I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 383 Ambiguous Night

"Of course it's your dearest brother Merlin!" A certain monster's voice sounded outside the door.

"Climb!" Owen roared angrily.

"Why are you knocking on the door so late at night? Do you still have a sense of public morality? Don't others need to sleep? It will be 8 o'clock in the morning tomorrow!"

"Alas~~~" There was a strange sound outside the door, "But I lived in this room before."

"Open a new one by yourself. Didn't you save and steal twenty thousand galleons from me?" Owen said angrily, "I'm warning you, don't knock on my door again tonight."

He took out his wand and cast several protective spells on the door. Although this might not be of any use to Merlin, it would be in case anyone else disturbed him.

"Ara ala - it seems there is more than one person in the room. Did I disturb you?"



Owen heard something fall to the floor in the bathroom.

Hermione must have accidentally spilled the shower gel in a panic or something.

He was quite candid. Hermione and he were just about to hold a wedding, so there was nothing to hide.

"If you ask questions even if you know it, go away!" He continued to say viciously.

"Alas, you guys are still too young." Merlin said playfully, but although his tone was relaxed, he was still serious, "I keep reminding you that being too early is not good for your health. Do you think I am? Talking about you?"

"That little girl has obviously been abused in the past. I don't know what you, a heartless guy, did. She is now anemic and has other minor problems. These are all diseases that require quiet cultivation to be cured."

"Don't I know better than you?" Owen said, his voice weakening a bit.

"Hmph - so, go away quickly."

"Oh, it's true." Merlin sighed with emotion outside the door, "It's good to be young."

As he spoke, the sound of distant footsteps sounded.

It seemed like he had really left.

Owen breathed a sigh of relief in the room. He couldn't explain this to someone who had never been in a relationship with a girl. He was an idiot.

If you don't seize some opportunities this time, there may be no next time.

The courage you mustered up will only wear away if there is no response, and slowly the emotion will wear away as well.

Sometimes you don’t need to do more, but rather do something.

A little tenderness is enough.

After about another minute, the bathroom door was opened.

Hermione walked out with slightly red cheeks.

Her hair is already dry, it must be the work of magic.

Wearing a silk material, you could tell at a glance that she didn't choose it, it looked more like pajamas that Fleur would buy.

It is light pink and has a loose style, like a dress. The skirt has exquisite lace, and the soft fabric sways a little in the wind.

An atmosphere of romance and elegance overflows.

"This was given to me by Furong." She said.

"It's so beautiful." Owen immediately continued. As he walked towards Hermione, he said gently, "It would be better if it was black."


Hermione glanced at him.

Then I saw Owen walking into the bathroom.

"It's my turn to take a shower," he said.

Then he quickly closed the door.

The room was still filled with Miss Granger's scent.

Ahem—a little perverted!

It's okay - Hermione won't notice anyway.

It was hazy inside, filled with moist water vapor.

The faint scent of lavender filled his nose.

This is Hermione's most commonly used shower gel. He knew this because it was a Muggle product. At school, she would ask Dobby to help purchase it, and of course she would pay for it.

And Dobby had told him about it.

Turning his head, he saw Hermione putting her pocket bag, her clothes and underwear in a metal basket at the door to avoid something disharmonious happening, which would cause this chapter not to be published, so Owen just After looking at it for a few seconds, he stuffed the pieces of clothing back into his pocket in a serious manner.

Then, take off your clothes and get out in the rain.

I borrowed Hermione's toiletries and washed my hair. Apply shower gel, rinse, turn off the water, snap your fingers and blow dry.

The whole journey takes less than two minutes.

Then - Owen did not leave in a hurry, but stared at the huge mirror on the wall, admiring his own body - to be clear in advance, he is not a pervert - since he woke up, this was the first time he saw clearly changes in one's own body.

The silver hair on his head is no longer as silver as it used to be, and his gray eyes have been replaced by emerald green. Even his face shape and facial features have changed a lot.

The limbs have a lot of bulging muscles.

You can still vaguely see the abdominal muscles, but they are all within the normal range that humans can obtain without special exercise.

But... Owen held the metal pipe of the rain water supply and exerted a slight force on his palm, and the pipe flattened visibly to the naked eye.

The strength of the body has been greatly improved - no, it should be an exaggerated improvement.

