I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 374 The wizard meeting is in progress

[1995, August, Sweden, International Federation of Wizards Headquarters]

Several large metal chandeliers hung in the center of the auditorium of the federation headquarters. The branches and leaves spread out like a fantasy tree, and more than a hundred candles emitted flickering light among the hanging branches.

Its light reflected a bloodless paleness on the faces of everyone present.

The air was filled with the scent of cooling gravy, which was not pleasant—like the smell that comes from a kitchen that has been left untied all night.

Cold, greasy and disgusting.

The table was covered with long-cooled food.

The various recipes were dizzyingly complex, far beyond the recipes Hogwarts had for more than a thousand years, but the smell was emanating from these luxurious and elegant dinner plates.

The food on the plate had either been eaten hastily, or it had been left intact for at least several hours.

During this half day, the representatives from the wizarding governments of various countries did not have a meal, but no one dared to remove these tableware.

Food was not allowed to enter this huge annular auditorium, but with the collapse of the old empire, some rules were abandoned by the current wizards.

Here - there is a long-term, mutual bargaining discussion going on, and the seats are full of people. Whether it is the translator, the clerk, or the representatives themselves, they are all aware of the storm that is brewing on the negotiating table in front of them.

Finally, after a long period of silence, directly in front of the circle of representatives' seats, on the elegant rostrum, under the huge emblem of the International Federation of Wizards, the current Vice President of the Federation, Babajid... Ajinbad, handed a manuscript to the General Secretary of the Congress.

An African-American wizard and witch wears a dark purple waistcoat and has a darker complexion. Although the African-American facial features are no longer so obvious on her body after many generations of mixed blood, they have become a lingering part of her body. A kind of temperament, Sephis Kama, a pure-blood wizard from Senegal, still holds the position of secretary-general of the federation at the age of twenty-five. This is inseparable from her pure-blood family.

Her father, grandfather Yusef Kama, was the hero of the First Global Wizarding War and was quite prestigious in the Federation, and she took advantage of this connection.

Of course - this is nothing in today's wizarding world, because the Federation is about to give a fifteen-year-old British witch the title of war hero.

"After a long period of investigation and revision, the first phase of the war report has been issued." Seth Kama lowered his eyes slightly and quickly flipped through the manuscript in his hand.

"According to the statistics of the Federation and the assistance of the Ministry of Magic of various countries, a total of 115,763 magic leaks were discovered - just in this month. The "International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy" has existed in name only. According to the proposal of the nine countries , should the wizard completely give up hiding or ask the representatives to propose specific methods to repair the secrecy law."

"The law of confidentiality must never be waived."

The first person to stand up was Percy Weasley, the representative of the British Ministry of Magic to the Federation, who immediately made a statement. He was originally the minister's secretary, but because of the importance of this meeting, he also served as the British representative and came to Sweden.

"The current world wizarding order is all based on the Law of Secrecy. If we abandon the Law of Secrecy, not to mention what will happen to Muggles? Even we ourselves will immediately fall into chaos. In another set of effective world magic When order is not established, we should maintain the world's magical order under the Secrecy Act to the greatest extent possible."

Percy's speech was inspiring, but had little effect.

Most of the ministers of the British Ministry of Magic, past and present, are typical conservatives who received traditional wizarding education.

For hundreds of years, British wizards have tended to support a 'balanced' policy that was trapped in tradition and sought to maintain the status quo.

This set of policies has always been the policy philosophy of the British Ministry of Magic.

Just like the diplomatic goals of the British government, for 500 years, they have been trying to create a divided Europe, so they united the Netherlands to restrain Spain, united Germany to restrain France, united France and Italy to restrain Germany, united France to restrain Germany and Italy, divide and conquer, offshore balance hand, and this set of 'continental balance' policies extends almost seamlessly to the magical world.

It's just that the Ministry of Magic is not as smart as Muggles - their method of maintaining 'balance' relies on 'neutrality'.

This is why the British Ministry of Magic did not allow their own wizards to participate in World War I. During the American Civil War, British wizards sat on the sidelines and did not participate. Even further back - in the Age of Discovery, when Muggles established global colonies, British wizards were only the youngest. degree of participation.

"I don't understand why we are arguing about a law that has expired. The Muggle world is no longer the world where news was delivered through newspapers fifty years ago. They now have this more advanced - what is it called - telephone? ?

