I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 375 A sweet encounter with Dumbledore’s reform plan

Chapter 375 Dumbledore’s Reform Plan—Sweet Encounter

The entire audience was solemn, and all wizards returned to their seats and sat down normally.

His gaze was like a magnet attracting aliens, completely attracted by the old man in the center of the venue.

"Huh -" Dumbledore breathed out and relaxed the atmosphere in the venue, "A common topic - unity, gentlemen and ladies."

He realized that his throat was making sounds, but his consciousness seemed to be floating above the venue, looking down at everyone, "Endless disputes will only lead to separation."

"Now - I will make a direct judgment." Dumbledore seemed to have changed. The deep-rooted and gentle bookish breath on his body disappeared. In the eyes of everyone, the sleeping British Lion seemed to still be awake.

A strong sense of oppression swept through the entire venue.

"In principle - the Federation supports the magic of European countries to provide necessary help to the Mediterranean countries." His bright blue eyes looked at everyone in the venue through the lenses that reflected the light: "In the current crisis, the only way is to Responsibility – it is also permissible to waive parts of the law when necessary.”

"But - the law of secrecy is still something we need to abide by. We should build a more compact and united magical world based on the law of secrecy."

"In addition - we must re-examine our attitude towards Muggles. This is one of our most urgent issues. Wizards should put aside their discrimination and discuss this issue calmly and seriously.

Finally - and most importantly - I think a report delivered to the Federation by Mr. Theseus Scamander decades ago can now be revisited. "

Dumbledore looked around the scene, "That means wizards should establish a regular and professional armed force."

As soon as these words came out.

In an instant, the entire venue seemed to explode!

Representatives from various countries knew what this meant. To establish a wizard army under the direct control of the federation would mean that they would give up part of their national sovereignty, or even most of it.

Because in the future, the Ministry of Magic of various countries can no longer despise the Federation, and can no longer treat their resolutions as waste paper. The establishment of military forces will directly declare that they have lost the power to resist.

"I don't agree!" The American jumped out immediately. "This is an usurpation of the authority of the Ministry of Magic in various countries!"

"The federation must respect the sovereignty of each country."

The Americans roared hysterically, and the most important reason for their disagreement was that they could never see the emergence of a unified Europe, and they had their own interests in South America. If they ceded power, they would lose the initiative in South America.

"We don't agree either." The Australians also raised their heads. Of course - this time it's not that they are following the trend, this time it is really related to their interests.

The entire Oceania is isolated overseas, and the Australian Ministry of Magic is like a local emperor, with only a distant connection with the Federation. They cannot control some things that violate the laws of the Federation, but if the power of the Federation is strengthened, then their good life will be It's coming to an end.

"This proposal also includes establishing a unified wizarding market in Europe, assessing prices, unifying tariffs, and issuing wizard bank currency directly under the Federation. The Federation will gradually abolish Gringotts' elf currency and the currencies of various countries within ten years." Deng Bullido didn't even look at the American. He continued to speak calmly.

And the bomb from his mouth once again blew up the people in the center of the venue.

Everyone looked at Dumbledore in surprise.

You - you're walking a little too fast!

You might as well just announce the abolition of the Ministry of Magic in various European countries and let the Federation directly govern them.

This time. There are obviously more people who oppose it, like a tsunami. Except for the countries along the Mediterranean, almost everyone is opposing it.

The reason why the Greeks and Italians did not object was very simple. Anyway, their country was already in chaos. Anyway, the cost for them to take charge of everything was already very high. Anyway, it was impossible for Dumbledore to really kick these officials out of the authority. Even if he wants to be under the direct jurisdiction of the Federation, someone still has to manage these countries, right? His authority will not be reduced, so don't worry about him.

But others are not so open-minded.

The venue was buzzing, and many countries were clamoring to withdraw from the International Federation of Wizards.

However - these voices did not cause any waves on Dumbledore's face. He remained calm and composed, as if he had just asked what the other person wanted for lunch.

He knew very well that except for a few countries, most of these clamoring and angry countries would not really withdraw from the Federation, because after the Poseidon's Wrath incident - all countries realized that there was still something in the magical world. A powerful enemy that cannot be defeated by one country or even several countries together. This time it happened in the Mediterranean, but what about next time?

Even if it is just unfounded worries, the tragedies in the Mediterranean countries are still before their eyes, and they would not dare to take a big gamble with themselves no matter what.

