she needs to think carefully about whether she should open this mouth.

"Haha - you are really good at playing!" Owen said with a smile.

"Well, we are advancing with the times. Modern people have more contacts and have various demands. I am well prepared." She deliberately continued to tease the boy in front of her - the boy?

Speaking of which, Miss Granger over there is not so beautiful and looks like a fairy.

At least her current body is more beautiful than her.

In addition, since she has not seen the sun all year round, her skin is whiter, with a kind of morbid beauty, which can inspire others' protective desire.

"Actually - I can't figure out what you are for?" Owen picked up an undead and then transformed, causing the ground to crack. Several undead fell down, and then he waved his staff and the ground healed.

"It goes without saying if you want to live forever," he reminded.

"What about controlling a country?" Priest Raviu said bewilderedly, "I can replace the key figures in a country's Ministry of Magic and make them all obey your orders, control a country, and even, as long as it takes some time - control the Federation. It’s not a problem either.”

"I thought you could tell me some unique imaginative wish. That's it?" Owen looked disdainfully at Priest Raviu, who was less than fifteen feet away from him. "Hasn't the Federation been controlled long ago? ? Your information transmission is a bit slow."

"Wha-what?" Raviyu showed a shocked expression. She didn't understand the meaning of Owen's words, let alone who the person he was talking about was.

Seeing the confusion of the person in front of him, Owen decided to give her a heads up.

Immediately he lowered his voice and pretended to be deep: "The law (the secrecy law), that law makes us know the rats scurrying in the gutter, that law requires us to conceal our true nature, that law requires its people to cower in fear.

Afraid that our identity will be exposed.

I want to ask you, ask yourselves, who is this law trying to protect?

It's us?

Or them? "

When the familiar words rang in Priest Raviu's ears, a name immediately popped into her head.


"The Federation controlled by Grindelwald?!"

"Congratulations, you have learned to answer quickly." Owen opened his arms and suddenly cast force field magic. After deflecting a lot of incoming spells, he waved his wand violently in the gap between the attacks, and then a ball of blue The flames burst into flames.

"Then how about I give you a reward?"

"Fire Escape-Protection!"

Fierce flames burst out in response, tumbling and drowning several undead around them.

Then the power continued unabated.

Galloping towards the direction of High Priest Raviyu.

"Every curse ends!!!"

She raised the magic circle and shouted sternly.

Then the undead gathered around her raised their wands one by one.

The golden curtain lifted up in an instant.

The gilded light collided with the flames.

The curtain moved back quickly like elasticity, but it barely held on and didn't break directly.

Then more undead joined in, and the curses of dozens of people stopped and began to suppress Owen's flames.

"You! Do you really have no combat experience at all?"

Owen scoffed.

Seeing more and more undead gathering in front of him, his blue fire was suppressed to only two feet in front of him, and he couldn't even transform the flame into the shape of a giant dragon.

However, he didn't take it to heart.

Instead, the jeers became louder, "You don't understand Hogwarts at first glance, and you don't know how the little wizards in Hogwarts fight."

The next second, a thick magic comet suddenly shot out from the bottom.

With unparalleled power, the comet penetrated the undead in front of him.

At the same time, this force also penetrated Priest Raviu's body directly.

"At Hogwarts - fights are never fought alone."

"Origin·Destruction Meteor"

Owen quickly removed his fire escape and concentrated his magic power to cast origin magic.

To destroy the meteor, he can control the movement of the meteor, so that he can avoid the opponent's curse and end it all.

The next second - twelve meteors sprouted from the void, as if they were forcefully squeezed out of the space. They cut through the void, carrying the aura of destroying everything, which was terrifying.

The meteor was extremely fast, heading towards Raviyu's hands, arms, legs, abdomen and other non-lethal locations.

Since the other party cannot be killed, then it should cause maximum damage to the body.

He still doesn't believe it, your healing power is endless.

Facing the curse released by Owen, Raviyu's face was shocked.

He immediately raised his staff.

She saw the magic rings surrounding her suddenly floating in front of her, and then suddenly grew in size - several magic rings were nested inside each other.

One ring after another.

It formed something like a round shield.

Then, she yelled - "My God is here!"

A dazzling light rose.

Then a golden disc that was very familiar to Owen was squeezed out of the void.

A huge disk, ten feet wide.

It was like an iron wall protecting her.

Then the destroyed Ryusei collided hard with the golden disk.

It is obviously a creation of magic.

Illusive like sunset.

But when they collided, a bronze bell sounded.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

More than a dozen meteors collided in succession, like a symphony.

The flying meteorites hit the surroundings uncontrollably.

Damage was left on the walls, ceiling and floor.


It was the wailing of the ceiling.

The house was severely damaged and was about to collapse.

"Armor protection!" Hermione waved her wand quickly and ran towards Owen quickly.

The iron armor curse was propped up in an instant, and the thin blue-white barrier resisted the sloping ceiling.

"Multiple Freeze."

Since he couldn't do it from the front, Owen planned to walk underground. He raised the soles of his feet and then stepped hard on the ground.

Countless ice crystals were like growing trees, heading crazily towards Raviyu who was holding the disk.

Hard ice crystals are no less powerful than sharp swords.

It not only cut off the ground beneath the feet of the sacrifice, but also took advantage of the cracked ground to cut into and chop her body at the moment she lost her footing.

"Why bother?" Priest Raviu barely resisted the ice crystal with the help of the surrounding undead.

The separated ground was also repaired by the undead casting a transformation spell.

Until now, she still couldn't figure out why these two little wizards were going against her.

Could it be that the other party is a so-called moral saint who cannot see evil?

But - that ridiculously beautiful child, he can cast the killing curse more easily than the dark wizard, just like drinking water and eating.

He kills people without blinking an eye.

It doesn't look like there is any moral baggage at all.

Judging from his various performances, they should be in the same group.

But why?

Why does he want to be his enemy?

"There's no need." Owen continued to control the remaining meteors, maintaining his suppression of the undead and Raviyu.

"You made a mistake," he said.

"Miss Granger is not the heir to ancient magic. Her level of magic is purely a result of her hard work - if you can sleep only five or six hours a day, you will be able to do it 365 days a year. Study magic and practice spells - believe me, two hundred years and the talents you have accumulated will be enough for you to defeat Dumbledore."

"So?" Raviyu held Yuanpan in pain.

The statue on the top of the staff kept spitting out souls, and then those souls were crushed and added to the ring. Every time a soul was digested, blood would drip from her heart.

She is now using all her belongings to fight Owen.

"I forgot to introduce myself." Owen laughed playfully, "I've been fighting for a long time."

Then he took a deep breath.

"Standing in front of you is - the grandson of the first Dark Lord Gellert Grindelwald, Albus Dumbledore's favorite student, and one of the four founders of Hogwarts, Helga ·The heir of Hufflepuff, the heir of the French Rozier family, the thorn in the side of Mr. Tom Riddle Voldemort, and the leading brother of Harry Potter who survived.

Watcher of the world! God-killer! Protector of Hogwarts! The landowner of Hogsmeade! 30 kilometers west of London, Royal Berkshire, the owner of the entire territory of Windsor Township 211!

An unsuccessful savior, a very successful troublemaker.

The current heir to ancient magic - Owen Wendy Rozier Sanchez. "

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