I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 376 This guy in your family is a bit of a tiger!

The streets in Egypt are much more prosperous than those in London.

After all, this was once the land where magic was most dazzling.

It is the birthplace of magic.

Witchcraft from Africa, European magic, and Asian sorcerers met here, and it was inevitable that a great civilization would be born. Many modern curses originated here, and speaking of it, they also have historical origins.

Unlike Diagon Alley, which is narrow, crowded, and has crooked buildings, Egypt's streets show the appearance of the civilized world.

The floor is made of limestone with a small portion of granite.

It is straight and straight, fifteen feet wide from left to right. On both sides of the street are rows of stone pillars painted with portraits of various Egyptian figures, spaced ten feet apart. The stone pillars support the overhanging eaves of the two rows of houses. People blocked out a shady corridor about four feet away.

The sun in Egypt is not as bright as in London or Scotland.

If it gets too poisonous, wizards will suffer from heatstroke.

So their buildings all have such eaves, some are made of stone, and some are made of linen or cloth.

All the shops are very neat, and behind the semicircular doors, all kinds of novelty gadgets are right in front of you.

There are many people coming and going in the street market.

Although there are relatively fewer wizards from Europe this year, there are no fewer wizards from the African interior than in previous years, and there are even more.

I heard that this is related to the undead disaster that broke out in some inland countries.

It's not a big deal.

Inferi-type magic is very popular in Africa, and the Ministry of Magic here doesn't care much about wizards making inferi. As long as wizards don't kill Muggles, they are not interested in how the corpses came from.

Every year, a few or a dozen Inferi go wild in some places because of out-of-control magic. However, since there are few adults in the African interior, including few Muggles, these Inferi do not cause much harm.

But I heard it seems to be more serious this time.

Nefel walked in the street market, his amber eyes looking over the people around him, and his thoughts came to mind to some recent reports in magic newspapers.

After a moment, she shook her head again and threw all these things away.

Well - let dad and the others worry about these troublesome things.

She still cherishes what is in front of her.

With this thought in his heart, Nefer's steps suddenly became much more relaxed.

She was all too familiar with this street market and the stalls and shops on both sides.

She knew exactly what was needed there.

"Fengya Wizard Clothing Store." Strolling in the daylight, Naifel finally stopped outside a shop with huge floor-to-ceiling windows.

She stood there and raised her head, looking at the fancy clothes behind the pink display window.

Fengya Wizard Clothing Store is one of the few chain brand clothing stores in the wizarding world. They have branches in many cities. In addition to traditional robes, they sell a variety of novel clothing.

The so-called novelty - it is probably something that is twenty or thirty years behind Muggle fashion.

"Let's come with Hermione!" She hesitated at the door for a long time, then after saying something solemnly, she took back her step and headed to the next door.

Neiffel naturally knew Hermione's size, but when it came to buying clothes - of course he had to try them on himself.

And - when you are trying on clothes - you will definitely have to take off all your clothes when the time comes.

The girl blushed slightly, but her thoughts still drifted to some unexplainable scenes.

There was some kind of restlessness in his heart, and then Naifel ran happily to the next door - it was a jewelry store - the name was the House of Eternal Life, which sounded a bit strange, but in fact it was a magic items store.

It is famous for selling all kinds of novel magic gems.

This is an Egyptian magic that can inject brilliant brilliance into gems. In addition to shining brightly and displaying the wizard's gorgeous paintings forever, the gems produced in this way can also have a certain magical protection effect, such as There are many tricks for dust removal, simple fire prevention, etc. It all depends on how much money you can afford.


"Welcome." The doorbell rang, and Naifel walked straight in.

Before the plump Egyptian female shopkeeper could speak, her crisp voice rang out, "How much does this cost?"

Neiffel's hands held a huge sapphire brooch.

There is a galaxy hidden in the gem.

"Thirty gold coins." The female shopkeeper said an exaggerated amount.

But Nefel didn't even raise her head. She just took out dozens of gold coins from her pocket, turned around and walked out of the store without saying a word.

Nunan - the female shopkeeper took the dozens of gold coins - she likes customers who ask about the price of a specific product as soon as they come in.

Because they generally don't haggle.

After leaving the shop, Naifel turned back and glared at the store - hmm - he wanted to tell his father that there were so many unscrupulous shops in the neighborhood.

Just let him close it for a few days.

Afterwards, she bought some fruits and returned to the hotel with brisk steps.