Not even Americans will quit.

A united Europe is not what they want to see.

And if the Wizards Alliance is really formed, they will have a hand in it no matter what - what should I say?

When you can't destroy it from the outside, you have to break in.

Under this kind of diplomatic concept of the British Empire, the Yankees will definitely not withdraw.

Then the situation is very clear.

Dumbledore's blue eyes slowly scanned the countries in the first row of seats. Britain - well, although there will be resistance, it should be possible to implement it. France - they have great interests in Africa and will never allow the federation to intervene. If things come to that final step, they will only be forced to participate. Russia - they will definitely be happy to participate in order to expand their presence in Europe. Influence.

As for the last one——

——Mr. Zhang is still dozing off.

He seemed to be in low spirits from the moment he entered the venue.

The countries in the Far East have their own set of international codes of conduct, and they will not participate - but they will not object either, and will probably end up abstaining.

And that's enough.

Dumbledore slowly walked off the podium, letting the representatives below continue to argue.

The series of reform plans he proposed would be completed within ten or even twenty years. He did not expect wizards to cooperate sincerely and unite immediately.

He still has other things to be busy with - understanding the truth about Poseidon's Wrath, looking for Owen's whereabouts, and Voldemort's conspiracy hidden in the darkness.

Arguing with this group of representatives is the most pointless thing to do at this stage.

As Dumbledore walked out of the oak door, the quarrel in the venue became even louder.

Everyone put down their dignity and began to show off their exquisite language vocabulary.

Everything he did and said was unsightly and unsightly!


Compared with the unsightly situation over there, the Egyptian side looks happy and harmonious.

Facing this unattractive gentleman, Owen naturally had endless doubts and wanted to ask, but these were interrupted by the sound of the door suddenly opening.

"Well - good day, dear Miss Granger."

Owen, who was sitting cross-legged on the bed, waved to the dazed girl standing in front of the door.

He forced a smile, embarrassment written all over his face.

The next second.

He saw Miss Granger flying over angrily.

He raised his fists and looked like a man-eating lion.

She jumped up on the edge of the bed and punched Owen in the chest.

And she pressed him under her body. She seemed so annoyed that she showed her little tiger teeth again and bit down on Owen's shoulder.

The pain doesn't come away overnight, it's just a slight moist feeling at first.

But as she bit, the girl seemed to be really angry. She pressed harder and harder, and the pain was transmitted.

"Wait a minute--" Owen hadn't shouted yet.

His lips were blocked.

Then something wet came in.

Owen was slightly startled. He had never thought that Miss Granger was so bold.

But - since you are being forced, you have to learn to enjoy it.

The sweetness of the flowers spreads in the mouth.

Desire is mixed with love, and the fragrance is thick and smooth on the entangled tongue.

For a while, both of them were a little obsessed.

The intertwined faces were filled with crimson, and for a long time, the two of them were not separated.

Until a sudden voice interrupted everything.

"Alas - the vitality of youth is so enviable."

That slightly teasing tone instantly awakened Hermione's lost consciousness.

She opened her eyes and quickly fled the bed.

The whole face seemed to be burning red.

Standing helplessly by the window sill, head lowered, breathing heavily.

She should leave and escape from this embarrassing place, but - when she looked sideways at Owen, who also got up and touched his lips with his hand as if he was still savoring something, she couldn't move her feet.

I'm really afraid this is just a dream.

After waking up from the dream, she was alone guarding the empty room.

"If you don't speak, no one will treat you as a mute!" Owen glared at Merlin, who was sitting on a chair not far from the bed.

The emerald green eyes that seemed to be glowing looked at the unattractive gentleman, revealing a deep feeling of disgust.

"Oh - I am doing this for your own good." Archmage Merlin said softly, "You are young, don't make mistakes so early! If it is irreversible, it will be very troublesome in the future."

"Tch—brother, if you want, do you care?" Owen jumped off the bed and hugged Hermione, who was as soft as a pillow, "I think you are just jealous!"

The little witch's eyes reflected Owen's appearance, and she seemed to have completely lost control of her body. She just clung to his chest in a daze, unable to say a word.

Holding Hermione.

Owen looked at Merlin passionately with a smirk on his face.

The moment he felt the warmth coming from his chest, he figured something out.

