I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 380 In my opinion, he is not as good as Dumbledore, far from it!

"Oh my God!"

Many witch doctors followed closely behind.

When they walked into the room, no matter how mentally prepared they were, everyone was still shocked by the scene in front of them that looked like an alien hell.

I saw a thick tree rising from the hospital bed, as thick as a person's waist.

The rough branches and leaves show off their figure unscrupulously.

It looks like a tropical rain forest in front of you.

Except that these branches and leaves are covered with various tissues of the human body, as well as sarcomas and horns, everything is so harmonious.


Finally, the witch doctors who saw this scene, even though they were doctors who often dealt with injuries, couldn't help but vomited directly.

Bill, who had been digging graves for many years, couldn't suppress the churning in his stomach and started retching.

The only person present who remained calm-faced was the great magician Merlin.

He stretched out his cane and tapped the ground lightly as if nothing had happened. The next second, all the plants in the room turned into petals, including the flesh and blood.

The pink petals rose like cold wind, captivating most eyes.

Afterwards, their spirits were soothed for a moment and they became calm.

Witch Doctor Wilma Lawton stared blankly at the room covered by a sea of ​​flowers. The patient buried in bright red could no longer be seen. He could only roughly tell from the outline of the bed that there was someone underneath.

"The land of flesh and blood can no longer plant a soul, and his body will turn into petals. In this case, all we can do is hope that he can rest in peace."

Merlin whispered, his left hand opening slightly.

A pink flower bud slowly opened. It has a faint blue glowing stamen and large petals, like a lotus.

The flowers floated slowly, finally soaring above the hospital bed.

In an instant, the blue stamens of the flower drew out the mist, and the blue light mist entangled in the air, eventually forming a painting.

That's a person.

A person who is walking towards some kind of curtain.

Suddenly, the person in the painting seemed to feel something and suddenly turned around, revealing an extremely young face.

Coincidentally, a young trainee therapist also walked outside the door.

She was attracted by the petals floating out of the room and came to see what was going on.

As a trainee therapist, she was at the lowest level in the hospital.

In the wizarding world, a trainee therapist refers to a comprehensive wizard who has been taught by the school system. Hmm, it sounds pretty good, but what this sentence means is that such a person only has a superficial foundation, and she still needs to accept it. After several years of training in the magic hospital, they have a broad grasp of all knowledge related to magic medicine and magic injuries.

Then he enters a fixed department and continues to study for several years with a witch doctor who is at least the deputy director of the department. Only then can he be officially titled a healer - a title called witch doctor in Egypt.

It takes at least six years from graduation from magic school to officially possessing the qualification to practice medicine independently.

This year happens to be the sixth year of this young trainee therapist.

Come September, she'll be able to become a real therapist.

Ms. Wilma Lawton, head of the office of the Department of Magical Disabilities, would not allow a new person to come here.

And the moment she stepped into the ward and looked inside.

Then he collided with the illusory shadow's looking back.

She froze suddenly.

His eyes were dull, and his gray eyes were full of disbelief.

Then her cheeks twitched uncontrollably a few times, her lips pursed tremblingly, and her brows squeezed together. In an instant, her eyes, which had been so tired for weeks, became clear, and hot tears were squeezed out from the tear ducts, pouring out. Into the eyes.

"No-no-no," the witch screamed. He rushed over desperately, raising his hands high, trying to grasp the ethereal illusion.

"Minnie, Minnie! Oh! My sister!"

But the witch named Minnie just looked at her reluctantly, then turned around and drifted away.

"no no."

She threw herself into the air, tears streaking down her temples. She fell to the edge of the window, looking at the withered flowers, and cried loudly.

The trembling body was like a fallen leaf trembling in the cold wind.

The cry was like a torn heart, painful and desperate. Every note is full of sorrow, which makes people feel heartbroken.

No one could bear to listen to such heart-wrenching cries and remain indifferent. Everyone exited the house, leaving only the poor man alone in the room.

"Just now, was that the Spirit Blossom Flower?"

Walk out the door. Bill said with a serious expression again.

"Huh? Do you recognize it?" Merlin looked at him in surprise.

"There was a Ming wizard in the previous archaeological excavation team. You should know that Egypt has very rich myths about life and death, which affects the overall design of the underground palace, according to certain rules. We have sat together and talked about these."

Bill showed a nostalgic face, "It is said that the blooming of the soul flower is the moment when the soul looks back. The departed soul will return to the world when the soul blooming flower blooms."

"I didn't expect the legend to be true."

"Because it is real, it disappeared." Merlin said gently, "Even if it has no effect, just seeing the deceased again, this expectation will make this magical plant go extinct. .”

At this time, a therapist had already walked into the next room, and then there was an argument inside.

"Oh my god! Stop it!"

"Stop it, quickly!"

