I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 381 Heresy

"If you are referring to the Merlin recorded in "History of Magic", then he is definitely not!" Owen complained crazily from the side, "He is just a shameless swindler of the century who pretends to be someone else's identity. Also, don't get close. Him, because he can also steal things!”

"Ara - are you so ruthless?" Merlin murmured pretending to be sad.

"So when do you plan to pay back my three hundred thousand gold galleons?"

"Huh? Another hundred thousand more?"

"Do you understand the interest? If you don't pay it back, it will be half a million tomorrow!" Owen said viciously.

There are few things he can tolerate least.

But stealing his money must be at the top of the list.

If it were another wizard, Owen would have stripped off all the bitter tea seeds and exchanged them for money to pay the interest, so he would not talk nonsense with him.

"So...are you really Merlin?" Bill's eyes lit up, and he could guess something based on Owen's attitude towards the young wizard in front of him.

He didn't know Owen well, but had read letters from other Weasley wizards, especially Ron. He learned that he was a lawless and powerful little wizard. In this world, he would only show respect in front of Dumbledore and Grindelwald.

And in the letter, Ron emphasized that he was an extremely money-grubbing guy and no one dared to owe him money. If you dared to do that, you would be hit like a storm.

"Well - that's right! I am Merlin." Merlin raised his head and said very proudly, "It's surprising! I didn't expect the legendary Merlin to be so handsome?"


Owen saw the corner of Bill's mouth twitching inadvertently.

Then he hurriedly said, "Indeed, I didn't expect it."

I didn't expect it to be so out of tune! Owen complained crazily in his heart.

"By the way, where are the healers? I am the only wizard who can cure curses. Are they so negligent?" Looking around, Owen suddenly found that the corridor was empty and there was not a single healer in sight. .

"We should have gone to the ward where the Voodoo High Priest Raviu is." Bill said. He pointed to the fork in the road not far away. In this hospital that extends in all directions, this is not the only isolation area.

"That's a key care area," he said. "Ms. Wilma Lawton has never been a fan of the magical rituals of Voodoo. However, in these extraordinary times, all possible methods are beneficial. She cannot miss out on possible uses because of her prejudices. treatment methods.”

"Oh! The key care area." Owen curled his lips, "Although they are all horses and cows from the Ministry of Magic, some cows and horses are more advanced than others."


Bill glanced at Owen. Although, he was right.

"Let's go over and take a look to see what the priest is capable of." Owen jumped over and picked up his bench, "Let's see if she is a swindler or a beast of an Outer God!"

After that, the three of them took steps towards the so-called key cattle and horse care area.

Owen took the lead and walked very quickly, while the two wizards behind him followed him like bodyguards.

That guy Bill was very reserved and glanced at Editor Mei next to him from time to time.

She looks like a pregnant girl.

After all, such a 'historical celebrity' is right in front of you, who can keep a calm mood?

Tsk—it’s good to have a good name!

He glanced at Editor Mei slightly enviously.

Merlin smiled innocently in return.

A few minutes later, the three of them arrived at a ward door.

It is indeed a care area for high-class cattle and horses, and it is different from the rooms in other places.

Here, the entire corridor is covered with carpets, the walls on both sides are covered with ancient Egyptian murals, and there is a copper name plate on the door.

There is a name written in gilt writing on it.

I think this should be the name of the person lying on the hospital bed inside.

Owen pushed the door open and entered without any intention of knocking.

The people inside are competing for business with him! It's good that he didn't kill such a competitive element directly.

Inside the door, the decoration is also luxurious.

The walls are carved with Egyptian mythological stories and symbolic patterns, including owls, cats, and crocodiles. These patterns are brightly colored and have smooth lines, giving them an ancient and mysterious feel.

The headboard of the hospital bed has exquisite carvings, which seem to be some kind of Egyptian god.

The lampshades above the head each have exquisite metal patterns, emitting soft light.

The room was very large and was obviously under a wireless stretching spell.

In addition to hospital beds, there are also a lot of furniture, toilets, baths, etc. here.

At this time, many people gathered in the room.

Most are healers wearing special robes.

They gathered around a dark-skinned woman.

A woman dressed like a peacock.

"Why are you here?" The person who spoke was the witch doctor Wilma Lawton.

She's here too.

"Let me see who dares to steal business from me."

Owen said bluntly.

When his eyes passed through the healers, he saw a middle-aged wizard.