Owen didn't know if this strength value had reached the limit of human flesh, but judging from how effortlessly he could bend the metal pipe, not many humans could do it.

Ancient magic turns him into another person

This is an irrefutable fact. Now that I think about it, the human appearance shown by part of the outer god's essence may not be imitating him, but his appearance is converging towards that guy.

"I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing." Owen muttered and waved his hand, and the dented pipe returned to normal.

Then he took out his pajamas from his backpack, adjusted his mentality, put them on, and walked out of the bathroom.

The whole journey takes less than three minutes.

"Hey, I haven't slept yet."

Owen glanced at the living room, um - he didn't see the transformed second bed, oops - oops - the result was already obvious.

As for Hermione, she was a little helpless on the bed. She quickly gathered all the blankets and wrapped herself tightly.

"Do you boys take showers so quickly?" Hermione said with a flustered face. She was just thinking about random things and was a little dazed. In the blink of an eye, Owen came out - it felt like he had just entered.

"This is slow," Owen said. "Most of the time I just flush the water and add a cleaning spell. I only stay in the bath for a long time when I take a bath."

The convenience of modern magic is beyond imagination.

In fact, a wizard's bath is completely psychological. In most cases, he can wave his wand and cast a cleaning spell on himself a few times and he will be very clean.

Of course, unless you are contaminated with something difficult that cannot be removed by a spell, then the wizard will think of other ways.

"By the way, after talking about taking a bath, it's better not to take a bath in the prefects' bathroom." He walked over and lay down next to Miss Granger very naturally.

The night temperature in Egypt is over 25 degrees, and in cities like Cairo, the temperature is even higher.

However, this hotel seemed to have cast a constant temperature magic on the room, keeping the temperature in the early twenties.

Neither hot nor cold.

Therefore, he stopped competing with Hermione for the blanket.


Although Hermione and Owen often kissed and hugged each other, this was the first time they slept in the same bed.

The bed is the most private place for everyone.

It will probably take a long time for her to get used to the sudden presence of someone beside her pillow.

"Not that Myrtle, she always sneaks into the prefects' bathroom and peeks at others bathing, like Percy, Bill, Charlie, Cedric, and that tough guy from Demoest, they Everyone’s body was looked at, including you and Fleur of course.”

"What?" Hermione was shocked and wrapped the blanket tighter around her. She had never known this.

"Do you know what she said about you?" Owen turned to look at her and said jokingly.

"I hum - I don't want to know, it's definitely not a good thing to say." Hermione turned away. Every time she took a bath, she and Fleur went together. Thinking about her figure - even if she was not bad, but staying with Fleur They will definitely be compared together.

Thinking about this, Miss Granger suddenly felt some kind of resentment towards this good friend.

"Hey - that's pretty smart." Owen said, then looked at Hermione who seemed to be in a trance, quickly grabbed a corner of the blanket and slid it in.

"Oops!" Hermione wanted to resist, but someone was very fast, and her defenses were just a little loose, so he achieved his goal easily.

Under the blanket, the boy hugged the girl over.

The silk pajamas are very comfortable to the touch and adhere smoothly to the skin.

The quilt was filled with the girl's lavender scent and her two beating hearts.

The two of them were so close that Owen could feel the softness in his arms.

Although he couldn't see it, Miss Granger's white and smooth little feet were pressed against her slender and powerful legs with clear muscle lines, so that they were closer.

Hermione's head was so dizzy that she could hardly think about anything.

She just felt a moist feeling covering her lips, and then it became more and more intense.

A complex, sweet aroma enveloped their noses.

Each other's breathing and heartbeats were intertwined.

Gradually, an indescribable joy and happiness filled them all.

A few minutes later, when it was all over, there was only heavy breathing.

Hermione bit her lip and teeth, and she had the bold idea in her heart that she hoped this could continue.

"Ahem. Miss Granger, your kissing skills have improved a lot." A teasing voice sounded, and hot air blew on her cheeks, and Hermione trembled as if she had been electrocuted. Then he looked at Owen with blurred eyes.

"Um - you - from the time the naval battle ended to the time you found me, what else happened in between? Tell me."

Looking at that look - Owen's face also turned a little red.

Then he changed the topic in a very unnatural, hard and forceful manner.

"Yeah." Hermione responded softly.