Then like an inflated balloon, a figure was pushed out of the ward.

The vines all over the room spread their teeth and claws, and even climbed out of the room and into the corridor.

The wizard just now was knocked away by the suddenly expanding vines.

"Hey - it's all your fault - I could have succeeded, but you suddenly broke in and interrupted, and you are responsible for his death!" Owen's soft voice immediately sounded in the room, and he occupied the moral high ground at the speed of light. , and then pointed at the intruding therapist.

"That's enough!" The therapist stood up unsteadily and stared angrily at Owen who crawled out from under the bed in the room. "Get out of here!" he roared.

Irving, on the other hand, roared louder in return, "Get out of here!!! Why are you shouting so loudly!"

After that, people outside saw a four or five-year-old boy with neck-length hair and a delicate face like a doll? Walked out carrying the bench.

After glaring at the therapist fiercely, he rushed to the next ward without stopping.



Suddenly the therapist's face became even more angry.

It was like someone poured a bucket of gasoline on the fire.

The flames burned, even distorting her face.

Unfortunately, Owen didn't give her a chance this time. The moment he entered the ward, he waved his wand and set several protection spells on the door.

It's easy to block people out of the door.

"Open the door!"

"Bang bang bang!"

"Open the door quickly!"

The therapist outside the door yelled, and then—not a moment later—the door actually opened.

Owen came out with a bench, and behind him was the body of the Son of Omen.

The person on the hospital bed has changed.

"Don't look at me." Owen said stubbornly, "That guy - well - the King of Hell told him to die at the third watch, but he left at the second watch to prevent the leader from being embarrassed."

He looked at Merlin, his eyes sparkling with innocence.

"Oh - it's okay." Merlin chuckled, "You continue."

He slowly walked into the ward full of vines, and then turned everything into petals.

But this time, Editor Mei did not send out a spiritual flower.

Because there are no relatives of this patient around.

This time, no one was stopping Irving.

At some point, the therapists in the entire area stood there in a daze, as if they had pressed the pause button.

Falling into a deep hallucination.

No one realized that when in the second ward, the vines turned into petals and floated out to cover their eyes, the next second, the world in their eyes had changed.

Owen - didn't notice this, he was indulged in the joy of improving his proficiency.

Contrary to Merlin's guess, when he was the third patient, he figured out the technique and successfully extracted the abnormal energy from the wizard's body and transformed it into something else, such as a green grassland.

However, I was not very skilled at it, and I still failed several times after that. By the time he walked out of his tenth patient's room, he had mastered this deeper use of ancient magical fundamentalism.

And less than ten minutes have passed.

"I am indeed a genius!" Owen wiped the sweat from his forehead and sighed.

Guiding the mutant abilities in other people's bodies is not an easy task. You must be careful at all times, which is very exhausting.

With his current energy, ten people is the limit. If he continues, there may be casualties caused by his own mistakes.

"It's good to rest for a while." Merlin came back from the quarantine area next door.

There are the omens that have mutated.

The hospital imprisons them not only in the hope of finding a way to restore their humanity, but also in the hope of conducting magical research.

"Let them all fall asleep." Merlin said calmly, meeting Owen's eyes.

"Very good." Owen responded weakly. He leaned the bench against the wall and leaned on it.

"Reality is full of suffering. I hope they can have a good dream," he said.

"It will be a sweet dream." Merlin stretched out his hand again and rubbed Owen's head. The long silver hair flowed on his pale and scary fingers, and suddenly he felt a little distressed. Not for the bad omens, but for the people in front of me.

"I really hope that your story can be passed down and that we can meet again in the distant future."


"I think we can't see each other anymore." Owen rolled his eyes at him and said. He was unable to stop Merlin's wanton hands. He just touched them, and he was still bald. "Sooner or later, you, a vulgar editor, will be caught." The outside gods caught him and beat him into a pig's head, teh - how can you always stand by the river without getting your shoes wet, right?"

"Well - that's really a good ending." Merlin still smiled, as if there was no other expression on his face. "Ara - suddenly I remembered that idiot Arthur."

"Oh!" Owen suddenly became interested, "Tell me, tell me your love story, I can't wait any longer."

"Haha - that guy is just like you." Merlin lowered his head and stared at Owen, "He says, King! You have to be rational, informal, and cold to others, but in fact, you love him more than anyone else in your heart. Love that land. Love the people on that land.”

"Don't - I don't like it, bro, I'm French." Owen muttered, "If Britain sinks one day, I will applaud you and give you a curse."

"Haha." He continued to rub the boy's hair, but he had already seen the ending of the story in his eyes.

Under that clear blue sky.

Everything is business as usual.

"Hey, hey - how long do you want to keep them in a daze?" At this time, Owen finally noticed something unusual about the therapists.

Without having to guess, he knew it must be the Archmage next to him.