He was stripped of his clothes.

Lying on the hospital bed with her breasts exposed.

The old witch beside him was drawing strange shapes on his body - yes, Owen could only think that it was a kind of shape, because it did not belong to any magic pattern.

He didn't feel any trace of magic power either.

The high priest seems to have been drawing this figure for a long time.

After he came in, she just finished sketching the last stroke.

She then put away the pen, which was obviously made from the bones of some kind of animal.

Take out a leaf from those gaudy drapes around your waist, as if countless rags were pieced together inch by inch.

Then she opened the wizard's mouth and poured a gray powder mixed with who-knows-what stuff into his mouth.

Finally she pulled out a weird drum and a metal bell.

When the drums and bells rang at the same time, accompanied by a strange incantation that Owen couldn't understand at all, the whole ward suddenly fell into a live broadcast of the dancing master.

Owen couldn't understand what that man was doing at all.

From what she did, there were very few traces of magic.

The level of reliability is not as good as Bill's lucky charm.

If this was really effective, he would have to take action, catch the person, cut him open and study it carefully.

Sure enough, after a few minutes of the great dancer chirping, the eldest brother on the hospital bed was still lying on the bed. With the witch doctor Wilma Lawton looking increasingly disappointed, the high priest finally stopped what he was doing.

She faced the many wizards and muttered without knowing what she said.

Then, a therapist opened his mouth and said to the three Owens, "The high priest has completed communicating with the gods. Now please turn around and avoid looking directly at the following ceremony."

"???" Owen was confused.

Is your family’s deity the god of home girls? What is the social fear?

Don't let anyone see it yet?

But before he could retort, he said some dirty words.

All the wizards present were very obedient and turned around to avoid him.

Even Bill turned around.

Except he and Editor Mei were still staring at the hospital bed.

"Sir!" the healer said to Merlin again.

"Okay, okay." Editor Mei smiled heartily, then turned around and said, "He is such a shy god."

After that, Owen saw that the wall behind him and in front of him had turned into glass - um - no, it should be said that it had properties similar to glass, and most importantly, other people had no reaction at all. .

Only he can see it.

In an instant, Owen understood that it was a ball of ancient magic, so only he and Merlin could see it.

"Wow, is there any other operation like this?" Owen whispered, giving Merlin a thumbs up, "Come on, you've finished cumming me."

"Small tricks," Merlin said.

Then, Owen stared at the 'mirror' in front of him and watched the live broadcast.

He saw the dancer take out a wooden stick from his arms, narrow at the top and thick at the bottom, more than ten inches long.

On the stick, a humanoid portrait was simply carved with a knife or something else. The painting style was abstract, and it looked more like some kind of terrifying monster.

The monster's body is obviously stretched, its eyes are large and disproportionate, and its feathers jump like flames.

Then the graffiti-like 'spell' on the man lying on the floor slowly lit up.

The high priest held a wooden stick in his hand and drew countless ancient runes in the air. Those runes quickly constructed a complex magic rune.

The runes full of geometric beauty are mixed with the blue light emitted by the man's 'spell'.

Owen could feel a very strange magical power, which was very peaceful and had a faint sense of healing.

"I always feel that the shape of the wooden stick in the old priest's hand has been seen somewhere before."

He stared blankly at the wooden root.

Then in a daze, I suddenly remembered that the altar built by the goblins in Hufflepuff's final resting place at Hogwarts was 70% or 80% similar to the wooden stick in the old priest's hand. .

Not exactly the same, but.

Owen is thinking.

Then saw it.

The wooden stick in the hand of the high priest suddenly revealed a glimmer of light, and soon - the glimmer of light turned into the shape of a girl, about eight or nine years old, with a fair and clean face, not very beautiful. , but looks very comfortable.

Her eyes were as calm as the sea, and there were thin lips under the bridge of her small nose. The corners of her mouth were slightly curved upward, with a sad smile.

The girl wore a very classic long skirt, a headscarf, and a simple wooden ring on her forehead.

Very Arabic clothing.

Obviously not from Africa.

What does the high priest want to do? Owen frowned.

A magic item that can store souls - its function alone is very evil. Come to think of it, the high priest will not be kind enough to give a home to the soul of a young person. These souls must have some other use for her.

Thinking in my heart.

Then Owen saw that the high priest suddenly grasped the stick with all his strength, as if holding a nail, and fiercely inserted the stick into the head of the illusory girl.

