I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 382 British Ministry of Magic: Look at me and say I am a world power!

Chapter 382 British Ministry of Magic: Look - let me just say that I am a world power!

"Who else could it be? Who else has this ability!" Owen shook his head and looked at someone next to him with disdain.

"It's - quite cute." Hermione looked at Owen up and down, and then suddenly her expression turned unnatural.

He said in a weird tone, "I never realized that you are so beautiful!"

"No wonder."

"What's the wonder?" Owen asked with a straight face.

"No wonder so many boys write you love letters."

"???" Owen looked at Hermione, "Huh?"

It was true that some bastard was writing to him, but how did Hermione know? Damn it—could some idiot give her the letter and ask her to collect it?

"That's because you don't know," Hermione stared at Owen slyly, "As far as I know, Harry and Justin, especially the two of them, have done a lot for those - ahem - those who have The wizard of ideas comes up with suggestions, and Justin even compiled a booklet to record your daily movements and some of your favorite things. One book sells for two silver coins!"


"I don't know!" Hermione continued triumphantly, "In the last month of the semester, he and Harry have been asking me how to cast the secrecy law on the paper so that the paper with the written words on it cannot be copied, and The person who signed the name cannot reveal that information.

At first I didn't know what they were going to do, so I told them about a curse that would disfigure the face of a wizard who betrayed information with a series of closely spaced purple pustules that spelled out "Informer" "this phrase. "

"Later, I was afraid that they would abuse this spell, so I made some inquiries, and then I found out this."

"???" Owen was confused, "Then what? After you found out, you didn't stop it?"

"Why stop it?" Hermione asked. The corners of her mouth rose quickly, "In the future, for every copy sold, Justin will give me a Silver Sickle. I'll take half!"

"Granger!!!" The irritated Owen glared at Hermione angrily, which seemed to satisfy some of the little witch's resentment. She grinned with satisfaction and drove away the worries she had been having for a while. Quite a few.

"Ara ala - I didn't expect you to be so popular in school." Merlin said with a wicked smile, fanning the fire.

And this made Owen stunned.

Welcome, welcome, uncle!

He took a deep breath, suppressed some of the resentment in his heart, then raised his head and said with a half-smile, "Miss Granger, where is the little witch who just confessed her love to you? Why didn't you see her?"

"I" This time it was Hermione's turn to be embarrassed and wanted to escape from here.

She pursed her lips, trying to explain something.

But the moment she opened her mouth, she guessed that the guy in front of her must know that she was innocent. The reason why he asked this was just to see her laugh, so no matter how she explained, he would definitely hit her from other places. of.

She simply didn't want to explain herself. After a moment of pause, Hermione blushed slightly and said bluntly: "I don't know where she ran away."

"Don't know?" Owen raised the corners of his mouth, "I still don't want to know."

"It's up to you." Hermione scolded him, "I'm tired. Now I have to go have lunch first, and then go back to my room to take a nap."

After saying that, she suddenly reached out her hand and dragged Owen, who only reached her waist, towards the hotel.

"Hey - I've already eaten. Why are you dragging me along?" Owen said jokingly, "Are we going to take a nap together? Okay, okay! Then - let's go quickly!"

In the restaurant, Merlin also sat over.

Then I ordered again from the menu I had just eaten.

Owen guessed that his current body should be some kind of energy body that can directly decompose matter, so no matter how much he eats, there will be no problem.

Whether this guy can taste it or not is still a question.

Now we are eating so much, not only wasting food, but also wasting money.

The most important thing is that I don't know why the service staff of this hotel are particularly interested in this guy, and they will come over from time to time to ask for help.

Food is also served in a variety of ways.

This made Owen suspiciously stop a wizard who was serving food.

The other person's answer almost made Owen jump over and bite the pink-haired man to death.

"This gentleman has just deposited twenty thousand gold galleons in our hotel." The waitress said with shining brown eyes.

Her smile was bright and warm, just like the weather in Egypt.

The clothes she wore were also quite bold, like an exotic dancer. Except for the ultra-short cloth covering her important parts, she was only wearing a light purple gauze scarf.

Her shoulders were exposed, showing off healthy skin and an elegant neck line.

The wheat-colored legs are exposed to the air. They are slender and full of muscle beauty. They are not skinny or fat. From the thighs to the toes, all parts are in perfect shape. It can be seen that they are the result of regular exercise.

Her feet were covered in black nail polish and a pair of hollow brown high heels made her figure taller and more graceful.

