Chapter 982 Resonate

In the depths of the chaos, Qiankun Tiandao and the others who were fighting with each other realized this breath, and suddenly their complexions changed drastically and they looked out into the wild. At this time, the deity looked at Yang Hao and saw each other’s smiles. Then stretched out his hand, immediately stretched the golden chain into the depths of the chaos, and then began to pull the chain, and suddenly the chaotic Zhou began to break free, and this slight

The world not weaker than the wild world was also pulled out from the depths of chaos.

At this time, the others were awake in the breath that came from the wild world, and Zhou’s riot in the chaotic space surprised them greatly. When they saw the deity’s actions, they almost dropped their jaws in surprise. At this time, Qiankun Tiandao’s face was no longer indifferent, but he was very scared. “What do you want to do in the sky, do you want to ruin the wilderness?”

“If it is ruined, it will be ruined. The deity of “Eight Nine Zero” has just annexed the wild world, and it will definitely make progress if it is repaired.” The cold words of the deity echoed in the chaos.

“Qingtian, don’t think that you have proved that Tiandao is the opponent of this work. You have just entered the level of Tiandao. Although this position itself has not fully evolved, you are still strong in Tiandao. You are not an opponent of this position at all. Hurry up. Stop the car, otherwise this seat will be impolite.” Qiankun Tiandao seemed to sense the deity’s intention and issued a message


“Hey, what about the level of Heavenly Dao? Now you can only use the physical body of Qiankun Heavenly Dao to exert the strength of the Heavenly Dao level, or even worse. Although this position can’t beat you, you will never lose.” Speaking of which, the world is far away. The place where the individual fights is much closer.

“What do you want to do in the sky? Are you really going to destroy the wilderness?” Qiankun Tiandao knew that the deity was right, but at this time he still had many doubts in his heart.

“Hmph, the origin of the universe is huge, including the origin of the god of chaos Demon, it is almost impossible to destroy the universe. This seat just wants to integrate the two continents. Although this seat cannot fully control the newly formed world, it is better than the current world. Much.” It turned out that the deity found a problem after succeeding in the mountains, and that was that it was too difficult to break through the Heavenly Dao level. since

After he became a saint, he has broken through to heaven several times, but almost never broke through after he reached heaven. This is not an understanding of the law of the great path. If you want to break through the way of heaven, you must continue to expand your world. However, this expansion is not only an expansion in the region, but it is also necessary to know that, in every powerful world of heaven, the law of time and space

All are fully formed, and the area is almost unlimited. But in this infinite area, only the most central place is nourished by the source of the world, and the rest are extended to the limit. If you want to expand your world again, you need the source of the world to fill it.

In the past chaos, the chaotic Demon gods evolved from the origin of the Dao. Their origins were originally convenient for the connection of the chaotic origins, so the chaotic Demon gods never have to worry about the expansion of the origin of the world. But this statue is different. This statue is not the Chaos Demon god. Although Zhen Qi merges into chaos, it cannot draw strength from the source of chaos and expand its own world. Place

Use this statue to do everything possible to supplement the source of your world.

But it is extremely difficult to supplement the origin of one’s own world, that is, to swallow other worlds. If you completely swallow other worlds, you can not only get the law of heaven, but also the origin of the world. Then the breakthrough is logical.

But needless to say, it is difficult to swallow the world. It is almost impossible for two equal worlds to swallow each other. Only by fusing the world first, can you enjoy the new world by fighting each other in the way of heaven. Now this statue is playing with this idea. The origin of the universe is vast, almost barren compared with the origin of one’s own world. If it can swallow the beginning of the universe

Yuan, it can enter the Heavenly Dao level almost immediately, even this level is not impossible.

But Tiandao, who wants to integrate the two worlds, is unwilling! Tiandao knows his own internal affairs well, and he has long coveted the source of chaos in the source of the universe. Now, naturally, I don’t want anyone wanting to share the pie.

Therefore, after listening to his god’s words,’Qian Kun Tian Dao’ immediately changed his face. Then, regardless of Pangu’s true appearance in the universe, his fingers made jade butterflies, only big silver eyes slowly appeared. At the same time, some golden chains came out of the universe and connected to the silver eyes. The heavens of the universe really came.

In the wild world, Pangu’s true body appeared as the Heavenly Emperor, and the whole wild body seemed to be shaking. Although this breath is not as strong as that of a saint, creatures that originated from Pangu’s body have long been branded with the imprint of the origin of Pangu’s life. This powerful breath is resonating with the soul.

No, the moment this kind of breath appeared, Zhou Shan was trembling non-stop, seeming to resonate with Pangu’s breath.

The countless great supernatural powers of the outside world behind the Pangu Zhenjing, all of them changed a lot, looking at Dou Dazhen full of unbelief. You know, the Emperor Tian is the ancestor of the human race, and you don’t have the blood of the Wu clan. Even if you practice Cheng Chuan Gong Xuan, you can’t reach Pan Gu’s true self. But now when Zhou Tianxing is fighting on a large scale, it is actually the Emperor of Heaven. How is this possible?

After Gu Zhen Wo appeared at Emperor Tian’s spot, Di Jun among the stars of Zhou Tian’s array was stunned. How is it possible to be Pangu’s true self? And the Emperor Tian, ​​after showing Pangu’s true self, used his big hand to recruit the Chaos Clock, and then the shaking right hand of the Tian Great Emperor turned the Chaos Clock into a hazy axe. Di Jun, just woke up, when he saw an axe in his hand, suddenly

stunned. “Open God’s Axe!” Oh, my God! Do you want me to live?

Seeing the chaos clock turned into an axe and his eyes closed slightly, he seemed to recall the 3.1 mountain sign in the chaos clock. Suddenly, the axe was slightly lifted by the right hand of the Great Emperor, and the momentum of tearing the chaos swept across the entire star space. Then, the god’s axe was cut down fiercely, and suddenly a dark space crack appeared, and the universe could be seen from the space crack.

Without waiting for the great array of stars to leave the sky, the space cracks began to heal at an abnormally terrifying speed. When the Great Emperor saw this scene, his face immediately changed, and then his teeth disappeared in the space of the stars before the cracks in the space where Dao Liuguang drilled into it were not healed.

At this time, Di Jun and others also recovered. Although they saw that Emperor Tian had broken through the great formation, they could not leave immediately. Soon, Di Jun ordered the feeling of killing the human race. As for this ancestor, he was trapped in the large array of stars in Zhou Tian and slowly grind it into fly ash. .

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