With a stir.

Silent - but there was still a shrill scream in Owen's ears, as if he was hallucinating.

A soul, a living soul, was crushed and turned into a puddle of sticky, silvery, glue-like substance.

The so-called high priest laid a wall on the wizard's body on the hospital bed, and the light emitted by the inscribed 'spell' penetrated into his skin bit by bit.


"Whenever I feel that I have seen the lowest limit of human nature, someone will always jump out and slap me in the face."

He pulled out the wand from his waist, and Owen had a frosty look on his face, ready to send the high priest to hell to compete with Satan in cruelty.

However, when he was about to turn around, Merlin beside him suddenly shook his head and stopped him.

"What are you doing?" Owen glared at him, "Why don't we exterminate this kind of thing quickly? Are we still keeping it for the New Year?"

In response, Merlin calmly replied, "It's not the right time yet. After some time, you will understand."


Owen narrowed his eyes, "Did you already see something? Great Prophet? Why don't you just tell me the ending of the story, so I won't be afraid of being spoiled."

"No - no no." Merlin shook his head, "The joy of adventure lies in the process, and this will be the most important adventure in your life. This time, you will see a lot of things."

"I see you are a big-headed ghost!"

Owen yelled and cursed.

At this time, the evading wizards had already turned around due to the high priest's chirping voice.

When they saw the middle-aged wizard on the bed slowly opening his eyes, and most of the changes on his body had faded away, leaving only a few 'marks' on the wound on his leg, they all showed happy expressions. .

"Damn it!" Owen yelled again.

This remedy of pouring cold water into a pot on the stove works damn well.

However, the fire in this stove has not been extinguished. After a while, you will have to add cold water to it, and the cycle will never end.

It is even possible that because there is more and more water in the pot, it is not enough to lower the temperature in one go. After adding cold water several times, two wizard souls will be needed, and then three? Four?

What kind of treatment is this?

It's simply heresy.

"High Priest Raviu. Thank you for your hard work." Wilma Lawton, the witch doctor, smiled and came forward. She spoke in modern standard Arabic, which is also the official language of Egypt.

Owen didn’t understand it anyway.

But Bill seemed to understand a few words.

Now work as a free translator for him.

"Nothing." The high priest named Raviyu said quite easily. She also spoke Arabic, but according to Bill, the accent was very strange, with a bit of a local dialect in it.

Then she said something else.

Bill Two Knives didn't understand.

"That's weird. I've never heard that High Priest Raviu stayed in the Arab region. Her accent is really weird, like the Arabic dialect from Jordan." Bill said. When he and Owen looked at each other, he explained again. He said, "Although the Arab world all speaks Arabic, the Arabic in each country is different. Egypt has the so-called modern standard version of Arabic, but other regions in the Middle East have their own standards."

"Haha - a region, a language, a dozen standards, the First Emperor was ecstatic after seeing it!" Owen complained, and then asked, "That Raviyu, how much do you know about her."

"High Priest Raviu?" Bill was stunned, and then said with a smile, "She is a famous high priest in the entire African region. She is welcomed by many countries, and she was famous two hundred years ago. She is already two years old this year. Over one hundred and sixty years old.”

"Two hundred and six?" Owen's eyelids twitched slightly. In his sight, she was just a dark-skinned woman in her forties or fifties. No trace of two hundred years could be seen in the wrinkles on her face or her figure.

"I heard that this is the blessing of the gods and the blessing of the power of nature." Bill said, "She has been like this since more than a hundred years ago. She is very powerful. It is really wonderful magic. Many witches want to learn this kind of magic. Woolen cloth."

"Haha." Hearing this, Owen sneered, "When things go wrong, there must be a monster. It seems that this cult leader has already achieved great success!"

Is there a magic that can stop aging?

Owen can answer with certainty.


In the Far Eastern countries, there is a magical plant called 'Ixian Grass'. Use it as the main ingredient and mix it with dozens of other magic potions. After a long period of boiling, you can get a precious magic potion called 'Elixir of Age'.

After taking this magic potion, the wizard's body will be forced to return to the age of sixteen, and his body will not age again until he dies.

But this potion can only make the wizard immortal! But it cannot prolong life.

Nicoléme's elixir can prolong life, but it cannot slow down aging.

Unfortunately, the two potions cannot be used together. Otherwise, this magical potion of immortality will soon be developed!

