I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 379: Solving a curse is like doing a math problem

In Egypt in August, the sun was like a sharp knife, ruthlessly cutting through the air and baking the earth into waves of heat. There was no cloud in the sky, which was blue and white. It was as if the whole world had been thrown into the scorching sun.

Outside the small window of the ward, a few palm trees hung low, their leaves covered with dust.

However, through a piece of glass, I couldn't feel the slightest warmth in the ward, and the temperature was as comfortable as Hogwarts in early summer.

Bill was standing in front of the window, and the sun shone in through the window and fell on him.

Owen saw that he took out his wand and waved it, and the injured wrist of the patient on the hospital bed slowly floated up.

Well - careful steps to remove the curse. In ancient ruins, remember not to touch it directly with your hands if you can cast spells, because you don't know the curses, mechanisms and poisons hidden there.

Owen didn't notice until the patient's hand was raised.

He was on the other side of the hospital bed. Now, his height could not reach the height of the hospital bed, so naturally he could not see the scene on the other side.

Thinking of this, Owen couldn't help but raise his head and glared at the silver-pink haired scammer.

Then he turned his attention to the injured arm.

The unlucky guy on the hospital bed seemed to have been scratched on his forearm by the hard horn of the omens, leaving a wound about an inch long.

The wound is now a disgusting silver-gray color, and the ulcerated skin looks like cracked earth exuding a disgusting yellow sticky substance. In addition, silvery-black granulations have grown on both sides of the wound of about an inch. Like teeth, like sarcoma, like the sprouts of hard horns. The ups and downs spread from the wound to other parts of the arm.

Thinking about it, when the flesh sprouts spread all over his body, the wizard will be transformed into a new son of evil omen.

However, the person in front of me should still be in the early stages of the disease. All the signs of decay are only on his arms, while other parts are normal.

But he himself had fallen into a coma and was suffering from a high fever.

Just now, Owen touched the hospital bed with his hand, and it was bitingly cold.

The witch doctors in the hospital are using physical cooling methods to save his life.

It seemed that they had already used the magic potion to treat fever, but it obviously didn't work.

Unexpectedly, wizards would one day use such primitive means to cool down people's bodies.

I think this eldest brother's body temperature should be over 40 degrees Celsius.

Owen thought so.

Where he can't see, the immune system is killing. Even the body itself, which is littered with corpses, must not be able to hold on. This high-end game will collapse soon, and then the power of the mutation will drive in like No man's land.

"It's kind of like inflammation."

At some point, Owen had taken out a few pieces of parchment and a quill from his pocket and started recording everything that happened to the patient in front of him.

Fever, when the body is stimulated and infected by foreign objects, the immune system will release a large number of white blood cells to fight the infection, causing the body temperature to rise.

Redness and swelling, obvious tissue swelling in parts of the man's arms, especially in the joints.

Although he was in coma, his face kept deforming and twisting. He must be enduring the pain. It must be caused by local tissue swelling and compression of nerves.

Movement is limited. The infected person's finger and arm joints obviously show abnormal bending. This should be caused by joint stiffness or muscle swelling. It can be judged that he must have limited movement.

Very obvious systemic inflammation.

Owen recorded something on the parchment. In this way, this mutation should be affecting the body, rather than some mysterious and mysterious soul, which is different from the sacrificial ceremony he watched in the square of Ionia.

The sacrificial ceremony was obviously about sacrificing one's soul to the alien god, and then the alien god fed back the body, transforming it into a bad omen.

Nor does it act on the soul.

Well - that's good, it's good news. Compared with the ethereal soul, the research on physical wizards is still very in-depth.

"What would happen if his entire arm was cut off?" Suddenly he asked a question. In the Muggle world, if there is a large-scale infection, the only choice is amputation. This is a very correct choice. After all, saving life is important.

"It's no use." Although the person who asked the question was a cute-looking four or five-year-old child, and although this place was not accessible to a young wizard of this age, it was obvious that the female therapist who had stayed up late for who knows how many days was no longer there. Focusing on other things, "The curse has spread all over the body from the moment of infection, but the wound is particularly obvious. Even if we amputate his arm, it will not take a few days for those granulations to grow back from the cut."

She didn't mean this to Owen.

It's for Bill.

"That's it!" Although Owen had already guessed that this would be the result, he wouldn't die if he asked, just in case.

On the other side, Bill has begun to try to undo the curse.

The tip of his wand hovered over the wound on his arm, chanting a spell.