"Oh - I forgot." After saying that, Editor Mei's cane lightly tapped the ground, followed by an invisible wave.

The time around me seemed to be flowing again.

The confused eyes of the therapists became clear again.

However - they didn't seem to notice the fact that they were being cursed, and just went about their business.

The therapist who was yelling at Owen, after seeing Owen sitting obediently by the wall, panting for breath, no longer cared about him, but hurriedly went to another place.

Wilma Lawton, the witch doctor, also cast her gaze over. She had a strong opinion of Merlin. She probably guessed that Owen was extraordinary. He was definitely not a four or five-year-old wizard. He might have been injured due to some kind of magical curse. She would never grow up or anything like that, but even though Owen was an adult wizard, she still had some resentment.

An immature treatment method should be more conservative, starting with simple patients a little bit, starting locally, even if only half of the curse is cleared at a time, accumulating experience is the most important at this time.

Instead of conducting human experiments right away.

Although these dead people are extremely ill and may not be saved even with treatment, even so, as a therapist, you should respect them and respect life.

Yes - the magic level of these two strange wizards is probably rare in the world, and can even be compared with legendary wizards such as Mr. Dumbledore. Even if their overall strength is slightly insufficient, they can definitely compete with them in terms of healing magic.

In this magical world where the strong are still respected in the underlying code, Wilma Lawton admires them very much, but they do not have the noble character of Mr. Dumbledore.

They - especially the mysterious young wizard with silver-pink hair.

Not as good as Dumbledore, far from it.

Wilma Lawton left here. She whispered a few words to the therapist behind her, and then strode to other wards.

The therapist who received her instructions stepped forward with a smile on his face and said to them, "If you two feel tired, you can go to the rest area on the first floor and rest for a while.

You have the treatment to save these patients. Director Wilma Lawton will go to the first floor to talk to you in a moment. Please do not leave the hospital during this time. "

"What? You still want to put us under house arrest?" Owen raised his eyebrows and asked disdainfully.

"No - no, of course not." The female therapist Pi continued to wave her hands with a smile, and spoke English with a strange accent, which really made Owen, the eternal enemy of old London, and old Paris feel all over. Uncomfortable.

It's like having an ice cube in your mouth, and you can't bear to spit it out, but you can't bear to swallow it.

"The Ikull Magic Hospital for the Disabled is willing to pay you both a huge sum of money if you are willing to help us treat the patients." The female healer continued, "Every country is now helpless against this curse. With you two For future achievements, obtaining a first-class Order of Merlin is a sure thing. The International Federation of Wizards will personally present the awards to you two."

"Ho! The Order of Merlin!" Owen bumped Editor Mei next to him with his elbow.

"What do you think?"

"Me?" Merlin shook his head, "Do you want me to award one to you personally?"

"Um - Merlin personally awarded me the Merlin Medal, Zizhen - listen obediently, it always feels like a dead man crawling out of the grave. You'd better lie back." Owen said with disgust, "And I've already I already have an Order of Merlin, Level 2, I don’t need a second one.”

"Oh! By the way, before you get confused and disappear suddenly, get me some autographed photos. Wow - autographed photos signed by Merlin himself must be very valuable. At least one photo can be sold for several hundred galleons, hehe - —Don’t say that my brother is evil, the main reason is that this thing is sold in limited quantities, and there hasn’t been one for more than a thousand years.”

Owen's eyes were shining as Jin Gallon gradually occupied the high ground of his brain again.

He said to the therapist, "Don't worry, we will definitely not leave. If you have money, you won't be a bastard! At that time, we can talk about how much you are willing to pay for each person saved. But the ugly part is up front, my appearance. The fee is very high, if it’s less than 200 Galleons, I’ll leave!”

"Of course, I will definitely give you a satisfactory number." The female therapist smiled apologetically, and then walked away quickly, as if she was avoiding some plague.

These two wizards are indeed very powerful.

Just not very clear.

Merlin haha ​​- do they think that Merlin is the reincarnation of himself?

How ridiculous.

Seeing the little witch walking in a hurry, Owen naturally guessed something.

But that’s it!

He doesn't have the time to explain things to people just once when he meets them.

On the other side, Bill Weasley. After experiencing so much, when his solemn gaze fell on Editor Mei, a ridiculous idea emerged in his heart.

The young wizard in front of him, who has a silver-pink color like a waterfall, wears a simple white robe, is decorated with various strange decorations, and wears petal-shaped earrings. Is it possible that he is really Merlin?

According to legend, Merlin is the son of nightmares.

Possessing endless magic power and lifespan, he has lived for more than a thousand years.

It would make sense if he wasn't dead now.

Could it be—could it be!

"Sir!" He stepped forward and came to Merlin's side, staring at him seriously.

"Are you really Merlin?"

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