In short, the appearance of this waitress immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the restaurant. Her beauty, passion and bold outfits make it impossible to look away. However, her admiring eyes were only directed at Merlin, who was eating haphazardly.

"Your uncle, that's all my money! My money!!!" Owen's head went blank, and then he jumped up from his seat, stretched out his hands, and looked like he was going to strangle him.

"Oh - money - its value can only be reflected in circulation. This is a knowledge point of governing a country." Merlin reached out and flicked Owen's forehead, and then he seemed to be lifted by the air and stuffed back into his seat. superior.

"What a stingy guy." Merlin said angrily as he looked at the grinning Owen.

Hoarding money like a hamster.

This suddenly reminded him that in the past, during those lively days, there was also a money-loving knight who often stopped him and Arthur from spending money. However, he was a steady middle-aged wizard, not like this little guy in front of him. cute'.

Seeing that his money is probably not coming back.

Owen's lungs were so angry that he couldn't think of eating anymore.

They sat there sulking until Hermione suppressed her laughter and after lunch, they just left the restaurant.

Miss Granger really wouldn't sleep with him. An hour in the afternoon passed in peace.

In the afternoon, the sun that gradually sets in the west is not as fierce as noon.

Owen and Hermione went out.

Perhaps out of guilt, Editor Mei kindly allowed him to return to his fifteenth year.

Of course Irving wouldn't be grateful to him for this. He doesn't have Stockholm. Isn't it right for that guy to make himself smaller and then change back again? It would have been nice not to ask him to pay mental compensation.

The two held hands on the slightly cooler street and walked all the way from the East Market to the West Market.

We also visited the Pyramid of Khufu on the way.

Afterwards, Hermione took him to the palm tree beach in Arish. That beach became completely famous in one day because of Merlin's sea of ​​flowers.

Because the scope was so large, even the Muggle world was alarmed.

The coast is full of people.

Various ships sail on the sea of ​​flowers, and a romantic atmosphere fills the entire coast.

This is indeed a good place, with sunset, sea water and sea of ​​flowers.

The sun slowly sank into the horizon, and the sky was dyed an intoxicating orange-red. On the sea, the afterglow of the setting sun filled the sparkling sea, as if countless golden gems were shining. The fluttering petals sway and dance with the gentle sea breeze, like an elf-like existence.

The waves gently lap against the rocks on the shore, making a sweet sound that echoes the gentle dance of the petals.

People stood on the beach, deeply attracted by the beautiful scenery. They quietly enjoyed the beautiful scenery of the sunset and the dancing flower petals, and their souls seemed to be purified. At this moment, all the hustle and bustle disappeared, leaving only this peaceful and beautiful scene.

This kind of favorable time and place is naturally a good time for the two to enhance their relationship.

However - just as Owen was about to pay to board a Muggle cruise ship to go out to sea, he was attacked.

To be precise, Miss Granger was attacked.

The visitor was wearing a white robe, and his face could not be seen clearly.

However, his combat skills are still good. After one blow was blocked by Owen, he almost immediately launched the second curse.

Unfortunately, Miss Granger moved faster and instantly cast a petrification spell without a wand, knocking him down.

The surrounding Muggles immediately broke out in commotion, but nothing could be suppressed in the face of Owen's powerful Oblivion Curse.

Everyone looked at it, and a white light flashed, and this short memory no longer belonged to them.

As for what just happened?

An unlucky guy was knocked unconscious by Haiyan.

that's all.

"Sure enough." After pulling off the attacker's hood and seeing the man's face clearly, Owen understood that this was the group of dark wizards that Hermione had provoked before.

"It's so annoying." He originally wanted to kill the petrified guy directly, but to eliminate the root cause, Owen decided to find out the person behind the scenes. It was nothing to be attacked every day.

Thinking in his mind, he cast several more confinement spells on this guy, and then threw him into an extra suitcase that appeared out of thin air in his package.

I don't know who put it inside.

"Suddenly I remembered that at noon, I met Ron's brother Bill, and he warned me not to leave Cairo, otherwise someone would definitely come to cause trouble." Owen rubbed his chin and frowned slightly, "That's strange. As soon as we left, someone came to attack us on the back. Why do we feel like someone is following us?"

Hearing what Owen said, Hermione also recalled some things, and then she told Owen in detail about the attack in this sea area.

"We had just arrived here when a group of dark wizards found us, and it happened to be the time when the Aurors were changing their shifts." Hermione thought for a moment, "It's all such a coincidence."