"Hermione - let's go shopping for clothes. I'll introduce you to some traditional Egyptian clothes. If your friend wakes up, take this with her."

In the room, the two people who were still hugging each other were suddenly startled.

The clear voice from outside the door came too quickly.

Of course, it may be that they are too obsessed.

In short, there was a "bang" sound as the bag fell to the ground.

A certain girl's heart also sank heavily to the ground.

"You—" Nefil said.

All of a sudden - a certain Egyptian girl was marked with the sign of a defeated dog, and her eyes lost their highlights.

Feeling wronged, mist gathered in his eyes, and finally big tears fell down.

At the sudden sound, the frightened Hermione quickly ran away from Owen's arms. When she looked towards the door and saw Nefil, she breathed a sigh of relief.

She's not an outsider - and although it's a bit shameful to think so - she and Owen are probably boyfriend and girlfriend - there doesn't seem to be anything shameful about it.

But - Hermione rubbed her head in distress, why - why did she forget to close the door after so long.

"That -" Miss Granger blushed and pointed at Owen before she could introduce Owen's identity to Nefil.

"He is -" Before Hermione could finish her words, she saw Nefil suddenly turned around and then ran away from here.

There were still a few tears falling in the air.

Like a crystal clear pearl.

Seeing this - Hermione, who was already very embarrassed, dared to look into Owen's joking eyes again. She said tremblingly, "I - go explain to her."

After saying that, she hurriedly fled from here and followed him out.

Suddenly, Owen was the only one left in the huge room.

"Hey - what's going on!" He rubbed his head.

The weather is obviously fine, but why are there so many light bulbs?

If there weren't so many people, I could do it today.

Speaking of which, the minimum age for marriage in the UK is 16, and he will be 16 on his birthday next year.

As for Miss Granger, she will turn sixteen on September 19th this year.

Tsk - thinking about it this way, Hermione is actually one year older than him.

Hi - Who makes the time of her birth so embarrassing? Little wizards born after September can only enter the academy the following year, so Hermione is one year older than the little wizards of the same period.

Could this be part of her plan to take the lead in the trio?

Well - forget it.

When he thought that he had to wait another year, Owen felt unhappy.

His fingers habitually reached into his pocket.

This was when he realized that this piece of clothing was not the one he was wearing when he fell into the water.

That one had probably been dissolved long ago.

Afterwards, Owen looked around the room, but didn't find his wand, packages or anything like that.

No way - he had a bad feeling in his heart.

Didn't Shilok and the others escape?

Inexplicably, Owen felt a little sad, even though the two uncles couldn't help him a few times a year, and they wandered outside for 360 of the 365 days.

That is to say, he took those two guys with him during this summer vacation. This was the longest experience they had together.

"Hey-" He sighed.

Who would have thought that this journey would be their last adventure?

With a wave of his hand, the subtle spell spread around him. He closed the window, made the bed, and transformed himself into a pair of shoes.

Owen doesn't like wearing costumes transformed by transformation spells.

First of all - it feels like running naked.

Especially for someone like him who is particularly sensitive to magic power.

Secondly - although with his transformation technique that empowers ancient magic, the items will remain original even after his death, which may last for hundreds or thousands of years, but - clothes made by magic are still clothes made by magic. , no matter how long-lasting it is, as long as a spell to reveal the original form or stop the spell, it can change back to its original state.

The True Shape Revealing Curse is the most commonly used spell by him and them.

He didn't want Justin Harry to casually cast a True Shape Revealing Spell when they were exploring somewhere that day, and he would directly start streaking!

Arrange your clothes and simply braid and tie the remaining hair strands in your head.

Owen also left the room.

However, it is still no problem for emergency use.

Transfiguration - it's really convenient.

This hotel is really big.

It was square and square, with each floor like a pyramid. It wasn't until Owen walked to the center and got on the elevator that he could clearly see how many floors the hotel had.

Twenty-seventh floor.

Seven of the floors are underground and the rest are above ground.

At this time, it is necessary to beat the corpse in a London hotel on a daily basis.

The real appearance of the Leaky Cauldron is not as dirty and weird as it appears in the movie.

Unlike the dark and shabby bar, the rooms upstairs are surprisingly tidy and comfortable. The staircase leading upstairs is a beautiful wooden staircase, and each room has a brass number on the door. The bed in the room looked very comfortable, and the several pieces of oak furniture were shiny.

But - I'm afraid of comparison.