Besides - is there any other way!


That involves some dark magic.

Voldemort did a lot of research on this kind of magic back then.

Owen has naturally heard of some, but he has not studied it himself.

In addition, his grandmother Wenda is also very young and weird. Speaking of which, she should be eighty or ninety years old this year, but she still looks so young.

Of course - Owen can now conclude that her grandmother definitely has a demon, which may be related to ancient magic.

It is theoretically possible to have a mutative effect on the organism and keep the body young if it is properly guided.

But no matter what, it is very difficult to not grow old.

That cult leader probably used some method that was so evil that he could hardly imagine it.

It can be seen from how easily she killed a person's soul just now.

Owen was staring at the mean old man here, and he probably understood what Merlin meant.

This guy has lived for more than two hundred years, and his power on this land is definitely complicated and huge.

If you can't catch them all in one go, taking action hastily may cause endless trouble.

He didn't care.

You have the guts to attack Hogwarts!

Dumbledore won't rip your head off.

However, he did not want to see wider chaos caused by himself, just as a plus-minus, no matter how bad a bastard, is better than nothing. Without the leader of the cult, the subordinates will definitely fall into chaos, which will only cause bigger and more troubles.

In front of her, Witch Doctor Wilma Lawton was still chatting happily with the high priest. She probably really thought she had found a more effective treatment plan.

He was much more interested in the high priest than he was in them.

Especially considering the identity of the other party.

This made Owen very unhappy.

"Come on, let's go - I'm too lazy to take care of it, brother!" Owen said angrily, "It's been causing trouble for more than two hundred years anyway, and it's none of my business to cause trouble for another two hundred years!"

He turned around and walked out of the ward, muttering as he walked, "It's just a matter of cutting off my brother's financial resources. I'm looking for death. Sooner or later, I'm going to crush her to ashes!"

On the other side, Merlin kept an indifferent attitude and did not participate, so he also left.

And Bill, who was almost becoming Merlin's follower, naturally turned around and left without stopping.

A few minutes later, the three of them returned to the Muggle neighborhood, and the bustling sound immediately penetrated Owen's ears.

Bill took the two of them back to the hotel. He originally wanted to get close to Editor Mei, but unfortunately Bill happened to bump into one of his colleagues as he was about to enter the hotel.

The two were chatty and chatty.

I guess there is some new job!

About to leave.

Reluctant to leave, Bill could only look back three times and left the hotel like a resentful woman.

"Haha - what an interesting kid!" Merlin commented.

"Interesting perverts!" Owen retorted.

"Well - after all, we are facing a famous wizard, so it is understandable that we are a little excited!" A certain person with silver-pink hair raised his head very proudly and said with confidence.

"Tch, famous wizard, your time has long passed, and now--" Owen, a sharp-eyed man, suddenly saw a familiar little witch on the street outside the hotel.

"Now is Miss Granger's time."

He said, and Miss Granger on the other corner also noticed him.

To be precise, he noticed Editor Mei.

Then, she ran over quickly.

There was anger on his face, probably because he disappeared again without her.

"Oh!" Miss Granger stepped forward, her bright eyes suddenly fell on Owen next to Merlin.


She narrowed her eyes and looked at Owen carefully. The more she looked at him, the more familiar he seemed.

The anger on his face was gone.

Finally, after meeting Owen's eyes and confirming his identity, the little witch immediately raised the corners of her mouth, as if she had discovered some big toy - stretched out a hand and put it on the boy's head.

Bakar's crown raised his head slightly.

He glanced at Hermione, then lowered his head again.

"Whose child is this? He's so cute!"

"Yours!" Owen dissatisfied and took Hermione's hand away. He had a little more understanding of the principles of Merlin's magic. He probably used the mutative effect of ancient magic on organisms to create magical magic.

Just like he guessed that Grandma Wenda was still so young.

Wait - if you think about it this way, there seems to be no limit to ancient magic in changing the body - what about making it bigger or smaller? Change from male to female? Is it even possible to transform into birds and beasts?


Owen quickly put away this dangerous but interesting idea.

However, the skill of getting bigger and smaller still needs to be practiced frequently, as long as it is partial.

Hearing the sound, Hermione blushed slightly and silently rolled her eyes at the boy, "What's going on? This Archmage Merlin did it again?" She pointed at the man with exaggerated silver-pink hair who was walking in front of him. Talk to the man with his own spotlight on the street.

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