Chapter 981 Dead without regret

At this time, although most of the human race has entered the boundary of time and space, some people who are far away in Zhou are still surrounded by the monster race, and they have time to rescue them before the emperor’s point. The big array star of Zhou Tian has firmly anchored the Heavenly Emperor’s Spot, and at the same time, the Zhou of the Heavenly Emperor’s Spot has been surrounded by Yang Hao, so that he has no time to save those people.

“Although those who committed human crimes will be punished far away, today, even though we have fallen, this is dedicated to my foundation in the human race for hundreds of millions of years, and I will die well in the future. , My ancestors will definitely seek this justice for us.” While talking, the ancestor master rushed forward with a “bang” sound and exploded, and several monster races had no time to dodge, instantaneously.

Was crushed and blown away by the aftermath.

“My Terran son has never been afraid of death. In order to keep my Terran Foundation, even if I die, I will be happy for future generations. I will wait to die and laugh.”

“I am proud of the Human Race. Although I die without regrets, those who kill me in the Human Race will go to heaven and earth and be chased by others.”

“Human race’ human dignity cannot be insulted. Even if your strength is very strong, it is impossible to defeat my belief in human race

With the explosion of all the tribes, the eyes of the Emperor Tian were red, and tears fell, dripping. When the people outside the tribes all fell, the heart of the Emperor Tian had no emotions, only endless killing. Only the blood of the Demon Race can wash away the hatred of the Human Race, and only by killing all the Demon Race people can their souls be comforted.

“Hey.” With the roar of the great emperor, the great wilderness suddenly came turbulently, rolling black clouds began to gather, scarlet lightning pierced the void from time to time, and the entire wilderness seemed to be caught in endless killings, like the ancestors of killing in ancient times. Reproduce the world.

Looking at the murderous aura, Di Jun’s face changed, and then he waved his hand “kill him for me”. Under the command of Emperor Jun, a star of the week suddenly appeared on the nodded head of Emperor Tian, ​​and then came to Emperor Xiangtian, Xingguang.

Dijun, you are too cruel to shoot me in Human Race. Don’t this seat dare to be in the Yaozu? Shoot at you? The Heavenly Emperor smashed all the fallen stars with countless fists, and then clapped in the place where the Yaozu army gathered.

“Stop him.” Watching the attack of Emperor Tian Dadian on the Yaozu, Di Jun immediately controlled Zhou Tian’s large array of stars and prevented the attack of Emperor Tian Dadian. However, it is a pity that Tianda Emperor Xiu is entering the chaotic state of Sub-Sage, and his physical body is not inferior to the power of the top Innate treasure. Under the palm of the hand, the protective layer of the starlight was torn apart like a paper pattern, and the big hand of the Tianda Emperor directly slapped-

The gathering place of the monster army.

The sound of “boom” shocked the entire universe. Countless great magicians in the human-monster war cast their eyes on it, but when their divine consciousness scanned the Heavenly Emperor, their expressions changed drastically, and they seemed to see something terrible. . The palm of the original heaven not only turned the tens of thousands of monster races into fly ashes, but also directly made a hole in the vast land under his feet, and even some

Great magical powers can see the polluted air on the underground land. After seeing Emperor Tian’s slap, Tai Jun immediately ordered the retreat, and all the people in the monster clan saw the power of the Emperor Tian were frightened, and now Emperor Jun ordered the retreat, and immediately speeded like a fly to make something more conscious than them. Supernatural powers looked at this cut.

The Emperor Tian saw that the monster army was about to retreat, and immediately waved to the monster army. If this punch is solid, I am afraid that the number of the entire Monster Race will drop. When Di Jun saw this scene, he immediately controlled the Zhoutian Star Array to go to the Heavenly Emperor’s Cover

Heavenly Emperor only felt that the stars flickered in front of him, as if he had come to the starry sky in the suburbs. Zhou’s starlight flickered from time to time, and meteors passed by from time to time. Among the many stars, the most expansive star appeared. At the same time, Di Jun’s voice came, “Old ancestor, even if you are strong enough, you can’t break my great formation in Zhoutian without proving the Dao.

Saint wants to break the battle, and it is not a short time. This time is enough for me to kill you countless times in Human Race. Ha ha ha ha. “Di Jun’s voice resounded across the starry sky.

Seeing this, I was very anxious, and I was trapped by Zhou Tian’s large array of stars.Although the clan was guarded by the time and space enchantment, it could not resist multiple attacks from Emperor Jun, so Emperor Tian waved and took it out. The chaotic clock, and then the chaotic air current like a curtain of beads to protect the Emperor Tian, ​​the Emperor Tian began to contact Yang Hao and let him shoot.

At this time, Qingtian and the deity fought “Red” and the saint in the chaotic abyss. Suddenly when I heard the question, he said anxiously: “I was blocked by Yuan Jiubu, and also blocked by heaven. Now I can only wake up and destroy and let him shoot.

…For flowers…

When I heard nothing, I immediately smiled bitterly. “Since the destruction of sleep, there have been several robberies. How to wake him up!”

“With the blood of several elders of the human race and the faith of the entire human race, Yang Hao’s voice is full of anxiety.

“My blood? Why do you still need human faith?” Heavenly Emperor was a little puzzled.

“Don’t ask so many questions, okay? Most of your blood is Pangu Xiejing. Although it has been completely trained by you, it is not the same as the blood of the orthodox human race. The elders of the human race are not the same. The pure blood of the human race is the faith of the human race, and the destruction at this time is immersed in the understanding of the Dao. Only his descendants can rely on the power of the blood

Contact him and wake him up with countless beliefs. “As soon as he finished speaking, Yang Hao cut off contact.


When the emperor regained his senses that day, the bells kept ringing, and the power of the Chaos Clock of Zhou Tian, ​​Zhou, and the Great Array of Stars had been fully activated. Although the defense of the chaos clock could not be broken, the beating of the chaos clock kept ringing. The Emperor Tian snorted coldly, “Emperor Jun, even if you can trap me? Do you think Human Race is as simple as you think?” Before Emperor Jun answered the Emperor, he

Still withdrew the Chaos Clock, and immediately countless stars collided on the body of Heavenly Emperor. But the effect of these stars is almost non-existent, because after these stars hit the body of the Emperor, they were completely broken and did not cause any harm to the Emperor. Seeing this, Emperor Tian said coldly: “Dijun, this is Zhou Tian? Isn’t the power of the big array star?

To be a saint, you can’t even kill me, let alone a saint. Today, I will show you the true strength of this seat. Gong Xuan turned around, Pangu was the real body, now. “With the fatigue of Tian Dadi’s operation, the size of Tian Dadi immediately began to expand rapidly.

With the rapid expansion of the size of Emperor Tian, ​​the vast and eternal aura instantly spread throughout Zhou Tian, ​​the big array star, and then, relying on the big array star of Zhou Tian, ​​it seemed that nothing existed, and it instantly spread to the wild world. The breath time was shrouded by this breath, even this breath rushed out of the wild and spread to the depths of chaos. Inch.

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