Compared with the hotel in front of me, which is a comprehensive hotel with food, accommodation and transportation, the Leaky Cauldron seems very shabby.

"Ding" the elevator door slowly opened.

The golden fence automatically recedes to the side.

Only wizards still use this kind of elevator from the last century.

After getting out of the elevator, Owen came to the lobby.

There are quite a lot of wizards here, and they are very popular.

The smell of delicious food wafts in the air.

Following Ms. Hufflepuff's guidance, Owen found the restaurant easily.


He didn't know how long it had been since he had eaten.

I had just woken up and didn't have any specific feelings. Then I bumped into Hermione, and I even forgot about eating.

Now after taking a few steps, it was like lubricating the machine. Suddenly the stomach machine started to work, and he felt hungry.

The restaurant is separated by partitions, with only the middle corridor unobstructed.

Owen moved with difficulty, looking for an open space.

"Yo - so fast?"

The joking voice came to mind.

Owen knew whose voice it was without turning around.

What a frivolous man!

Sure enough, when he turned his head, the guy was in the cubicle to his right.

He was chasing after a large table of delicious food.

"Fast? What's fast?" Because he was defeated by hunger, his brain lacked the necessary sugar. His stomach was like a high-speed train running at full speed, but his head was like the last steam train at the end of the era.

Slowly and leisurely, there is even a risk of getting stuck.

Until he sat directly opposite Merlin.

Only then did some gears in his head slowly start turning.

"Damn! Who do you think is faster? You are the only one willing to be faster!"

Owen shouted angrily: "I haven't started yet!"

He said: "You guy - you must have deliberately left the door open when you went out, right? Didn't you already 'see' that someone would come in and disturb you?"

"Ara ala - how could Brother Merlin do such a thing? Brother Merlin is just worried that you are still young. If you have offspring at this time, it will be very harmful to your health."

"Sure enough - you can 'see' it, right!" Owen said angrily, "Prophecies are the most annoying thing. Isn't this the same as reading the script in advance? It can be used daily, it's simply cheating!"

"Well - it can't be used for daily use!" Merlin said. "Only when something quite interesting happens, I will 'see' a little. If I 'see' too much, isn't it just for fun?"

"Yidiandian, right!" Owen glared at him, "I'll eat your food, you peeping tom!"

After that, he picked up a kebab and took a bite.

Hmm - a strong Ming Dynasty flavor.

The taste cannot be said to be similar - it can only be said that it was taught by a master and cannot break the defense.

Egyptian food is indeed different from the food Owen has eaten in England and France.

In short, it is more crude, with fried meatballs, Egyptian roast chicken, roasted pigeon and the like, which is definitely not possible at the Beauxbatons School of Witchcraft and Wizardry dinner.

Hogwarts doesn't offer anything like roasted pigeon, they only serve pork, mutton, fish, and beef.

As for the taste of this meal, I don’t know if it’s dinner or lunch – it’s not bad!

Hufflepuff has a wide range of tastes, and there's nothing he's not used to.

And after Hu had a meal with Haisai.

After finally filling their stomachs, the two of them were able to sit down safely and continue the conversation interrupted by Hermione.

After a moment of silence, Boss Mei took a deep breath and broke the silence first. He stroked his lips, stared at Owen with a pair of bright eyes, and said: "Okay - okay - you can continue to ask me questions.

Although I would probably lie and stay silent when it comes to troublesome matters like human growth and guidance, today I will answer your question sincerely. Come on, come on, if you have any questions, just ask!

Of course - if you don't say a word, that's an option, and to me, it would be great if you could do that. "

Owen frowned and pushed the plate away from his hands to clear some space. He leaned back and crossed his hands on his chest, as if he were waiting to be taught. "When I was fighting with another consciousness just now, you asked me to surrender, right?"

Hearing this, Boss Mei picked up a glass of Stella beer and drank it, then placed his right hand on his chin, looking thoughtful, and then nodded, "Although there is some ambiguity in your expression, but - well - it is indeed this child. That’s right.”


"Ara ala - there is some kind of inner connection between you and the outer gods."

"Then I am one of its Horcruxes? Like Harry Potter? Or is it his human body?" Owen asked three questions as he threw out his soul.

"Oh - it's smaller, the layout is smaller!" Boss Mei waved his hand, and the wine glass was automatically filled with red liquid. He still liked this kind of wine more than beer, "You are the Outer God.