He had no right to be angry anymore or judge Merlin for everything he had done to him.

Because he is enjoying it.

Even if you may have to bear the pain of loss in the future.

Thinking about it - he couldn't help but hugged her tighter.

However, this force suddenly woke Hermione up. She quickly straightened her back and moved her cheek away from Owen's chest. Although she did not leave his arms, she also opened a little distance.

"You" the girl's cheeks were still red, her eyes were looking left and right, not daring to look at anyone present, "Have you guys had lunch?"

God—this question of mine was so stupid.

Hermione was surprised that she could even ask this question.

This was too obvious, a clear change of subject, and then she immediately changed the subject, "That - what are you talking about."

This question is evenly matched with the previous one!

"We are discussing magic, Miss Hermione." Merlin said easily, "Fantastic magic always makes people curious, just like your force field magic."

Unexpectedly, Archmage Merlin actually managed to smooth things over.

"Ah - that - that was his invention -" Hermione lowered her head and counted how many of Owen's silver hairs were on her body.

"My grandfather invented it, Grindelwald." Owen corrected.

"But." There were too many silver hairs, so Hermione gave up counting them. She raised her head and blushed and looked at Owen.

"It was you who came up with the theory, but you were still young at that time. If it were you now, you would definitely be able to invent it."

She hated the wizarding world's silence about Owen's exploits.

Although the teacher said he didn't care, she did.

It wasn't Owen who supported him when he was in the limelight. If we talk about his achievements, he was enough to win the title of wizard hero.

It is rumored that Dumbledore's successor will be him, not himself.

"Well - although there is nothing wrong in saying this, - we have to be consistent with the outside world now." Owen stroked Hermione's back, and then his gentle eyes seamlessly transitioned to the look of garbage, and said: "Where did you come from? Come? Where are you going? What is the purpose of contacting us?"

"Ara ala - such a cruel look." Merlin smiled.

The warm breeze outside the window blew the heavy silver hair on the bed.

The wind carried silver threads flying in the air and landed in every corner of the room.


Merlin tapped the ground gently, and the hair that fell on his fingers suddenly began to bloom with flowers. Silver petals and stamens were dotted with blue light like stars and lakes.

This flower, full of ancient magic, will endure for thousands of years.

"Yeah -" Miss Granger exclaimed.

The silver stamens spread all over her body. Not only her, but also the boy in front of her, both of them were covered with petals.

A faint blue fragrance fills the tip of the nose.

A very weak aroma, if you don't smell it carefully, you will forget the taste.

"Put away important things carefully." Merlin stood up slowly, turning the dead branches in his hands slightly, and then all the flowers in the room began to turn into a galaxy, rotating around the two of them, with the center of the silver being the pocket of Owen's coat. , so the petals eventually poured into his pocket.

"I ran all the way from the Sea of ​​Stars here just to save you."

"Save me? Sea of ​​Stars?" Owen frowned slightly,

"Oh - luckily I left something in the pool of World Tree."

"Classmate Xinghuo." Boss Mei coughed lightly and continued: "Although I am a prophet, I am only a prophet, not omniscient. If it weren't for the half of my wand I left in the World Tree pool, it sensed the newly appointed Heir, and pass the message to me, I will not know that you foolishly ran to the Great Vortex of Charybdis.

As for the Sea of ​​Stars?

Oops - although I am in human form, I am not exactly the same creature as you. I am a hybrid between a dream demon and a human. The so-called dream demon is a spiritual body that is parasitic on human beings. It is an extension of the power of the gods, so actually I will not die.

The Sea of ​​Stars is in Avalon! In the gap of the void, I was trapped there observing the earth, unable to escape, but it was no problem to create an illusory body and sneak in. "

"Isn't he going to die?" Owen raised his eyebrows. Nothing in the magical world is immortal, and magic will fade away over time. In his knowledge, it seems that there is only one thing that will not die for thousands of years. ——That is the Outer God.

"Well - if the nightmare goes away, then I might die."

"What happened to the woman in the Charybdis vortex?" Owen then asked.

"Oh! She! The part that was forcibly cut off from the Supreme Will by a wizard who gave up the essence of god. She has been trying to get a body to escape from that tower since a thousand years ago. Oops - it's really too troublesome, I seduced a Cyclops and gave it to her as a body, hoping to make her calm for a while." Merlin said very easily, "I secretly gave the Giant King a crown, which can resist mental interference and is a bonus. The difficulty she occupies is large.”