As soon as the war began, Muggles around the world knew what was happening on the Mediterranean coast. We must face the current situation squarely, gentlemen - ladies - times have changed! "The representative of the Italian Ministry of Magic immediately jumped out to object.

As the country most affected by this incident, Italy does not care about secrecy laws and the like. What they need now is support - the support of wizards from all over Europe. Just casting the Forgetting Curse on Muggles can make them cry, and even more Needless to say, I just cast a spell on someone today, and tomorrow she answered the phone and learned the 'truth' about the waters of Sicily from other people.

This makes them tireless.

Italy must no longer insist on the secrecy law - the meaning of this sentence is - the Federation must provide a comprehensive rescue to Italy, and they will also lift the approval process for wizards to enter, allowing more wizards to go to Italy to join their work , if the federation can't do that - then they don't care. What kind of secrecy law - what kind of federation, if they don't give benefits, then they can only learn from the Italian Muggle government and open the border to let refugees from the Middle East flow into Europe.

The Greek representative sitting with the Italian representative also meant the same thing.

After hearing the Italian representative's speech, half of the people in the auditorium showed disgust on his face, while the other half fell into deep thought. The wizard had never been so divided.

"Mr. Chairman—distinguished representatives." At this time, another national representative stood up.

Everyone knew from his language that he was a German wizard.

"The International Statute of Secrecy is a very important and sacred law that affects the life and death of all wizards. In our opinion, any crime is not as serious as violating the Statute of Secrecy.

Ideas that question the law of secrecy must be completely eliminated, otherwise, sooner or later, the wizarding world will play with fire and burn itself. "

A very German-style speech - of course, this guy's words revealed a strong sense of yin and yang in the ears of other representatives.

Germany can only say this because during the First Global Wizarding War, the entire German Ministry of Magic was a believer in Grindelwald. They said this because of political correctness. Any country in the world can propose to abolish the Secrecy Act, but They just can't.

However - as to what the Germans are thinking, whether they really think so or whether they are mocking them, no one knows.

"Humph——" The Greek representative stood up.

"I must warn you that the countries along the Mediterranean Sea have suffered great harm. Regardless of the outcome of this meeting, we will not be able to undertake the implementation of the confidentiality law. Next, whether it is an international condominium or a federation, the region Regardless of the direct jurisdiction, the Greek Ministry of Magic will never send even one person to deal with anything related to Muggles!"

"Presumptuous!" Secretary-General Serphis Kama's face instantly darkened. "Maybe I heard wrong. You seem to be threatening the Federation and all countries in the world!"

As the Secretary-General of the Federation, the entire organization of the Federation is based on the confidentiality law. If this law fails, it will have unpredictable catastrophic consequences for the power of the Federation. Naturally, Serfis Kama This will not be tolerated.

"Threat?" The Greek sneered.

That damn hurricane followed a circular trajectory from the Ionian Sea in Italy to the Strait of Otranto, then to Greece, and finally to Egypt.

Because of the upwind, the evil spirits in the sea did not reach Italy, but instead brought great misfortune to Greece, which was downwind. Although most of the body parts and meat went to the coast of Egypt, a large number remained on the coast of Greece. .

These days, ominous disasters are breaking out everywhere in Greece, like a biological crisis. The entire Ministry of Magic is busy putting out fires. Who the hell cares about the secrecy law!

"How about a threat! You are such a fool who relies on the legacy of your fathers, how can you have the face to rebuke me here! Tell you and tell you all." Under the thumbs and admiring eyes of the Italian representative beside him, the Greek Scanning the audience, "If Greece cannot survive this crisis, then none of you - none of you will be able to survive this crisis!"

"Enough!" Serphis Kama yelled angrily on the rostrum, and her most unbearable scar was removed. She hated people mentioning her father's generation the most, because it was as if she had made no effort at all. "Watch your words, this is the Federation, not the Greek Ministry of Magic!" she sarcastically said.

"Attention! I'm paying attention to your uncle, don't you think I'm unhappy? You have the guts to start a war with Greece!" The Greek didn't know what kind of ambition made him bold, his eyes widened, and he seamlessly switched from a gentleman to a Land hooligans.

"Is this the Federation? Where is the fairness? Where is the justice? After the war, you slapped your butts and left, leaving us with all the trauma caused by the war, haha ​​- you are so noble! You are so righteous!

"Hmph! Now that things have come to this - let's not hide it. If the International Federation of Wizards cannot come up with feasible rescue measures within three days, then the Greek Ministry of Magic will join the Greek Muggle government. , we can only use their power to clear away the domestic unrest, and I believe they will be very happy."