The part of the god's essence whose body was destroyed by Muggles is just the biological instinct to return to the embrace of the supreme will, that is, your body - isn't it stupid to fight with yourself? "

"Tch - what a cliche truth, so if I commit suicide on the spot now, will everything be over?" Owen raised his eyebrows and said disdainfully.


Please start your performance. Reincarnation is also a technical job and you have to master the timing.

But - before you reincarnate, can you buy the order? I didn't bring any money! Archmage Merlin said with his left hand supporting his cheek and his right hand waving casually.

"You Ta-meow--" Owen rolled his eyes at him: "You're talking about serious things! And--I have no money! I even lost my wand and the money I brought for it."

"I don't have any money -" Archmage Merlin put his hand on his chin, looking up and down at Owen with a pair of purple eyes.

Especially his long silver hair and emerald green eyes.

His face is also exaggerated and beautiful. He no longer shows any traces of his ancestors, and some of his plump lips disappeared without knowing when.

He seemed to be moving toward the limits of every optimization possible for the human species, both in appearance and in body.

"Oh my! It's so beautiful!" Boss Mei said with a playful smile, "If you dress up properly, you'll be as beautiful as a flower. I'll discuss it with the shop owner and let you wear a maid uniform." If I stand in front of the door as a welcoming girl, I will definitely attract a large number of customers, and then - I can even make a fortune from it."


"Now I finally know why the Round Table wants to hack you to death. You really deserve a beating!" Owen's veins on his forehead throbbed. He silently picked up a wine glass from the table, squeezed it to pieces with a slight force on his palm.

"Have you ever seen a fist as big as a sandbag? I really want to give you a set of military punches!"

"Hmm. Then I'll take this as a compliment."

"I'm a bastard - you're cutting meat, aren't you?"

"Oh? What is that - is it delicious?"

"Eat, eat, eat - are you a fair-weather wizard?" Owen, who was getting angry, yelled angrily, "Look at your fancy clothes, your pretentious posture, and your useless wand, you don't look like a great magician at all.

You are indeed a fraud. "

Owen, who was getting more and more angry as he spoke, muttering in his eyes, happened to see a group of wizards walking in the distance.

Those guys looked like bureaucrats, presumably employees of the Egyptian Ministry of Magic or even Aurors.

Considering how crowded and lively the place is, they must have come to eat at meal time.

Seeing this, Owen, who was born with Ji Congxin, suddenly stood up, stretched out his hands, and shouted over there: "Gentlemen, help! Come on - there is a scum here - ah, no ——There is a trafficker kidnapping the little wizard!"

Owen yelled and successfully alerted the group of black-robed men.

They came over with frowns on their faces.

"Hello, what's going on?" The leading wizard spoke an authentic African English. Owen almost didn't understand what he was saying.

"It's him—" Owen raised his hand and pointed at Merlin. "This guy kidnapped little wizards! I was deceived by him from England."

"Ara, ala," Merlin pretended to be distressed and rubbed his head, then took out his wand, which was like a dead wood, and hooked Owen's shoulder.

At that moment, Owen suddenly felt like he had become heavier.

"Oh - how can my dear and good daughter talk like this? Gentlemen, I just have a little conflict with my daughter. She is having a tantrum."


Overflowing with rage, Owen reached out and knocked Merlin's wand away.

"Fuck you uncle, who is your daughter? I will take off my pants and slap you in the face. Believe it or not!"

"Hey - look." Boss Mei pointed at himself bitterly, and then reached out to rub Owen's hair.

After being knocked away mercilessly by Owen, he spread his hands and said, "You've all been spoiled by me. Understand, gentlemen - understand, it's not easy for a young father to raise a child."

"I can understand your mood very well." The leading Auror glanced at Owen - especially her budding breasts, the same hair color, and at least 70% to 80% similar faces - and then He smiled and said, "I always want to give my daughter the best, and I will spoil her child inadvertently - my girl is on vacation from school and has not been home for a month, ε=(ο`*)) ) Well, I heard what Muggles call this? It seems to be the rebellious stage. I think it’s quite right.”

"I am Ta Miao - are you blind? Me", patting his chest and planning to have a frank meeting, Owen, who was showing his gender, suddenly froze.


What’s up with this warm feeling!

And his speaking voice - it was originally very neutral, but now it has become a female voice.

In an instant, he figured out that the person sitting in front of him was the legendary great magician. He was so relaxed and happy when he used some illusion magic.

"Mei, your uncle Lin, I will die with you!" After saying that, Owen jumped up on the spot and clenched his fists to crush the villain's face.

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