I have to say that Bill is indeed an outstanding graduate of Hogwarts.

In terms of resolving curses, in addition to those taught in school, his work over the past few years has also allowed him to accumulate a lot of experience. I am afraid that in terms of resolving curses, his knowledge reserve has exceeded that of some professors.

And not just spells.

Just now Owen saw him take out some magic gadgets from his pocket, a cursed doll.

To be honest, this was the first time Owen had seen that kind of thing. In Muggle fantasy novels, the most common evil prop used by wizards is the voodoo doll.

An evil tool that can be used to control and harm other people.

Here, it was used by Bill to break the curse.

It seems that he wants to replace the human body with the doll in his hand and transfer the curse to the doll.

I have to say that Owen has never seen such magic before.

This should be one of the native magics originating from Africa. In Europe, such a prop has never been seen before.

However, after the doll suddenly burst into khaki fire and ignited, he was completely defeated.

However, he did not give up, but began to try other methods again that dazzled Owen.

At this time, Owen discovered that the job of the curse breaker was not what he imagined, and he kept trying to cast various spells to break the curse.

Instead, through arithmetic and divination, based on the characteristics of the curse, a little bit of calculation, and the rune magic embedded in their production, the whole process is more like making a key for a complex lock cylinder.

Full of exquisite, rigorous, academic and wonderful fun.

It seems that this job is really suitable for Miss Granger.

Because she is quite accomplished in arithmetic and divination.

And Owen - he didn't take that class at all.

Owen looked at it for a while and lost interest. It was too boring. He just kept checking the calculations and then correcting his model.

Make it as close to perfect as possible.

He had enough boring work.

Got to help Professor Sprout research her magical herb.

I still have to sort out the potion formula in my head.

Finally, he will continue to follow up on alchemy.

This is extremely boring work, and he really can't spare the energy to study other things.

"Hey!" Owen pulled Merlin's sleeve and said, "The black-haired female doctor just said that such a mutation curse was recorded in medical books five hundred years ago. What's going on?"

"What did you do five hundred years ago?"

Merlin lowered his head and said innocently, "How are you sure that's me?"

"Haha -" Owen sneered, and then said, "I can see it. If you want to say who is the gong in nine out of ten places in this world, then what's the matter? Who is his country? It must be Dai Ying, if the scope is defined as wizards, it must be Yin!"

"Five hundred years ago! Outer gods! Changes! Bad omens! Listen, these words form one. Did the dung beetle come at the right time when he encountered dry stool? Can you pass by without smelling it?"

"Ha - you little guy is so interesting!" Master Mei rubbed his hair, and then said with a normal expression, "Ara, I just took a look at it from a distance."

"Do you think I believe it?"

"Ah - by the way, I asked the giant king at that time to go to the Maelstrom. It was the eve of my departure to the Sea of ​​Stars, and she started acting up again. In order to let her wait for you to be born in peace, I can only give her a little bit. It’s sweet.”


"Oops - there are not many creatures that can fully accept her power. I have no choice, but I gave the Giant King a crown. That thing can resist the invasion of external magic, which delays the time of his final control."


Hearing this, Owen was immediately speechless. Everything was planned by you.

"You are so cruel and ruthless! Master Mei, you punched the filters that ordinary wizards used against you and turned them into scum."

"This is all the world's prejudice against me." Merlin said cheerfully, his expression still looking so unbeatable.

"Okay - tell me now, can you eliminate this kind of mutation? I mean, the kind that doesn't hurt yourself!"

"Of course -" he said gently, "it's very simple, you can learn it after just one look."

Hearing what Editor Mei said, Owen knew that this was a sure thing. Ah - although the guy in front of him was full of unreliability from head to toe, after all, the prestigious Editor Mei could play with foreign gods. The guy who applauded must be pretty strong after all.

Time passed little by little, and soon, thin beads of sweat broke out on Bill's forehead.

In just a few dozen minutes, his cup was obviously overclocked and overloaded.

Although the water cooling effect is excellent and the surrounding environment is freezing, it still can't suppress his overclocked cup!

Finally, when it felt like he was going to faint, Bill put down his wand.

"How is it?" the female doctor who led them into the ward asked.

"Sorry, Ms. Wilma Lawton—there's nothing I can do." Bill shook his head and stepped aside.

"It doesn't matter, it's great that you can come." Although the wizard couldn't hide his disappointment, he didn't blame anything. After all, Bill was not the only one who was helpless about this. As professional wizards, weren't they all helpless?