"If it's such a coincidence, it's not a coincidence." Owen was silent for a while, and then said: "It seems that the most likely reason is that the Egyptian Ministry of Magic is unclean. Unless the 'little witch' who admires you wants your life, otherwise The only possibility left is that there is a traitor in the Ministry of Magic."

"Is this - is this possible? It's so crazy. How could the Ministry of Magic collude with dark wizards? They," Hermione said in shock.

"When our senior Tom was making waves, there were a lot of employees in the British Ministry of Magic who were colluding with Death Eaters." Owen said disdainfully, "Besides, the Ministry of Magic is not monolithic, and there are also people who do crazy things for power and profit. We need Remain vigilant and also investigate this matter further."

Hermione took a deep breath and tried to calm down, "You're right, Owen. We can't take this matter lightly, nor can we blindly trust the Ministry of Magic. So what should we do now?"

"Let's go back to Cairo first. The Ministry of Magic always wants to save face and will never carry out attacks under their noses." Owen thought for a moment and then said, "I just don't understand why they attacked you?"

"?" Hermione was stunned.

"Isn't it because I destroyed many dark wizards' strongholds?"

"Miss Granger." Owen smiled, then stretched out his hand to rub Hermione's fluffy hair, hum - revenge came back.

"Dark wizards are like weeds. If you destroy a stronghold, they can immediately build another one. For them who don't have to declare the infinite extension spell to magic, it's just a matter of waving their hands.

Unless they are pure lunatics like Death Eaters, most dark wizards will evacuate immediately after being attacked and hide far away to avoid the limelight.

Even if they want to take revenge on you, they will use poison, curse, bewitchment, etc. Other than Death Eaters, have you ever seen any dark wizard come out to duel with a wizard openly?

Not all wizards are Gryffindors, my dear Granger. "

"." Hermione was a little choked by Owen's words, but after a moment of silence, she straightened her neck, "Gryffindor will not attack other wizards in the street in front of Muggles."

"Yes!" Owen raised his eyebrows, "So. There must be a deeper reason why they can do this."

"I'm afraid that even the matter of asking you to come to Egypt to receive the award was planned in advance. Someone wanted to get you from the beginning?" He suddenly came up with a bolder idea, "Knock-it's that bastard. Steal girls from me.”

"." Hermione rolled her eyes at Owen, this guess was too unfounded. She was able to come to Egypt entirely because of Owen, if it weren't for him, she would never have come. How could the other party have calculated this?

However, Owen's speculation did make her a little worried, and then Hermione said happily, "Fortunately, my parents left Egypt and returned to London a week ago."

Such an attack on the street happened today. There was no guarantee that those crazy guys wouldn't attack her parents.

"Then there are no worries." Owen said, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

But he was relieved just because in the eyes of Hermione's parents, his image was infinitely close to that of a gangster on the street.

If we meet this

Even though he was thick-skinned and didn't care, Hermione would definitely be embarrassed.

Less trouble you may encounter. This is a good thing.

After continuing to wander around the beach for a few minutes.

Owen then took out Sirocco from his pocket.

"It seems that there is indeed something wrong with the Egyptian Ministry of Magic." As he said this, he asked the little cat to take them back to the hotel.

"What's wrong?"

After a while, the two of them reappeared in his room in the morning.

"If in England, in London, you see wizards using magic wantonly in front of Muggles, what will happen next?" Owen sat on the edge of the bed with Hermione. He waved his finger, and the teacup on the table automatically overflowed with tea. , floating into the hands of the two people.

"Well - employees of the Memory Cancellation Department and the Magical Law Enforcement Team of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement will rush to the scene immediately, and then" Hermione said, borrowing the teacup, and immediately understood what Owen meant.


A full five minutes passed between the time he was attacked and when he left the beach, but no one from the Ministry of Magic showed up.

Especially when there are many people from the Ministry of Magic hanging around that sea area.

After all, the sea was created by Merlin and was a magical creation. Of course, the Ministry of Magic would send people to guard and observe it. If any unexpected situation occurred, they would handle it as soon as possible.

"I gave them five minutes." Owen smiled cruelly, "Someone saw it clearly from a distance, but they never came forward. Tsk tsk - it seems that the water in the Egyptian Ministry of Magic is very deep!"

"Then us" Hermione said hesitantly and worriedly. At first, she thought it was just one or two bugs in the Ministry of Magic, but now, it may be that the entire Ministry of Magic is against her.

Then them.

Although Hermione had quite a few complaints about the British Ministry of Magic, she immediately wanted to go back to London.