"You are presumptuous!"

This time, not only Secretary-General Serfis Kama on the rostrum, but also senior officials of the federation, including Vice-President Babajide Akinbade, and representatives from most countries expressed strong sentiments. indignation.

Join the Muggle Government!

You can tell me what a shocking statement this is.

They would definitely not believe that the Greek Ministry of Magic had reached the end of its rope and was on the verge of collapse. There were all smart people present, and they could all hear what he wanted - it was just that he wanted the Federation to wipe his ass, and in the end It's better to use soft paper and wipe him first.

However - they were not sure if they would really defect to the Muggles if they did not hand this piece of paper to the Greeks.

This is too shocking.

The wizarding world has not heard such outrageous words in hundreds of years.

"Ansetus, do you know what you are talking about? You are a wizard, not a Muggle!" On the other side of the circular auditorium, the American representative stood up angrily. As one of the countries most tense with Muggle forces, the Magical Congress of the United States has been It was a real worry to prevent Muggle ideas from infiltrating.

There is no way around this. Different European countries have a long history of the Ministry of Magic, and wizards have a deep attachment to the Ministry of Magic.

Unlike the United States, wizards have established the Magical Congress no longer than this country has been established.

Their affiliation with MACHA is not that deep. In addition, the law of MACHA decades ago - which prohibits the union of wizards and Muggles, and offenders will be directly imprisoned - has deepened wizards' attachment to MACHA. disgust.

Many wizard families in the United States fly the American flag, which is rare in the history of wizards in the world. The last wizard to have such a favorable impression of national power was Su-lian.

"Muggles? What's wrong with Muggles?" the Greek said contemptuously, "Didn't our Muggle lady become a war hero? Why - this makes your Yaxley family (twenty-eight pure-blood saints) 1) Feeling anxious?”

"Miss Granger's identity cannot be questioned. She is a descendant of Godric and the heir of Gryffindor." Mr. Yaxley, who comes from the United States, has a cold face and a pair of eyes burning with anger, as if he wants to be regarded as Burn the Greek Ansetus, a heretic, to death.

"Haha -" Mr. Ansetus suddenly burst out laughing loudly, "In order not to embarrass pure blood, do you even have to change someone's family tree? It's really ridiculous - who doesn't know about that young lady's life experience? Would you like Mr. Weasley sitting over there to repeat it to you?"

"This is accepted by the wizarding world," insisted Mr. Yaxley.

"Recognized? Have you asked me? Do you recognize it? The magic world, can you represent the magic world yourself? Shit - since this Mr. Magic World is so awesome, then why are we having a meeting? I propose that the meeting be adjourned and that everyone go back to their homes. Now - if nothing happens, I should go to the President of Greece to ask for my high-ranking salary and enjoy life."

With that said, he stood up and was about to leave.

"Traitor! Wizard traitor!" The dog that jumped out was an Australian.

It is obviously the sphere of influence of British wizards, but the Australian Ministry of Magic wears the same pants as the Magical Congress of the United States. This can be regarded as selling out the biological father and recognizing the godfather.

And this bark immediately caused countless dogs to bark in unison.

The auditorium was full of words like 'Traitor, hang him.' ’

Mr. Ansetus, on the other hand, was more straightforward. He opened his mouth and spoke all kinds of vulgar words. He used proficient Greek and said words like "Fuck Fuck" that even the translator was stunned.

All in all, it's very lively here.



On the rostrum, Vice President Babajide Akinbad knocked the small hammer in front of him loudly.

He ordered one by one in an attempt to regain the remaining sanity of the representatives from various countries and restore order to the venue.

But it's a pity - no one paid any attention to him.

Horse rider - who do you think you are? If Dumbledore hadn't nominated you to be the vice-president, would you have been able to sit in that position?

Are you really treating yourself like an onion?

The noise was still there, even getting more intense, and the food on the table turned into pelts, being thrown around by the wizards without wasting any time.

Babajide Akinbad rubbed his temples, his face was extremely embarrassed, and even Youran felt angry. If it weren't for his identity and dignity, he really wanted to rush up and show these guys what they saw. It’s called African Witchcraft!

"Mr. Zhang, Mr. Zhang!" After having a headache for a long time, he planned to ask for help - then turned to look at an Asian in the first row of the circular venue, only two seats away from the British Weasley.