But despite saying this, everyone, including the witch doctors around them, all looked disappointed.

For a month, the Ministry of Magic had put too much pressure on them.

The Aurors lying here are almost half of the backbone of the Ministry of Magic. It is impossible for them to bear such a loss, let alone the Ministry of Magic - the entire Egyptian magical world, and the entire Europe cannot bear it. For decades, it has been There had never been such a large-scale incident in which so many wizards were lost in one battle. Not even Voldemort could do this.

Moreover, among the female doctors around, some of their boyfriends, husbands, and children were lying in the hospital. If they could find Bill, it would be regarded as urgent treatment.

"Mr. Weasley, I'm really sorry to trouble you. You can go to the rest area on the first floor to rest for a while. As we said before, the hospital will pay you regardless of success or failure." The person named Wilma Lawton The female doctor forced a smile.

"Thank you," Bill said, and started to leave.

As he walked to the other side of the hospital bed, he glanced down at Owen.

I'm afraid he won't be needed this time.

Originally, according to his estimation, there might be some thorny ancient rune nesting problems during the process of solving the curse, and Owen might be able to help at that time.

Just like solving a problem, the two people can discuss which formula to use.

But the problem now is that he didn't even understand the question. He just wrote a lot of principles in a daze, hoping that he could hit a dead mouse and come up with the answer.

Just like you can find the formula for a math problem you don't know no matter how hard you look for it - you can't really write down a solution.

At least you get a few points for listing the formula.

It's a pity that the marking teacher this time is quite strict, and he is destined to get a zero score in this exam.

"Editor Mei." Owen kicked the person next to him, "What are you waiting for? Come on."

"Alright, alright." Merlin held up his crutches and walked step by step to the other side of the hospital bed.

"Who are you?" His move naturally attracted the attention of the witch doctor present. This is a strictly closed area, and outsiders were originally prohibited from entering. However, after seeing Weasley coming with them, the anxious Wilma... Lawton did not stop them, but this did not mean that they could offend the patients in this way.

"Anyway, there's nothing you can do." Because of his height, Owen could only cast a spell to transform the vase on the hospital bed table into a bench, then he lifted the bench and stood on it unsteadily, his eyes completely focused on Merlin, " He is already dead, so in that case, what’s the harm in letting that guy try it!”

Hearing Owen's words, Witch Doctor Wilma Lawton visibly hesitated.

Or maybe she still had an expectation in her heart, so she didn't take action to stop Merlin after Owen finished speaking. But he still stood aside.

At this time, Merlin's dead branch cane was hovering over the patient's injured arm.

"Your understanding of ancient magic is too shallow, Owen." Merlin said. "Completely understand the fundamental principles, and there are endless treasures there."

As he spoke, a strange magical power descended from the cane and penetrated deep into the wound.

It's not purification, or driving away, but more like guidance.

In Owen's eyes, threads of ancient magical power shone brightly, and Merlin was using his own magical power to affect the mutated energy in the patient's body.

"This is - the principle of regression!" Owen immediately understood the principle of this technique. The so-called regression means to converge everything towards the same and guide it to the final cause.

The principle of causality - the so-called cause and effect, means that all things are interconnected, and countless effects can be derived from the analogy of cause.

"The energy of mutation is also in all things. It will naturally move closer to ancient magic and the huge cause. This is determined by the principle of regression." Owen was like a enlightenment, and he understood everything in an instant.

As for Merlin, he smiled and continued, "Just guiding is not enough. You also need to release this magic."

As he spoke, pink flower buds were pulled out from the man's wound, and then the flower buds burst out from his hand like popcorn, and soon the petals covered the ground.

"The energy of mutation is also a kind of life energy. Since it is life energy, you just need to transform it into other harmless things."

Master Merlin withdrew his hand, and everyone finally turned away from the shock caused by the pink petals on the ground.

His eyes fell on the wound on the patient's arm.

"Oh my God!"

"Merlin's beard!"

"Incredible!" The witch doctors who were watching exclaimed in exclamation.

The huge surprise hit them, which made them feel dizzy.

Because the wound on the injured arm has disappeared, the granulation has disappeared, and all the alien organisms have disappeared.

"It will take a while for him to wake up. He has lost too much of his own magic power to deal with the intrusion."

"What kind of magic is this?" Wilma Lawton murmured with her eyes wide open.