Then after a pause, he began to talk about what he had seen in the past few weeks.

She spoke in detail and tenderly, with her head lowered and her cheek pressed against Owen's neck, as if talking to herself.

Her fluffy hair was arousing the angry boy.

It was obvious that this was not his intention at all, and he did not listen to Hermione at all, but was dealing with other things.

After a few minutes, Hermione finished describing what she had encountered during this period.

Then there was silence again.

Ambiguous silence.

Things are moving in an unharmonious direction, and this requires someone to get in the cab and slam on the accelerator - well, not - the brake, but a slam on the brake.

Then, Hermione raised her head again and said softly, "Do you have any bedtime stories?"

She cried because of her abrupt way of breaking the silence. "I-I used to like to read biographies of famous people and historical documents. Just before going to bed, it's very interesting, and I'll fall asleep while reading it."


Hearing the sound, Owen calmed down, and then opened his mouth and said, "So those magic books you prepared before going to bed are all used to help you sleep!"

"Some are." Hermione responded with some embarrassment, as her little secret was discovered. The persona of the academic master is about to collapse.

"But you know, wizards' books basically have no writing. Those magic books are okay, but once it comes to literature and history books, the reading experience is terrible."

"I understand." Owen said. He had even seen someone write a history of magic in Shakespeare's style. The whole article was full of long and difficult sentences. Just opening the title page and looking at the dense words would make you dizzy.

"Bedtime stories - I know one." Owen suddenly had inspiration. He coughed lightly, moistened his throat and started telling stories.

————The Dursleys, who live at No. 4 Privet Drive, always say proudly that they are a very well-behaved family.

Please, please. They never have anything to do with mysterious and weird things, because they don't believe in those evil ways at all.

Mr. Vernon Dursley worked as a supervisor in a company called Groening, which manufactured drilling rigs. He was tall and burly, so fat that he almost had no neck, but he had a big beard.

As she listened, Hermione suddenly came to her senses. Aren't these Harry's uncle and aunt?

"What are you talking about?" she asked angrily.

"Harry Potter!" Owen replied sincerely.

"." Hermione sighed. She no longer had the energy to preach to the guy in front of her for his nonsense. Now - was he going to make up a story about Harry?

All right.

Hermione shrank helplessly and put herself into a comfortable position and said softly, "Please continue."


——The Dursleys lacked everything, but they had a secret, and what they feared most was that this secret would be discovered. They thought that if anyone found out about the Potters, they would not be able to bear it.

And our story begins on a dark, gloomy Tuesday.

In the Dursley Mansion, in the storage room under the stairs.


There was a sound in the quiet storage room.

Then a beautiful girl with black hair and green eyes threw herself on the small bed underneath her. She stretched out her hand, rubbed her head, and tried to sit up, but accidentally hit the ceiling of the room.

"Ouch!" There was another scream.

A Harley who returned from another world opened her eyes.

Hermione didn't speak, but her hidden expression gradually became weird.

Has Harry become Harley?

Irving is thinking about something every day.

The story soon moves into Hogwarts.

Just when Owen mentioned that Harry and Draco were entangled with each other, Snape was obstructing them, and Ron was about to poach them.

Miss Granger couldn't stand it anymore.

She kicked Owen to silence him.

What a nonsense story, not true at all.

It was filled with dross for ten minutes.

However, this story was good for sleeping, and soon her breathing became steady, and the warmth enveloped her, and she spent the good night peacefully.

Early the next morning.

The morning sun shone on Owen's face, and he slowly opened his eyes, feeling the fresh air blown by the breeze. Owen rubbed his temples, his eyes a little sore

Last night - it was a really rough night.

It took a lot of effort for him to fall asleep.

Miss Granger was sleeping soundly, her face pressed against Owen's chest, and her breathing was lazily.

Owen looked at her quietly and couldn't help but reached out and pinched her cheek.

Miss Granger seemed to be aware of Owen's movements. She moved her body slightly, and then slowly opened her eyes.

"Good morning, Owen," she said with a smile, a hint of laziness and contentment in her voice and a growing blush.

"Good morning, Miss Granger," Owen responded.

The two looked at each other for a moment, and then he kissed Hermione gently on the forehead.

After a brief ambiguity.

Hermione was about to get up.