That was the representative of the Ministry of Magic of the Ming Dynasty. As the most powerful Ministry of Magic in the world, if any Ministry of Magic could still mobilize manpower for rescue, it would be them.

"Huh? Huh? What's wrong?" He seemed to hear someone calling him. Mr. Zhang slowly woke up and looked around blankly, "Is the meeting over? It's time for me to leave." With that, he Just get up and leave.

"No, no." Babajide Akinbad forced a smile, "It's about the post-disaster reconstruction."

"Ah - is there a vote?" Mr. Zhang was still confused, "We abstain, Mr. President."

"No—not a vote, you—"


Pretend for me!

The smile on Babajide Ajinbade's face almost stopped. He was almost on the verge of collapse.

Now - there is only one thought in his heart!

That is - damn, I am no longer the bad vice-president!

Where's Dumbledore!

Where did he go?

"Ahem!!!" At this time, next to Mr. Zhang, another country representative stood up.

He was a Slav, with strong muscles and a furry robe. Even though it was August, he was still wearing a hat.

"Everyone -" With the blessing of the loud voice spell, his words could easily reach the ears of every wizard present, "Russia has a plan to provide humanitarian relief to backward countries in the region."

As soon as these words came out, the entire venue suddenly became quiet.

Then everyone looked at him involuntarily.

After a pause of about five or six seconds, the dispute started again.

The Russians want to find an outlet in the Mediterranean, and they want to eat shit!

Even if I sell my butt to Da Ying, I won’t give it to you.

At least Britain has another legendary wizard, and a witch, with potential no less than Dumbledore. The world of British wizards will still be dominated by British wizards for the next hundred years. The auditorium was in a mess, and fights occurred, but they were just shameless, not fools, and they still knew how to seize the future!

The dispute continues.

No one knows how long this endless bargaining will last, but everyone knows that they will definitely compromise in the end. Do wizards really want a Muggle as a subordinate?

European countries are simply unwilling to pay the price to rescue countries along the Mediterranean coast.

This is a bottomless pit, because no one can tell clearly how much losses they have suffered.

Beyond that, they had other issues to discuss.

——After the war recorded by the wizard, named——Wrath of Poseidon.

The political balance of the wizarding world has been broken, and a new order has not yet been formed. The current international wizarding society is in a chaotic chaos. Under this situation, any extreme behavior may occur - such as darkness The counterattack of forces, those intelligent creatures, werewolves, vampires, necromancers, and even goblins have to beware.

People are needed at all levels, and France has already seen a werewolf attack on a child - the first time in more than a decade.

What makes this group of dark creatures swell up to the point where they can turn the world upside down?

It's not just the chaotic Ministry of Magic and the shortage of Auror manpower.

The Aurors who were injured by the bad omen had a curse planted in their bodies, like a plague - granulations began to spread from the wound to the whole body, and then transformed them into another kind of creature.

How many wizards were injured in the war?

How many people converted?

I'm afraid this is the real disaster. Most European countries are unwilling to assist Greece because they are helpless to deal with this curse like the Black Death and can only choose not to get involved as much as possible.

But now, they understand that if they want to leave, they may not be able to.

As is the world, so are they.


At this time, there was a strange commotion outside the door of the conference room. The repeated bargaining on the negotiating table was paused. Everyone around the round table turned around, and they all heard the noise outside the door.

what's going on? Who dares to cause a commotion on such an occasion? Could it be an attack?

Everyone present at the meeting became nervous, and some even thought that the Muggle army had discovered this place and wanted to launch a surprise attack on them.

Obviously this idea is absurd.

Because when the quaint oak door opened, everyone put down the wands and tight letters in their hands when they saw the face of the visitor.

The visitor's back was straight and his eyes were slightly lowered. He stared at the center of the round table expressionlessly, and then stepped forward step by step.

Everyone was staring at him, everyone was looking at him expectantly.

Mr. Babajide Akinbade had a look of relief on his face.

He stood up quickly, as if escaping, and left the pin-pricked seat.

The person immediately took his place.

Albus Dumbledore pursed his lips tightly, and his blue eyes slowly scanned everyone sitting at the table. Finally, he raised a hand and took off the glasses on the bridge of his nose. When he put the glasses on the table, because he could not control the shaking of his wrists, the frame of the glasses collided with the wooden table, making a "dong" sound.

After that, the entire audience was solemn, and all the wizards returned to their seats and sat down normally.

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