"So - you are toying with a god?" Owen raised his eyebrows and said,

"Ara - how can you say that? Oh - they are too stupid!" Merlin in front of him laughed heartily, and in a joking tone, told the terrible fact that he would The gods play with applause.

"Then what's next?" Owen looked at him and said, "What are you going to do next? Continue to wander around the magical world?"

"Well - although I also want to look around, but - the magic power of this body cannot support this." Merlin said quite nonchalantly, "I can still hold on for about ten years."

"Ten days?"

"Nine, six, five, four, two, one."

"Bang!" Suddenly there was a bang from the ceiling, and colorful fragments fell down.

"Haha - are you scared?" The guy who was caressing stood there, laughing and looking at the two of them.

"." Both Owen and Hermione couldn't help but roll their eyes. Is this guy really Merlin?

Isn't it someone pretending to be someone?

Why is the legendary great magician like this?

Like a teenager who hasn't grown up yet, and a child like George and Fred!

"Okay! Okay! Please don't look at me like that. Are you hiding your embarrassment?" The guy winked at the two of them. "If you like Brother Merlin, be bold. Just say it! I will accept it along with my heart."


Owen's cheeks twitched slightly, almost choking.

"You - now - leave me smoothly and smoothly!" He pointed to the door of the room. said angrily.

Although he admitted in disguise what this guy had done, it didn't mean that he wouldn't get angry.

oh! Oh my God! I finally understand now, those people whose fates were touched by this disgusting guy! Why do you want to kill him?

"Oh - of course - sweet love! I know, the guy from the round table was right -"

"Get out!" Owen continued to shout.

"Okay, okay!" Mr. Mei shook his head and walked slowly, leaning on a cane like a dead wood.

He turned back step by step, and when he reached the door, he looked back again, with a joking smile on his face, "If you don't have experience, I have hundreds of years of observation records yo (^U^)ノ~YO, what do you want? There are all of them!”

"." Without saying anything, Owen directly picked up the scarab decoration on the table nearby and threw it away.

Boss Mei dodged away angrily, then rolled his eyes at Owen, "You have no experience at all, you are so innocent."

After that - he walked away happily.


"Depend on!"

What does it mean to have no experience at all! After all, I also have quite a wealth of theoretical knowledge.

Damn this guy is so annoying.

On the side, looking at Owen's angry look, Miss Granger couldn't help laughing.


"It would be really interesting if he is the legendary magician Merlin."

"He is a scumbag! He is ruthless and ruthless. When it comes to planning, a human life is worth less than a pot of soil in his eyes." Owen turned to look at Hermione.


In the past two months, Miss Granger's condition has obviously improved a lot. Her eyes are bright and clear, and she does not always show a hint of fatigue like before. Her complexion looks much better, and her fair skin is flushed. Like a tempting apple.

Because they were so close, a faint floral fragrance lingered on the tip of his nose.

When can the theory be put into practice?

Owen, who was thinking about Yingying Yanyan, suddenly noticed a slight chill on his lips.

The enthusiasm that was interrupted just now has been restored.

But this time, it was just a light kiss.

"I didn't realize you were so bold, Miss Granger."

Hermione glared at him, then bit her lower lip slightly, seeming a little embarrassed.

Hmm – maybe it’s the weather in Egypt.

The hot environment makes people irrational.

"I've always been bold." She stared at Owen, a sly glint in her eyes, and her heartbeat quickened.

"Oh~~~" Owen raised a smile, "But it's not good for me to always suffer. I don't like to be passive."

After saying that, Owen leaned down and pressed his lips gently on Hermione's lips.

It was a rough, aggressive kiss, Owen roughly exploring all of her.

The wet thing swam away so quickly that Hermione didn't even have time to respond.

It was a feeling she had never experienced before. Her body seemed to be hit by electric current, and her whole body went limp. Accompanied by Ruoyouruowu's breathing, the whole figure was like a limp cloud, clinging tightly to him.

The boy experienced a soft, full, and elastic tactile feedback.

A pair of slender white arms wrapped around his waist.

Then, both of them breathed heavier and heavier, and finally at a certain critical point, Hermione pushed Owen away, her face flushed.

"I...I can't breathe," she said softly.

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