She has no habit of sleeping in. No matter how late she went to bed last night, she would wake up at seven or eight o'clock on time the next day, unless she stayed up all night.

Owen is not in a hurry, there is nothing to do today.

He had to wait for things to come to him.

So it doesn't matter if you lie down for a while.

And while Hermione was washing up, there was a knock on their door.

After a while, Hermione walked out of the bathroom and opened the door carefully.

The person who came was a witch in her thirties, whom she didn't recognize.

This made Hermione wary.

"Hello, I...did I knock on the wrong door?"

When the witch saw that it was Hermione, her reaction was slow. She seemed not to have expected that a girl would open the door.

"not at all."

The sound came from the room.

It was Owen. At some point, he was fully dressed and sitting on the sofa, taking a sip of tea to refresh himself.

"Why did you leave the hospital so suddenly yesterday?" Before the witch could finish her sentence, her voice was interrupted by Owen.

"Where's that old priest? Just ask her. I will never engage in any business that is not a monopoly." With a cup of warm tea in his stomach, the pain in his eyes seemed to ease a little. Of course, this may be a psychological effect.

"The high priest hopes to meet you." The therapist continued, "She is very interested in your treatment methods, and wouldn't the exchange of two technologies be a good thing to promote learning?"

"It's a good thing for her, but not for me. Now you can go." Owen waved his hand impatiently.

But the therapist actually didn't force her, turned around and left the door.

Hermione closed the door again, then turned to look at Owen, "What's going on? Who is she?"

"The healer at the Ikul Magical Hospital for the Invalid, um - the local magic hospital in Egypt." Owen explained.

Then he began to tell Hermione what happened yesterday.

By the way, I ordered a meal to be delivered to my door in the morning.

Five minutes later, a sumptuous breakfast filled the living room table, with a fragrant aroma that aroused appetite.

"You mean, that high priest is weird."

"Obviously," Owen said, picking up a pie made of minced meat and spices that Egypt calls falafel.

I took a sip and, well, it tasted delicious.

"Then let's report her quickly! There is nothing more evil than using a wizard's soul to achieve his invisible purpose in such a cruel way."

"Haha - he is a highly respected high priest and an important therapist for treating mutations. If they really value us, Merlin and I couldn't leave the hospital yesterday. They will definitely keep us. They won't send us this morning either. Here comes an unknown therapist, at least the head of the department." Owen tasted another soup called taribt, made from beans such as chickpeas, fava beans, and lentils.

"People don't value us at all. Do you think they will believe us if we tell the truth?"

"What should we do?"

"Just wait." Owen said, "The high priest's treatment method is nothing more than hot water in a hot pot. Those patients will have complications sooner or later, and - are you curious, where did she get those souls? Huh - someone is here She supports her behind the scenes. This is obvious." Irving said, "If you want to take action, you must eradicate the roots and catch everyone in one go."

"But -" Hermione was still a little worried, "This is Egypt - there are people with evil intentions against us, how can we have the strength and manpower to carry out this matter?"

"Hmm -" Hearing this, Owen nodded, "Indeed, it looks like we have to shake people up."

he said.

But suddenly there was a knock on the door again.

Irving only thinks of himself as the editor-in-chief of Mei. He put down the Talibt in his hand, stood up and went to see the door.

When the door opened, he was a little surprised by the person coming.

He has seen this person before.

That Ministry of Magic official in the breakfast room yesterday.

Miss Granger's father who admires the little witch.

"Is something wrong?" Owen raised his eyebrows and said.

"I am." The middle-aged wizard naturally noticed Hermione in the room.

His face looked haggard, with faint dark circles under his eyes. Although he forced a smile on his lips, there was sadness between his eyebrows.

"I'm here to see Miss Granger." The man said. He did not enter the door. Instead, he stood behind the door and said toward the inside. "Neffel came home last night. She cried a lot and was depressed all the time. , she hasn’t eaten all day.”

"I think." The man shrugged his nose, and then took out a letter from his pocket, "I hope Miss Granger can come to my home to comfort me and comfort Nefil."

As if he was afraid that Hermione would not agree, the man added, "I hope Miss Granger can understand the concerns of a father. If there is nothing else I can do, I will not bother you."

In the room, Hermione quickly stood up. She looked at Nefel's father apologetically and said hastily, "Of course sir, I will be there."

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