"This - well - is probably a magic you will never learn!" Merlin said ruthlessly, but his face was still full of smiles, and his eyes had a lightness that could easily be interpreted as A provocative look.

"You don't have the prerequisites to learn this kind of magic." He continued, "Of course. If you are willing to study it for decades, you can do this with some foreign objects."

"I" Wilma Lawton, the witch doctor, was suddenly speechless.

Decades - by the time she learned it, the patients in the ward had all turned into bones.

Merlin's focus was not on these medicine men.

As he said, he doesn't like individual human beings at all. Even because he has lived for too long, he knows the bad nature of human beings clearly. Such experience makes it even more difficult for him to have any special attitude towards ordinary people. Maybe in In the eyes of this great mage, there is not much difference between individual human beings and the flowers and plants on the roadside. They are all lives, with periods of prosperity and decline, and joys and sorrows.

"How about it, have you learned it?" he said, looking at Owen.

"This - I understand the principle, but -" Wen stepped on the small bench, a worried look on his pink face.

After all, it is inside the human body. Once an accident occurs, it may directly cause casualties.

"Then go practice - there are forty or fifty people here, I think you can save about three-quarters - after you kill the third or fourth, you should be able to master the skills." Merlin pressed against Chin, said after thinking for a moment.

"Three or four?" Witch Doctor Wilma Lawton was stunned. She suddenly looked at Editor Mei.

Does he mean to let the four or five-year-old child save people?

What a joke!

It's a little too wide!

On the other side, Owen narrowed his face with disdain, "Who are you looking down on! No one will die because of me!"

He jumped off the bench, then stretched out his hand to lift the bench, and then ran to other wards in a hurry, "If they die - they can't hold it on their own, what does it have to do with me?"

"Wait a minute -" Wilma Lawton scolded, but did not stop Owen, and then she looked at Merlin beside her.

"You let a four or five-year-old child try to save people?" Wilma Lawton stared at the young and beautiful man with angry eyes, "Don't you think this is ridiculous?"

"I don't think it's funny, Ms. Wilma Lawton." Merlin leaned on his cane and walked slowly towards the hospital bed. "He is the only wizard who meets the 'prerequisites', and he is very smart. You The appearance you see is just a virtual image. Whether it is from the perspective of future generations or the actual state of patients in the hospital, death is bound to occur."

"I know there will be casualties during treatment." Wilma Lawton roared, "But that cannot be caused by the doctor's arrogance and stupidity. You are obviously capable, why don't you come in person."

"Because the magic power of this phantom body is no longer enough." Merlin said.

"What do you mean?" Witch Doctor Wilma Lawton was stunned for a moment. She frowned, anger was still brewing in her eyes. She did not understand the sudden incoherent words of the man in front of her.

Phantom body, magic power. What does this mean?

Isn't he standing here alive?

Just under the sun, there comes the phantom body.

"Haha - instead of talking about this, let's go to the next ward!" Merlin walked out of the ward with a smile.

On the other side, Owen ran directly to the innermost side of the isolation area. From the markings on the door, he understood that the further inside, the more serious the patient was.

And that day after breaking into the innermost door.

The patient in front of him - perhaps he can no longer be called a patient.

The man's body was highly mutated, and he even had ominous horns, sarcomas, and other things growing on his body. The hard horns were all over his body. Owen couldn't even tell whether he was a boy or a girl.

Belonging to a group that will transform into an evil omen army in the next second.

He immediately decided to start with this person.

He put down the bench and stretched out his hand.

Owen looked at Merlin and released a slight amount of ancient magic, which penetrated into the patient's skin and guided the mutated magic power into something else. For example: plants.

The next second - "Boom!"

"I lost it!"

With a stagger, Owen fell off the bench, and he turned over and hid under the bed.

His magic power has just seeped in, and is still guiding the mutated magic power from other parts of the body back to the wound, and then uses the principle of cause and effect to transform it into a plant.

And at the moment when the plant sprouted, it suddenly lost control. The magic of the mutation did indeed transform into a plant, an English white oak tree - but the transformation was a bit fast.

The entire room is filled with plants.

He hurriedly hid under the bed, and just like that, the growing roots actually pierced the bed board and headed straight for him.

Owen, who has quick eyes and quick hands, dodged those roots. Fortunately, his current body area is small enough, otherwise it would be really difficult.

"Next, next!"

Two seconds later, Owen crawled out from under the bed, then picked up the bench and walked straight to the next ward.

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