The young wizards have almost reduced the British Ministry of Magic to nothing, especially Harry, Ron, George and Fred. He despises the Ministry of Magic the most, thinking that without Dumbledore, Britain would have been destroyed long ago. Voldemort captured.

Although they are not wrong to think so.

But - when she left England, she realized that the Ministry of Magic outside was even darker.

Now it seems that the British Ministry of Magic is worthy of being a founding member of the International Confederation of Wizards. As the world's top magical force, it is still very reliable and strong.

"Let's go back to London," she said.

"No -" Owen drank the tea in his hand in one gulp, "If you dare to attack us, even if it is the International Federation of Wizards, I can lead the saints to overthrow it. What happened to the little Egyptian Ministry of Magic? It has turned the world upside down. ? We are here to see what other methods they have."

"Besides," Owen's lips raised, "Have you forgotten our great magician Merlin? With him here, even ten senior Toms won't be enough."

"Oh, that's right." After being reminded by Owen, Hermione remembered that the most legendary wizard in the world was beside them. That was a super wizard who surpassed Dumbledore and lived for more than a thousand years. He even called It is not an exaggeration to be a god.

In Europe, the belief in Merlin was widespread.

In the wizarding world, he is already portrayed as an all-powerful god.

He is the founder of the entire magical order in the world.

With such a great god here, I really don’t have anything to worry about.

Thinking of this, Hermione relaxed.

And this time to relax, the accumulated fatigue from the few hours of playing in the afternoon burst out instantly.

Although she said she had a nap at noon, she just lay in bed and thought about it and didn't sleep for long at all, only about ten minutes.

In addition, I had been worried about Irving's condition in the past few days, and I couldn't sleep well.

Fatigue hit her, making her eyelids feel heavy.

"Okay." Hermione stood up suddenly and looked at Owen with burning eyes. "Then let's fight them!" she said openly.

"Before that—that—get your stuff out."

"Something? What thing?" Owen asked in confusion.

"Of course it's clothes. All my stuff was in your pocket. I forgot to take it out at noon, so I gave it to you," Hermione said. "Now, I'm going to take a shower and go to bed."

"?" Before Owen could react, Hermione's pocket bag was snatched away with a blushing face.

"Do you want to sleep with me?" He looked at the girl in front of him and asked jokingly.

"Yes." Unexpectedly, Hermione actually agreed without any hesitation. Although his face was red, "It's too dangerous for me to have a room by myself. I will sleep here every day from now on. You... you can transform into a bed. The living room is quite big anyway. You are not allowed to crawl over there at night."

She held her waist bag, then rushed into the bathroom at lightning speed, and slammed the door.

When there was only her in the surrounding space, the sound of her beating heart was particularly obvious.

She leaned against the door and breathed a sigh of relief, her pretty face covered with blush.

On the other side, Owen sat on the edge of the bed and was stunned for a long time. It wasn't until he heard the rustling sound of undressing and the subsequent splashing of water that he realized that Miss Granger was really going to sleep with him tonight. And sleep.

The sound of water splashing made him feel particularly itchy. If he broke in now, he would definitely see a lot of beautiful things.

Wait - it seems that Nick Flamel gave him a real looking glass - one that can see through clothes.

It seems that it was the first time I used it, because I saw Justin’s little friend, so he was frightened and never used it again. He has been carrying it with him ever since. Where is it now?

Hmm - it should be in the fanny pack.

Damn it - my brother actually forgot about this magical weapon. He forgot it to the death.

Sure enough, I am a gentleman!

It's a pity - I won't be able to use this thing in the future. Who would just look at it when I can get started directly?

Owen was lying on the bed and thinking wildly.

As for Hermione asking him to morph into another bed - just kidding, no!

Either sleep in a bed or sleep in a bed. There is no third option.

If he separates the bed in this situation, then he is really an idiot!


Outside the window, the afterglow of the setting sun gradually faded, and the room became dim.

Owen turned on the bedside lamp, then continued to lie on the bed, listening to the sound of water running, imagining Miss Granger naked.

Two months later, Hermione has recovered somewhat. Of course, she is still thin now, but she is no longer as skinny as before.

Therefore, the picture in the fantasy should be more full.

Yeah - it needs to be more symmetrical here.

It needs to be more curved over there.

Just when Owen was immersed in the fantasy of making faces and figures, there was a knock on the damn door.

"Bang bang!"

"Who is it! Climb if you have nothing to do!" Owen yelled viciously.

At the same time, the sound of running water in the bathroom stopped immediately.

"Of course it's your dearest brother Merlin!" A certain monster's voice sounded outside the door.

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